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Secret pony references


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Yep, I know I do. I'm ordering some merch that has all of the mane six's cutie marks on it. Plus, I constantly make mlp references around my friends. I'm not ashamed when people realize that I'm reading an mlp book (The Journal of the Two Sisters-great read, btw) or when they ask me what my favorite show is. Most people know that I'm always sketching, and most of the time, it's ponies.

  • Brohoof 3
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I've taken to using common MLP fandom words like "brohoof" instead of high-five and "facehoof" instead of facepalm, etc. I also am trying to supplement a lot of my swearing with the MLP approved swear words just because, well, if it is on a show for 7 year olds and people haven't flipped their horseapples by now, then it must not be all that offensive to the majority of people so there's that. Apparently swearing is considered uncouth by many while to me words are just words and using swears does not show a lack of manners or intellect but are sentences enhancers of sorts.

Then there's me saying either Celestia's or Luna's name in place of god.

I try to make sure a little bit of pony refferance can be interjected into any conversation as it help me discover other fellow bronies and at the very least let's others know that I happen to be one. It's an ice breaker of sorts.


Also "keep calm and flutter on," happens to be my departing message for a lot of RL things. 

  • Brohoof 2


"Nightmare Starfall with her broken pride. Run my little ponies, run for your lives."

                                                                                     - Stars Rise & Fall

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What are the "fit for a king" and "dumb fabric" references too?


I will sometimes, on my little sisters 9th birthday party I said that one of the presents was the book "Elements of Harmony; a reference guide, everything you ever needed to know about the elements of harmony but were to afraid to ask" I messed up that title a lot luckily she is the only other person in my house who watches the show so nopony noticed. I used the word "everypony" a few times to see if anyone would notice.

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I started being a bit more open to the fact that I like the show at school. I recently found out that some of my friends are ACTUALLY bronies! It's pretty amazing because I became friends with them naturally and I never knew this about them.


I'm actually trying to make some pony references around them, but I don't know how to use a reference in any conversation.


Some girl told me that she was a brony the other day, I simply brohoofed her and she said nothing. I don't know if she got the reference. I'm not a hardcore brony. I don't have merchandise, I just like the show and the fandom. (Sorry for the unnecessary and long post :P)

  • Brohoof 4



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20% Cooler, and that's the full extent of it. Most of my friends aren't into it - why go on about it? We have other things we share interests in that we can reference :P

  • Brohoof 2



I hope some people get the joke ^^

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No, but I use it as an example for a children's cartoon done right. Even if it's not something as exciting as DBZ or as mysterious or adventurous as Batman: TAS or Spider-Man: TAS, it is a good cartoon with good morals for kids, and maybe even grown-ups alike.


When I try to protect both the show and the franchise, people wouldn't understand me. A friend of mine considered MLP: FiM too girly. I showed him the S4 Finale. 


His reaction was: WOAH, MAN, THAT WAS SO COOOOL!!!


Or something like that, he was very surprised. But he prefers the things the fandom creates, I'm kinda with him sometimes.

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It's like I wanna be open about being a brony but I'm so shy and timid that it's hard. Like my binder is decorated with a couple pony things but I'll hide it by putting it on the floor during class or putting a piece of paper on top of my binder. I wasn't even thinking today and my friend glanced over and was all "omg, you like my little pony? You're a brony?" And I totally got all shy and quiet, obviously embarrassed. Which I know I shouldn't have cause I've been friends with her for like 11 years -_-


I don't really use obvious pony references, but I'll say like "sweet Celestia, what the hay/buck, horseapples, ect." Ya know, like totally subtle stuff that nobody will understand unless they like ponies.

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Eh, I work a few into my daily conversations at work.  Eeyup, nope, and yay are regular words in my vocabulary.  And ever since I found out one of my coworkers also likes MLP, we sometimes spontaneously start hollering fun, fun, fun! at each other just like Too Many Pinkie Pies.  And I'll throw in a Snowflake YEAH! for good measure.  :) 

  • Brohoof 3
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Not sure what constitutes "in public" but the most I'll reference the show in public is by wearing a shirt featuring characters from the show.


The only other times I really reference it is to annoy my brother or when I'm legitimately trying to talk about it.



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Only when they can be inserted into a situation in a manner that makes sense and isn't going to leave someone not in the know scratching their head. Otherwise I'd just look like an idiot or a jerk.


Kyoshi made this ^^



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