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are you smart ?


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Me? Smart? I don't find myself to be the brightest of people. I'm really gullible and naive sometimes. I love to learn useless facts, but that doesn't increase my intelligence. I know Spanish, and a bit of German, but again: That doesn't increase my intelligence. I don't know. I have an above average IQ, but that doesn't really say much.

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My parents say I'm smart,but I don't believe them cause parents are supposed to tell you stuff like that,to keep your spirits up.


So,I don't really believe I'm smart.


I'm more of what you call "dumb."


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I'd say yes and no. I'm a moron in some ways, like: I constantly have moments where I don't know something I should, I sometimes don't think, have a small vocabulary, I need a calculator to solve simple math problems, and many other stuff.


In other ways, I'm pretty smart, too. I'm pretty open-minded, I a lot of times know the best solution to a problem, to name a few.


However, the students at my school... they are complete morons in every way.

Edited by ~Sadistic Zero~
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I'm quite intelligent. Accurately, in the top 5% of the population.

My vocabulary is advanced, I learn at an extremely swift pace. I am in Honors, similar to Advanced Placement, classes. If I just turned stuff in on time and had an organized system, heck I'd be valedictorian, 4.0 College GPA, I was 14th last year, with a 3.6.

Edited by Twilight Sniper


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okay so do you think you are smart or average or below average,or why are you smart? simple i think but  i want to know why do you think you are smart?

On what exactly.  I'd like to think everyone has a strong point at something.

For example are you suggesting to be deemed smart on a forum i need perfect grammer?  clearly not ^^.


Can i bring up points people miss?  Yes. 


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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Judging by tests and such, I have an above average intellect. I'm just an underachiever.


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I like to consider myself smart ( I have a 4.0 GPA and honers classes in an advanced school, I think about things alot and ask questions when it comes to anything I don't understand) but I'm very hard on myself. I expect the best of myself and sometimes things go wrong when I fail at something.

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As almost everyone here has said, it all depends on your view of smart. If you are talking about logic, then yes. If you are talking about things like dates, remembering things, then I'm slightly below average there. Almost everybody at my school says I'm practically a genius because I have a good vocabulary, can easily take in knowledge, am about as mature as most of my teachers and I got an A on almost every theory test I've sat. For practical tests in Health and Physical Education though, no. Music practical exams, HELL YEAH I GET A'S! But that's probably just high school here in Aus.

I ' M   S O R T   O F   B A C K

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i iz totes smert!  :derp:


OK, being honest, I'd definitely say I am. I tend to remember things very well, and generally excel in school. Not to mention, my medical/ biological knowledge has, at times, rivaled that of actual doctors.


So yes, I am totally smart.  :)


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Yes and no. I'm not book smart. But I'm hands on smart. I'm very mechanically inclined. I can work a wrench on a lot of things. I like welding.etc.  Though I tend to suck at math and other equation stuff. But I can take an engine or something that's not working, pull it apart and have it working again.

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I don't want to brag, but for the purposes of the thread I did score a 36-5=31 on the ACT exam.

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I took an IQ test at age of 6. Thanks to aspergers, I had pretty much no image of the social world, and had trouble understanding things that weren't exactly defined, like the questions that were asked on the test. I scored 141. Now, we all know that the IQ system is flawed as people are not all the same. If you'd test me on factual knowledge and power to absorb information, I'd suck balls. If you'd test me based on inventive thinking, creativity, spatial insight and stuff like that, I would almost certainly score in the "genius" range.


Everyone at school is calling me smart for my grades (85% average) and my knowledge of facts. However:


-I suck at remembering facts

-I suck at remembering things in general

-I suck at absorbing theoretic information

-I suck with language (I just happen to have learned English before I was 8. BTW I'm Dutch)


And then my good qualities


-I have an unofficial condition known as "synesthesia". This means that certain nervous responses are connected, causing reactions from senses that should not give a reaction. Because of this, I see and feel music. I see and feel taste. I see and feel smell. And I very strongly feel images. To the point where I can see a car crash and literally feel every bit of it crumpling, cracking, shattering and being compressed. This synesthesia however, has also given me the most terrifying feeling on the planet. When I am sick, sometimes, my mind generates the image of something infinitely small, moving at infinite speed, stuck infinitely strong to an infinitely bumpy road. The result is a pure overload of my sense, which feels absolutely terrifying and makes me want to vomit.

-My spatial insight is pretty much exceptional.

-I can very accurately simulate physics in my head.

-It takes a while, but I can come up with some absolutely genius ideas that could solve many problems.

-I am a ridiculously fast learner when it comes to things that are generally hard to learn.

-I was apparently smart enough to entirely figure out the multiverse from A to Z without ever looking at the multiverse theory itself. This goes hand-in-hand with my tolerance of strange scenarios and beliefs. We do have this infinitely large multiverse after all...



One of the things that I find extraordinary, is how the difference between a very smart human, and an average human, is larger than the difference between an average human and a chimpanzee. It's quite strange if you look at it that way. At least you now have an excuse for calling that idiot who won't stop ignoring reality a chimpanzee.


Edited by RubyVesper


Upcoming music producer waiting for the money to buy a new Mac.


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I would like to consider myself smart in some areas, but not in others. I have a processing disability which means it takes me a bit longer to understand things than other people. I also have a disability for visual learning like math and a lot of science.


Areas I would say I've always been good at were history and English. I tend to be extremely good at memorizing things, and my reading and writing are apparently really good according to an IQ test I took recently. I think I got an IQ of 121 or something close to that. I also tend to be pretty good at coming up with easier ways to do things, or coming up with ideas. 


So yeah, as I said, good in some ways and bad in others, so I guess I'm about average.

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