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Apple      Bloom

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Diamond Tiara: "Who's the new blank flank?"


Babs: "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little filly? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Equestrian Royal Guard, and I have been involved in numerous secret raids on Changelings, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in equine warfare and I'm the top archer in the entire Equestrian Hooved Forces."

  • Brohoof 3
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I just had a fried Spam sandwich with mayo. I can feel my arteries clogging. It was so goddamn good though...


That was so much fun! XD

15/10 Would do again.


^ This ^


Edit: Oh shit, there's a new ep.

Edited by bluetrace
  • Brohoof 2
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I just had a fried Spam sandwich with mayo. I can feel my arteries clogging. It was so goddamn good though...




^ This ^


Edit: Oh shit, there's a new ep.


Don't worry, You're not the only one who forgot.

Cause I did.



And I say we chill out in Join.me's more often.

  • Brohoof 1
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Don't worry, You're not the only one who forgot.

Cause I did.



And I say we chill out in Join.me's more often.


We both seem to forget every time... I need some way to remind myself, so I can actually join a livestream for once. The only livestream I've been to on mlpf was the one of the s2 finale.


And I agree.

  • Brohoof 1
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We both seem to forget every time... I need some way to remind myself, so I can actually join a livestream for once. The only livestream I've been to on mlpf was the one of the s2 finale.



I just gotta wake up in time for it. I can usually remember.

Guys, I have a confession to make.


Posted Image


@, I believe that I'm half alien. Due to unusual things that have happened in the past


We've gone over this already.

I'm out of this one.

Edited by Hven
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I have THE worst luck.


Alarm clocks were made for a reason. Of course they don't help if you don't remember to set them either.


My only alarm clock is my phone. It actually went off at 6:30 this morning because I forgot to un-set it since I last had to wake up early for school, but I turned it off and went back to sleep...

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speaking of which, a fun thing happened a few days ago here.


we haven't had a home phone in ages, TV has been mediocre in channel selections, and internet stuck to 8 mbit.

however, said days ago, an employee from the owner of these apartments knocked on the door. apparently, our current tv and internet subscriptions are gonna be replaced with one of their own. features include:


working home phone

TV with a bigger selection of channels, plus ones we've been missing for months

10 mbit internet, available to upgrade to 100 mbit.


all run through fiber-optic cable. this change is going to take place around the beginning of 2013.


the world isn't ending, after all!

  • Brohoof 5
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