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Apple      Bloom

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Gah, fine. Just say to your parents that you found the plushie from a crippled man on a Golden Throne which resides in a gigantic palace made of silver and titanium, who gave it to you because you bought him some cheeseburger


That will totally convince them.


How so?


Well, fix it for the really important things. But as far as a plushie goes, don't worry too much unless you just really want that plushie.


I've never once shown interest in a girl my entire life, and my parents know this. I don't even talk to members of the opposite sex...


And I really do want it, but I can't really change my mental processes to go about obtaining it.

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To me, that would defeat the entire purpose of playing the game with others. Half the fun is in not knowing exactly what's about to happen.

While that is certainly a good way to manage your RP, not knowing which pony doing what in which room is a recipe for disaster Posted Image


<on an unrelated note, i don't even know where the hell Key Gear is at the moment... so many shit going around>


That will totally convince them.

When they laughed, say "hahah... no, seriously, my friend gave it to me because they thought it was funny. Now I can't throw it away, right?"

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not knowing which pony doing what in which room is a recipe for disaster


Well, I know where all of the ponies *are*. I just don't quite know where they *will be* in the future. I mean, I kind of take guesses, but I can't predict everything with complete accuracy. That's a good thing though, since I am basically playing as the villain in this RP as well. I rather like a matching wits with the passengers, the detective, and myself. It's like a freakishly convoluted game of chess.


In the end, either I (as the bad pony) will be able to escape, or I will get nuked. By the way, the villain and the killer are not the same. The killer is one of the other players. The villain is one of the NPCs.


on an unrelated note, i don't even know where the hell Key Gear is at the moment...

She is in the parlor car, sitting with Electrobolt and having a very awkward moment. :wacko:


(By the way, Star Weaver... THAT'S YOU AGAIN!?? We've got to stop meeting like this. I'm always wondering, who the heck is this person... Then, it turns out to be you!)

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Being too self-conscious is getting in the way of things I want to do.

Sometimes it's best to jump into the deep end of the pool first. Throw caution to the wind and just see what happens.


I've never once shown interest in a girl my entire life, and my parents know this. I don't even talk to members of the opposite sex... And I really do want it, but I can't really change my mental processes to go about obtaining it.

I know how that feels, although my family just doesn't seem to care that much. They never talked to me about the birds and the bees, or religion for that matter either. I want to be able to move out on my own soon, but that will take awhile with this economy. My 3 best friends from high school are all still living at home, that's just the way things are around here right now.


I rambled again, didn't I?

Edited by Jinx
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Well, I know where all of the ponies *are*. I just don't quite know where they *will be* in the future. I mean, I kind of take guesses, but I can't predict everything with complete accuracy. That's a good thing though, since I am basically playing as the villain in this RP as well. I rather like a matching wits with the passengers, the detective, and myself. It's like a freakishly convoluted game of chess.

Hm, I guess that could work :wacko:


But you know you can just pull "Rock fall, everyone dies" by unleashing something, right? That shit can make things really exciting.


She is in the parlor car, sitting with Electrobolt and having a very awkward moment. :wacko:


And here I thought she was with someone else D:


(By the way, Star Weaver... THAT'S YOU AGAIN!?? We've got to stop meeting like this. I'm always wondering, who the heck is this person... Then, it turns out to be you!)

Posted Image


You're saying you don't recognize me instantly? Oh my...

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I've never once shown interest in a girl my entire life, and my parents know this. I don't even talk to members of the opposite sex...


And I really do want it, but I can't really change my mental processes to go about obtaining it.



I rarely talk to them, but I show interest.

Ummm, start showing interest? I got no ideas on that one. :/

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Well, I know where all of the ponies *are*. I just don't quite know where they *will be* in the future. I mean, I kind of take guesses, but I can't predict everything with complete accuracy. That's a good thing though, since I am basically playing as the villain in this RP as well. I rather like a matching wits with the passengers, the detective, and myself. It's like a freakishly convoluted game of chess.


In the end, either I (as the bad pony) will be able to escape, or I will get nuked. By the way, the villain and the killer are not the same. The killer is one of the other players. The villain is one of the NPCs.


Goodness, that sounds awesome.


So it's one of my fellow passengers... And I doubt it's Lapis Lazuli. He has no motivation. He planned on interviewing Trixie, and he'd never hurt anyone. And plus, I'm Lapis. And I don't think I'm gonna do any murdering without my knowledge.


Or will I? 0.0


I spent little time poking around, but perhaps I'll catch the show instead. It's sure to be interesting, right?

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But you know you can just pull "Rock fall, everyone dies" by unleashing something, right? That shit can make things really exciting.

Soon... I mean, I'm not going to kill everyone off, but there will definitely be something very exciting right around the corner. I guarantee you that we will have some serious omgwtfbbq moments in this RP game. =]


And here I thought she was with someone else D:

Actually.... I dunno... It depends on where you are in the RP...




She just did quite a bit of moving around...


You're saying you don't recognize me instantly? Oh my...

I blame exhaustion. ^_^


I've been remarkably off lately D:

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Soon... I mean, I'm not going to kill everyone off, but there will definitely be something very exciting right around the corner. I guarantee you that we will have some serious omgwtfbbq moments in this RP game. =]

I really need to push myself away from NPCs. I don't feel safe around them. They don't feel real like the player controlled characters.
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Sometimes it's best to jump into the deep end of the pool first. Throw caution to the wind and just see what happens.


We were talking about this the other night... I just can't do something like this on a whim, it's nearly impossible for me.


Even when it came down to revealing what kind of music I listen to... I had a hard time letting all of my classic rock-bred friends that I was into electronic music, if you can believe that. Of course they didn't care when I told them, but in those moments before I said (mind you this is an example, I don't remember exactly how I made this known to them) "hey, I like deadmau5," I was all antsy.


If I'm revealing something about myself to other people, no matter how trivial it is, I get anxious.


I know how that feels, although my family just doesn't seem to care that much. They never talked to me about the birds and the bees, or religion for that matter either. I want to be able to move out on my own soon, but that will take awhile with this economy. My 3 best friends from high school are all still living at home, that's just the way things are around here right now.


I rambled again, didn't I?


If you can believe this, my parents gave me a book to read that covered the whole "birds and the bees" talk. Just kinda out of nowhere, "Here, go read this book."


Of course I already knew by that time 90% of the stuff I was reading, but I did it anyway.


And you kinda did, but I'm not bothered.



I rarely talk to them, but I show interest.

Ummm, start showing interest? I got no ideas on that one. :/


I have no desire to though, that's the thing... Don't ask me to explain that one though, I can't even do it myself.


Wow, I'm really opening up about everything today. Might as well tell you guys I eat my boogers now.


I actually don't do that, that's gross.

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What be happening, Pyfgcrlites?

Just me being bored

Posted Image


Was thinking about starting an RP about four random stranger (two being non-ponies) suddenly thrown into a case of survival, then I remembered that I'm technically alone.


Or will I? 0.0

When shit happens, and your life on a stake, you will do something impossible. Believe me, something clouded your mind and the only obvious way to survive is to cause some harm to others, even the most pacifist mare will resort to buckin' and bittin'


Soon... I mean, I'm not going to kill everyone off, but there will definitely be something very exciting right around the corner. I guarantee you that we will have some serious omgwtfbbq moments in this RP game. =]

Heheh... As long as it doesn't get more bizarre than it already is, I will be watching~♪


I blame exhaustion. ^_^

Blame this forum :U

You should not hesitate to ask for days off from the technical shit in here if you're tired.


I really need to push myself away from NPCs. I don't feel safe around them.

The NPCs are controlled by a chicken-based hivemind, of course none of them is safe :o

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If I'm revealing something about myself to other people, no matter how trivial it is, I get anxious.

I know I used to have a form of social anxiety, I shut off the rest of the world from what I was really thinking. I had the mindset that people would hate me, and I don't like the idea of that very much. I'm obviously outside of the social norm on most things, music especially. I don't even have a band from the United States in my top 10.


I have no desire to though, that's the thing... Don't ask me to explain that one though, I can't even do it myself.

Everyone has things they do that they can't explain. Once you've built up a wall around you, it's hard to take one swing and knock the wall down.

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When shit happens, and your life on a stake, you will do something impossible. Believe me, something clouded your mind and the only obvious way to survive is to cause some harm to others, even the most pacifist mare will resort to buckin' and bittin'

Well, i actually meant mind control or something scary like that.

The NPCs are controlled by a chicken-based hivemind, of course none of them is safe

I think I could trust Key Gear. But none of the NPCs. Key feels real. The others, plot devices given life.
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So it's one of my fellow passengers... And I doubt it's Lapis Lazuli. He has no motivation. He planned on interviewing Trixie, and he'd never hurt anyone. And plus, I'm Lapis. And I don't think I'm gonna do any murdering without my knowledge.


Or will I? 0.0

I... I dunno???? O.O


I spent little time poking around, but perhaps I'll catch the show instead. It's sure to be interesting, right?

It will be *very* interesting...


I really need to push myself away from NPCs. I don't feel safe around them. They don't feel real like the player controlled characters.

Well, without giving too much away...


In order of the most to the least "safe" NPCs at the moment:


1. Vim - He is legit. He is actually one of my own player characters that I fit into the role of the conductor.

2. Ambrosia - She is also legit. She is another one of my own player characters. I'm rather fond of her. She is horribly curious though... So that is something to worry about. She could get in a bad spot while poking around. As the RP goes on, this will be more and more possible.

3. Trixie - She is going to be killed, but she *is* a Trixie. So, you can sort of predict her.

4. Dusky - He is just a little off. He is also missing at the moment. >_>

5. Springer - I don't think I need to say much here... He is... Well... Yeah...

6. ??????? - Poor devil.... Already dead and the RP just started. He never even saw it coming, and... Noponoy has noticed... Yet.


Heheh... As long as it doesn't get more bizarre than it already is, I will be watching~♪

The fog of war is about to start clearing up actually... =]


But not before it gets just a bit more weird/strange.


Blame this forum :U

Probably... But it is also my fault for staying up too late! :P


Aye aye, captain! Here she be!


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This is completely off topic, but I love the old commodore 64 logo.




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Possible asexuality?


Uh... maybe. I still don't know what I would classify myself.


I think women are pleasing to the eye, but I can't imagine myself actually having any sort of intimate relations with them. Or, if there is any desire at all to do so, it's not great enough for me to actually attempt to experience it. If that makes any sense.


i decided to update my sig with a bit of relevant information~~


I approve.


I know I used to have a form of social anxiety, I shut off the rest of the world from what I was really thinking. I had the mindset that people would hate me, and I don't like the idea of that very much. I'm obviously outside of the social norm on most things, music especially. I don't even have a band from the United States in my top 10.


I guess you could say I'm in the same boat, thinking that people might make fun of me/hate me, but I don't recall that ever going through my mind in situations like that. It must be some subconscious thing.


Everyone has things they do that they can't explain. Once you've built up a wall around you, it's hard to take one swing and knock the wall down.


True. One day I might break that wall (like you said you did), but not any time soon I don't think.

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True. One day I might break that wall (like you said you did), but not any time soon I don't think.

My first major breakage in the wall happened last year when I was working. The place was so utterly boring that the only joy I got out of working there was talking to people I worked with. As far as opening up to people about other things, I only started that a few months ago.


Of course just having online college courses and hanging out with the same 2 people on the weekends really shuts you out from social interaction. From 2006 onwards that was and still is my dilemma. I'm still socially inept in person though.

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I think I could trust Key Gear. But none of the NPCs. Key feels real. The others, plot devices given life.

Walking Dead on a Train™?


They're not that zombie-like imo :o


In order of the most to the least "safe" NPCs at the moment:

Dude... are you sure you can post that thing here? it's like sharing a cheat sheet between berry and you (and maybe Electrobolt) :x



Anyway, I believe it's time for me to go. See y'all tomorrow!


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1. Vim - He is legit. He is actually one of my own player characters that I fit into the role of the conductor.

It sounds like if I hide behind him, it'd be like using training wheels or something.

Ambrosia - She is also legit. She is another one of my own player characters. I'm rather fond of her. She is horribly curious though... So that is something to worry about. She could get in a bad spot while poking around. As the RP goes on, this will be more and more possible.

You make me feel bad for secretly try to rid myself of her. JK. But I cannot guarantee her safety. Hopefully somepony else can keep an eye on her. It feels like keeping Ambrosia alive is an optional quest augment. Like, you get bonus points for completing it.

Trixie - She is going to be killed, but she *is* a Trixie. So, you can sort of predict her.

There you go again, hinting at something farther along that will be explained later. Hopefully.

Dusky - He is just a little off. He is also missing at the moment. >_>

MIA ponies are useless to the quest.

Springer - I don't think I need to say much here... He is... Well... Yeah...

I knew not to trust him the moment I saw him. Never trust a green pegasus stallion in a hat. Those were Lapis's mother's exact words. Okay, maybe not, but I knew something is wrong with him.

??????? - Poor devil.... Already dead and the RP just started. He never even saw it coming, and... Noponoy has noticed... Yet.

Darn, I really liked that guy.

I think women are pleasing to the eye, but I can't imagine myself actually having any sort of intimate relations with them. Or, if there is any desire at all to do so, it's not great enough for me to actually attempt to experience it. If that makes any sense.

I feel the exact same way.


Dude... are you sure you can post that thing here? it's like sharing a cheat sheet between berry and you

Nah, I can't make heads or tails of it. Don't really plan to though.


Although, some people peek at a walk-through to help them get past a tough quest or mission. Or prepare themselves for a future threat...

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Okay, it's 4 am. I need to go to sleep.


My first major breakage in the wall happened last year when I was working. The place was so utterly boring that the only joy I got out of working there was talking to people I worked with. As far as opening up to people about other things, I only started that a few months ago.


Of course just having online college courses and hanging out with the same 2 people on the weekends really shuts you out from social interaction. From 2006 onwards that was and still is my dilemma. I'm still socially inept in person though.


See, I work at my school's switchboard answering phones as a way to get discounts on my tuition. I thought talking to people over the phone would help me feel less awkward talking to people I don't know/haven't had interactions with beforehand in other situations, but it didn't. I'm still terrible at it, always stumbling over words. Practicing didn't help, so it seems like I'm gonna be perma-awkward for all eternity.


And yeah, I hang out with the same few people all the time. And even then, they're more acquaintances than friends...


I feel the exact same way.


Really? So I'm not a TOTAL freak?

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