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request shop ~Lugi~'s Signature and Wallpaper Request Thread ~Re-Opened~


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Sig Size - 600 X 200
Sig Shape - Rounded
Background Colour/Theme - Light-blue and brown stripes (If you can, or just do a white background.)
Image(s) - a1b738a40d97e188b91ec375ddf1067f.jpg


Text - Shardz
Other - Feature a hidden muffin.

Edited by rman13

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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Here ye' go~



Not quite sure how it came out, needs your opinion tongue.png

Any changes/alterations wanted? Feel free to ask




Your signature is done as well.

Hopefully met your "neon-ish" colour request tongue.png

Although Rarity seems a bit bright, I think it came out decent.





@@Lightning Flicker


Ye your request is still in the thread. But I'll just repost the picture here.



Edited by Lugia


^~Signature by Me~^

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Why did you ignore me? I made a valid request, did i not? I am for certain i did, but just in case i willl up date it.

Nothing against you biggrin.png


I didn't ignore you :o


It's just I have a pretty decent waiting list at the moment with others who are waiting as well :| (posted on 1st page)


Sadly I can't pump these out in rapid succession so there is some delay between when a request is posted to when I upload the finished product.


^~Signature by Me~^

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Size: max


shape: rectangular please


background: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/931196_599434943400687_378568604_n.jpg
 just the face area if you can manage it


images: my oc, link in my sig, and Octavia http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/231/3/c/octavia_by_kairuokami-d4773tn.png

          if you could make them point to the center of the sig that'd be awesome


Text:  Red

Edited by Red
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I'd like if you could do a sig for me, however this is gonna be something special. I want you to incorporate my OC into a sig inspired by this song:  





Background and everything can be whatever comes to mind. The song might be on about love and all that, however what I want you to do is take the energy from it, and put it into the sig to make one epic piece of art, if you know what I mean. Best of luck, and thank you


I seem to be having a bit of trouble with your request, so (this is a first) I'm just going to show you what I have so far. And you can tell me if you would like to have anything changed/added. This is a bit easier than me trying to finish it and not be happy with the first copy.


Here's what I got SO far.





Would you mind telling me the name of that character you are using? Would help me if I knew where he was from/what he is instead of doing your request blind :3

Edited by Lugia


^~Signature by Me~^

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I seem to be having a bit of trouble with your request, so (this is a first) I'm just going to show you what I have so far. And you can tell me if you would like to have anything changed/added. This is a bit easier than me trying to finish it and not be happy with the first copy.


Here's what I got SO far.





Would you mind telling me the name of that character you are using? Would help me if I knew where he was from/what he is instead of doing your request blind :3


The sig looks great, prolly the best computer-generated art I've seen since Bioshock Infinite. The text can be Firebolt Blitz, plain and simple. So far, you're doing a great job, keep it up!

Edited by Firebolt Blitz


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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I seem to be having a bit of trouble with your request, so (this is a first) I'm just going to show you what I have so far. And you can tell me if you would like to have anything changed/added. This is a bit easier than me trying to finish it and not be happy with the first copy. Here's what I got SO far. img-1466344-1-Fireboltunf.png@ Would you mind telling me the name of that character you are using? Would help me if I knew where he was from/what he is instead of doing your request blind :3

Sorry, didn't think you'd need a name for the character...... Anyway, his name is Ninja-Ninja, and he's from the show Afro Samurai.


Hope this helps :)

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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I'd like if you could do a sig for me, however this is gonna be something special. I want you to incorporate my OC into a sig inspired by this song:  





Background and everything can be whatever comes to mind. The song might be on about love and all that, however what I want you to do is take the energy from it, and put it into the sig to make one epic piece of art, if you know what I mean. Best of luck, and thank you


Alright here is you finished request. Sorry it took so long. Hopefully it is to your liking :3




Any changes/alterations don't hesitate to ask~

Hey, so I'm taking advantage of this whole subscriber perk thing, and I'd like another sig, please. biggrin.png


Sig size: 600 x 200

Shape: Squared

Background: Anything suiting the picture

Text: Twisted

Extras: If you could put animation on anything in the sig, that would be much appreciated.





Yours is finished as well my little Genius. At first, wasn't quite sure how to tackle that image. But once I had a foot hold, it was smooth sailing. Hope you find it satisfactory as well.




You know the rest.


Should be able to get the rest of these requests out soon~


^~Signature by Me~^

~^Click on the Image above for already made signatures/graphics^~

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Alright here is you finished request. Sorry it took so long. Hopefully it is to your liking :3




Any changes/alterations don't hesitate to ask~


Yours is finished as well my little Genius. At first, wasn't quite sure how to tackle that image. But once I had a foot hold, it was smooth sailing. Hope you find it satisfactory as well.




You know the rest.


Should be able to get the rest of these requests out soon~

Ohh yesssss............*tongue rolls out of mouth* Now that is a sig to die for. And I love the touch of text on the bottom! Dude, you have done me a huge solid. Here's a reward *calls in an endless convoy of dumper trucks carrying muffins* Thanks so much, it looks better than I imagined


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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Alright here is you finished request. Sorry it took so long. Hopefully it is to your liking :3




Any changes/alterations don't hesitate to ask~



Yours is finished as well my little Genius. At first, wasn't quite sure how to tackle that image. But once I had a foot hold, it was smooth sailing. Hope you find it satisfactory as well.




You know the rest.


Should be able to get the rest of these requests out soon~

Awesome sig dude! It really fits well with the style of Ninja-Ninja. I also love the font of the text! Thanks man, it's really better than what I imagined.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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I would like to have a signature with the following features:


- Squared Sig

- Text : Smoothie

- Background and images: Image of the sky with clouds or a background of ponyville... also an image of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash together ... or an image of Fluttershy personal without Dash. 

- I have no special wishes for the colors...


Already thanks!




~Made by Kyoshi


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Well I'm in need of a good Signature Please, I hate to ask, but these are my Preferences


Sig Size - 600x200


Sig Shape - Squared Please


Background Colour/Theme - Old Worn Out Music theme Please?


Image - Jirachi, Any Photo of your choice, could you just make sure it's cute please?


Text - "Sapphire Quill"  

And if you can Possible Fit it in Without it looking bad,

"I see now that circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant... it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."


Sorry about the lack of Pictures, I'm not the best at Finding the Right thing.

I Thank you in Advance With all my heart,


~Sapphire Quill <3


✧ Made by Azura, Much Appreciated 

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Size - 600x100

Shape - Hmm, I don't have any round signatures... I want a rounded one :)

Image - A picture of Zoe Trent from Littlest Pet Shop

Background - Some colours that goes with her colour scheme

Text - Lolnus

Other - I don't have anything specific.



Signatures by Kyoshi, Cider Barrel and Lugia


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Sig Size - 600x200


Sig Shape - Squared


Background Colour/Theme - I'm not actually sure what I want for this one :blush:. If you think of anything that would work well with the pictures, go for it.


Image(s) - http://up1ter.deviantart.com/art/Rarity-370479569?q=favby%3Aalwaysrainbow%2F55094753&qo=2




Text - The Belle of the Ball, The Star of the Show


Much obliged :)

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Man, didn't realize how long ago these requests were sent in. Really sorry guys :( 




All set. I had a bit of trouble trying to use the secondary image (didn't want to work with the background :|) so I looked around and tried a different image instead. Pretty simple, but I think the overall feel is there. Although your opinion is what truly matters.






Trying to find a decent artwork of the Lady is quite hard :X (and using real/realistic pictures with anime doesn't help my cause ><). A little iffy on the outcome, but I would like to hear your criticism. 



 *though I don't watch AT, I saw that she spoke Korean so I added a lil something extra to her :3*




Yours is the last of this batch to be completed. Simple design, though I think I may have gone a bit overboard on the brushes :|. And yes, I did include a hidden muffin somewhere in the sig :P.




Any changes any of you guys would like please, don't hesitate to tell me (I want to be sure you're completely satisfied even if it means starting over).~




I'll be continuing with a couple more once I take a quick break (planning on working throughout the night to catch up).


^~Signature by Me~^

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Me like the new signature.




And my signature is changed. Thanks! I love the design and the colors and everything. I understand finding a decent image of Lady was quite the challenge so I'm pretty impressed you made it work here. Nice use of Korean language beside her too, but it's a tad too difficult to see.



I really like it so no other words can be said other than thanks and I credited you on my profile page.

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Me like the new signature.




And my signature is changed. Thanks! I love the design and the colors and everything. I understand finding a decent image of Lady was quite the challenge so I'm pretty impressed you made it work here. Nice use of Korean language beside her too, but it's a tad too difficult to see.



I really like it so no other words can be said other than thanks and I credited you on my profile page.


No problem.

As for the korean, I didn't really planning on it to be a vital or prominent part of the piece. More like a little easer egg of sorts.


^~Signature by Me~^

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I thought i can try you out seeing on how many cool sigs. you do!


Sig Size- 600x200


Sig Shape-Squared


Background Color/Theme-Faded fire with bright lines of red going across it (also like the one in the picture)


Images-http://browse.deviantart.com/art/OKAMI-SAKU-97184638 on the right of the sig.


Text- Lunia


Other- Make the Lunia text a little special like something to go with the background (surprise me)


Signature made by me.



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Your request is finally done. And I will say, using your image was hard since it's a background and a primary component to the signature. Hopefully it's satisfactory in your eyes.


Any changes/alterations or just simply want it scrapped don't hesitate to ask.


Yours is also done. Since you wanted an incredibly simple sig, I decided to learn some text effects and apply 'em to your sig this way it stands out a bit more. Hope you like it~



Yours is the last of this run to be completed. And, overall, I think this one came out pretty good. The overall emotion of the signature is quite pronounced and works well (though the bottom image seems to be a bit out of place in my opinion :|). I hope you like the end result~


Any requests for changes from any of you, I would be more than happy to comply.

@@Sapphire Quill

Don't worry, I will do EVERYTHING in my power to make sure that EPIC quote fits into your signature!

Edited by Lugia


^~Signature by Me~^

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@Sapphire Quill   Don't worry, I will do EVERYTHING in my power to make sure that EPIC quote fits into your signature!

Why thank you very much my good sir *Tips Hat* I love that quote, I just love Pokemon really, thank you in advance <3


~Sapphire Quill



✧ Made by Azura, Much Appreciated 

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