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Tara on Alicorn Twilight: "It’s not going to change the feel of the show"


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Change is hard to take, but it's an inevitable fact of life.  For seasons 1 thru 3, the Mane 6 were a perfect hexagon formed by two pegasi, two land ponies, and two unicorns.  Now with Twilight becoming an alicorn, that hexagon is going to become lopsided, or at least appear lopsided.  I won't mince words:  I don't like that. 


We don't know whether Twilight will stay an alicorn or not.  Tara isn't going to say anything that could spoil the season 4 premiere so of course she'll play it as though Twilicorn will stay.  I can see Celestia giving Twilight the freedom to stay in Ponyville for now as a librarian even if she does have wings and a title.  There is probably no need to immediately assign her to some high position in government even though she already exhibits good leadership qualities. 


This makes me think of Transformers when Optimus Prime died and Hot Rod became Rodimus Prime to take his place as Autobot leader.  But the big difference is that Hot Rod was never established as an ordinary Autobot over the course of three seasons.  If that was done, I can bet the TF fandom would have been opposed to that too.  Instead, because Hot Rod became a Prime almost immediately, we never became accustomed to him as an regular person as we've come to know Twilight. 


With all that said, I'll give season 4 a chance to impress me before jumping to conclusions. 

Edited by Wingnut
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Bronies are very passionate. With passion comes emotion over logic. The whole Alicorn thing was freaky enough, then we hear of spinoffs, a movie and Habro suppressing certain fandom-feeding aspects. Kind of news overload and when we can't understand it, it's easier to freak out and panic than have faith and wait and see what is happening before doom crying.

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A common Mary Sue trait is the other characters not being jealous of the Sue's gifts even under circumstances where it would be perfectly justifiable.


I find a bit hard to believe that none of the mane 6 is ever going to bring up that Twilight alone was rewarded for what was a group effort. You certainly don't learn the magic of friendship by yourself, that's for sure.


Twilight knowing how to fly right from the start while Fluttershy and especially Scootaloo have been struggling with that just adds salt to the injury.


Everything boils down to Twilight being rewarded too much, too soon -- the fact this is not acknowledged in-universe makes the matter worse, not better.


Jealousy isn't something the show hasn't already dealt with (see: "Green isn't your color"), so I can see an episode where Twilight's "reward" is put into question working well.


Let's adress these factors one by one:


1. You think a true friend would be angry at first?  Even if jealousy sets in later, they would definitely ALL be caught up in the moment of excitement for their best friend.


2. When it comes to flying, someone had brought up Rarity's ability to fly when she had enchanted wings.  It could be just that, for all we know.


3. How is it too much or too soon?  This is a chance to see something new happen, have a new focus, have new events we couldn't have before.



Why do you WANT her friends to get envious of her anyway?



Also, although she could be a "princess" (which I am thinking is their equivilent of being knighted in this world, at this point), who's to say that the other 5 haven't been given any rewards offscreen?



By the way, another thing I'm surprised most people haven't considered: So...Twilight's now a Princess.  Doesn't a Princess usually need a royal court?

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I always figured it was going to be like Dragon Ball Z


Goku becomes a super saiyen, but he is still the same character. Same personality, same tenacity, same mind set, same eating habits.


The point I'm trying to make is that we will see Twilight the way she always was. Just this time she has wings and can fly. Not much of a difference in my opinion.

Sure she will have new problems, but sometimes change and new is good.


I say we wait and see what happens. Only then should we make judgments. For me it's too early to make judgments on a whole new coming season based on one episode from the previous season.

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One pony suddenly transforming into an almighty god being doesn't change anything.



It doesn't matter, the show has changed already, at least for me it has, it's different than the first season, it doesn't feel the same as it used to.


1 - Tell me how she's an almighty god-like being. 


2 - Change happens in shows.  It's a theme of most cartoons, especially ones geared toward kids that buy toys.  Power Rangers has stayed successul for 20 years, because it changes and evolves (mainly because it changes, since the show in my opinion stopped evolving after In Space ended).  So of course when there's change, the show isn't going to feel the same.


But the fact is, change is inevitable.  It happens.  I know there are a few narrow minded people out there that are frightened, even mortified by change, but the fact is things don't stay the same forever. 


And going slightly against a promise I made to someone who shall remain nameless, I'll tell you this too.  Sometimes things find the most unexpected ways of working themselves out, possibly for the better.

Edited by SBaby
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1 - Tell me how she's an almighty god-like being. 


2 - Change happens in shows.  It's a theme of most cartoons, especially ones geared toward kids that buy toys.  Power Rangers has stayed successul for 20 years, because it changes and evolves (mainly because it changes, since the show in my opinion stopped evolving after In Space ended).  So of course when there's change, the show isn't going to feel the same.

I said in other responses that while she's not "incredibly powerful" she's an alicorn. Saying nothing her life won't change is naive, are they just going to try to not pay attention to the elephant in the room, and pretend everything is a-okay?


The change is that they ruined the characters, they're one-dimensional. I know change happens, but this sort of change is the one that makes you wonder what exactly will happen to the series from here on out.

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This is the way I see it.  Yes, her being an Alicorn is new.  Yes, she will never be the same again.  Yes, her personality will have to update and adapt with that fact.


However, we have a complete blank slate here.  Her now being a princess does not mean that she has to be a stereotypical Disney Princess.  This is a great chance for the writers to do big things.  Sheesh, remember this: So far, the show has been known for mold breaking.  This is their chance to make her a character who DEFIES the typical princess stereotype.


That alone would make the whole thing worthwhile.  For me, anyway.

Edited by Scales
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You know, with the attitude you have right here, I'm not sure I would want to have you as a friend if I were in Twilight's place.  You're basically saying "If anything changes, you're not good enough for me anymore."


I know change happens, but this sort of change is the one that makes you wonder what exactly will happen to the series from here on out.


Exactly.  We don't know what will happen.  But you seem dead-set on saying it's irretrievably ruined while people around you are pointing out all the possibilities.

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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Exactly.  We don't know what will happen.



I think the fact that we don't know what will happen is probably the best part.  ANYTHING can happen at this point.  In turn, that also means we could have way more than 26 episodes of content in the future.


If handled properly, and with a stance of maturity, the story implications of Twilight becoming a princess, and more importantly, an alicorn, could give us new options for many seasons to come.

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I think the fact that we don't know what will happen is probably the best part.  ANYTHING can happen at this point.  In turn, that also means we could have way more than 26 episodes of content in the future.


If handled properly, and with a stance of maturity, the story implications of Twilight becoming a princess, and more importantly, an alicorn, could give us new options for many seasons to come.


Exactly.  This is what I've been saying all along.


First, just because Twilight's become an alicorn doesn't mean she has run out of things to learn.  Perhaps she's run out of things she can learn under Celestia's guidance, but Celestia even acknowledged that she'll be Twilight's student from here on out as well.  The two will essentially be peers.  But Twilight has lots more to learn, both about what it means to be a princess AND about how to maintain her friendships given her new state of being.


And second, Twilight's friends will have a big, new change to cope with.  That alone is fertile ground for all sorts of life lessons.  There is bound to be some jealousy and resentment among the Mane 6 over Twilight's change, but the important part is in how they cope and become better ponies as a result.  As I've said many times, change is inevitable, and it isn't always bad.


Children need to learn how to cope and deal with change.  Their friends move away.  People grow up.  Life becomes harder and more complicated as time goes on.  Things cannot stay the same forever, and whether they like it or not, kids are forced to learn this one way or another at some point in their lives.  I see Twilight's change as paving the way for exactly this sort of lesson, portrayed by the characters we've come to know and love.


My only hope is that they continue to strike that delicate balance between teaching and entertaining, and don't become too heavy-handed in it.


(Also, apparently I just graduated from Cupcake to Parasprite.  I AM AN ALL-POWERFUL GOD-LIKE BEING NOW.  PH33R ME! ;))

Edited by Harvan
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If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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You know, with the attitude you have right here, I'm not sure I would want to have you as a friend if I were in Twilight's place.  You're basically saying "If anything changes, you're not good enough for me anymore."




Exactly.  We don't know what will happen.  But you seem dead-set on saying it's irretrievably ruined while people around you are pointing out all the possibilities.

I'm not saying that she's not any good anymore, I'm saying that they can't simply say she'll be the same, as in, they can't just ignore she has wings now, as she was before.  I'm not saying it's ruined, I never said that, I said it'll be odd to see an Alicorn among 5 ordinary ponies, living on Ponyville, like any other pony. It's just odd how people are saying nothing will change, which is incredibly naive.

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I'm not saying that she's not any good anymore, I'm saying that they can't simply say she'll be the same, as in, they can't just ignore she has wings now, as she was before.  I'm not saying it's ruined, I never said that, I said it'll be odd to see an Alicorn among 5 ordinary ponies, living on Ponyville, like any other pony. It's just odd how people are saying nothing will change, which is incredibly naive.


But that's the whole point behind what Tara said in her interview: Yes, she'll have changed physically, and she'll have gained new powers and abilities.  She's not going to be the same old Twilight in every possible way.  But she said that Twilight's personality won't have changed, nor will her relationship with the Mane 6.  Her point was that it's possible to have undergone a big change and still be the same lovable person that you were before, and that's the point that I think your comments were missing.


I'll take it a step further, actually: The opportunity they have here is to show that not only can someone change like this and become regal in nature, but that doesn't HAVE to mean they change who they are.  It seems everyone expects that now that Twilight is a princess, she's going to go lead a stereotypical princess life and do stereotypical princess things.  I think the writers have an opportunity to show us that Twilight is no stereotypical princess.

Edited by Harvan
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If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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I, for one, am quite happy that Twilight has ascended! I see this as an opportunity for the show to grow (Hey, a rhyme, Zecora would approve!) A lot of Bronies are getting all uptight over it though. One thing they keep harping on is Twilight leaving Ponyville. Why should she? Cadance wasn't forced to live in Canterlot, was she? Celestia and Luna have the royal city well covered. I see Twilight as Ponyville's own princess. I think they'll be proud of her there, because having their very own princess would elevate the status of the whole village. I can see Mayor Mare constantly harassing Twilight now for her opinions on local politics. Bronies also talk about her growing away from her friends. I say nonsense! She'll need them more than ever! I see them as taking on the roles of her most trusted advisers as she grows into her new position in life. I would like to see them work into the show that the others call her princess from time to time, just to tease because they know it embarrasses her. One thing I'd really like to see is Rainbow Dash pretty much terrifying her by saying she wants to teach Twilight how to do a Sonic rainboom!

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                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Well Twilight becoming an alicorn will not change the show at all, Tara is right.


Even though your change is physically, it will not change who you are.


Yes! You are absolutely right! I couldn't have said it better myself!



See, the writers know what their doing. Twilight becoming an alicorn won't change the show, and she still have her same personality. So to all those who were worrying: MLP will be MLP, the show won't be destroyed because of Twilight becoming an alicorn. ;)


I trusted the writers when I heard about this, and now especially after reading this I know they'll do a good job in continuing the show. :) The only thing that'll change is Twilight having wings. And that'll be cool to see, I'd love to see RD giving her some flying tips! :D So I think that this brings up a lot of positive things to the show, instead of bad. 

Honestly I don't know why everyone got so worked up over this whole alicorn thing. For a while I thought I was the only one who thought it would be cool.


I can't wait to see whats next! The suspense is maddening!!!


˞͛ʕ̡̢̡๑꒪͒ꇴ꒪͒๑ʔ̢̡̢˞͛ (o゚▽゚)o゚▽゚)o゚▽゚)o ˞͛ʕ̡̢̡⚈้̤͡ꇴ⚈้̤͡ ॢʔ̢̡̢˞͛

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Twilight has done numerous things "accomplishments" since the start of the show. And by doing so she is being recognized by Celestia for those things. I think the change is not bad and will open up new avenues for the show! Just because she has changed into a alicorn is not a bad thing. We will all have to wait and see what season 4 will bring to the table. The creators of this show have done a fine job and I have high hopes for the the next season! Don't worry too much.... also this show has spawned a great fandom too.



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Even if it has no effect on the show's dynamic, which I doubt, it will most certainly change the feel of the show for many bronies. In my case it already has. I wish I'd never seen the episode.

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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I'm not saying that she's not any good anymore, I'm saying that they can't simply say she'll be the same, as in, they can't just ignore she has wings now, as she was before.  I'm not saying it's ruined, I never said that, I said it'll be odd to see an Alicorn among 5 ordinary ponies, living on Ponyville, like any other pony. It's just odd how people are saying nothing will change, which is incredibly naive.


Nobody's saying that she'll be exactly the same.  All we're saying is that she'll still be Twilight.  She'll still have the same overall personality.  All that's changed is her situation or position.  It's new data that has been inputted into her being, as a movie once stated about another character.  She's still Twilight Sparkle:  bookworn, and pony who's constantly learning lessons about friendship.  All this is going to mean for her is that on occasion, she might have to step up and be a leader, which when you think about it, she pretty much already is.



Now what I predict for the future is that this could bring her closer to Princess Celestia and Luna on a personal level.  Basically, she is going to be able to relate better to them after walking in their hooves for awhile.  She's going to learn what kind of lives they live by experiencing it firsthand.  She's going to learn what they REALLY go through.  And while her overall relationship with the rest of the mane 6 will probably remain relatively unchanged (I honestly don't see this adversly affecting that in any major way, outside of an episode or two where they might have to get used to the idea that they're best friends with royalty; they know she's a Princess, but it likely hasn't sank in yet for them), she's going to have to deal with the fact that most of the other ponies in Ponyville and everywhere else might treat her differently, at least for a little while. 


Personally, I think it will be interesting to see how her character develops as a result of this.  And in all honesty, I can see almost endless possibilities coming out of this. 

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Even if it has no effect on the show's dynamic, which I doubt, it will most certainly change the feel of the show for many bronies. In my case it already has. I wish I'd never seen it.


I find this really unfortunate.  This is what I mean by "irretrievably ruined".  What is it about the change that makes you wish you'd never seen the show?


Earlier, I likened this to breaking up with someone and saying you never loved them to begin with.  I think a more apt comparison might be to still be in a relationship in which your partner got a new job, and telling them you wish you'd never met them.

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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I find this really unfortunate.  This is what I mean by "irretrievably ruined".  What is it about the change that makes you wish you'd never seen the show?


Earlier, I likened this to breaking up with someone and saying you never loved them to begin with.  I think a more apt comparison might be to still be in a relationship in which your partner got a new job, and telling them you wish you'd never met them.

No no! I mean I wish I hadn't seen the episode, Harv. xD  (Edited to avoid further confusion.)


But I wouldn't trade the rest of the show for anything. I'll always love My Little Pony. :)

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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No no! I mean I wish I hadn't seen the episode, Harv. xD  (Edited to avoid further confusion.)


But I wouldn't trade the rest of the show for anything. I'll always love My Little Pony. :)


Ah, okay, thanks for clearing that up. :)  I've been getting used to people saying they're going to leave the whole fandom and stop watching the show because of Twilight's development.

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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Harvan, on 17 Feb 2013 - 21:08, said:

But that's the whole point behind what Tara said in her interview: Yes, she'll have changed physically, and she'll have gained new powers and abilities.  She's not going to be the same old Twilight in every possible way.  But she said that Twilight's personality won't have changed, nor will her relationship with the Mane 6.  Her point was that it's possible to have undergone a big change and still be the same lovable person that you were before, and that's the point that I think your comments were missing.


I'll take it a step further, actually: The opportunity they have here is to show that not only can someone change like this and become regal in nature, but that doesn't HAVE to mean they change who they are.  It seems everyone expects that now that Twilight is a princess, she's going to go lead a stereotypical princess life and do stereotypical princess things.  I think the writers have an opportunity to show us that Twilight is no stereotypical princess.

See, that's what I wanna hear.


But they said that everything will remain the same, she can just fly now.


Another thing, I'm really sorry but it felt EXTREMELY out of character how the mane 6 reacted, Rainbow Dash said  WOW A NEW FLYING BUDDY  ...really? I expected the reactions to be a bit more realistic, by making them be more shocked than accepting at first, it would of made a good episode, the Mane 6 getting used to her, but I know she'll be the same in the inside, but it's odd that there's only 3, well 4, known alicorns, 3 of them live in castles and have their own kingdom to look after, and then there's Twilight, the one who just lives an ordinary life.


I'm usually very optimistic. In a week or so I'll be back saying "hey, this isn't so bad" Right now I'm regaining reassurence of the fandom, by looking at some of it's best work, in a month or so I'll probably put this all behind me and regain my hope for the show.


I'm not being completely negative about this, before I say anything I try to look at things from other's point of view, my opinion remains, but I still try my best to respect other's.


SBaby, on 17 Feb 2013 - 21:50, said:

Nobody's saying that she'll be exactly the same.  All we're saying is that she'll still be Twilight.  She'll still have the same overall personality.  All that's changed is her situation or position.  It's new data that has been inputted into her being, as a movie once stated about another character.  She's still Twilight Sparkle:  bookworn, and pony who's constantly learning lessons about friendship.  All this is going to mean for her is that on occasion, she might have to step up and be a leader, which when you think about it, she pretty much already is.



Now what I predict for the future is that this could bring her closer to Princess Celestia and Luna on a personal level.  Basically, she is going to be able to relate better to them after walking in their hooves for awhile.  She's going to learn what kind of lives they live by experiencing it firsthand.  She's going to learn what they REALLY go through.  And while her overall relationship with the rest of the mane 6 will probably remain relatively unchanged (I honestly don't see this adversly affecting that in any major way, outside of an episode or two where they might have to get used to the idea that they're best friends with royalty; they know she's a Princess, but it likely hasn't sank in yet for them), she's going to have to deal with the fact that most of the other ponies in Ponyville and everywhere else might treat her differently, at least for a little while. 


Personally, I think it will be interesting to see how her character develops as a result of this.  And in all honesty, I can see almost endless possibilities coming out of this. 


It's already changed someway. The episodes used to be about all the Mane 6 being involved in all the episodes, I can provide plenty of examples, if you wish for any.


Look at my quote above, I really think the Mane 6 were out of character when they saw her, they should of dedicated an episode JUST to them getting used to Twilight  I don't say I hate the show, I just didn't like the direction i BELIEVED it was going.

Edited by Francis Sparkle




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Tara also said that Twilicorn rumor wasn't true when it first showed up, but low and behold, we now have an Alicorn Twilight. I'm not condemning the writers or VAs, but I'm taking everything they say with a grain of salt from now on.




Also, does anyone know what episode that picture of Celestia and the Mane 6 is from (if it's from any episode at all)? It looks like it could be a screencap from an episode (perhaps a season 4 episode?), but the art style looks a little...off. At any rate, it would seem that Hasbro is still using Unicorn Twilight in their promotional material, despite Alicorn Twilight being revealed almost a month ago now..

Edited by Twinhead B

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Listen, having more powers isn't always "better". She could easily become unbalanced and overshadow the others in terms of ability if not handled carefully. I don't want her to suddenly be as good at flying as Dash is, for example, and I still want her to have weaknesses that can be covered by her friends.


It's possible to keep that balance, but this needs to be handled right.

Edited by Bluebell


no rest for the wizardly.

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Remember how the writers said that they are no longer showing Derpy, yet they turned around and showed us a lot of her in the S3 finale?  The same might as well be said for the portrayal of Princess Twilight in the S4 premiere, in that she might spend too much time on her throne doing politics, and almost no time at all to study or hang out with her friends, unlike everything Tara said about her character.


If they're going to keep Twilight true to herself, that would mean having her sing a musical number about how her new life as a princess sucks, and how she misses her friends so much while her friends miss her.  That song would also likely be a set-up for Twilight sacrificing her wings and title to save her friends from whatever villain they pit her against.

Edited by Commander_PonyShep
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On the reactions of the other Mane 5: I think the complete lack of shock and skepticism is likely a symptom of how rushed the finale was - they literally didn't have time to add any conflict about it to that episode. That's why I'm guessing that the S4 opener is going to contain a retcon.

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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