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Will King Sombra Come Back?

Splodge Inks

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Hi, you guys!


Well, King Sombra didn't really get much screen time. So I thought, "Hey, will King Sombra come back? He didn't really do much on screen. He didn't really talk at all." 


Do you want him to come back? I'd really like to see him again, because think of what Princess Twilight can do! (No, not marry him! If that is what you thought, that is...) New adventures with old villains  as they don't say. I'd like to see more character depth to him too. Like, what made him corrupted? Why does he want to enslave everyone? Well, that's probably because Candace is on the throne there anyway.


Yeah, I made a Discord post too, but I like to know which villain you want back, because villains are cool, right? Well, some of them.




~Splodge Inks  :ph34r:



Tell me other villains you wish to see back too! I'd like to see more Trixie, actually. She is quite cool, so I want to see what she thinks of the new Princess Twilight! 

  • Brohoof 1



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I'm pretty sure Sombra was confirmed "dead" dead. As for villains I want to see come back, I'm putting most of my money for Gilda and Lightning Dust, and the Changelings(though they're already back in the comics so I can wait)

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Actually I'd love to see him return, but more powerful than ever after taking his time plan and recover from his loss etc. I have a theory about Sombra and the not talking thing. I always think that he was still very weak in the premiere which made him easy to defeat (comparatively).


So yeah I want to see Sombra return. He could bring a lot to the table, because how would you defeat him outside of the crystal empire? Then there are his motivations, right now it would be vengeance obviously, but what if he could possess people affected by crystals (like Shining Armour was)? Surely that could give him a way back in the Crystal Empire?


While i dont consider them villians i do like these antagonists:)

Gilda, I want to her but not with her returning but with the mane 6 visiting the griffon kingdoms. Also Flim and Flam, although I'm sure we'll not be seeing them again.

  • Brohoof 5

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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Probably not, if that was the point from the start or planned at all, then they would make him a more deep character and have at least some of significance. You simply don't bring up an unimportant dead villain back to an episode

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I belive that it is possible to see him come back.

Yes some have stated that he is dead, but is there any confirmation on this?

Remember that he is a being of shadow, and that it is possible that he may be able to regenrate. Plus he is a being of pure dark magic.

so anyways the point is that i think it is possible to see him in the future.

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Nope. Sombra's deader than dead, Meghan McCarthy confirmed it at Unicon. He's not coming back, my reaction to the whole situation:



meh, whatever.





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Twinhead beat me to it. He's dead. Had he been more popular, he might have returned, but fan reaction to him wasn't very favorable. And honestly, he's about the last villain I'd want to see return anyway.


It's probably going to be a while before another villain returns. Discord's been reformed, Chrysalis has her own comic arc, and Nightmare Moon is taking over a new pony in the next arc. We don't need to look to the past, I'd prefer to see a few new villains before any return to the show.

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Idk, Its possible with his horn being alive still, but I think maybe thats just left there so in case the writers wanted to bring him back they'd have a good reason for it.


However if it took him like 1000 years to grow his strength back when he was banished to the frozen norths and all that, then I imagine it would be odd if he just suddenly recovered his power.


Idk I wouldn't mind it, but I'm not sure how interesting they could make him be if he came back again.


Its possible, i don't really know to be honest.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Even though he's dead, I'd like to see him in a history episode of sorts.  He won't come back as a villain now though, as he is dead.   I'd like the changelings to be brought back though.  

  • Brohoof 1


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Nope. Sombra's deader than dead, Meghan McCarthy confirmed it at Unicon. He's not coming back, my reaction to the whole situation:



meh, whatever.





For now at least. Things like this can change. I remember hearing the same about a character/characters on stargate and yet they came back. So I dont think it is out of the realm of possibility.  

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For now at least. Things like this can change. I remember hearing the same about a character/characters on stargate and yet they came back. So I dont think it is out of the realm of possibility.  


I have extreme doubts. Sombra was never really developed as character beyond being a looming threat that everyone mentions is incredibily evil and dangerous every four minutes. He was good for the role he was given (an obstacle during Twilight's test), but outside of that, he's really not very special, and I'd rather see them develop a new villain than bring back old ones.

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

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Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

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What a pity.

He was probably the single most powerful character to have appeared in the show. (given, not in his best shape)


Though, I agree his plotline was sorta bad.

There's no real reason for him to come back.

He'd be a bit overpowered, being able to banish an entire kingdom into frozen non-existence for a thousand years even upon his near-death of being turned into a shadow?


I find it hard, theory-wise, regardless of the writer's points, that he is fully dead.

He survived as a near-powerless shadow for a thousand years and came back with enough power in his weakened form with the potential to cover all of Equestria in his shadow.

He could corrupt the magic of one as strong as Shining Armour's with a bare touch(?), which, I think, is comparable, though not as powerful, as a Princess's magic.

As mentioned, pieces of his body seem able to spread his essence(?) on their own without any notable assistance.




On topic

According to Twinhead B, it seems unlikely he will return.

However, Hasbro has pulled a lot of stuff and I doubt that reviving Sombra will be outside of the ethical list. 

No words are greater than mine and every word already is, Hypocrisy.

I say that I can accept that everyone is of their own decisions.
Simply so that I may judge you all the way I want through the way you think.
When you proclaim that all have their right to opinion, understand that you are placing this claim above their opinions.
Hypocrisy isn't a sin. It isn't rude. It isn't wrong. It isn't right.
It's how we live our lives, down to every word spoken.

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I love King Sombra and don't really understand why people dislike him, sure he isn't the Discord or Chrysalis type of villain that talks a lot but he's more like a... phantom menace  :ph34r:


So I would definitely like having him come back, and, seeing as he is so similar to Sauron, a badass vilain with almost no dialogue whatsoever, we could have him creating an army ala Uruk-Hai and attacking Equestria. He'd probably need a magician to accomplish this though (O Starswirl, where art thou?). Then, he might try not only to get the Crystal Empire back but to burn everything on his way, like Ponyville, which would lead to an awesome episode, obviously. Just imagine the Mane 6 + most of the town (Big Macintosh, the CMC, etc.) getting ready for war...


And the eye of Sombra...  :wub:




One can dream,  but I don't think he will ever return since Meghan said he was really dead at Unicon, as some already mentioned.



Thanks a lot to ShyForever for the great signature!

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I would like to see him return but i don't think it's likely. His horn however survived the blast and we saw how just a fragment of it took over things in the crystal empire pretty damn quickly so i think his horn will land somewhere and stir up trouble again. 

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I'm sure he wont.

He was destroyed, not just pushed away (I think) like Chrysalis.


What I think from his horn is the fact that he controlled his piece of horn, so now that the owner is dead, the horn's dead too.

^ Sorry I was making a theory to avoid Sombra's comeback. :P

Thanks to @Digiral for the sketch of my avatar.

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3 ways for how he can and how he won't



  • he is a dark magic user which means he can do anything under necromagic
  • his horn did survive
  • he is made of shadow


  • he was killed
  • he was made mortal at the last moment
  • friendship killed him
Edited by The brony master

what do you mean my old signature was rubbish?

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He probably won't come back considering that he was blown to bits. As said above his horn may have survived but it's still very unlikely that Sombra would make a second appearance. I really hope he doesn't since he did not seem as much as a villain to me. All we knew is that he had a heart "as black as night". He was one of the lamest villains I've seen and I wish that more work should have been done for his background.

  • Brohoof 2


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  • 6 months later...

I have a headcanon theory with sombra that fleshes out his story, I think there is a lot of potential to get into dark magic lore if they make him return with a more viable role. (I only wish my OC could be in it, he is king sombra's older brother)

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  • 1 month later...

I think that Hasbro made King Sombra too underwhelming in the Season 3 premiere. In my opinion, they should add him back to season 4 somehow like perhaps an alternate dimension plotline. For instance, check out this trailer for an animation on what happened 1000 years taking place at the Crystal Empire before the show today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me9rxgjLWfM


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@@Infinity Despair,


Hi there, we actually already have a thread about the potential return of Sombra in Show Discussion, so I have combined yours with the preexisting one.


In the future, please use the search function before you create new topics. Thanks. smile.png

Edited by ~Chaotic Sky~


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