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Apple      Bloom

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awesome! i brought the stereo to school today, and my teacher found out what the problem was: turns out the replacement cable for the subwoofer didn't go all the way into that boombox, thus the sound wasn't complete stereo. with a bit of slicing on one of the ends, it fit nicely, and i now have a new stereo for the computer! :3


what is that a shitty 90s computer game?


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  • Brohoof 2
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How are you viscra? :)


well, i got my pair of Altec Lansing speakers fixed at the school, as i mentioned a few posts above, so i'm pretty happy about it. the sound quality isn't as good as the old ones, however at least i won't have to deal with the sound randomly dying in the left speaker anymore.


Hai Viscra :3 Oh yeah, and hey GCT, what's going on?




  • Brohoof 3
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Woo...1 hour drum session...tires you like hell if you don't have a drum to practice at home and get more stamina. :mellow: Anyway! good morning to everypony in the GCT! How are y'all doing?


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Eh, forget about it Star. I'll just call you too BFF's and be done with it. :P



Berry and Arcy.

Arcy who almost went through with the idea into a small fic.


Who says the idea is completely gone~?


wut Thankfully it would never be published

Maybe not away in fic sites...but who says I can't do it here~? Besides, your previous name and Haven's combines in what I call a legit, good ship name as is StarHaven.....................which kind of sounds like Starcraft or something similar...or I could make it go into a deeper level of poetic interpretation........................................................................................


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Being too self-conscious is getting in the way of things I want to do.

I know that feel bro. Trust me. I totally KNOW that feel.



We were talking about this the other night... I just can't do something like this on a whim, it's nearly impossible for me. Even when it came down to revealing what kind of music I listen to... I had a hard time letting all of my classic rock-bred friends that I was into electronic music, if you can believe that. Of course they didn't care when I told them, but in those moments before I said (mind you this is an example, I don't remember exactly how I made this known to them) "hey, I like deadmau5," I was all antsy. If I'm revealing something about myself to other people, no matter how trivial it is, I get anxious.

And once more, I totally know that feel. Many times has my mind made a big deal of things that really shouldn't be. Or has my self-consciousness made me think WAAAAY more than I really should have...it's frustating to say the least. :angry:


If you can believe this, my parents gave me a book to read that covered the whole "birds and the bees" talk. Just kinda out of nowhere, "Here, go read this book." Of course I already knew by that time 90% of the stuff I was reading, but I did it anyway.

Wut?! :blink: That's like...I dunno if to call that lack of communication, lack of confidence of your parents to talk about it, or just plain lazyness.


And you did?...I did have sex ed in school in first year of high school...but I did know a lot of the stuff by then..though it wasn't reall by choice that I knew...


I know I used to have a form of social anxiety, I shut off the rest of the world from what I was really thinking. I had the mindset that people would hate me, and I don't like the idea of that very much. I'm obviously outside of the social norm on most things, music especially. I don't even have a band from the United States in my top 10.

This. Pretty much, I AM not quite within the "social norm" in plenty pf things. I don't really care, but my self-conscious mind DOES care...kind of Bluetrace.


Everyone has things they do that they can't explain. Once you've built up a wall around you, it's hard to take one swing and knock the wall down.

Again. This. It takes a lot of will and strength to make that break within the mental "walls" one formulates through time. Especially if one hates change.



Uh... maybe. I still don't know what I would classify myself. I think women are pleasing to the eye, but I can't imagine myself actually having any sort of intimate relations with them. Or, if there is any desire at all to do so, it's not great enough for me to actually attempt to experience it. If that makes any sense.

I really don't know where would I classify myself...then again, my mind is kind of messed up because of a certain event before. So yeah...it MIGHT take a while to figure that one out in my case.


My first major breakage in the wall happened last year when I was working. The place was so utterly boring that the only joy I got out of working there was talking to people I worked with. As far as opening up to people about other things, I only started that a few months ago.

It's all in few steps. It's about considering each step as a breakage, and working confidence and "I DID IT!" moods until it gets better. :)


See, I work at my school's switchboard answering phones as a way to get discounts on my tuition. I thought talking to people over the phone would help me feel less awkward talking to people I don't know/haven't had interactions with beforehand in other situations, but it didn't. I'm still terrible at it, always stumbling over words. Practicing didn't help, so it seems like I'm gonna be perma-awkward for all eternity.

Well, tehre is the thing that you might not have encountered the type of people you have wanted to talk with. Suppose you encountered Jinx and Libby IRL, I'd think you three would hit it off rather well, to be completely honest. Getting the initiative to talk is an art sadly. I know that, cause I TOTALLY lack initiative to do things. For almost anything.


Really? So I'm not a TOTAL freak?

Pfffft, dude you're not a freak. You'd be surprised how many people feel the same way. Besides, who's to say you are a freak. Unless you suddnly went psycho and started killing people non pareil, then it isn't as bad as you think it is (plus, society is NOT the best thing to use for self-judgement considering a lot of the times it turns out to be a complete jerk).


And yeah, I hang out with the same few people all the time. And even then, they're more acquaintances than friends...

My friends ask me what I've been up to and I don't know what to tell them. All of it is mostly me relating to their interests, rather than the other way around. They don't really share my interests anymore except for a couple things here and there.

I know the feel on both. I have definitely more acquaintances than friends (I only would have...6 or 7 people I could really call my friends). And most of the times, the subject in the conversation deviates to something I can't even speak about, because I don't like it. Only with two or three this doesn't happen and the conversation is more two-way.


I've had a couple of double dates over the past few years, awkward doesn't even come close to describing them.

To be completely honest, I'd think any double date can awkward REALLY fast, REALLY easy. I'd probably wouldn't be able to go to one unless all four of us completely knew each other. After that...I'd be a walking mass of trembling flesh.
  • Brohoof 2
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Woo...1 hour drum session...tires you like hell if you don't have a drum to practice at home and get more stamina. :mellow: Anyway! good morning to everypony in the GCT! How are y'all doing?


see one of my previous posts for the answer.

also, SREPAID.

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see one of my previous posts for the answer.

also, SREPAID.


Stereo for the computer! WOOO!..Also....um...I just remembered that...um...Rarity wanted me to help her model for a dress! KTHANKSBAI! *runs like hell*



Why the celebration P_M?
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Stereo for the computer! WOOO!..Also....um...I just remembered that...um...Rarity wanted me to help her model for a dress! KTHANKSBAI! *runs like hell*


since when did you become interested in modeling for dresses?

also, if you're going to her place, anyway, show her this and see if she can turn it into a fashion thing.

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since when did you become interested in modeling for dresses?

also, if you're going to her place, anyway, show her this and see if she can turn it into a fashion thing.


I'm not. But like Spike I'd be willing to do so for Rarity. :D Besides, I believe that's a better fate than wearing a diaper, no offense. :P
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consensual molestfest irl


decode that how you will


....I am completely curious and horrified at what the hell would that decode in...but given the fact that I really, really don't want to know as well, I'll probably tell my mind to shut the hell up and furthr corrupt it for the sake of my sanity.



aww... now you made me sadface. :c


Ain't for me, never said it wasn't for you. :) Though I can't help you diaper the GCT dwellers. I'm the nice guy. I can't. :P
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Two deer walk out of a gay bar. One deer turns to the other and says, "Man, I can't believe I blew thirty bucks in there."


...in a row?


....I am completely curious and horrified at what the hell would that decode in...but given the fact that I really, really don't want to know as well, I'll probably tell my mind to shut the hell up and furthr corrupt it for the sake of my sanity.




Ain't for me, never said it wasn't for you. :) Though I can't help you diaper the GCT dwellers. I'm the nice guy. I can't. :P


its actually not as bad as it sounds

  • Brohoof 2
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Two deer walk out of a gay bar. One deer turns to the other and says, "Man, I can't believe I blew thirty bucks in there."


and now that we're on the same wavelength, do Thought Bubble want her drink now or later?


Ain't for me, never said it wasn't for you. :) Though I can't help you diaper the GCT dwellers. I'm the nice guy. I can't. :P


can i at least come get you with them sometime?
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