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S03:E13 - Magical Mystery Cure



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I've never heard of a movie. Did they actually say there was going to be a movie? I wonder if it's in the future when Twilight is, like, fully grown. I don't know. Link, please?

They say it's actually part of the upcoming "Equestria Girls" spin-off brand that features the Mane Cast going on a mission to a new world where they take on human form. Apparently it ignores the current MLP:FiM continuity.

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Personally i think that Celestia shaped her into a princess because of a great disaster that will happen in season 4.


Remember that Discord was released from his statue prison late in season 3 and that Queen Chryisilis wasn't destroyed... just drove out of equestria at the end of season 2.


sounds like a plot framer to me.

  • Brohoof 3
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Personally i think that Celestia shaped her into a princess because of a great disaster that will happen in season 4.


Remember that Discord was released from his statue prison late in season 3 and that Queen Chryisilis wasn't destroyed... just drove out of equestria at the end of season 2.


sounds like a plot framer to me.


I never thought of it that way :) your right this does have disaster  written all over it I wonder if those two will team up to try and take over ponyville 

  • Brohoof 1



Azusa Signature By the AMAZING Azura! Other Images by the amazing ~Chaotic Discord~

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Because Alicorns are rare magical creatures born from ponies only once in a long while along a royal bloodline...?? Which has been the foundation for the nobility and therefore the entire governmental structure of Equestria since the dawn of time? 


Or, if you need the dumbed down version: She changed her SPECIES so she could go live with the privileged white folk. 

you are being rather narrow minded, and a tad offensive.


tell me when it's been specified in the show that alicorns are strictly born as such, how are you sure if they can't earn the wings by magic? was it told in the show? NO!

I think that you hang out too much with the bronies that assume things about the world of Equestria that can't see that the final and only version that matters is what it's displayed on the show, and not what it's portrayed in fics, comics, debates, animations, and more.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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i agree, the show did feel fast, so i hope it was 1/3 parts


but this is a show for children, so you really cant expect much, i know i always say this, but thats most likely the reason for stuff like this


my best friend (brony) was telling me that a show doesnt need suspense to be good, i half agree, not all the time, but for say this episode, things shpuldnt have happened so quickly


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This is probably my one complaint with the episode. I like how the last 2 episodes were tied in together, but I really wish this episode could have been a 2-parter. She did solve it rather fast.

  • Brohoof 1



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the fact that Twilight became an alicorn blinded you with disaproval for the episode that you can't see the epicness of it.


Or, alternatively, the illogical, hideous, revolting abomination of a plot is the reason those of us who don't like it don't like it.

  • Brohoof 1


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This is probably my one complaint with the episode. I like how the last 2 episodes were tied in together, but I really wish this episode could have been a 2-parter. She did solve it rather fast.


I agree the proble was fixed to fast and should have been a full episode and then her being announced as a princess a full episode



Azusa Signature By the AMAZING Azura! Other Images by the amazing ~Chaotic Discord~

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Then, Twilight promptly goes back to being a unicorn.



Nawbutreally, at least now we can call her Twilight Princess!

A strange boy and his dog came walking through here earlier today...


My OC: Swish


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you are being rather narrow minded, and a tad offensive.


tell me when it's been specified in the show that alicorns are strictly born as such, how are you sure if they can't earn the wings by magic? was it told in the show? NO!

I think that you hang out too much with the bronies that assume things about the world of Equestria that can't see that the final and only version that matters is what it's displayed on the show, and not what it's portrayed in fics, comics, debates, animations, and more.



Actually, yes, it was said before and said in this episode, "You'll be the first Alicorn since Princess Luna was born." You are BORN an alicorn. That whole "Twlight Sparkle invented a new form of magic." thing was because it had -never- been done before. This is akin to someone finding a way to give themselves the DNA of the royal family of England then everyone just accepting the fact they should be the next Queen of England. 


It's amazingly stupid. 

Edited by Plowplot
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Ok.  My thoughts.  All in all, I think the episode was pretty good, and handled the change relatively well, considering they only had 22 minutes to work with.  The only drawback to it (and it's a minor one compared to how some other people feel about it), is the fact that they did this in one episode.  It just feels like they should've spent more than a single episode on a change this substantial, especially with the subject matter involved.  But I'll attribute that to them likely taking care of any potential loose ends in Season 4.


Overall, it wasn't nearly as bad as people made it out to be.  I can say for certain that people who were up in arms over this were overreacting.

Edited by SBaby

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I loved this episode. I dare say it was even a perfect episode. It would however have been better had the Twilight alicorn spoiler never reached my ears. Honestly I think this is the first time in my life that a spoiler actually… spoiled something for me. Because I WOULDNT have seen that coming, and yet it would have made perfect sense to me… it would have totally pulled the rug out from underneath me and it would have been even more awesome.

Still, this episode made me laugh and cry (in a good way). The songs were beautiful. Rainbow Dash put into a pot by critters, and Fluttershy with a woopie cushion was hilarious, for that matter so was the part where they zapped Twilight and for a moment it looked like they killed her and she went to heaven. LOL. And of course it was fittingly weighty. It was the culmination of the entire series thus far, Twilight finds her true destiny, everything has been building up to that point, and nothing was found wanting.

As for where the series goes from here. Honestly I think Discord being a good guy causes more problem then Twilight being a princess. But neither of these problems are insurmountable IMO. It’s true we have reached a rather crucial turning point in the series (ranking right up there with the death of Optimus Prime in the original Transformers movie IMO). But I admire the show for deciding to proceed with this turning point, rather than just keeping the show static, which honestly is what most kids cartoons are inclined to do.


Just repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax. -Mystery Science Theater 3000


You're dead if you aim only for kids, adults are just kids grown up anyway. -Walt Disney

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Yeah, the spoilers were crazy for this episode.  I hope we can have a little less of that in season 4.  Even the GAMING forum I visit spoiled the alicorn thing for me.  There was no escape.


Btw, good job with the new picture at the top representing this episode.  It looks fabulous.

I love you.

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The more I think about it, I think Derpy really was set to get canned.  Look at the places she got thrown in!  She looks kind of out of place.  The animators obviously went back after seeing how worked up we were getting over her disappearance and put her in, deciding the view of the fans was more important.


I know I don't have any proof backing this up, but think about it.  We haven't seen Derpy ONCE in the ENTIRE season except in Magic Duel where we saw her as a NORMAL BACKGROUND PONY!!!  <---- Not Cool!  Then all of a sudden, we see her FIVE TIMES in ONE EPISODE.



Derpy looks a little out of place here.  AND SHE WINKED AT US!!!  OH MY CELESTIA!!!  SHE WINKED AT US!!!

  • Brohoof 3
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This sounds like tyranny of unicorns man.  I might agree with you if the show is all about twilight, but it's not, it's supposed to be all about them.  I don't see why being a student of celestia should matter or even writing a spell if it's supposedly all about friendship.

And this is precisely the reason she should have never become an alicorn/princess. What a load. Again as I stated in the other, it's my opinion but look at what happens. This show is about ALL of them, yet somehow TS gets to be a princess? To me that is stating that each of them are great...but not as good as TS


To me the only wany this can be fixed is by one of a few methods


1. All the mane six become alicorns - problem is this would be a cheap and pathetic set of episodes and the show would become meaningless


2. The alicorn business is temporary and wears off - I would like this as a result because it would mean that TS is just the same as the other


3. She declines being an alicorn or princess - This is my preferred method. This would be TS admitting she is no better than the other 5 that have done a lot to help out Ponyville and Equestria


I don't believe TS is the leader...she is just part of the group


And before anyone asks, I wouldn't have wanted any of the mane six to be alicorns


I admit...I am really seriously disappointed in this show right now...if it doesn't get fixed, I don't know how much more I will watch of it


sorry for the whiney rant...I am just very unhappy with what I believe to be a sad turn to a great show

  • Brohoof 2

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Or, alternatively, the illogical, hideous, revolting abomination of a plot is the reason those of us who don't like it don't like it.

it wasn't that bad, don't exagerate. Besides, this is not the first time they do a "poor" plot, so you shouldn't be surprised at all, we bronies tend to have our standards as high as Cloudsdale is located *geez*




Actually, yes, it was said before and said in this episode, "You'll be the first Alicorn since Princess Luna was born." You are BORN an alicorn. That whole "Twlight Sparkle invented a new form of magic." thing was because it had -never- been done before. This is akin to someone finding a way to give themselves the DNA of the royal family of England then everyone just accepting the fact they should be the next Queen of England. 


It's amazingly stupid. 

To put it simple and quick, I was right, you are SUPER butthurt, this is another reason why the magic of friendship is so powerful and this event shows it.

But I'm wasting my time with you, I will not make you see.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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yeah it kinda is going to be a 3 parter carrying on to season 4.

Also am i the only pony thinking that everything was going a little too well? the main conflict was resolved with ease (and in song) and the change to Twilight was so sudden and unexplained. (yes its a kid show but still )


also massive plot hole- Twilight becomes an Alicorn because she created a new spell...... surly she isn't the first pony to, Starswell surly made plenty of them... but i guess he had no friends so not alicorn powers for him :/


sorry for the rant


overall i think its a dream and Twilight is rely trapped somewhere 


I have to agree that Twilight forging her own spell, with that being a direct result that turns her into a Princess/Alicorn, is really dumb.  Star Swirl created countless spells, yet you didn't see him fluttering around as an alicorn, unless only mares can become alicorns with all alicorns being princesses and thus they're special in order to sell toys to little girls because they aliken themselves to being special little princesses which is what "every girl wants to be" according to Meghan McCarthy's tweet about girls wanting to be Princesses.


The one thing I supremely want from S4 is showing that Twilight isn't all powerful, she can't cast age spells, there are spells she can't cast and can never cast, plus her friends still wield the elements of Harmony and Twilight needs their help to utilize the full power.  Sadly, I doubt that will be the case.  This episode feels like a compromise between Hasbro and the show's staff because we saw the chariott which is a direct product placement.  Truly expect to see Twilight sitting in her new castle, or a special designed area of Canterlot that's her room which is reminiscent of the product, for a S4 opener. 


I would say that with Twilight turning into a Princess, there's nothing left for Hasbro to destroy, however, I know that's a lie in and of itself. 

  • Brohoof 3
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Considering all that happened in what was essentially ten minutes (the songs, oh god too many songs at once), I'd say it was rather rushed.


As for my opinion on the whole Alicorn Twilight thing, eh, I cant see how It'll work ,at all. I guess I'll have to wait till season 4 to find out.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

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Well, I just had to sign back in here to talk about this.


Oooooh boy, what an episode. Can't say I... enjoyed it persay though.


Okay, so first of all, this episode felt like everything went by extremely fast. You got one plot where all the cutie marks were mixed up because of some spell Twilight did, and then she just suddenly gets to be an Alicorn because Celestia said so. To my knowledge, We've only seen 3 Alicorns, right? Three. One for the sun, moon, and Crystal empire, which by the way, are major and important jobs only certain ponies can pull off. An Alicorn is the highest rank a pony can possibly be, and Celestia goes like "Well Twilight, you did a spell Starswirl can't do, so Im making you an Alicorn." Also, Celestia also gives reason that she knew more about friendship and stuff, but honestly, how many times has that been repeated? We all know Twi knows alot about friendship. What will Twilight be the princess of anyway? Really.


So the first part of the episode. All of their cutie marks got mixed up because Twilight performed some kind of spell. Yeah, thats a nice plot, thats fine. But there was an overabundance of singing. Dont get me wrong, I love the songs in FiM, I like plenty, but there were just too many, and the whole plot of them having their destinies changed, like I said before, went incredibly fast. Putting in that and the Alicorn transformation scene in one episode made it feel kinda rushed. If they went the 2 part episode route, They could of expanded on the cutie mark story, and have the Alicorn scene for part 2, and expand on it.


Lastly, I really didn't think Hasbro would actually keep Alircorn Twilight. And to be honest, I really don't like this change. But what will this mean for Season 4? Will Twilight be a busy princess, and not have free time like her friends anymore? Will she even get the chance to do the things she used to do? Thatd what I wanna find out...

Edited by Twi Rubix
  • Brohoof 3

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To put it simple and quick, I was right, you are SUPER butthurt, this is another reason why the magic of friendship is so powerful and this event shows it.

But I'm wasting my time with you, I will not make you see.


Hahaha! "I'm right and all of you are wrong but you are all butt-hurt so I'm taking my ball and going home."


Ok-Dokey-Loki, luv you, bye-bye now! 

Edited by Plowplot
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I think that episode gave me brain cancer. Seriously, her friends got sick and all of Ponyville ground to a halt. Sweet Apple Acres fell apart in a day, the town went into manic depression without Pinkie cheering them up, and the herbivore animals were going to eat pony-flesh because Fluttershy wasn't there... 


But hey, lets forget the sunburn and freezing and winds destroying your homes, Pinkie Pie is back! Musical time!!!


My five year old niece turned and looked at me after that episode was finished and said, "That was dumb." and I have to agree.

That was without a doubt the most pandering to stupid people and their children I have ever seen crammed into one TV show.


Hasbro should apologize to parents for exposing their children to that much mind-numbing crap. 


On the plus side, I liked the animation. They seemed to step it up a notch.


The singing was good, the animation was good, they tried new things and they worked. I really like how Applejack added the country twang to the song. 


It's just who ever approved this script should be stomped in the crotch. 

   Aren't you overreacting just a little. I don't think anyone enjoyed how "rushed" the episode felt, but "mind-numbing crap"? The writers did a phenomenal job cramming that huge plot into a 22min episode. Using songs to speed up the development without losing the viewer while creating many questions without answers was clever. But pandering? I have to ask, where?

  • Brohoof 1

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also massive plot hole- Twilight becomes an Alicorn because she created a new spell...... surly she isn't the first pony to, Starswell surly made plenty of them... but i guess he had no friends so not alicorn powers for him :/


Celestia specifically says that she managed to pass the test because although Starswirl has the power, he never accomplished the understanding of Friendship the way she did. 

  • Brohoof 2



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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And this is precisely the reason she should have never become an alicorn/princess. What a load. Again as I stated in the other, it's my opinion but look at what happens. This show is about ALL of them, yet somehow TS gets to be a princess? To me that is stating that each of them are great...but not as good as TS


To me the only wany this can be fixed is by one of a few methods


1. All the mane six become alicorns - problem is this would be a cheap and pathetic set of episodes and the show would become meaningless


2. The alicorn business is temporary and wears off - I would like this as a result because it would mean that TS is just the same as the other


3. She declines being an alicorn or princess - This is my preferred method. This would be TS admitting she is no better than the other 5 that have done a lot to help out Ponyville and Equestria


I don't believe TS is the leader...she is just part of the group


And before anyone asks, I wouldn't have wanted any of the mane six to be alicorns


I admit...I am really seriously disappointed in this show right now...if it doesn't get fixed, I don't know how much more I will watch of it


sorry for the whiney rant...I am just very unhappy with what I believe to be a sad turn to a great show



It is all about friendship. There is no racism in MLP, alicorns aren't better than anyone else. Shining Armor is a Prince, but he's not an alicorn, which further shows how there is no racism in MLP. 


Also, it has often seemed to me that Twilight Sparkle was on a path to something big. This was especially emphasized in the season 3 opening. It's very possible that the rest of the mane 6 are just happy as they are, doing what they do. Twilight Sparkle was happy as who she was, but being an alicorn will probably enable her to do much more powerful magic than she could have as a unicorn. This will allow her to continue her magical studies. Whereas, becoming an alicorn wouldn't greatly benefit the rest of the mane 6 with what they love to do. 


She was also only able to write the spell because she understood friendship. Starswirl the Bearded had just as much if not more magical prowess than Twilight, but he did not understand friendship as well as he did, thus we was not able to finish his spell. Twilight went from not caring about friendship at all to understanding its paramount importance. That is why she became an alicorn. 


To quote Princess Celestia: 

Since you've come to Ponyville, you've displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, and of course, the leadership of a true princess.


It was Twilight's destiny to become a princess. The rest of the mane 6 have their own destinies, and they are great at what they do. They all have their own individual and unique abilities and talents. Each of the mane 6 can do certain things better than Twilight can. Thus, Twilight's ascension to alicorn does not mean that she is better than any of her friends anymore than Fluttershy is better than them because of her skill with animals or Rarity is better than them because of her skill with making clothes. It just means that Twilight is fulfilling her destiny. 

  • Brohoof 3



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It is all about friendship. There is no racism in MLP, alicorns aren't better than anyone else. Shining Armor is a Prince, but he's not an alicorn, which further shows how there is no racism in MLP. 


Also, it has often seemed to me that Twilight Sparkle was on a path to something big. This was especially emphasized in the season 3 opening. It's very possible that the rest of the mane 6 are just happy as they are, doing what they do. Twilight Sparkle was happy as who she was, but being an alicorn will probably enable her to do much more powerful magic than she could have as a unicorn. This will allow her to continue her magical studies. Whereas, becoming an alicorn wouldn't greatly benefit the rest of the mane 6 with what they love to do. 


She was also only able to write the spell because she understood friendship. Starswirl the Bearded had just as much if not more magical prowess than Twilight, but he did not understand friendship as well as he did, thus we was not able to finish his spell. Twilight went from not caring about friendship at all to understanding its paramount importance. That is why she became an alicorn. 


To quote Princess Celestia: 


It was Twilight's destiny to become a princess. The rest of the mane 6 have their own destinies, and they are great at what they do. They all have their own individual and unique abilities and talents. Each of the mane 6 can do certain things better than Twilight can. Thus, Twilight's ascension to alicorn does not mean that she is better than any of her friends anymore than Fluttershy is better than them because of her skill with animals or Rarity is better than them because of her skill with making clothes. It just means that Twilight is fulfilling her destiny. 

sorry if you don't like it...it;s just my opinion. I see the alicorns as a step above the other ponies and I didn't think TS deserved to be placed on a pedestal...like I have said in the threads...it's my opinion


TS is no better than the others and this really burns me

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