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Post what you hate!


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I searched for this thread and I must say MLPforums, you disappoint me. So anyways, this had to exist. Post some things that you hate! Honestly, anything form Call of Duty maps or Rainbow Dash herself. Also feel free to respond to other people's hate lists. Let me start with my list.


  • I hate the new generation. I may as well be part of it, but I honestly hate it. Kids these days are just... Idiots. When I see a 9-year-old talking about sex and/or drugs, I honestly want to punch them in the face ten times.


  • I hate Facebook like whores. You know, the people who are all like "One like = one respect for this dog sitting on a rusty park bench" or something like that. Hate 'em.


  • I hate artists who use the cliched "I'll make a stupid looking piece of art out of trash to make myself look eco-friendly or some shit" card. That art almost always ends up looking crappy anyways.
  • Brohoof 17



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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Weapons laws

Strata councils

Toy breeds


Sergey Titov

Piers Morgan

The WarZ

Stupid people

Specialty coffees

Specialty teas

Electric fireplaces

Gas fireplaces

People who carry smartphones



Snips and Snails

Smug people

Condescending people

Annoying people

Fluorescent lightbulbs

LED Christmas lights

Michael Bloomberg

People who don't use proper spelling and grammar

Smart cars

Mitsubishi Nanos

Nissan Leafs

Diane Feinstein

George Soros

District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance

Premier Christy Clark

Thomas Mulcair

The Office Québécois de la Langue Français

Pauline Marois

People who say "I could care less"


Cars with GPS systems

The European Union





New Jersey

New York

Los Angeles



Animal abusers

The uncouth

Script kiddies

Somalian pirates

One Direction



George Lucas

Tyler the Creator




Bad remakes


Dick Cheney

Keyboards without numpads






Lipton Chicken Noodle Soup





  • Brohoof 2
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One Direction
Kids Screaming

People That Say "America Is the best nation/country"

Piers Morgan
Broken Internet

American Tea
Girls Who Want To Be Treated Like A Lady
Google Chrome

Annoying People

  • Brohoof 2
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Kathy Griffin

Iben Hjejle ( Danish actress)

Paprika Steen (Another Danish actress)

Google Chrome (Users of GC usually try to shove it down my throat, I prefer Firefox)

Overly religious people who try to force their beliefs on you.

Overly Atheist people who try to force thier non-beliefs on you.

Steam (I hate it, I hate that I have to use it.)


American sports.

One Direction

Windows Vista


Really had to think long to make this list. There's actually more things I like than hate...

Edited by Brohoofer
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The term "Swag" and every single being in existence that uses it or the word "Yolo", they are commonly known as "Swagfags". So my list goes like following:



  • Brohoof 6
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I hate it when there are teas flowing in my glass of tea.
I hate Steam.
I hate Boasters
I hate Fanboys.
I hate Facebook.
I hate Preconceived minds.
I hate people who place a label on people.
I hate people who think they can do something better then I do (they usually can't) or criticize my work in an unfair way.
I hate it when someone complains that I always do something but in fact the very person has been doing that thing from the very beginning (since we met) and I bared all the time and didn't complain.
I hate Jerks.
I hate it when I cannot accomplish something.
I hate it when people thinks that they won me in something even though I didn't give a damn about it or didn't do my best.
I hate it when people keeps comparing me and themselves.
I hate stress.
I hate any kind of threat.
I hate racist people also people who claim dumb things about people just because of their beliefs etc.

Edited by Hitpony
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Uhm, it would be easier for me to list the things I don't hate, can I do that by any chance?

Oh well...

Most of all I hate that I'm stuck in place for years to come.

Other than that, the posts above apply to me as well. Mostly.

Your signature is harmful towards the rights of Hasbro, and has been terminated as a result.

You have the obligation to accept this.

Do you accept it?


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Lack of conflict.

Self-proclaimed artists who boast and accept praise comparable to other artists they know of with clearly superior skill and ability.

People who use themselves as a standard for living.

Lack of progress.

Seikon no Qwaser, the anime series. (both seasons)


Myself. (sometimes)

People who talk to my girlfriend who are lesbians or males.

Firecrackers in the middle of the night on a working day.

People who lie knowing it will come at the cost of the person being lied to. Lying at your own cost is totally fine.

Annoying asian kids.

Annoying western kids.

Hindu prayer materials. (they smell HORRIBLE)

Noobs in a game who cannot grasp the concept of teamwork in a game dedicated to teamwork.

(if you are unable to grasp it, newbie is a fitting title, regardless of experience)

False claims on my pride.

My current inability to think of anything else right this moment.

No words are greater than mine and every word already is, Hypocrisy.

I say that I can accept that everyone is of their own decisions.
Simply so that I may judge you all the way I want through the way you think.
When you proclaim that all have their right to opinion, understand that you are placing this claim above their opinions.
Hypocrisy isn't a sin. It isn't rude. It isn't wrong. It isn't right.
It's how we live our lives, down to every word spoken.

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There isn't much more to say. I hate that phrase with a passion. People should be using it in conjunction with safety measures: "Took taxi home after drinking, #yolo". Instead they're using it like "Doing 200kph on a motorway after 12 shots of vodka #yolo". It's so... degenerate of humanity. ;_;

  • Brohoof 4
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DISCLAIMER: Long List Alert!


I hate.....



six-year old princess-loving little girls

apricot-peach grape juice


fruit that don't taste like fruit

white chocolate



annoying people


my life

new people on a computer game (I'm like, read the freaking instruction manual!!)

people who put dumb posts on facebook




my sister (most of the time)

people who laugh at me when I fall

people who laugh at me when I fart

people who laugh at me when I burp

people who laugh at the people who laugh at me when I fall

people who laugh at MLP

people who dislike RD (excepting a few. you guys are awesome!)

people who are not ponies

people who do not know what a pony is (I blame Lyra)

people who do know what a pony is but refuse to like them.

non-brony guys who think they are manly

girls who put on lipgloss all the time and giggle like a pink bunny

Dork Diaries

soya milk



my parents (for not letting me eat ice cream before lunch  :P )

the world today

global warming

meteors coming to ruin my life

the world ending

the Nazi

people who love money

snips and snails


classical freaking music


things that make my allergies act up:

face makeup





aaaaaaaaand... Kiwifruit!! I can't STAND kiwifruit!!

Edited by Fireball Rush
  • Brohoof 2

"Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings
                               ~Drawing Requests~ Ask Me Anything ~ OC's ~ Art Gallery ~
                                                             Soarin' is best pony 
                                                         Join the navel revolution!

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DISCLAIMER: Long List Alert!


I hate.....




Sorry, I saw that first item and got a little annoyed. Why do you hate non-Bronies? Are you looking for the word Haters? It's not right to hate people just because they're not committed to your fandom...

  • Brohoof 3
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I hate getting half way through something i'm working on that I've put a lot of time and effort into and then all of a sudden don't want anything to do with it. Don't know why it happens but i just can't stay motivated or commit to a long-term projects / pieces of work.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • I hate these pictures on facebook, when people go like: "Like this if you love your mom!". It's just stupid. I know I love my mom, and I don't have to like some silly picture to prove it. 


  • I truly dislike taking care of the dishes...  It's just... bleh. 


  • Cold coffee... Urgh. I hate that feeling when I'm gaming or something and at the same time drinking coffee, because I always forget about it. And then when I'm about to take a sip again, it tastes awful because it's cold. 


  • I hate when my sadistic teachers dump like a mountain of homework on me and my classmates. It's like they've never been young.  :(
  • Brohoof 1
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Sorry, I saw that first item and got a little annoyed. Why do you hate non-Bronies? Are you looking for the word Haters? It's not right to hate people just because they're not committed to your fandom...

Well, yes, I meant haters. Duh. I just couldn't find the word at the moment. and hey, aren't you supposed to be posting what you hate?

"Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings
                               ~Drawing Requests~ Ask Me Anything ~ OC's ~ Art Gallery ~
                                                             Soarin' is best pony 
                                                         Join the navel revolution!

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I hate...

- Whining children
- Fleas
- Adele's music
- People who think it's cool to say 'moustache'
- Cold feet and fingers
- Updating software
- Animal abuse
- Slow internet
- Annoying kids on XBL
- Too girly girls
- People who often aren't honest
- Cheese
- Oversleeping
- Windows Vista
- Poor grammar
- Not being able to concentrate
- Golf
- People who aren't creative and don't even try to be
- People who keep talking about how great their God is
- Racism

- Many other things

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Well, yes, I meant haters. Duh. I just couldn't find the word at the moment. and hey, aren't you supposed to be posting what you hate?


I already have posted what I hate. Didn't you see my post up there?





  • I hate when my sadistic teachers dump like a mountain of homework on me and my classmates. It's like they've never been young.  


I can relate to that one. Teachers always seem to assign homework under the assumption that theirs is the only class we're taking.

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I hate loads of things but the only things i can think of on the spot are


  • Replacement car body parts that are a different colour to the rest of the car
  • People who buy expensive cars £30K+ and never wash them (OCDs!)
  • Obsessive fake tan
  • Listening to brony music and not realising other people can hear it too
  • Golf
  • People who say innit Blad?! (i usualy reply "You're bleeding blood")
  • People who boast how X360 is better than PS3 by saying "we get dlc first, therefor were better"  :mellow:
  • Youtube videos that dont start with capital letters (OCDs again!)
  • My sister (Sometimes)
  • Brohoof 1
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I searched for this thread and I must say MLPforums, you disappoint me. So anyways, this had to exist. Post some things that you hate! Honestly, anything form Call of Duty maps or Rainbow Dash herself. Also feel free to respond to other people's hate lists. Let me start with my list.


I posted on our local university confessions page b/c the person deletes the IP's as they come in and its annonymous... I posted a warning about the guy that raped me and hurt another girl... this just ticks me off.   It's what a lot of 'friends' say about murders or people caught in nasty crimes.   I'm shaking so bad right now...

  • He's never seemed like that kind of person to me...

Utter stupidity...  like the person on Youtube who thinks bird ARE mammals, even when you urge them to look it up and even give them the information on 'animal classes'...  then says oh, they are in the same family, again, look at the list, Mammals and birds split at Class... then they go oh they are warm blooded... they are related.   -_-  Seriously... what has happened to education and research.


Animal abuse..

Child abuse..

Rapists & abusers walking free


People who can't drive worth crap

People who judge others without a second thought.

Bias people

Un-salted sidewalks/non-shoveled ones.

This town's "government"

PeTA - they aren't what they seem


2 faced people

People who argue their side with the same reason over and over, even if it makes no sense


People being pushy about their religion..

Lack of trying to better selves

My bio-mother... aka egg-doner and witch with a b.

People's lack of compassion.


Critisim that isn't constructive... (like putting it down without an example of what you can do to improve)

Edited by Dekanogi'a
  • Brohoof 1


Old Name was Dekanogi'a

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Metal music


Pop Music


Gravity Falls








Xbox 360


Xbox Live


Windows 8








New Nickelodeon


Call of Duty


The Hunger Games


The Twilight Saga










Come at me brah

  • Brohoof 2
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Threads that tell me what to do  :angry:  lol I'm jk Um I dont like the first 2 things you said, most music on the radio, dubstep, and homework =. I hate it with a passion. (I don't hold it against people that do like any of these things.  :P  )

Edited by pokesonicfan11
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Fallout 3tards(Glorifiers of Fallout 3)

Black Isleitches(Ultra-Nostalgic FO 1&2 Fans)



People who hate Skyrim just to be unique

People who overuse phrases,(IE Skyrim has an ocean of content with the depth of a puddle. There was this guy who used this over and over and over.)





Modern Feminists


Fanatic Athiests


How I'm the only one who knows the above exists

When people hate certain ponies

Unproven Shipping(TwiMac, FlutterMac, BonHeartstrings)


Minecraft Fanboys

People who act like Disney is evil

People who hate on the Star Wars prequels



Alpha Deathclaws



One Direction

People who hate on Crossovers


  • Brohoof 3

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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swagfags/swaggots/yolohomos (lol yolohomo is a word i just made up meaning swagfag)


diamond tiara


the new generation of children


twilight books and movies


beaver music


one direction's music and their choice of fashion (seriously, rarity needs to show up and give them a major make over)




beyblade (the anime, the actual game is cool)


the newest pokemon anime


rebecca black music


anti bronies


honey boo boo


grammar nazis




almost all vegetables




certain yugioh cards because they are broken in the game


people who push things on other people


stupid remixes


new cartoon network


new nickelodeon


new disney channel


most music nowadays






idk ill think of more


Come to my xat http://xat.com/fyrestone

PSN/Wii U - STVH1295

3DS FC - 5455 - 9682 - 0735
Dueling Network Name - <STVH>

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I hate:


When people say "I am not sure of your sexuality" right after they just grabbed some dude's butt, it happens a lot to me..


People who think not having a console is stupid


People who raciest stuff in front of the person they are saying it about


Racist people


People who try to shove their views down your throat


People who say "You don't believe in God because you don't go to church" I don't have to go to church to believe in something!!


People who are douche bags toward you because your views on something






Two faced back stabbers


My English teacher, he is on/ was on something hardcore


People who don't respect that I want to join the service when they don't have any plans after high school


Haters who are mean to me and my Brony friends


People who talk crap on you when they think you can't hear them


That I can't figure out what I'm good at


The Dodgers


The New York Yankees 


That Boston is such a pain to drive in


People who say parties are good and weed is awesome


Little kids who have smart phones


Getting my tonsils taken out, they lied to me about the ice cream

Edited by Nolanrob
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You kidding? There's a lot of things i hate.


One Direction

Justin Bieber

Boy Bands

Rabid Fangirls

Rabid Bronies



Annoying People

People that have bad grammar

When people correct me for grammar even if i'm a grammar Nazi

People bitching

People who insult me

My enemies

Lag/slow things

Twilight books/movies

People who boss me around

That i have to grow up

Immature people





People who say that something is GAY


Edited by ѕĸyeвlαѕт


~Somewhere out there, someone is in love with you. <3~

I'm Skye, a friendly user who gets along with everyone. <3

DeviantARTl Twitter l YouTube


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Chicks that think they are badass, when they are not.

People that say SWAG/YOLO/Talk shit on a video game

People that say they are going to fight you but, they run away


FOX News

Politicians that promise to fix the economy, but it's still crappy.

Teachers that yell.

One Direction

Justin Bieber

New Spongebob






New Cartoon Network (Not everything, I don't hate Adventure Time and Regular Show)

New Nick

Live-action shows that come from cartoons

Edited by ~Chaotic Lightning~
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