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Don't Fight It

Ember Gleam

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Well I am 30 years old and a guy, and really, really love MLP FIM. As per my profile MLP has been a big support for me emotionally and mentally . However for some weird reason I came to the conclusion that no one would ever take seriously a guy who's 30 that likes ponies. So I did something that I regret. I tried to leave the fandom, and not just this one, my other favorite fandom, Pokemon. Think I made it about 2 1/2 weeks before I started to get extremely depressed and actualy started having more problems with my PTSD. I came running back to both my fandoms and now all is well again. I guess moral of the story is enyoy what ever you enjoy regardless of what society thinks. One mistake I will never make again. Love you all. =)

Edited by Ember Gleam
  • Brohoof 49
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It's always best to be yourself, Because trying to be something your not's only going to hurt you, It's nice to see you came back and just decided to like what you like. so welcome back!!! laugh.png

  • Brohoof 7

I'm a very friendly person and i always try to be there for people and make them smile no matter how long and how hard i have to try so when anyone's feeling down send me PM, Nothing makes me happier then being there for someone


This is my OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rolling-thunder-r2250


This is my Mare OC looks like my profile pic http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flower-dust-r3660

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Welcome back to the herd friend!  I get it, I totally get it; it was strange enough for me personally at 20 getting into MLP when I first did last year, I can only imagine how self conscious somebody would be getting into it at 30.  But, I'm glad to see ya back and loving it more than ever!  Glad to have ya back!!! biggrin.png

  • Brohoof 7


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Sorry to hear about no one taking you seriously before, but I'm glad to hear you're better again and hope you don't have the problem anymore, no one can force you to change what your hobbies are because of their actions.

So welcome back to the forums!

  • Brohoof 3


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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Once a brony, always a brony. It fluctuates though. From passionate brony during it's peak to passive memory brony on the death bed. I'm more brony when new episodes are coming out, I'm less brony when other things I have my interest. I'm still a brony. You can swear off the show and say you "left the fandom" but it means something to you still otherwise you wouldn't make an ordeal about going cold turkey.

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Well I am 30 years old and a guy, and really, really love MLP FIM. As per my profile MLP has been a big support for me emotionally and mentally . However for some weird reason I came to the conclusion that no one would ever take seriously a guy who's 30 that likes ponies. So I did something that I regret. I tried to leave the fandom, and not just this one, my other favorite fandom, Pokemon. Think I made it about 2 1/2 weeks before I started to get extremely depressed and actualy started having more problems with my PTSD. I came running back to both my fandoms and now all is well again. I guess moral of the story is enyoy what ever you enjoy regardless of what society thinks. One mistake I will never make again. Love you all. =)


30+ year old Bronies UNITE!  *brohoof*


Do what you like.  There's a time and place to be serious, and a time and place to talk ponies, but that doesn't mean you have to give one up for the sake of the other. 

  • Brohoof 4


Sig by Thunderstorm

Check out my Rarity fansite!

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Yesterday, I tried to leave the fandom and abandon my obsession with nocturnality at the same time. I literally became consumed by depression personified as a fellow who goes by the name "Black Sun" and lost faith in everything that existed, as well as everything that may or may not exist.


It didn't go well.


I think I'll just stay here and pretend that never happened.

Note: If you ever see me going by the name "Black Sun" again, don't expect him to be as friendly and/or cheerful as I usually am.

  • Brohoof 1



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It's honestly something that stays with you, after it's grown on you so much. I've had moments where I've questioned what I'm doing watching ponies. But then at the end of the day it's what makes me smile when nothing else can. 

  • Brohoof 2


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*Takes a slow and thoughtful puff on pipe*


You know, Ember, your story strikes me as one that I've had to deal with before. I'm not as old as you, but there's been times when my absolute obsession love of ponies has made me doubt whether or not I should even be into My Little Pony or the fandom at all.


Now, I've never tried to just leave and stop cold turkey before, but I commend you for even making it two and a half weeks; I don't think I could hold out that long without checking up on or taking part in the things I love.


Regardless, I think the moral of the story is clear: you should enjoy what you enjoy and not care what others think. I know this is a basic lesson that a lot of people cite, especially us Bronies, but there's a reason why it's stated so much; because, in the end, if a person really can't stand you or attacks you because you like ponies, then that person really is not worth your time.


*Takes a puff on pipe*

But stay strong my friend.


And, above all, welcome back to the herd. We love you, man.

  • Brohoof 3



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Well take it from guy whose been around a few more blocks then you. I've enjoyed this cartoon show for a while now and like many of the others have said, it never goes away as long as you don't let it die within you. Even when it all seems to be gone there will always be something that will remind you of this even if its in simple ways. And even in your darkest times you will always know there was a moment when a little pony made you smile

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Wow guys thanks so much for the support. This was the thing I missed most about the fandom, how generous and caring you all are. I will never again try to be somebody....er somepony that I am not. I will always listen to my heart and not society and its opinion. You guys rock!

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Ember, you only need to read my about me page to know that I'm not going to fight it. Why stop a good thing? And while there are a few oddballs society likes to point at and make fun of, most of us older cartoon watchers are completely normal people with jobs, spouses, and kids. And as time goes on, it seems more and more people are refusing to give up cartoons while at the same time becoming productive members of the community. Glad to hear that you've seen the light. :)


All kidding aside, is an obsession with ponies really any worse than an obsession with a show like Law & Order?

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Well, trust me, i'm part of Pokemon and MLP fandom too. So we're...fandom buddies!


Trust me, if the owner doesn't know about the cancer of the internet, then they need to catch up on the times. I can't google anything without finding a pony-related picture.

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Sometimes people do this, and it's just because of what other people think, just be you own person and soon life will be perfect!

(Poke'mon + Ponies = Best fandoms :3 )

  • Brohoof 2



                    Hush hush, Starlights asleep, hush hush, through her telescope she weeps, hush, hush, as she hunts for mars, hush, hush, and head for stars!

                                                  Starlight Request shop My page


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It's great you came back to the herd. I haven't touched my pokemon game in like months, but I'm still a fan of pokemon and I'm 19.


Pokemon and MLP are in fact two of the greatest fandoms to come. 

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The Long Game


"If you try to please everypony, you oftentimes end up pleasing nopony, especially yourself." -- Twilight Sparkle


People who can't accept you for who you really are don't deserve the blessing of your company.


Yes, cultural norms tend to dictate that adults shouldn't like a cartoon featuring talking ponies, but it wasn't that long ago that people of all ages packed theaters to watch all sorts of cartoons featuring talking animals on the big screen, including a very rich and famous mouse, a smartalecky rabbit, a wiley coyote, a panther (pink, no less), bumbling bears, daffy ducks, crazy cats and just about everything Hanna Barbera could slap a hat and tie on.


Lauren Faust deliberately made Friendship is Magic appealing outside the "girls' ghetto" in an attempt to break open the genre and encourage better shows in general. The fact that she succeeded beyond her wildest expectations is something to celebrate, and there is no shame in recognizing top-quality art when you see it.


Although Bronydom is still something of a fringe group, time favors the ponies, because as more people discover what the show is actually about, it will become a more accepted part of mainstream culture. Not right away, to be sure, but just as people can watch and appreciate Bugs Bunny three generations after he first appeared, people who haven't even been born yet will be able to appreciate our little ponies many years from now, and be exposed to their simple yet powerful messages.


I take great comfort in that thought, and hope you will too. smile.png

Edited by ponyvangelist
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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.


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It is okay that your at that age and liking two fandoms especially two awesome fandoms that deserve a lot of credentials like Pokemon and My Little Pony. Pretty much, you have the freedom to join anything that you feel accepted in. So I salute you on not fighting it.

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At first I was like: No, I am not a Brony and never will be. But then I realized that the show really caught my interest. I could name every pony on the show and my friends were like: Dude, you are a total Brony. Me: I am not a freakin Brony! But when I said those words I felt like something was wrong. Me being the honest person knew the feeling of guilt from a mile away. I finally told my friends that I was a brony and I have been happy with that choice. Except for the occasional tease or black eye at school of course but that is beside the point.

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There was a time where I considered quitting the fandom because for some reason I felt the need to act more mature so that others may like me.

It turned out I would have to quit other stuff I'm into such as Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, etc.

Anyways I decided to go against the idea.

Turn out I'm happier now in the fandom, then when I was out of it.

Edited by Phoenix237
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Ya know. Here's something I've learned over the years. And its quite common know age but some of us (me) have to learn it the hard way anyway.


Your only as old as you make yourself out to be. I don't call myself old but like a classic car i get better with age


Yes I have a lot of mileage under my hood. I've been a lot of places and seen a lot of things. But its those things that you carry with you that makes the trip worthwhile.


I will always have a place inside for things I love even its a simple little show like FIM and several others.


Ya theres going to be a lot of bumps in the road but its the journey, not the end, that makes life worth liveing

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Great to here you came back to the bronydom! I'm a fan of Pokemon too! My Little Pony is the part of us that just wants a little more smiles and colour in our lives to make the problems in life better. You just can't throw away a part of who you are.

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