TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 I do. I know the ponies. I can always depend on them to make me feel good and brighten up my day. People are different. I don't know how you can ever really know another person and what's in their heart. Honestly, this website and Skype make up the bulk of my social life because they are structured environments with a common goal. Work is kind of the same way. But outside of that, I just can't trust people at all. Antisocial? Maybe. But I know Applejack will never hurt me. 12 "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Buckheart 29 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 I'd give anything to deal with a world of ponies: Equestria. It'd the greatest dream come true! Sorry, got excited, but who wouldn't? And other people are morons anyway. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clarity 3,094 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 (edited) Predictable responses...anyway. My answer is no. Some people--okay, most--are absolutely despicable, selfish idiots, but people such as my parents and my friends have made a difference in my life, influenced me, loved me, while ponies have only done the second part, and only a little bit. I find it rather disappointing that bronies are more obsessed with ponies than real humans, some who have shown more kindness than some colorful pictures on a screen. Edited March 23, 2013 by Manaphy 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zerul 554 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 I wouldn't say I like them more that PEOPLE as a whole but I definitely would prefer to hang with them than some of the other people I'm around.When it comes to people such as my parents there isn't a thing under the sun I'd put above them. "Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?" Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shawn Parks 1,798 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 If given the opportunity, I would abandon the world of people and live the rest of my life in Equestria - even if it meant I would never see another human being again. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bardock 139 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 Sure, but that's not really saying much in my case. I don't have any friends, my family and I are constantly battling each other, and I'm just overall not a very sociable person. "I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FractalMoon 378 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 I personally prefer people to ponies... MLP is a wonderful show, but thinking of a fictional, scripted character as superior to a living, breathing, SENTIENT being is just an escapist fantasy. Yes I would like to go to Equestria, but no. I personally prefer my friends (whether on this site, the EP forums, real life, or anywhere else) to any sort of pastel colored fake personality. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Equity 61 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 People are honestly more interesting to me. The ponies are characters molded into distinct personalities, with set traits in mind. They are type-casted, mostly concrete, and complimentary. People, though - people are different. People change, they grow, adapt, and change. It's that ambiguous nature that makes getting to know people worth it. Investing in their happiness, their troubles, their very nature - it's what makes life worth living. Humans are never static, determined characters - they are ever-evolving, ever-changing complex equations - the kind that are impossible to solve, but incredibly compelling to simply consider. Hanging out with the Mane6 would be stellar, sure. The opportunity sounds amazing, especially coming from the troubled world we all know. But really, it's all of it's complexities and hardships that make our world the beautiful, intricate, imperfect gem that it is. I'd think I'd actually go insane in a mostly-perfect world where I was hardly ever prompted to ask "why?" 4 _____// twitter | blog | youtube \\_____ <3 ~" ." ~ <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Just some guy 1,070 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 People,hands down.Sure,a majority of us are total assholes and douchebags,but the ones who are awesome and truly virtuous are easily some of the best people to ever be around with.And with such variance in humans,it's interesting to see one act since you can never be exactly sure of what they're going to do. Ponies,while representing every single quality I would love to see in humans more often,are purely fictional and predictable.There's no variance,no bonds to strengthen or weaken with them.They never even acknowledge your existence most of the time.It's a one-sided relationship,and everybody knows that those can be quite unhealthy for the human psyche. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jack Baker 698 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 I would like to live in the world of Equestria, but sadly this cannot be. As for people, yeah there are a bunch of people who are jerks and douches, but there's also the ones that are nice and overall easy to get along with. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/401/740/6f9.png Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here. My OC: Raze "The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azura 1,107 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 Enjoying the rest of my life in Equestria sounds like a dream come true, but it would limit us from doing a lot of the things we do now. 1 My Signature Shop!-=-=-=-=-Art Collection!-=-=-=-=-A Signature Tutorial! Also known as "Cloud Chaser". My Ponysona, Azura. Avatar & Signature by me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moon Rat 4,772 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 honestly for me, it depends on the person... While I checked off the "about even" choice, I really find that I can depend on ponies more than I can depend on any human (not aimed at anyone here or Skype or any other Brony whatsoever so please don't hurt me). 1 Thank you Nas for the sig :3 #HugWoona Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Concord 1,982 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 Hello! Ponies for sure! I'm not to fond of the characterstics that modern people have... For example, there will never be a day where my classmates wouldn't annoy me in some way... Plus, ponies are much more adorable! 1 Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Appetite4Democracy 452 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 Generally, yes. Ponies are better. However, I know plenty of awesome humans who are better than ponies. So, really, it depends on who the person is. It also depends on who the pony is. I would say that most people are at least less annoying than Diamond Tiara. "For those about to rock, we salute you!"- ACϟDCSignature by Gone ϟ Airbourne (click the signature) My Tumblr Member of the Equestrian Gaming Clan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hawkflame 3,310 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 People. By far. MLP is a GREAT show, but that's all it is. It isn't life. In real life, people aren't scripted, they're unpedictable and that's what makes them interesting. They grow and change and evolve. And more than that, they give back. You may love a fictional character, but they're not going to love you in return. People can. Sig by Thunderstorm Check out my Rarity fansite! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Display Name 448 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 Ponies for sure. I don't have any friends, so that makes ponies a bonus. Plus they seem 100% more friendly than 90% of the population on Earth. I'd give anything to deal with a world of ponies: Equestria.It'd the greatest dream come true!Sorry, got excited, but who wouldn't?And other people are morons anyway. Honestly, i couldn't agree with ya' any more! I'd honestly give up anything and everything to be in Equestria. But it won't ever happen.. :'( Since there's no possible way getting there.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwiliciousAlkoi 369 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 Yeah I agree because people can be a bunch of jerks who can't accept me. I would feel less hated if I was in Equestria(which would never happen) 1 Credit to Kyoshi for making this Sig! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PoniesPlease 365 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 Assuming "People" refers to the general masses that populate planet Earth and that "Ponies" refers to every element of the universe of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic", then yes. Straightaway, YES. Otherwise, no. I love my family more than ponies. People. By far. MLP is a GREAT show, but that's all it is. It isn't life. In real life, people aren't scripted, they're unpedictable and that's what makes them interesting. They grow and change and evolve. And more than that, they give back. You may love a fictional character, but they're not going to love you in return. People can. Interesting. I suppose living with the predictability of a scripted character would get highly boring in ten seconds flat. But then again, Ponies are scripted to be kind and whatnot. When a human being is capable of walking into a school and leaving with 300 bullets less than he went in with, I think I'd take the ponies. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CMagic 34 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 Predictable responses...anyway. My answer is no. Some people--okay, most--are absolutely despicable, selfish idiots, but people such as my parents and my friends have made a difference in my life, influenced me, loved me, while ponies have only done the second part, and only a little bit. I find it rather disappointing that bronies are more obsessed with ponies than real humans, some who have shown more kindness than some colorful pictures on a screen. Well that's great that you have such wonderful parents and friends. Although i have some great friends of my own, but still i don't share the day with them all the time. So i am home with my not so fun and conservative parents that hate ponies and what i do. I guess what i'm trying to say here is that it's great that for someone it is great to be among humans, but for someone that have experienced a different type of life with humans have different thoughts. So that's why i would LOVE to just live in Equestria and see if it's better there that it is for me here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluttershyfan94 5,742 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 I like ponies much more than people, ponies are cute, friendly and awesome. People, are not like that. Of course there are people I like, but those are only a few individuals. So yeah, ponies ftw. DA: http://fluttershyfan94.deviantart.com/ Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Fluttershyfan94 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EndtheRaven 161 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 If given the opportunity, I would abandon the world of people and live the rest of my life in Equestria - even if it meant I would never see another human being again. Pretty much this.. Before I found MLP I was completely sick of humanity and I preferred to be alone. Sick of the ignorance and greed and lies of society. Sick of what little good in the world being crushed by evil. Sick of hearing all the doom and torture that looms on the future of humanity. Tired of everyone using, hurting, betraying, fucking each other. Tired of being treated like I was a last resort to spend time with. All I've longed for my entire life is a place that's truly beautiful and innocent. A place where love and happiness is reality for everyone. Where good wins and evil is turned into good. A place to belong and feel like my life means something. I'd abandon everything in this wretched place in a heartbeat to go there... Humanity disgusts me for the most part. but I've learned to appreciate the good aspects. And thanks to the positive force of the show and the community, I've been devoting my time and energy to spreading what good I can to the world. I just hang on to the thought that one day when I leave this world I will be loved and accepted for who I am, like no human ever could. bleh that's my rant. sorry everypony. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clarity 3,094 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 Well that's great that you have such wonderful parents and friends. Although i have some great friends of my own, but still i don't share the day with them all the time. So i am home with my not so fun and conservative parents that hate ponies and what i do. I guess what i'm trying to say here is that it's great that for someone it is great to be among humans, but for someone that have experienced a different type of life with humans have different thoughts. So that's why i would LOVE to just live in Equestria and see if it's better there that it is for me here. Actually, I don't exactly live a spoiled and pampered life and I'm very, very unsocial. But it could be much, much worse. I have no idea why you quoted my post, or is it because I have a different opinion from most of you? It's depressing how many people want to swap their families for cartoon ponies. That's all I'm saying. I very much doubt that everyone's parents here hate their children, like many people claim. They raised them, for goodness sake... 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King 5,625 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 I love the ponies... But I also love my Human friends, so this is my philosophy.... If I was offered a chance to leave this life and enter Equestria as a pony (Dawn Rider my OC of course ) Id refuse unless all of my friends, and all of my fellow Bronies could join meh Life in Equestria isnt worth living unless you have those who you hold dear around you Not to mention other Bronies Its not like I could just leave you all behind :3 4 Goddamn right, you should be scared of me Twitter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jack Baker 698 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 Life does kind of suck with all these jerks and hypocrites out there, but I wouldn't necessarily abandon my life; I can still be pretty happy one way or another. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/401/740/6f9.png Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here. My OC: Raze "The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mars Caramel 319 March 23, 2013 Share March 23, 2013 No friends, almost everyone I've met is a total jerk, people vandalize everything, and I don't actually feel very comfortable around my own family. So, ponies. However, I'm sure I'll find some good friends later on in life, just not right now, since this seems to be the age where people in my area are usually total jerks. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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