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S03:E13 - Magical Mystery Cure



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  1. 1. Did you like it?

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    • I liked it!
    • I LOVED IT! <3

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Anyone else notice that when Twilight was teleported back to Ponyville, the giant cutie mark in the sky very clearly had SIX smaller white stars instead of five? We don't get a clear shot of the cutie mark on her flank after that and before she has her dress on, but it doesn't look there there are six stars there. If this is an "animation error" it would be a big one, because it took up almost the whole screen and must've taken more effort to animate than the average animation error, which are just still images usually, while the stars glowed and moved.

This same animation error occured when she was having her "epiphany" where her eyes lit up and showed her cutie mark. The star in her eyes had 6 stars surrounding it instead of the usual 5

Edited by GrifCannon
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Watching it for the second time, enjoying it once more. Really do think it was cool that they decided to make this episode into a musical-esque thing. All the songs were emotional and well-done, and there were nods to continuity and things all throughout.


Also, I happened to capture this screen while watching.




I know it doesn't seem like a big deal, especially considering Sleepless in Ponyville was so recent, but hey, this made me smile <3 Using that Scootalove hug scene moment as one of Dash's memory-restoration screens is super adorable, as well as a good choice. It was a moment of character development for her, after all.

  • Brohoof 9


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I was glad to see a scene from Lesson Zero included in the flashback sequence with Twilight and Celestia. It was one of the big stepping stones towards Twilight growing and becoming what she is now IMO.

Edited by PonyHag1
  • Brohoof 1

"Mr. The Dragon!" - Ms. Harshwhinny

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Well technically, Twilight was a princess even before she became an Alicorn.  Because her brother Shining Armor Married Princess Cadence and that therefore made her a princess.  and one thing that I also noticed... you've been raging for like 2 days on this thread at everyone who actually enjoyed the episode... so much for love and tolerance.


Actually I still enjoyed the episode, I'm just stating the truth, it was HORRIBLE writing and while the animation and music redeemed it somewhat, it was still a horrible waste of an episode. It could have been so much better if they just took the time but they didn't. Hasbro pushed it through in a rush to try and sell toys and ruined it. It should have been two episodes, it should have been done better. I'm not raging about it, I'm just disappointed as I have been disappointed in most of Season 3.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have to say, tho, the amount of people going from hating the episode to loving it merely by watching it a second time is........suspicious.


This pattern is something I see a fair bit, actually. I don't think it's all too suspicious. When you watch an episode a second time, you notice things you didn't before, because you are now focusing on specific things, not waiting to see what happens next constantly. In doing so, the 'it felt rushed' reaction that almost everyone has after new episodes lessens. Even with a rushed episode, watching it a second time makes you realize it wasn't -as- bad as you initially thought it was. This always happens. When you first watch an episode, it flies by like shit, because you're constantly waiting to see what happens next. Once you know what happens next, the details stick out easier; expressions, background nods and other details that you probably missed the first time.


Also, a well-structured argument can be made for anything if you try hard enough, so I don't see it hard for people to change their opinion from dislike to something much more appreciative. If you say you missed nothing your first time then fine, but that doesn't mean this occurrence doesn't exist, and doesn't happen for a lot of people. It surely happens to me, all the time :3

  • Brohoof 1


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This pattern is something I see a fair bit, actually. I don't think it's all too suspicious. When you watch an episode a second time, you notice things you didn't before, because you are now focusing on specific things, not waiting to see what happens next constantly. In doing so, the 'it felt rushed' reaction that almost everyone has after new episodes lessens.

I will admit that has happened to me on some episodes most notably the Canterlot Wedding two parter where I sort of was like "where the frag did Cadence and Shining Armor come from?" But then after watching it again it made a bit more sense to me as I realized that just Twilight was kind of a loner before the series dosen't mean that she had absolutely nopony as I was even more socially awkward than Twilight was in my younger years yet I still had people in my life that I cared about and cared about me. But that unfortunately was not the case in this episode if anything watching it again made me dislike it even more than I did when I first watched it.


As I have said before I wanted to like this episode I really did ironically it was the twilicorn thing and some other factors that got Twilight tied with Applejack on my best pony list as it made me really stop and think about what I really like about her as a character but this episode was an insult. I still have hope that this will work out but rolling out alicorn Twilight at the very end of the episode and giving no other indication that it will happen aside from this cheesy "coronation event" hype is not a very encouraging start. I do agree with you on one thing, it was nice to see the Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo hug scene again especially after reading this disturbing fanfic with this really messed up scootabuse twist at the end that I really wish I could unread. It was one of those random google moments where I searched for something about Rainbow Dash (I forget what) and found well that.


Nevertheless though I still stand by what I said earlier before I saw the episode that we should be humble and respectful of others opinions on this. I may hate this episode and not understand for the life of me why some of you do but I am not holding any of that against any of you.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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I'll be honest, I thought the Season 3 Finale was a little dissapointing.


I hope a lot gets expanded on in the first episode of Season 4.


I didn't like fact that you have no idea why Twilight is a princess, or how any of it changes her, and her glanced over coronation was pretty dissapointing.

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I hope a lot gets expanded on in the first episode of Season 4.


I didn't like the fact that you have no idea why Twilight is a princess, or how any of it changes her, and her glanced over coronation was pretty dissapointing.


Not to mention a large chunk of the episode was just songs and it seemed poorly done. It didn't feeli like Twilight really accomplished anything by fixing the destinies of the Mane 6 it seemed likem she walked in told them to try their true destiny and immediately they were back to normal.


It's not even about Twilight becoming an Alicorn, that didn't bug me in the least, it was the lack of reasoning behind it, it literally came out of nowhere.

  • Brohoof 9
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I wish I had the quoted post, but Meghan McCarthy said that the first two episodes of season four tied into the season finale of three. So hopefully they will elaborate and give the fandom some closure.

  • Brohoof 2

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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I don't think it really came 'out of nowhere', but it definitely was blunt.  If you look at the details throughout the entire series, you can see that something big was going to happen to Twilight.  The main issues I had with this episode was the fact that it was so rushed.  Too many songs (albeit, they weren't half bad), too little dialogue, poor plot development (within the episode itself), and, as mentioned before, the bluntness of Twilight's coronation all made this episode the worst in my opinion.

Edited by IronPuddinG
  • Brohoof 3


"Dumping someone is like throwing a kitten into a pool of lava." - Day[9]

'I see!' said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.

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Hey, I found it!




So yeah, we will be getting our elaboration soon enough. Just have to wait...Celestia knows how long...oh, what a sad day.

Edited by Kolth
  • Brohoof 1

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Okay, so season three's finale is coming up. Thus far both finales have been the best episodes of the show, can they really keep that record going? What with how mediocre much of this season has been and with how big of shoes this episode has to fill being compared to the sublime Best Night Ever and A Canterlot Wedding what are the honest chances it'll... OMG THEY ACTUALLY DID IT

Edited by ByTheTides
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Yeah it was a very weak finale overall. It's funny but THAT was the episode that I managed to get my brother and cousin to watch with me and I had to say, "it normally isn't like this." Oh well, every episode can't be a winner. But I also felt it was very rushed. Even if it is supposed to be a 3 parter, the content that was in that episode alone deserved more development. That's my line of thinking anyway.

  • Brohoof 1
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A nice episode, but the whole thing about Twilight becoming an alicorn/princess, IMHO, SUCKED FRIGGIN BALLS! One does not simply take a character and make him/her a goddess. It ruins EVERYTHING!!! Now my WIP fanfic is ruined!


Rant over.




*Darth Vader is watching MLP in his meditation chamber*


Vader: Finally, the season 3 finale!


*watches episode*


*exits chamber*


*goes to the MLP studio thingy*


*strangles episode writer*


Vader: Now do you see what happens when you ruin Darth Vader's favorite show! You can't just have the        

           student of an empress become ruler...


*later, on Bespin*


Vader: Join me Luke, and we can overthrow the Emperor! 


Sorry if it were long, I'm into Star Wars right now, and I wanted to illustrate my rage, hatred and anger.

Edited by Leonard Nimoy
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I fill a bit mixed about the season finale. I did enjoy the episode but yeah it did have way too many songs just in one episode. Not that the songs were bad or anything. It wasn't the best it could have been but at the same time it was not a complete abomination. 



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The season finale felt very rushed, but this is a segway to the two-part season premiere later this year. It's a cliffhanger. Not a great cliffhanger, but a cliffhanger nonetheless. Hopefully they elaborate further as to why she became an alicorn and why she became a princess.

  • Brohoof 1
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It was kind of disappointing but of course there will be some disappointing episodes. The thing that bothered me was not really the fact that Twilight became an Alicorn but how she did it because what she achieved seemed trivial and it seems almost any smart pony would have done the same thing.

  • Brohoof 1


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It's only dissapointing if you are greedy.



rather than looking at what it wasn't I look at what it was. 



For starters, I saw an episode that was so full of songs that they had to skip the intro.   Not only was it full of songs,  the very first seconds was the initial song.   Each one with a origional musical score, and smoothly transitioning into the show.


I saw so many references for me,  that is a brony.  Things that if this show was just being done for girls to sell toys,  would not have been there.  Some of them were big, such as the return of derpy,  some of them were small,  like the Quills and Couches store.   Things that the animators went out of their way to put in.


I saw a story,  and actual plot, with continuation.   Referencing past events,  and developing the characters.   That is after all what makes one dynamic,  change.  It was a short season, but it's been building up the entire time.


Finally I saw compromise.   Princess Twilight sparkle,   it's marketing.  It's brining in money for Hasbro that makes the show profitable that allows it to continue.  Notice that "car" she was pulled in for a whole 5 seconds?  That will probably be a play set for 30 or so USD.    Princess Twilight Sparkle,   the new playful pony toy,  re utilizing the Luna/Celestia alicorn mold.  The crystal ponies?  Mane 6 with sparkly hair,  same molds.  We've seen the crystal empire, and it's ponies this whole season, including the final.  




Did we get to have another derpy speaking role? No...


Is alicon twilight a 1 time deal?  Probably not (but for now no)


Luna get a prominant role? Nope.



We didn't' get a lot of things,  and the story went a way that honestly, I wasn't expecting. (if you dont' spend every second looking at spoilers and leaks).  But dang if I ever see one of those writers in Pittsburgh I'll buy them a steak.  I saw that episode after putting in 30 hours over a 2 day span, and it was more than nice to see.   I am nothing but excited for the next season of ponies,  and can not wait to see what other songs, toys, episodes and flat out culture spawns over the coming months. 

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I loved it! So many great songs, I especially loved Celestia's Ballad. So many feels. I feel like I'm the only one who likes that Twilight became an alicorn princess. Why doesn't anyone like it?  :(

I feel like it was kind of rushed, though. Could have been done better, but it was awesome.

  • Brohoof 4
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It came out of nowhere? It's been talked about for months and it has been obvious for a long time that she would be one. Remember, they only had 22 minutes to fit in a great exposition. I loved the songs and felt they added a lot to the episode. She became a princess because she is able to create spells (or if that doesn't count, let's look back to the past 3 seasons. Saved an entire country from nightmare moon, saved it from Discord, helped save Equestria. Again. Saved an entire empire filled with huge magic. I think that's plenty enough.) it is a 3 parter anyways. Season 4 is when the rest appears. The episode was extremely over hyped, just like the premier (which I thought was a great character expansion for Twilight. And I loved Sombra, he was not a typical villain, which makes him unique.) Discord's return and redemption was overhyped and people thought it was bad.


Also you have to remember that we are not the target audience, despite being the main audience. Also, people seem to have forgotten one of the best things about the show. THE LESSONS! Nobody seems to give a buck about them anymore. The episodes now have to be full of exposition and story and character development for it to be considered "decent" Too many pinkies is a great example of this. People claimed it was terrible and said it was the beginning of the end. None paid attention to the lesson it was teaching, which was to make time for everybody.


All amazing shows have bad seasons. This one personally, is my second favorite out of all the seasons with season 2 being 1st. It would have been better as a two parter, but Hasbro have them a time frame. With the time allotted, I think the MLP team did a fantastic job with what they had.


Now shush it and watch ponies ;)


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This will probably be locked and/or merged, but I feel you guys on this 100%. I was never so disappointed in a season finale. It's not that I disliked it; there wasn't enough there to dislike. It was one big plot development I didn't want to see, packed in fluff. I hope the Season 4 premiere makes up for it.

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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The episode was way too rushed, they should of either put this season's finale into season four or they could of taken out a couple episodes to make more parts for the finale to understand the story more.

Hopefully season four would make it more understandable. Although everyone will just have to withstand a pony drought for a while Dx


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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Hopefully this works... typing from PS3 so sorry about mistakes. 


First things first, my initial feelings. I loved this episode while at the same time hated it.


Why did I love it? It was a great episode, music, interesting story, and a very shocking ending. 

One thing I want to say is that I very strongly dislike alicorn Twilight. I was hoping that wouldnt happen, but it did so time to live with it.

Next the episode was great, I would even say amazing. You had the random chaos of the episode, one heck of a song, and straight haired Pinkie. The ending is what bothers me. It just seemed wrong.


Anways thats all I got(partilly because typing from a PS3 is very difficult).

  • Brohoof 2
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When I first saw the episode, I admit I was disappointed.  Then I went back and watched it again.  And I changed my mind.


I think I overhyped myself on what the episode was going to be like and, unconsciously, set up an expectation that was impossible to live up to.  The second time I watched it, I sat back and didn't feel any pressure, there were no "expectation", and I liked the episode.


I think this made me swear off spoilers. That may have been some of the problem with me.  Twilight's ascention may have been a lot more exciting if I didn't know it was coming.


Am I the only one who thought the opening song was influenced by "Provencial Town" from Beauty and the Beast?  Why not?  We know some of those who work on the show are Benny Hill fans.  :lol:


In the end, I can't wait for the new season.  Since this episode was part one of an unofficial trilogy, I want to know what they are going to do next with it.

Pearls of Wisdom - The trouble with a kitten is that eventually it's a cat.

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