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Going Vegetarian


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I don't see the point in why we should stop eating meat... For decades we've relied on meat to be one of our main food sources, I don't see any reason why it should stop. Plants can't give you everything by themselves...


It's incredibly annoying when you order or make something that has meat in it, just to find out the person you wanted to surprise was a vegan, just because she read a few articles on how "Bad" it was to eat meat...


Sure, I eat loads of plants and fruits, but I do not look away from the positives that meat could give you... I love to mix them up both into a tasty and healthy meal :)


The human kind is designed to be omnivores.

Edited by Concord
  • Brohoof 2


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Meat is a delicacy for most people, I don't see why they should completely stop and stay away from it. I don't eat too much of it, knowing a lot of the negatives about it, it's a good idea to mix it with some of the healthier choices of food like a medium-rare steak with vegetables for dinner.

Some of my classmates are actually thinking about eating a lot more meat to gain their weight and bulk up xP

  • Brohoof 1


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How I feel checking this thread:




I would have thought more people here would be open/willing to go vegetarian. OH WELL...


Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to researching cartoons by watching season 1 of The Powerpuff Girls.

If you wanted to try and make people stop eating meat, change the title, make your post a lot less aggressive, and give the positives of both meat and plants. I came to this thread already feeling attacked for a life style. That's not what you should do when trying to change someone's life style. I personally will never be a vegetarian because of how much I love meat and the fact it gives me a fuller belly. But I do know some people who want to, but if they saw this, they would change their mind on that and eat a hamburger with me. You went about this completely wrong. Instead of having an aggressive tone in your post, be nicer, explain the reasons in a less threatening way, and give both sides. Through this entire thread, I felt you had been threatening in your statements (aggressive is probably a better word) It really made me fight back way harder on why I thought we should eat meat.

  • Brohoof 3


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*pulls out a chicken leg, and starts to slowly eat it while you all watch*


ill stop being an omnivore when meat stops being delicious and nutricious

  • Brohoof 3



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Here in Finland, we are told that meat is a vital part in a healthy life for a human being.



From meat you get lots of Proteins, Irons/minerals and Vitamin-B.


I'm not going to tell you that you are doing wrong if you don't want to or if you want to eat meat.

I'm just saying that people should eat a balanced amount of both. 


Carbohydrates from vegetables and Most of the Proteins and such from meat. 

If you leave the other, be it the vegetables or the meat, you can't have a completely healthy life.


I'm not even going to go to the animal cruelty thing. If you don't want to eat meat because of that, fine then.


In the end, it's your own choice and everyone should respect that.

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm a level five vegan. I don't eat anything that casts a shadow.

In case you don't know, vegetables DO cast a shadow. To see for yourself, get a head of cabbage and place it somewherein a lighted area. When you look under the head, there should some dark circle. That's a shadow. :derp:
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I live in an area where deer have not nearly enough natural predators and if there was no hunting season they would not only do harm to their own species but other species in the area by wiping out food sources and repoducing at a rate where they would also spread disease and take over space.


So if we aren't suppose to eat meat would you prefer for people to just kill the deer and leave them there to rot not utilizing any of it and being wasteful?


If you want to be a vegitarian or vegan I respect your choice however do not go around trying to argue meat is cruel. Yes factory farming is cruel and I would love to see reforms on it and i try my best to eat meat that family has hunted and gave to us because I know the death was fast or kosher meats due to the very humane way yoy kosher kill an animal.


I eat meat, my family eats meat and if i had the land I would raise my own chickens for meat so I knew they weren't kept in a harmful fucking cage where they never saw the light or got to run around.


Humans have been hunters and gathers for thousands ad thousands of years. I am thankful for the meat and I always say a small blessing in my heart to the meat from.the animal I consume, I thank it for giving me nurtishment.


You cannot go around bashing people for their choices same way I will not bash you for yours but you are not a better person or suddenly gain some level of self righteousness just because you are a vegetarian, end of story, so step off your pedastal

  • Brohoof 2

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In case you don't know, vegetables DO cast a shadow. To see for yourself, get a head of cabbage and place it somewherein a lighted area. When you look under the head, there should some dark circle. That's a shadow. derpy_emoticon2.png




Anyway, I don't much care if people are veg or not.  I've recently tried eating less red meat (as it's almost literally all I used to eat), but there's no way I'd give up meat entirely.

  • Brohoof 7


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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Mm-hmm.  Yes.  Some very good points in support of a vegetarian diet. Very entertaining indeed.


*keeps reading, while enjoying a delicious, medium rare cheeseburger*

  • Brohoof 3



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I enjoy my meat as much as the next person. Though I don't eat mostly meat, I eat it it more when I'm in the mood for meat. I did recently find out that one of my teachers at my college is a vegan. One of my classmates had a conversation about being a vegan and it was interesting to hear. Still won't change my mind about eating meat. I do know what goes on in slaughter houses, and what veal is and how its made, but that's not going to stop me. I do enjoy veal, but I don't eat it hardly ever. I mean, we humans who are vegans seem to take offense to those who do eat meat, and the process of killing the animal, but it's no different than a lion killing and eating an antelope, or a wolf or coyote killing and eating chickens. It's part of life, and without predators, a species can run rampant and wild and overtake an area. Humans have been eating meat for a very, very long time. So it's not something that we are just going to suddenly say as a species, no more meat. 


Both sides have valid arguments, though one should respect the other's decision's and opinions.


I feel an appropriate title for the thread would be: "Should you eat meat?" It sounds better than what the title is, and it still gets the point across.



Oh, and if I was to become a vegan, I would only do it if it gave me vegan powers.






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I agree that factory farming is horrific, damaging to the environment, and in fact produces inferior meat.  (If you've ever had a real free range chicken, raised out in a yard on nothing more complex than corn, you know that the modern mutant factoryfarm-chicken has virtually no flavor at all.)


I agree that in these modern times, it is possible to live a normal healthy life without consuming meat, though I don't think it's practical to do so without supplements, and at this point it can also be extremely inconvenient to try and get veg-friendly options at restaurants and moreso at friends' homes.  I have a friend who did long-haul trucking for awhile, and went vegetarian.  He ended up having to make most of his food himself in the cab of his truck, because as you might imagine, it isn't easy to stay meat-free when the only places around or open are Waffle House, Steak & Shake, or McDonalds.


I saw a LOT of whining in this thread about vegetables tasting lousy.  Everypony, you haven't been eating properly prepared vegetables.  It doesn't take much in the way of spices, herbs, or a different method of cooking, to turn DREADFUL limp *gray* greenbeans into something you'd actually enjoy eating.  Peas?  Brusselsprouts?  I bet a lot of you are making faces.  You've been traumatized by your parent's cooking, most likely.  Veggies can taste great, and vegetarians have come up with a lot of recipes that mimic dishes you love, but skip the meat.  It's amazing how one can achieve meat-like flavors with things like nuts and mushrooms.  In short, try not to hate on veggies so much.  It's not their fault someone who didn't know what they were doing cooked them for you.  If your parents burned your steak to a crisp every time you had it, you'd probably hate steak today instead of boiled cabbage.


Having said all of that, I'm not interested in cutting meat out of my diet.  Variety is the spice of life, and though for purely environmental reasons it would be wise of us to eat meat in moderation (and eat higher quality meat, from small local sources ideally) I know it's fruitless to even attempt to push such an opinion on people.  Most of us are going to do what's easy, what's cheap, and what satisfies us the fastest.  


That's why we're still driving gas-powered cars.  That's why we're still using coal-burning power plants.


The ideal solution in my eyes?  Vat-grown meat.  We're making great progress towards this, if you've been paying attention to any news about tissue culturing, skin grafts, etc.  It's not an easy problem; it isn't a simple matter of culturing muscle cells in a petri dish.  What we call 'meat' is a complex arrangement of several tissues, and it's been aged and exercised besides.  We will get there in time though, and the new 'ranches' will take up less space, consume fewer resources, cause zero pain and suffering, and will even expand our palate.  Imagine eating bear steaks, or lemur hotdogs.  There's no guilt anymore, because nothing with a brain died to give you your dinner.  The conventional ranches would not all vanish, unfortunately.  There will be hold-outs, people who insist the Real Thing tastes better, but it will become more and more of a niche luxury.


It's very hard to convince people to change for nebulous ethical reasons, especially when the animals suffering are so tragically un-cute and apparently dumb.  Trying to convince them it's for their health doesn't work either, because most of them realize you don't give two ratbums about their health personally, you're just pushing your agenda.  Sure, you might have some ethereal wish to see overall health in the world increase, but otherwise?  Yeah.  


It's been said already, but it bears repeating.  The number one reason why non-vegetarians dislike vegetarians is their attitude.  It comes through loud and clear in the title of this thread and in the tone of the original post.  You're not pitching an argument, you're making a demand.  You're standing on the stump of righteousness, not making an appeal.  It's admirable that you've managed to resist the temptation of meat, and sharing what you've learned--your reasons for your decision--is well and good, but next time I suggest you take the approach of offering your knowledge rather than demanding change.

  • Brohoof 2
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Funny thing, I was born in the northern part of Mexico, a big city, surrounded by ranches, one which my grandparents owned. I lived in the city, but for two or three years, I spent living in the ranch. There, it was meat on every meal, there was always plenty of it, otherwise all you could eat besides it was rice and beans. There was always an endless supply of meat, pretty much all there was, anything else was scarce, i grew up raising animals which were turned into food afterwards, none was wasted, we ate it for the sake of having something to eat, we didn't save the animals we killed as leftovers in the freezer, if we needed just enough for the day we'd kill a chicken or two. That was honestly a great time, the food was fresh and it was homecooked, I never saw anything wrong with that.


But eating meat you find in a shelf at the store is? I mean, sure the ranch stuff was fun and all, but I don't think everyone has to kill an animal themselves to be sure it didn't suffer through such horrible and unnecessary death. It wasn't born to live and run in the fields, ever since it was born it had one purpose, to be food, so why should they be in a cattle heaven where they'll suddenly be unexpectedly "murdered"?


If people want to eat meat, why should you care? People've doing it for so long, for the sake of their nutrition and to remain alive, while starvation probably isn't as common here in the US, in many other countries, many wouldn't mind what the animal went through to keep this person alive.


And if people eat it because it tastes good, again, why should you care? Is it selfish? Perhaps. Does someone not doing make that person by comparison superior? No.


No matter what, those animals will be killed, they'll continue killing them, and there's nothing to be done about it besides not buying it and leaving it to the next person to buy it.

  • Brohoof 4




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I could never be a vegetarian. It just couldn't happen. I love bacon far too much. It's amazing.

Of course, I love other kinds of meat too. Especially burgers. And steak.

...now I want a burger. With bacon.

  • Brohoof 2

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I am eating meat for incredibly selfish reasons. It tastes fabulous, and I love it too much to stop. Yes, it would be healthier for me to eat veggies. Yes, I would live longer. Yes, maybe a cow or two would live a little longer before getting eaten by someone else. I would minimize the deaths I'm responsible for.
But I'm also fairly athletic, and eating meat is a precious luxury of mine I don't intend to give up. There's no need to be so psycho about it.

Edited by Artemis
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1) Do animals take away gasses from our atmosphere that are slowly roasting us... 2) Do they provide life-supporting oxygen to the world? Allowing us - and the world - and the animals you are talking about to survive a painful and horrific collapse of the world's eco systems?


1. No, cows produce large amounts of methane, which is contributing to the greenhouse effect.


2. No, plants produce oxygen; animals exhale carbon dioxide.


Thing is, veggies don't actually eat trees. Weird, right?


I want people to breed less animals to begin with. Just eating a hamburger is shortsided, Ron White.


Anyway I appreciate your views on the subject - But I enjoy meat and thus shall continue eating it even if I am a 'monster'


I don't think you're a monster! You've only been doing what you've been doing since you were very small. I just think that's no reason to keep doing it. I can't make anybody change their mind, but I can try to give you some reasons to possibly change. img-1382909-1-smile.png




No matter what, those animals will be killed, they'll continue killing them, and there's nothing to be done about it besides not buying it and leaving it to the next person to buy it.


If I don't say something, then that means I just stood by while all of these horrible things happened. In my opinion, future humans will look back at the things we did and shake their heads. I understand that the world can't change overnight, but if even one person is convinced to try it, I suceeded.

Edited by Artemis



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We do need meat as part of a BALANCED diet. Fact: vegetarians are more likey to die six years before a non-vegetarian. Not biased, my vegetarian friend told me that!

And if we didn't eat meat (particularly bacon) the animals wouldn't exist, there would be no need for them. Yes, I know we get eggs from chickens and mil from cows but meat is the major thing in marketing, wouldn't you agree?

Edited by Meadowsong
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Well, if I apply my knowledge of our ancestors, also history, our ancestors were omnivores. Meaning they ate a diet of fruit, vegetables and meat. So, evolution allowed us to eat meat and fruit, so why can't we eat both?


The reason why people don't eat meat is of conscience, which we are the only animals to have. Because of this, we are aware of being aware, allowing us to make important choices for us. This is why you don't see carnivores suddenly deciding to stop eating meat as they see it as being wrong, this is because they can't. They follow instinct.


So, in short, it is ones choice. If you want to eat meat, go ahead. If you don't want to eat meat, go ahead. Everyone can choose what they want to do through millions of years of evolution. Shame some people take this for granted... =/

  • Brohoof 1


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Um...you're really gonna get upset with people because of what they eat? Not sure why I'm even responding to this post, but...*jumps on the bandwagon*


It's fine and all if you want to be a vegetarian, but...I'm sticking with bacon. Old habits die hard.  derpy_emoticon1.png


Now, people who eat whale meat, that bothers me...but other cultures have different cuisines and I have to respect that. People who live by the sea make their living from it, and that includes their diet. Living in a landlocked area, eating whale meat would never even cross my mind, but for some people it's completely normal. Some cultures eat snails. Some eat guinea pigs. It might not be necessary, but it's what's available. For most of humanity the number one available meat comes from cows, pigs, and chickens. True, people don't have to eat it but many do. It doesn't mean they 'shouldn't' be.


Anyway, don't get too stressed out by us omnivores. We're nice people who enjoy our burgers now and then, that's all. :)

Edited by Hazel-Beam
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Um...you're really gonna get upset with people because of what they eat? Not sure why I'm even responding to this post, but...*jumps on the bandwagon*


It's fine and all if you want to be a vegetarian, but...I'm sticking with bacon. Old habits die hard.  img-1382980-1-derpy_emoticon1.png


Now, people who eat whale meat, that bothers me...but other cultures have different cuisines and I have to respect that. People who live by the sea make their living from it, and that includes their diet. Living in a landlocked area, eating whale meat would never even cross my mind, but for some people it's completely normal. Some cultures eat snails. Some eat guinea pigs. It might not be necessary, but it's what's available. For most of humanity the number one available meat comes from cows, pigs, and chickens. True, people don't have to eat it but many do. It doesn't mean they 'shouldn't' be.


Anyway, don't get too stressed out by us omnivores. We're nice people who enjoy our burgers now and then, that's all. smile.png


Well, if you look at it, you can eat everything in the universe. Of course that some stuff is deadly and other stuff might make you sick, but it doesn't stop the thing from being eaten.


Also, fun fact: Paper, wood, sugar and cotton have very similar molecular structures.


Back on topic: Well, I eat meat and I don't really die from eating it. So why not? Also, it's a much simpler way for getting my proteins.



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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Oh boy. An edgy vegetarian!


Look at our teeth. We're meant to be omnivores. Eating both meat and vegetables. If we were supposed to only eat vegetables, we wouldn't have four fangs.


You don't know how much meat helps the system, especially the protein. Please refrain to make stupid and baseless facts as your 'points' to prove that meat is bad.




5) Eating meat causes death to other animals, obviously. And, despite attempts to make slaughter "humane", whether it be "kosher", "halal" or otherwise, it quite probably, or even certainly, causes stress and pain as well.


Boy, you just went full PETA here.




Oh, boo-freaking-hoo. What do you want? People to kill cows with hugs and kisses? Kill chickens while snuggling them? Are lions nice to deers when they're hunting them? No.


Why don't you complain that eating vegetables kills plants, huh? Because plants don't feel or show emotions? Double standards!

  • Brohoof 2
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We do need meat as part of a BALANCED diet. Fact: vegetarians are more likey to die six years before a non-vegetarian. Not biased, my vegetarian friend told me that!

And if we didn't eat meat (particularly bacon) the animals wouldn't exist, there would be no need for them. Yes, I know we get eggs from chickens and mil from cows but meat is the major thing in marketing, wouldn't you agree?

Animals don't exist to feed us, they exist for whatever reason, nature, god made them, whatever. They exist to live and breathe and thrive, and yes, become food for predators. They do not exist solely to feed us, and I think it's rather disgusting that you think so.

Edited by wolfheartmoon
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The Basic Argument


1) Eating meat is not at all required for health.


2) There is no nutrient in meat that cannot be found in a vegetarian diet.


3) There is no disease where eating meat is required for the treatment or cure of the disease.


4) Therefore, eating meat is absolutely unnecessary.


5) Eating meat causes death to other animals, obviously. And, despite attempts to make slaughter "humane", whether it be "kosher", "halal" or otherwise, it quite probably, or even certainly, causes stress and pain as well.


6) There is more than enough cruelty in the world as it is; no sane person can deny this. There is no need to add to the world's cruelty, unnecessarily.



DISCLAIMER: If you are a dependant in your household you probably can't safely make the transition to vegetarian. Those that are considered dependent shouldn't be too hard on themselves. However, you can try making an effort to eat healthier. img-1380400-1-wink.png


Also, some countries haven't developed to the point where people can sustain themselves without meat. Though, if you have the internet, that's probably not the case.


THANK YOU!!! Someone agrees with me! I am a vegetarian and all my friends call me 'not normal' when they are the only not normal ones by eating meats (I am joking but you know!) But anyways VEGETARIAN REUNITE!!!   

  • Brohoof 1



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