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How many ATHEIST bronies out there?


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To my parent's dismay, I am an atheist.


In fact, they say I'm going to hell.


Oh well, at least I can hang with my home skillet Satan and my gay friends can make me nice suits.

  • Brohoof 1
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To my parent's dismay, I am an atheist.


In fact, they say I'm going to hell.


Oh well, at least I can hang with my home skillet Satan and my gay friends can make me nice suits.

Well at least you had the guts to confront your parents and tell them that your an atheist. I haven't told mine, but they would probably do the same shit.
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How didn't I see this sooner? Present and accounted for. Most of my family (mainly the ones who are close to me) are atheists, as well as many of my adult friends. I've gone to a catholic school until just recently and I absolutely hated it. They tried forcing their morals and beliefs down my throat and I just got sick of it, and on my last day (while we were in mass. I actually laugh when I think back to it) I just freaked the fuck out and stormed out. The next day, I decided to pull out of there and enroll in public school, which sounded like a bad idea if you look at how low Louisiana public schools are rated, but I'm having fun and excelling in my classes. ... Don't know why I went on a little tangent about that, but now that it's typed up, I don't feel like deleting it, so...

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am an atheist as well, in fact, I am very open about it. The way I see it, the religious are the ones that are making a claim and if they decide to judge me because I personally think that their claim is a bunch of garbage, then whatever. They are not worth my time. 


I was a christian up until I was, 15 I think. Even then I still thought that almost none of it made sense. Now, I know that none of it does. The only real reason I stayed a christian at that time was the fear of hell. Gotta love the hook, line, sinker tactic of most religions. 


Honestly, I do not see religion as a good thing but I have kept this to myself for the past few years. I don't want to needlessly start fights or debates with others, as they accomplish nothing most of the time. 


So yeah, +1 from me. 

  • Brohoof 1



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Just like Twilight, I always demand a sort of proof to things. If something is not proven in any way to be real then it can't be believed in. A lot of ideas can be believed in such as the idea of friendship. They aren't physical but most would believe in it.


So I don't believe in human based religion though I believe in friendship.

Edited by ILetThePoniesIn

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im a atheist because there is no proof he is real and so far all religion has done is start wars, make life harder for people, threaten people if they don't do what they are told, and just all around make life harder.

  • Brohoof 3


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I consider myself functionally atheist and technically agnostic. The reasons for this are a bit complicated, so let me explain.


It can be confirmed that most gods of most religions are nonexistent. This is because we can read what a religion's scripture says, apply the scientific method, and determine through observation of history and our environment that none of said scripture's events took place. We can all agree with this.


However things get tricky when you get into deism and similar stances. Now that these gods don't affect the observable universe, it's impossible to scientifically determine if they exist. Therefore, I take the agnostic approach - I do not know, or more accurately, I can not know.


This is good philosophically, it's supportable based on the lack of evidence. However, a god does much more than exist, at least generally they do. What if a new religion suggests that there is a god outside of our universe that watches over us all, and that I should worship him? I can't prove scientifically that this god doesn't exist, because I do not have the tools necessary (if they exist) to observe its effects. All I can say is 'I can not know'. However, what if I don't like how the religion fasts? Or worships? Maybe they sacrifice people? I certainly don't want to be a part of that.


This god has noticeable effects on my way of life, and his effect on me is not noticeable in the slightest. What if I devote my life to this religion, and realize that it was wrong? I have wasted my life based on taking a chance with a religion because of unknowns, perhaps harming a few people in the process.


Therefore, the most responsible choice I can take is to believe that regardless of if I know or not, that these gods are irrelevant enough to me to not exist at all. This means that I can live my life the way I want to without worrying about some sort of god watching over me, and that I'm not tied down by any binding religious practices or beliefs that I disagree with.


As for religion itself, I take a neutral stance. Though I have come to my own conclusions, and will be more than happy to debate civilly with others about those conclusions, I don't consider it my right to force my own opinions on others. I do not agree with those who believe in one god or another, however if they are not willing to change based off of evidence, it is not my place to force it on them, nor is it anyone's.

Edited by Durandal
  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Blue Moon

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Names why do we have to name ourselves this or that? If you must know i practice zen/taoism/atheism. I never can understand why in the atheism threads its always christianity or islam or judaism? why not caodaism or falun gong? Here is some of my persoanl philosophy/ beliefs Quoted from the Hua Hu Ching.



Does one scent appeal more than another? Do you prefer this flavor, or that feeling? Is your practice sacred and your work profane? Then your mind is separated: from itself, from oneness, from the Tao. Keep your mind free of divisions and distinctions. When your mind is detached, simple, quiet, then all things can exist in harmony, and you can begin to perceive the subtle truth. 




Why scurry about looking for the truth? It vibrates in every thing and every not-thing, right off the tip of your nose. Can you be still and see it in the mountain? the pine tree? yourself? Don't imagine that you'll discover it by accumulating more knowledge. Knowledge creates doubt, and doubt makes you ravenous for more knowledge. You can't get full eating this way. The wise person dines on something more subtle: He eats the understanding that the named was born from the unnamed, that all being flows from non- being, that the describable world emanates from an indescribable source. He finds this subtle truth inside his own self, and becomes completely content. So who can be still and watch the chess game of the world? The foolish are always making impulsive moves, but the wise know that victory and defeat are decided by something more subtle. They see that something perfect exists before any move is made. This subtle perfection deteriorates when artificial actions are taken, so be content not to disturb the peace. Remain quiet. Discover the harmony in your own being. Embrace it. If you can do this, you will gain everything, and the world will become healthy again. If you can't, you will be lost in the shadows forever. 



In the bible jesus says that he has food and water that one will never have to eat or drink again. he was basicaly saying the same thing as verse 38



Good and bad, self and others, life and death: Why affirm these concepts? Why deny them? To do either is to exercise the mind, and the integral being knows that the manipulations of the mind are dreams, delusions, and shadows. Hold one idea, and another competes with it. Soon the two will be in conflict with a third, and in time your life is all chatter and contradiction. Seek instead to keep your mind undivided. Dissolve all ideas into the Tao. 



I would love to hear your guyses input on these things.

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I'm an atheist. I hate to be rude, but I hate EVERY religion. I'm also not a fan of Christians, Muslims, and all the other ones. I think religion is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard, especially the people who follow their life by it. Plus, Science actually gets you somewhere, Religion does NOTHING. 

  • Brohoof 1


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I can't say I consider Thirty-Eight good advise at all, and honestly I view it as saying 'stop asking questions'. Like Carl Sagan said, we are all starstuff - we are a way for the cosmos to know itself. Because of this, discovery is the greatest plight that humanity could ever undertake. To just 'go with the flow' and to be satisfied with not knowing is to be blissfully ignorant.


Forty-One also sounds suspiciously like 'thinking is bad'. Yes, ideas shall come into conflict, however this is the process of acquiring knowledge - discussion of ideas until the correct one remains. Sometimes there isn't a perfectly correct answer - this is fine as well. This merely means we must find the best answer, whether it's best for ourselves or best objectively.


They sound like noble concepts, however I can not agree with an ideology that downplays the necessity of knowledge and discovery.

Edited by Durandal


Signature by Blue Moon

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Yup, I am an atheist. I haven't believed in God since I was 16 years old, at first I just started questioning the existence of a deity. I slowly started disbelieving in the whole Christian belief.


Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Christians, or religious people for that matter, just the extremists who want to force their beliefs on everybody.

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I guess I'm technically agnostic, but I generally say I am atheist.


I do not believe in any deity, but I do not deny the possibility of their existence. My disbelief comes from lack of evidence for, not evidence against. It might sound like I'm nitpicking, but it's very different.

Some people say that "because X happened, there can't be a God" which I see as being just as fallacious as saying "X happened, so there must be a God."

I look at it as "people claim that there is a God, but they do not present any reliable evidence, so there is no reason for me to believe, especially when it contradicts with things that DO have reliable evidence."

If reliable evidence of a deity(s) were to come forth, and it stood up to scrutiny, then I'd have to reevaluate my beliefs :P


I believe that there is no objective question that can't eventually be explained through experimentation, and because I feel pretty existentially fulfilled without religion, there is no reason to find one.



I do, however, think that in general, religion is a good thing. Many religions teach good morals, and even though it'd be ideal if people didn't need a religion to teach them that stealing is a dick move, when it comes down to it, does matter where somebody was taught not to steal as long as they took it to heart? I was raised Mormon, and whether or not you believe what they believe, I don't think anybody will disagree that the majority of Mormons are just really fucking nice people. Lots of focus on family values, which is the main reason why I have such a good relationship with everybody in my family. My parents were brought up well, and they brought me up well. I've since left the church, but all of that influence stuck with me.


Yes, there are extreme cults that are harmful, yes, some religions might disagree with what you believe, but at the end of the day, I think religion has done a lot more good for the world than it has done wrong.

Edited by Evilshy
  • Brohoof 3

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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I'm an Athiest. I've actually been an Athiest since I was very young, but not because I was raised to be Athiest, if not with my own thoughts I compelled myself into not believing in the possibility of there being a God. The main question that lead me towards Athiesm at a young age, was 'If God created everything, who created God?'. Normally, I get asked as to why I don't believe in God, and I ask them that question in counterpart. The answer I get most of the time is 'God is a superior being, he created himself.' Now, I know that's not physically possible, no matter how you view it. I don't actually try to convert people into Athiesm, as I respect everyone's beliefs and thoughts, unless they harm someone or use them wrongly.


  • Brohoof 2


Take Me Out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You got another atheist here. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm an anti-theist but I would say I'm a practicing Atheist in that I will attempt to educate people about the evidence for evolution etc. but you'll never see me raising a militant army to kill all non-non-believers


Sig by [member=~TheGammy~]

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm an Apatheist as I don't disregard the ideology of belief in a deity but I feel that it is not important to MY life.


Essentially, I believe that I don't know if there is a god or not nor do I know if there is an afterlife or how we came to exist but quite frankly I don't care until there is hard evidence to prove any of it. If you're happy being religious then I am proud that you can still have faith in this modern age as I feel it must be extremely difficult to do so. 

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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Been living as an atheist since forever ago. I could never pay attention or even keep myself awake during a sermon, didn't really care much about what the pastor was talking about in the first place and honestly never found a way to balance out religion with the things in life I enjoy. So I simply decided to go atheist and there, problem solved.

  • Brohoof 2
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I consider myself to be a mix between christian and atheist.


How does that makes sense? Well, I'll tell you...



1. I believe in heaven and hell.


2. I believe there is a devil.


3. I believe the meaning the life is NOT to obey god, but to have fun and enjoy life.


4. I don't believe that the world was created in seven days.


So to put it simply, I am unpure, indecisive, and unable to find a good way to finish this sentence.

Edited by DJ Shy-3
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I consider myself to be an atheist, but I believe in the existence of the soul and life after death, that everyone goes after death to the place in which they believe.

My parents are Catholics, I gave up on this because at some point I found that this just didn't fit my way of seeing the world and I don't believe in the existence of God. I prefer to treat religion as a philosophy and if I need I can take its teachings as good life advices, nothing more. And this facts didn't affect my opinion on the soul and life after death - I came to this myself through my thoughts.


I can respect others until their religion/philosophy does not try to impose their views and way of life to me.

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I consider myself to be a mix between christian and atheist.


How does that makes sense? Well, I'll tell you...



1. I believe in heaven and hell.


2. I believe there is a devil.


3. I believe the meaning the life is NOT to obey god, but to have fun and enjoy life.


4. I don't believe that the world was created in seven days.


So to put it simply, I am unpure, indecisive, and unable to find a good way to finish this sentence.




Welp, there's actually an easy way to work out whether or not you're an atheist. 


Atheist simply means "The lack of a belief in a deity". Nothing more, and nothing less. You can believe in Hell, in Heaven, or in whatever kind of afterlife you want. You can even believe in fairies and unicorns. Atheism isn't a dogma with rules as to what you can and can't believe in. The only question it has an answer to is, "Do you believe in God/gods?". If you don't, then welcome to the atheist club.

Edited by Hansel
  • Brohoof 1

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I mean, not like it is anything important or what not, but I'm an atheist brony as well. 


Used to find that "God" was real and that something about universes existing from another plane of reality or something. 


But back on to topic, my friend actually taught me the ways of the ones known as "Atheists," he showed me the dark side and I joined.


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what I thing of god is hes a myth I dont understand why people say he real theres no prouf of him

a song to explain this is a song called I dont go to church


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I'm an agnostic, I suppose. I doubt the existence of a god since I can neither prove nor disprove it. But I don't make much of it, especially not here. Our religious stances make little difference in the pony fandom and that's one of the good things about it.

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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