RAGESTAR 479 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 I think the show is great, but it lacks main character colts, so I think that each of the girls should have a romantic interest in the series, with colts similer to them, after all they do deserve it after everything they've been through. 1 My main OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-grinn-r3232 My EQW OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/eqw-characters/_/approved/crimson-clash-r12 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chigens and Kay 3,832 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 I don't think so... I mean if they did, it would probably just ruin the show for me and it's not really something I would want to see. 13 My signature broke Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue Moon 6,341 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 No, this show doesn't need relationships. We already have Cadence and Shining, and Spike's crush on Rarity, so I think that is enough. Also, this isn't a romance show. Why would each pony need a romantic interest? Aren't their friends enough? 13 Autumn Blue Moon Clear Skies Summer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Estella 88 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 (edited) I can understand if they put a horribly made single- or double-part episode where they got crushes, but I don't think working it out through the whole series would come out alright. I can imagine so many plot-holes, so many ideas for destruction (Oh how I imagine Discord using the Colts as hostages, while Twilight troubles herself with finding the Elements of Harmony, which may or may not be destroyed, and/or in Discord's hands, yet again), so overall, I somewhat doubt it would work out. Edited May 3, 2013 by Estella Singer, picture editor, and most of all, a fan of MLP. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkiefan1287 610 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 I do agree it would be nice to get a few more male characters, but I don't think it needs to go as far as the 6 getting into a romantic relationship. 3 Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mint_Melody 91 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 (edited) Whoa whoa whoa! Wait a second. I just reread your post. They 'deserve' romantic interests?! The crap does that mean? First off, boy or girl, woman or man, a relationship is not a reward for either party. Are you implying that boyfriends are somehow able to be a relief to them from their everyday struggles? That just isn't the right reason to be with someone. You be with someone because of genuine attraction, respect, and eventually love. No one deserves or does not deserve a romantic partner. These girls are already quite happy being single, and getting into a relationship will not exponentially improve their quality of life. Unfortunately for the people that want more males on the show (I am personally neutral on the matter) we already have six main characters, and multiple very interesting back characters we want expounded. Adding six new mane characters into the show would be spreading screen time way too thin. Also, if you're creating characters for the sole purpose of being someone's mate, you already have a horrible start to a character, because they aren't really a person they're a tool. The resulting ponies would be bland, and one dimensional There is also no where for them to fit. In a show where one of the major purposes is to teach specific lessons about friendship, the roles of all the elements are taken, and the roles of the mentors have been taken, even the enduring family members have been filled in. There really is no where that these ponies would belong. It would make the show very awkward. If they were not main characters, I could see a few of the mane six getting boyfriends (I highly doubt this show will brave outright lesbianism, though that makes me quite sad) but I am not sure other fans would like it. I probably wouldn't like it, I just wouldn't really care. It would lead to tons of complaining that these characters aren't developed enough or given enough screen time, when they can't be! Also, 'boyfriendship' or 'girlfriendship' lessons are a sure fire way to get most parents to turn off the TV. And if they cannot learn from their friendships with their partners again, what is the point of them on a show that is teaching kids about friendship and the self? On the other hand, I'd love to see them try with at least one character, it may be amusing, it just doesn't sound plausible. Edited May 3, 2013 by Mint_Melody 15 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 That seems a little G2 to me. I could see some more male characters added, but not relationships with the mane 6. The show in my opinion doesn't need mane 6 relationships. 1 Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 It would be good but, they would be distracted from their duties as Elements of Harmony and their duties on a day to day basis. There would be some changes that no one would not like. Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SparklingSquirrels 21,355 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 I don't think that the mane six should have romantic relationships. It could take away from the show. That being said, maybe one episode about a romantic interest could work - but then again, these relationships are kind of long-term. And because they're long-term, the show could become based more on romance, which isn't really what I want to happen. ֍֎֍֎ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sidon Aldermane 52 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 Neither AJ, Twi nor Rainbow seem like romantic types. Perhaps Rarity or Flutters, but certainly not all of them, that would be overkill and would be a major distraction from the core elements of the show. College of Synergetics Ponysona: Sidon Aldermane OCs: Hearthfire, Camellia, Oryol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sanic Screwdriver 345 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 Not all of them, that seems unecessary to me, but I can see maybe 1 of them having on and it gets an episode then it's only mentioned every now and then could irk for me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 I am not entirely opposed to the show having romantic elements so long as they do not become the main focus of the show and while it is possible for them to have romantic interests without that becoming the case it does present a rather significant risk of that if it is not handled right. It is very easy though to have one or two of them have romantic interests at a time without this becoming a significant risk, Rarity is the most likely as she has been the only one so far to have shown an interest in romance. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RockinRarity 1,605 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 It wouldn't be a bad idea if towards the end one or two of them started to develop a romantic relationship with a colt, but it makes no sense for them to go, "Bam! Written-in life partners because we feel like it!" Because that is bad, lazy writing. Also, think of it this way. Girls are already pressured into feeling like they have to have a boyfriend in order to be "complete," so if all of them had boyfriends, that would only reinforce that lie. Here we have a cartoon that does not show girls as whiny little tards who need boyfriends or else their lives will be weepy. We have strong, independent women who rely on their friendships to build each other up. Even Rarity does without a boyfriend just fine, despite being the romantic that she is. If relationships were forced onto them, it would give girls the impression that they need the relationships. If one or two of our beloved mares were to slowly develop romantic relationships with well-rounded and interesting male characters, then girls will learn how and when to have a relationship. Something like that might make a good friendship lesson (if we have anymore of those after Twilacorn). But it would need to be done well. 7 Follow my blog! ~The Mind of Sally - Experiences, Opinions, Musings~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sugar Cube 4,843 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 I don't mind being introduced to new colt characters, but I really don't want this show to turn into another fest of lovesick girls who chase guys around. This YouTube video sums up my opinion on the matter very well: Besides, I cannot fathom any of them with a guy for some reason. Well, except for Rarity, but that would ruin the whole SpikexRarity thing. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,772 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 Eh, I wouldn't really mind it much, and I'm always for more important male characters, but romances are always a difficult thing to do especially when they focus too much on the romance and not all of the characters call for it(really, Rarity is probably the only one where a romance could be called for). As hilarious it would potentionally be to see someone like Twilight, Rainbow Dash, or Fluttershy in a romatic relationship, I just don't know if the show is ready for romance. Personally, I think that stuff is best in the background or fanfics Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Eggnog 203 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 Not ALL of them. I mean, it'd be interesting to see how they act differently in a relationship, but that's super overboard. Just one or two would be enough. I love you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghost 173 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 I don't think the mane 6 should get romantic interests, and I would rather have existing characters get more developed personalities before new ones get added. There could be a one off episode where one of the girls gets a crush, but I don't think it should go further than that. There are also existing male characters that could fill the role. I wouldn't mind seeing an episode featuring Soarin or Thunderlane for example. Maybe Thunderlane could ask Rarity on a date in one episode, or Rarity could spend time with Soarin. I could imagine the later idea making Dash really jealous, since Rarity would be spending time with a wonderbolt . But again, I wouldn't have the idea last over one episode. If anything, the two would remain friends, but noting more. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~/XC- BRONY\~ 310 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 i dont know about all of them but they could do a lesson if two of them liked the same pony and fought over him. am i the only one who thinks that could work? SIgnature by Reverie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
100 beasts kaidou 321 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 okay how about this, a new colt comes to ponyvill and all of the mane si falls in love with him, their relation ship is at hold. but in the end it turns out to be discord trolling everypony for teh lulz 1 Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hawkflame 3,310 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 It wouldn't be a bad idea if towards the end one or two of them started to develop a romantic relationship with a colt, but it makes no sense for them to go, "Bam! Written-in life partners because we feel like it!" Because that is bad, lazy writing. Also, think of it this way. Girls are already pressured into feeling like they have to have a boyfriend in order to be "complete," so if all of them had boyfriends, that would only reinforce that lie. Here we have a cartoon that does not show girls as whiny little tards who need boyfriends or else their lives will be weepy. We have strong, independent women who rely on their friendships to build each other up. Even Rarity does without a boyfriend just fine, despite being the romantic that she is. If relationships were forced onto them, it would give girls the impression that they need the relationships. If one or two of our beloved mares were to slowly develop romantic relationships with well-rounded and interesting male characters, then girls will learn how and when to have a relationship. Something like that might make a good friendship lesson (if we have anymore of those after Twilacorn). But it would need to be done well. Agreed. Any romantic relationship has to make sense and grow naturally. You can't just force it just for the sake of having romance. Plus even as a guy, I kind of find it refreshing to see a series with a cast of female characters who do not define themselves by their relationship to a man. To me, the most interesting thing about the mane six as a whole is how they each have their own totally separate goals and passions in life, and yet they share a strong, sisterly bond. Boyfriends are totally irrelevant to both of those, and bringing them in would really only serve as a distraction. 5 Sig by Thunderstorm Check out my Rarity fansite! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lisa 5,553 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 Absolutely not all six of them. I believe though, that maybe one receives a partner. Perhaps Rarity? She is one of the most beautiful mares in Ponyville, and has a lovely personality. Also, all shows need drama, and Rarity dating a colt? Spike would be very jealous. Maybe Fluttershy? MAYBE, she's very shy, so I don't see her getting a partner...but, it is possible, as she has the most kind heart in Ponyville, and she could receive so help with her animals. Another male animal enthusiast would be perfect for her I believe. As for the others, I don't see it happening. Rainbow Dash is too boastful, and adventurous for a colt. Twilight Sparkle is too much of a bookworm for relationships. Pinkie Pie.....is crazy, and Applejack seems like too much of a cowgirl. __________ Well, I agree that some relationships would be of some good. But definitely not all the mane six. ~Lui Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nature's Spell 526 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 I agree with the general feeling that it isn't a good idea plus I'm not a shipper. The show has shown moments is "romance" with Rarity/Fancypants/Spike and Rainbow Dash/Sorian dancing at the wedding. We see just enough. I have a feeling we'll see more Cherrilee and Big Mac. Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship Princess Luna: Princess of the Night My short stories Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Crystal Maiden 221 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 A lot of people don't like this idea, but I personally think there should definitely be an episode where at least one of the Mane Six gets a crush. I agree that it shouldn't be ALL of them that do, but I think seeing Twilight getting a crush would be interesting. And anyway, just because the show is mostly about friendship doesn't mean it can't talk about the morals of lovem does it? Plus, think about it, it would be an entertaining episode! I can totally imagine Twilight or Rarity or Dashie or whoever it is going loopy-doopy googly eyed over some attractive stallion, and then the rest of the Mane Six could help get them on a date with them! I'm not saying anypony should have a full relationship with somepony, just a short-term crush. I think it can be done. British Pegasister, aspiring writer, and dedicated Rainbow Dash fan. Creativity is life. ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bigmethod 239 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 Although mane char. Colts is a necessity.. I don't think they should be romantic relationships . Easy, make doctor hooves a mane char... OH and snowflake ( the steroid pony) easy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AstralDrip 67 May 4, 2013 Share May 4, 2013 (edited) I know most everyone on this thread is on the same page but I still want to chime in and say that I'm pretty happy there aren't any romantic subplots with the mane 6, unless you really count Rarity and Spike. One of the things that makes MLP so special is that it's a TV show *origionally* aimed at girls with a female cast and no romantic subplots. It's really rare to see anything starring female characters that doesn't revolve around romance. Like other posters said, I think it would really take away from the main story and the elements of harmony. That's what fanfics are for Edited May 4, 2013 by AstralDrip 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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