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what would you do if Luna was no longer in show?


What would you do if Luna was no longer in show  

61 users have voted

  1. 1. what would you dooo?

    • cry
    • just a little sad
    • be mad
    • be happy
    • wont care... Celestia is better anyways

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Considering Luna never does anything anyway, it doesn't really matter. I mean, the show's the exact same, but one character doesn't appear once every season like she used to.


Celestia is best princess anyway.

... o.o Im going to pretend I never saw that... Luna is the best pony in MLP and she needs more airtime I think.. and there are many that will likely agree but this is a opinion thread... so ill be silent now :3

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I would probably be a little sad, even though I do like Luna but she is more of a supporting character to me unless she gets more of her own episodes. But I still adore her.

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Luna leaving the show? It would be blasphemy. I would cry because she'd most likely leave in a fashion such as going to another country or dying.


And we don't want that from our beautiful, fair, and kind ruler of the new Lunar Republic.

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Honestly, it wouldn't affecte that much. I mean, I like Luna, but she isn't one of my favorite ponies. I mean I'd be a little sad, but so think I'd get over it fairly quickly.

Edited by Betez
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Moved to Show Discussion since this is, you know, about the show. :P

I honestly wouldn't care all that much if Luna wasn't in the show again, she's barely in it now as it is! And Celestia is indeed better. ;)

I'd imagine the backlash from the fandom would be much, much worse than what recent events have sparked though, It'd be like Twilicorn + Equestria Girls + Derpy voice backlash X a million, Luna has some hardcore fanboys. :o

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Devastation, frustration. Of all the worst possible things that could happen, this would be the worst. Would lose faith in humanity permanently. It would be a crime against humanity.  Probably would become an alcoholic, which would lead to my eventual demise. My first reaction would go something like this:


Just kidding! Would be sad, but not devastated. Not sure how that could happen anyway.

Edited by Conbon
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Moved to Show Discussion since this is, you know, about the show. tongue.png

I honestly wouldn't care all that much if Luna wasn't in the show again, she's barely in it now as it is! And Celestia is indeed better. wink.png

I'd imagine the backlash from the fandom would be much, much worse than what recent events have sparked though, It'd be like Twilicorn + Equestria Girls + Derpy voice backlash X a million, Luna has some hardcore fanboys. ohmy.png

I am one of the hardcore fanboys... I would spaz out and never watch MLP until she is back... I would still stay active here but I would go into depressed mode and then I would start getting yelled at during school for being so sad and not responding then my whole future is no longer available because I would not have a education.. so if Luna gets kicked out... I become a hobo

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Unpopular opinion incoming:


To be honest, I could care less. I don't dislike Luna, but I have yet to see what the Luna hype is all about. To me, she's just a minor supporting character who happens to stick around because the fans love her. She played a role in the pilot, and what? Two other episodes? She's not a vital character at all. She's the least important princess for the show's plot, and the series could get along just fine without her.

Edited by Sugar Cube
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But Luna is like that deep poetic girl we all know thats also kinda cute. Well, after i take a sledgehammer and release my anger on the nearest tree, i would be fine. I mean, i would still harbor some resentment towards the show ,but i will still watch nonetheless. Of course, its not like Luna was in that many episodes to begin with, so in reality it wouldn't really make a difference. Though, i would still know.

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There are too many unknowns to know how I would react. If they just removed her without reason Id be pissed. If they gave a reason and sent her off in a touching manner it could be an amazing moment. Sad but amazing. So I cant tell. However I don't want it to happen, we need more Luna and Celestia. At least I want more stuff with them in it.

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I chose cry because 'go on a rampage' was not a choice XD I would be extremely disappointed  It wouldn't impacted where or not I watched the show, but I would miss her and probably have a hard time not letting that interfere with how I felt

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If they removed Princess Luna from My Little Pony I would whip their asses.  xD


This would be my first reaction in a nutshell:  




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Would we even notice if she was cut from the show? She's barely in it to begin with. Not that I don't want to see more of her, but she's hardly a primary character.

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Well, considering her grand total of 2 appearances in season 2 (Three if you count *both* finale parts) I'm pretty sure it would be around 20 episodes until we noticed. Personally, I would feel a bit discouraged, as I have always thought Luna was one of the cooler ponies, but it would not deter me from watching the show. My best friend loves Luna though, so I'd probably get far more involved with the whole happenstance than I would have beforehand.


tl;dr If this happens I would expect a large Change.org petition that millions would sign :)

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you forgot to mention the option of "Set all computers/TV's on fire, surround with TNT blowing up, throwing a grenade, slowly nuking them, Torchering to death, putting them into a rocket, sending to orbit, leaving there, while slowly creating a massive black hole, returning home, sitting in corner for life, nuking anyone who approaches you, and hoping this is all a dead and it never happend"

Well as from my Reaction you would notice I would be "a little bit mad" times 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000...

that would put me off the show a bit, even though she isn't a huge role, she's still a character to do with it, she's there mostly for the knowing of everypony, she's there so incase something happends, there's always a great character to base it on,

I really wouldn't like Luna being No longer being in the show, but if it did happen, I would accept it... over time, atleast,

it would take a while, but it'll happen, soon... 



~Sapphire Quill <3

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