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Apple      Bloom

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My previous profession was that of a nomad like thee,

However shortly following yours truly received a sharpened projectile made from a rare reflective metal into the patella.



  • Brohoof 1
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When did they add all those?

I missed a lot when I stopped watching that series.


Over the course of the second and/or third seasons. They're not as shark-jumpy as it sounds though.


Except for maybe Metalbending. That was a bit of an ass-pull.

  • Brohoof 1
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I remember watching that episode for the first time. It was Monday afternoon in January if I remember correctly and as soon as the proverbial fireworks hit, it sent shivers down my spine. Glorious moment.


The rest of the day I embraced my love for the show and wouldn't stop going on about ponies to my on-line friends, haha


Yeah, I know that feel bro. To this day, I think that is the best background music of Will Anderson, and also one of the most adrenaline fillied moments of the whole show. I don't know about gloating, because I think I can't really remember what was the last episode I saw after I caught up, but I did know I was giddy. :lol: I probably said nothing. First brony friend actually came from my pony fanfic so it was kind of different. :)
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Yeah, I know that feel bro. To this day, I think that is the best background music of Will Anderson, and also one of the most adrenaline fillied moments of the whole show. I don't know about gloating, because I think I can't really remember what was the last episode I saw after I caught up, but I did know I was giddy. :lol: I probably said nothing. First brony friend actually came from my pony fanfic so it was kind of different. :)


I liked Gilda's theme a lot back in the day.


Posted Image


For a 22 minute episode character, she was pretty well done for the role of the bully. That I was impressed by, and if it weren't for that episode, I might not even be a fan.

  • Brohoof 1
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They can freeze it up and melt it down, and they can waterbend the steam. No idea if they can cook things with it, though.






*enemy is suddenly can't breathe


Well, they pass the water from one state to the other...but did they really made a part were the water remained the same, but with different temperature? :huh:


And also, that, would be an interesting idea, and would totally fit the creepiness that surrounds that risky variation of bending. :mellow:

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Well, they pass the water from one state to the other...but did they really made a part were the water remained the same, but with different temperature? :huh:

No freakin' clue... They kinda changed the bending mechanism on the new Korra series :c


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  • Brohoof 1
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Mutsumi Saburo


That guy. I'm sure we can find someone. Just think, "who fits the role?" Maybe @Arcanel can be Fuyuki Hinata.


Okay, I'm really scared on how this Fuyuki guy TOTALLY resembles my personality. :blink:



I liked Gilda's theme a lot back in the day.


Posted Image


For a 22 minute episode character, she was pretty well done for the role of the bully. That I was impressed by, and if it weren't for that episode, I might not even be a fan.


I liked it too. Loved that metal theme when she appeared. And I agree (I'm no fan of her, but hey, griffons are awesome). I think it was between Griffon the Brush-Off and Applebuck Season that it was when I said "Eeyup, I like this show". The last level came when I saw Feeling Pinkie Keen. After that, I had no doubts whatsoever. :mellow:
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No freakin' clue... They kinda changed the bending mechanism on the new Korra series :c


To be honest, I've never seen the Korra series. Hell, if it hadn't been for the internet, I would have never even KNOW that a new Avatar series had come out.
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Mutsumi Saburo


That guy. I'm sure we can find someone. Just think, "who fits the role?" Maybe @Arcanel can be Fuyuki Hinata.


Hmmm, Bluetrace fits the "calm, collected, and mysterious" part of Mutsumi, but not the hidden genius, good at sports, poetry, art, and philosophy. (That I know of. :x)


I could see Arcy being Fuyuki. But does Arcy fail like him? Only thing I think that clashes.

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Okay, I'm really scared on how this Fuyuki guy TOTALLY resembles my personality.

Really? Then we can be partners!


Hmmm, Bluetrace fits the "calm, collected, and mysterious" part of Mutsumi, but not the hidden genius, good at sports, poetry, art, and philosophy. (That I know of. :x)


I could see Arcy being Fuyuki. But does Arcy fail like him? Only thing I think that clashes.


Do you perfectly match Kururu?
  • Brohoof 1
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