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Apple      Bloom

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Holy crap, me too. Pearl Harbor day ftw


Seems like more and more people are jumping on this trend.


. . .


Goddammit, stop making me feel.


July 9th is a rather uneventful day... Unless you like pandas, but that's all that comes to mind.


Once again, I'm more into locking innocent ponies out of the bathroom, just to see how long they'd last... It unfortunately (or fortunately...?) overlaps with "something else"...


Start feeling.

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Back of, Jack!!!


You must not have seen mine.

They are Soooo bad and uncreative.


Actually, you see one right now.

Bask in its blandness!


Once again, I make my own sigs and avatars. Plus, yours can't possibly be that bad; It was bad enough for me when I was still using Microsoft Paint.

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Modding Skyrim is incredibly painful and time-consuming.


Everyone's born in December here... well at least 4 of us anyways. That game was against us.


The entire month of December should be one giant GCT birthday party.


Once again, I'm more into locking innocent ponies out of the bathroom, just to see how long they'd last... It unfortunately (or fortunately...?) overlaps with "something else"...


Start feeling.


I could get into that.


Also, no u


... Don't ask me why, but I misread this as "I make my own diapers"... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME


It's starting to take effect...

Edited by bluetrace
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Everyone's born in December here... well at least 4 of us anyways. That game was against us.


Thank you for reminding me.

I wasnt born in December and I actually won that game.

So, yes, people can win that game.




Also, referring to a somewhat old post of yours about me brohoofing a pic of just Dashie: I shall never convert. So dream on.

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All of my homemade signatures are very bland compared from what others have here :x

Actually, you see one right now.

Here are ones made by me.



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  • Brohoof 2
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Thank you for reminding me. I wasnt born in December and I actually won that game. So, yes, people can win that game.

Yes they can win that game. You can't deny the fact that the game is monthist though.


Also, referring to a somewhat old post of yours about me brohoofing a pic of just Dashie: I shall never convert. So dream on.

What is there to live for, if not for dreams?

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... Don't ask me why, but I misread this as "I make my own diapers"... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME


"I have yet to weight the pros and cons between cloth and disposable...?"


Modding Skyrim is incredibly painful and time-consuming.


The entire month of December should be one giant GCT birthday party.


Looks like we have another modder in the group...

  • Brohoof 1
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... Don't ask me why, but I misread this as "I make my own diapers"... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME


Sir, you have a problem and you need to get checked out asap. :l

Back of, Jack!!!

Once again, I make my own sigs and avatars. Plus, yours can't possibly be that bad; It was bad enough for me when I was still using Microsoft Paint.


Who's Jack?


I know you make yours and their pretty good.

Mines are bad, but I guess not that bad....


And you used M$ paint for a siggy once? :lol:

How well did that work out?

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OMG! We can be birthday buddies! :)

Posted Image

At first I thought you had submitted a blank post, but then I looked over a few inches to the right and proceeded to feel dumb.


But yeah, we should totes be b-day buddies. We have be long lost twins or something... Except you were born a year before me. Damn.


Looks like we have another modder in the group...


I'm definitely not as hardcore about it as you are though. The only games I've ever modded are MC (which is incredibly easy) and Skyrim. Skyrim is proving to be a challenge, though...

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Here are ones made by me.



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I don't have my computer so I can't show off my stuff. :l



And those arent too bad.


Looks like we have another modder in the group...


Give me time, sir. And there will be a legit third....

Or fourth or fifth or whatever number I happen to hop in on...

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Who's Jack?


I know you make yours and their pretty good.

Mines are bad, but I guess not that bad....


And you used M$ paint for a siggy once? :lol:

How well did that work out?


A samurai...?


Well, when I started drawing HTF-related stuff back in 2008, the only thing at my disposal was Microsoft Paint. I was using my Turnip at the time, and its OS was Windows Vista. That was also the year that it snowed in my area, and we got to build a snowman.


Also during that time, our Internet router took a nosedive, so I was without Internet access for quite some time, so the only thing to stave me off from boredom was drawing.


Once I got Internet back, I logged onto deviantART for the first time in January 2009. In August of that year, I tried out Paint.NET, and in December of that year, Inkscape.


It wasn't until April/May 2010 that I started to use Inkscape seriously. Since then, I have never used MS Paint.


Then I became a Brony in 2011.


I've never used MS Paint for a sig, but I did used to use it for my avatars... Back in HTF-land...

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Sometimes... Sometimes...


Can't I choose the song?


Give me time, sir. And there will be a legit third....

Or fourth or fifth or whatever number I happen to hop in on...


When I started to hear Haljackey, Maarten, and Tarkus's voice, I had to pause because it wasn't what I expected it to be. They're also involved with modding.


And Scootacool had a post regarding game modders; It was buried somewhere in here.


[Additional Pylons]


Dude, as a person involved with the NAM Team, you ain't seen nothing yet...

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