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Equestrian Calendar


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in the picture below, you can see a full page of twilight's calander/planner. You will also see that each page only has 24 spaces on it (in a 6 x 4 grid)





All the pages in the book are the same design, so does that mean the equestrian calander is made up of

17 months of 24 days length each?

  • Brohoof 2
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We don't know if a year is 365 days in Equestria too though. Actually, Celestia controls the sun, so I suppose it's her that decides how long a year lasts!


or maybe it's all a hoax and she doesn't actually control the sun and is just lying to her subjects to make her seem more powerful than she really is


... but we all know she would never do that ;)

Edited by Marshmallow
  • Brohoof 4
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We don't know if a year is 365 days in Equestria too though. Actually, Celestia controls the sun, so I suppose it's her that decides how long a year lasts!



Good point. If celestria controls the sun, how long does an equestrian year last? considering they manually change the seasons, I think you might be right.

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Good point. If celestria controls the sun, how long does an equestrian year last?


As long as I damn well please. Also, in light of how awesome I am and that there needs to be more celebration of me, it's summer again this week. Those of you complaining for cooler weather may enjoy some time on the moon. I hear it's quite cool this time of year.

  • Brohoof 8
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This brings up a good point with that other thread. Are the ponies ages based on our calendar or the equestrian one?


I'd assume the ages are based on thier natural (celestain/equestrian) calender. Based on fluttershy 1yr > pinkie pie, there is a dedicated new years day.


However, if thier calender is different to ours, it is entierly possible that episodes 11 and 13 were shown in CORRECT chronological order, WITHOUT any significant time lapse

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So how long is an Equestrian week? If each X on the calendar represents Tuesday, the day she normally sends a letter, that would make each week 12 days long. If that's the case, what do they call the days? She mentions Tuesday and I think there was another episode that mentioned Thursday but what about the other 10 days?


You know what I think? We're over-analyzing it. It's just a simple calendar drawing that doesn't really mean anything and they never thought of a calendar system in the first place. No, we wouldn't do that.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well the OP assumes some numbers that I'm not sure can be verified. We don't know that every page in that book is the same, and we don't know how many pages there are. It could be 15 pages or fewer. We don't know. One thing we do know for certain though, is that there are 3 months of winter, said so in winter wrap up. So the year can't be too much longer than normal.

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Well the OP assumes some numbers that I'm not sure can be verified. We don't know that every page in that book is the same, and we don't know how many pages there are. It could be 15 pages or fewer. We don't know. One thing we do know for certain though, is that there are 3 months of winter, said so in winter wrap up. So the year can't be too much longer than normal.


Ah, yes, they do have "3 months of Winter coolness, and awesome holidays", but how long is a month in Equestria?

  • Brohoof 1
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^According to Twi's calendar, 1 month is 24 days (assuming that one month equals one page). Assuming that they have four seasons and that each season is the same lenght, that wouls make an Equestrian year 288 days long. But we don't even know how long a day is exactly, so that doesn't really mean anything:P


Another possibility is that the laws of logic and physics just don!5 apply to Equestria ^^

  • Brohoof 1
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Well the OP assumes some numbers that I'm not sure can be verified. We don't know that every page in that book is the same, and we don't know how many pages there are. It could be 15 pages or fewer. We don't know. One thing we do know for certain though, is that there are 3 months of winter, said so in winter wrap up. So the year can't be too much longer than normal.


Hmmm... If there are 3 months of winter, I think it is safe to assume there are 3 months of fall, 3 months summer, and 3 months of spring. Totaling to 12 month year like ours? There's no other estimate or bases to go on so it is best assumed that the Equestrian year is the same length as ours with the exception of the tyrant, Celestia prolonging and shortening how she pleases! ;)

Edited by Akaraah
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