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Apple      Bloom

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That has got to be the hottest pic of Derpy I have seen so far


I agree with this


I would if I were you


Me too,

especially in panties for some odd reason


Makes sense

I find them to be attractive both ways


Oh You silly filly


You're also silly :V




Same :3


then suddenly, they make you pay for it :T


I thought it made the perfect amount of sense though :/


You're silly


You're also silly :T


I'm okay with this :3



its the Diaperocalypse


Your avvie is VERY adorable BTW :3


Gud :3


But I like the fhfhrdiedkeshdgyujenhydujrnhedgycujrhdgyufjrdhbgycuj thread :T


Aww, poor twile got a booboo :<




Careful not to blow up the entire thread

That would be bad


Wouldn't it evaporate the water

Don't mind me, I'm stupid


And I shall be waiting :3


Also, no need for shame if you really like it :3

I kinda think its somewhat cute :3


I'm staying perfectly still :3





I would rather not talk about it


Not sure,

I forget


I WOULD say you would eventually make it to equestria but I'm pretty sure that isn't right


It happens


That is very awesome BTW :3


I know that feel

I do the same thing


Probably a 7 or 8/10

Not sure though


And you do it very well :3


Well then,

My brain and heart can't agree on crud other than keeping me alive



Indeedy also,

Twist DOES look pretty cute in that pic :3


My cat's name is Shadow


Be scared...


Be VERY scared...


Meanwhile, I'll be happy :V


I would be terrified of that however,

It would be frivolous to run so i'd just stay there and let them do whatever :/


I think he means the Cupcakes Pinkamena's


they wanna eat you


Not my day, also...




I would be okay with this :3


If I simply isolate all of the other quotes from your response, I get a strange story out of it.


And in response to your response to me,...


- It's Pyfgcrl. It's always Pyfgcrl.


- Not much would happen if you tried to blow up a nuke underwater... XKCD.


- I think I can recall two times: Once during first grade, and once during a field trip in sixth grade. In one of those instances, I couldn't make to the bathroom in time.


- I need to find new questions then.


- [Ran out of stuff]


look down. i got you while you were standing still. :3


I think I'm sticking with the cardboard diaper... It doubles as a shield for my junk...




I thought this was pretty cool:


  • Brohoof 2
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GUYS a round of applause to our very own Count Paradox, for getting his story featured on FimFiction

How odd. I'm proud I guess. I'm the editor after all. Perhaps I'll read the comments...


If I simply isolate all of the other quotes from your response, I get a strange story out of it.


Wow, you're right.
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sup guys. forum was done for me for over 8 hours


look down. i got you while you were standing still. :3

and yes, it's kind of cute in a very silly way. kinda like FiM, i guess.




feels soo soft :wub:




All I got was this:




So apparently, DS likes it when Twilight gets a boo-boo...


Not really


I'll go fix it :/

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On 11/20/2012 at 9:59 AM, 'Nakamura Nigh Suk' said:

- I think I can recall two times: Once during first grade, and once during a field trip in sixth grade. In one of those instances, I couldn't make to the bathroom in time.


I think I'm sticking with the cardboard diaper... It doubles as a shield for my junk...




and use a suspender under regular underwear. problem solved.


On 11/20/2012 at 10:11 AM, 'dark stalker' said:



feels soo soft :wub:


this is one of the cuter reactions i gout out of this thing. :3

Edited by Viscra Maelstrom
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Uhh,... I...


All it is is awkward-feeling butt-carpeting that just so happens to double as a single-use toilet, unless you have a serious bladder control problem...


Eh, I just like wearing it :3


And I think I'm just gonna go to sleep


I think I scared everypony away :(

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Uhh,... I...


All it is is awkward-feeling butt-carpeting that just so happens to double as a single-use toilet, unless you have a serious bladder control problem...


it's not awkward at all. it's soft, plush, and gives a sense of comfort.


Eh, I just like wearing it :3


And I think I'm just gonna go to sleep


I think I scared everypony away :(


aww, sillyhead. you're too cute for that. :3

but go sleep if you feel tired, though. it's no fun waking up with a headache.

Edited by Princess Viscra Maelstrom
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The site's fucking derped

Don't use it too much, though. Not everyone can take the word 'fag' without getting offended Posted Image


Damn site. Left me with nothing to do other than sleep. :(


And I won't.

I'd feel odd being a part of a different one. I'm not one to do forums. This one just...happened. A happy mistake sort of.


Really? Seemed like you would be one for them.


The site has changed its domain. For all that is good and holy, do not go in there...

Even /b/ have better standards


>/b/ has better standards

The fuck?!

That place must be some literal shit!

I know /b/ has its moments of awesome and all, but that's just fucking ridiculous.

Posted Image


Be happy, then get annoyed cause its done in her generic pose, which I hate. Would probably just dispose of it by burning to leave no trace. Or sell it.

Hug it and then burn it, burn it down to the gwound.

We can't have people see that I have a giant Twilight Sparkle cardboard cutout in my room now.


I like your thinking.


And why not? Buck up, brony!

If the sudden Twilight cardboard sounds sane, then how about having Princess Luna herself looking through your window at midnight?

Posted Image


Freak the fuck out.

That has got to be the hottest pic of Derpy I have seen so far :wub:

I agree with this

Me too,

especially in panties for some odd reason

I find them to be attractive both ways


Oh my fuck I know right! Soooo bucking sexy! :wub:

If only i could find one like that but with AJ.


Good. You should.


I agree greatly. Panties make everything better. ;)


Same for me as well.


Also, how dare you beat my multiquote record! :angry:

Even if only by 3-5.


I will dominate you. Just you wait and see. >:3

I am completely destroying my ears by listening to music far too loud on these pair of noise cancelling headphones that give me a headache even when listened to at a normal volume.


Welcome to the club. I do this on a normal basis. And with earbuds half the time.

Though, mine usually take a while to actually bother me and start giving me a headache.

Edited by Hven
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I live.


is time to post girly Dashie? :o



Just for continuation's sake.



That has made my morning much better :3


Good morning weirdos! :D


G'morning weirdo! :D


Do you seriously go through every single post?




Hot dog with BBQ sauce and a bit of coleslaw sauce.


Oh yes.


This forum needs to take another bath


Posted Image


Awesome gif, but where's Rarity? D:


Posted Image


Posted Image


Posted Image


Pinkie pie airborne = Your argument is invalid



I had to.

  • Brohoof 2
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aww. why? ;~; i sad, too, now that ya mention it...


i feel inadequate with my abilities and what i do. i feel that everyone else around me excel in at least some way, and it wouldn't matter to anyone at all if i just dropped dead all of a suddenly.


in other words, i'm turning from Viscra Pie to Viscramena. help please.

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i feel inadequate with my abilities and what i do. i feel that everyone else around me excel in at least some way, and it wouldn't matter to anyone at all if i just dropped dead all of a suddenly.


in other words, i'm turning from Viscra Pie to Viscramena. help please.


gey, calm down. i bet in SOME area you're adequate in your abilities. you just haven't found what area, though. kinda like the cutie mark crusaders. and yes, pleanty of people would be upset if you died suddenly.
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gey, calm down. i bet in SOME area you're adequate in your abilities. you just haven't found what area, though. kinda like the cutie mark crusaders. and yes, pleanty of people would be upset if you died suddenly.


well fine, i'm overreacting. but i feel lousy when i look around and then i see that people are better than me at specific fields. my problem lies with inexperience, currently, and i have to earn that experience. not that i seem to be doing anything bad, though, as my grades consists of A's and B's, and people here appreciate the art i do (see my avatar? i took the picture, myself, as well as Photoshopping it). i shouldn't compare myself to others, i guess, and yet i do.


and i know they would. i'm just not thinking right about it.

Edited by Princess Viscra Maelstrom
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well fine, i'm overreacting. but i feel lousy when i look around and then i see that people are better than me at specific fields. my problem lies with inexperience, currently, and i have to earn that experience. not that i seem to be doing anything bad, though, as my grades consists of A's and B's, and people here appreciate the art i do. i shouldn't compare myself, i guess.


and i know they would. i'm just not thinking right about it.


hey, you want experience, go beat the crap out of sephiroth. XD but seriously, you shouldn't judge yourselfe that hard. If I had done that to myselfe, I would have never poster MLV on fimfiction.
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hey, you want experience, go beat the crap out of sephiroth. XD but seriously, you shouldn't judge yourselfe that hard. If I had done that to myselfe, I would have never poster MLV on fimfiction.


i've always been kinda rough on myself, admittedly. it's something that's stuck to me since years ago. only recently has it gotten better, and even then, i pick at myself.
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i've always been kinda rough on myself, admittedly. it's something that's stuck to me since years ago. only recently has it gotten better, and even then, i pick at myself.


well stop picking!it will never heal unless you leave it alone!
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