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Apple      Bloom

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screencapping the hell out of this episode.

Babs expressions are very screenshot worthy.


Please make sure to get the one where she smiles during the song.


The four of them are in the bottom of the screen, Babs is to the right of them all and makes a face very similar to this creepy guy in Courage the Cowardly Dog who always calls out to Courage in a long drawn out way and smiles super creepy like.



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  • Brohoof 2
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ohmy...I want to read more on this. I never knew people actually went on suicidal rampages at post offices. I might have to use that phrase more often now.

Two of them happened in my state apparently, and I'm not surprised. There's nothing else to do here except to go on a suicidal rampage at the local post office.



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*slowly raises hand*

I...I would....


Several issues:


- Barrels are round. It's not easy to pack those things and have the least amount of unused space. A crate is more efficient, and it doesn't roll.

- Some ponies use barrels as makeshift toilets because they couldn't make to the bathroom in time.


It's more a reference to the societal phrase "going postal" It was named after several people; You guessed it, went on suicidal rampages at post offices.




That's what "Going postal" means?!!


screencapping the hell out of this episode.

Babs expressions are very screenshot worthy.


inb4 wacky captions.

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This song made my Mountain Dew taste like Maple Syrup.


Mountain dew is eww.

This song rocks.

Thankfully I already had it on my Ipod.

I hardshuffle to this everyday.



I'm lying about one of those things.


Two of them happened in my state apparently, and I'm not surprised. There's nothing else to do here except to go on a suicidal rampage at the local post office.




Wow, thats cray.


"then shot two postal workers dead"

That's correct grammar? Wow, I never would have guessed.

Last time I checked when you shoot someone, you usually kill them...

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Holy fuck this song makes me want to rave hard and jump around and shit


I don't think I've ever wanted to do that ever

  • Brohoof 2
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Please make sure to get the one where she smiles during the song.


The four of them are in the bottom of the screen, Babs is to the right of them all and makes a face very similar to this creepy guy in Courage the Cowardly Dog who always calls out to Courage in a long drawn out way and smiles super creepy like.



Posted Image


she got covered by the HUB logo. i could easily re-construct the image, though.
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That was a nice.

Very nice episode.

I liked it. No seriously, I liked that. I-I'd like to keep doing that.


+points for noticing the quote


Holy fuck this song makes me want to rave hard and jump around and shit


I don't think I've ever wanted to do that ever


That song is pure amazing.


I can't wait till they finally release the full game with it. I will make sure every fight I do has this song playing in the background.

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That was a nice.

Very nice episode.

I liked it. No seriously, I liked that. I-I'd like to keep doing that.


This sounds familiar, actually.


That song is pure amazing.


I can't wait till they finally release the full game with it. I will make sure every fight I do has this song playing in the background.


Isn't the game already out?

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This sounds familiar, actually.




Isn't the game already out?


Does it now? Hmmm?


And nope. Just a beta leak.


I love how Runescape takes it upon itself to tell you when your game session has ended.

As much good as that is probably doing, its not up to them at all.

Even if you can just refresh right then and log back in, its hella annoying and unneeded.

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Does it now? Hmmm?


It's probably from something I've never even seen before, and my brain is telling me that it's familiar just because you said you'd give points to someone that got the reference.

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It's probably from something I've never even played* before, and my brain is telling me that it's familiar just because you said you'd give points to someone that got the reference.


Or played.

Its a quote from Baird in Gears of War 3's multiplayer.

I don't remember if its headshot specific or not, but he says it sometimes upon a kill.


+points for honesty, though.

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... Hello? :3


Oh hai! :3 Dinner is here.


Eeyup, you found the right place.

Sadly, we are experience a slow time right about now.

either way, you may join us if you so choose.

Cookies are on the counter, don't touch the juice boxes, those are Star Weaver's, You can help yourself to the muffins and waffles, and be wary of the gravity. It likes to change on its own sometimes.


*floats off*

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In other news: I have returned with enough ice cream to sate my desire!

For now!

3 scoops of Cotton Candy and 1 scoop of Lemon Custard.

Probably should have gotten two of Lemon Custard, but this will do just fine for now!

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Alrighty, thank you Hven for the wonderful intro ;) *grabs a muffin*


@Princess Viscra Maelstrom Oh, that reminds me. The new episode. I forgot to watch it, but I usually wait since no Hub in Canada.

Edited by Lunatia
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