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We need an Alicorn who used to be an Earth Pony.

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Wanna know why? Because Twilight used to be a Unicorn and Cadence sed to be a Pegasus, So this means That Pegasus and Unicorns are better than Earth ponies because noone of them ever managed to become an Alicorn. I would like it if Celestia and Luna used to be earth ponies but Faust confirmed they were born alicorns.

  • Brohoof 3

Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom

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well i don't really think of it as much of a deal, but i could see how something like this could cause a massive shitstorm.

considering that earth pony's are the hard working race without any really special powers like flight(pegasi) or magic(unicorns).

i also could see this as the problem. i mean, how are you going to create an almighty godlike creature out of a pony that does not have a great amount of magic in it?

  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Pegasus and Unicorns are better than Earth ponies because noone of them ever managed to become an Alicorn


Maybe if they did something Alicorn-worthy one'd be an Alicorn? Instead of saying that they should be, pitch on ideas about what they could do to achieve Alicorn-hood :v




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The idea that unicorns are superior is a life. Cadence was a Pegasus before becoming an alicorn and there were plenty of rich Earth ponies at Manehatten in "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" while the unicorns were waiters. I think it's just a coincidence that the vast majority of ponies in Canterlot are unicorns like how all the ponies in Cloudsdale are pegasai.

"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Issac Assimov

They're incomprehensible, they're bloodthirsty and they're not taking 'magic' for an answer:


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I would happily volunteer! My OC used to be an Earth pony and she became an Alicorn princess. She became an alicorn at a fillys age. What do you think?

Harmony Spark: Fellow Brony and Devoted Student in Animation



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Wanna know why? Because Twilight used to be a Unicorn and Cadence used to be a Pegasus. This means That Pegasus and Unicorns are better than Earth ponies because no Earth ponies ever managed to become an Alicorn. I would like it if Celestia and Luna used to be earth ponies but Faust confirmed they were born alicorns.

First, corrected post.

Second, where does it say Cadence used to be a pegasus? I see no evidence of her being a pegasus.If my memory is correct, she has been an alicorn this whole tiem.

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I'd prefer if they didn't introduce another alicorn so soon. To be honest, I'd be happy even if they never introduced another alicorn; I don't like alicorns...


But, if a new alicorn had to be introduced, then I would prefer it to be a former earth pony. I'd prefer if they used an entirely new character. The best way I can think of accomplishing this (didn't put much thought into this really; It's just the first thing  that comes to mind) is to send Twilight and crew on some kind of diplomatic mission to another nation. That way we could see a new kingdom that has it's own culture and own leader. If they don't show that that alicorn used to be an earth pony in that episode, they can always use some other method to show her backstory like they did with Cadence with the Crystal Heart Spell book.

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First, corrected post.

Second, where does it say Cadence used to be a pegasus? I see no evidence of her being a pegasus.If my memory is correct, she has been an alicorn this whole tiem.


The book, Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell, explores Cadence's past a bit more than the episodes have.  I' haven't read them yet, but this is what I've heard.

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It is an interesting idea but I am a little concerned that throwing too many alicorns into the show might end up being a tad heavy handed so as long as there wasn't another one after this except for maybe an alicorn stallion which is probably even more unlikely and it wasn't one of the mane 6 I probably wouldn't mind it too much.

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I don't bucking care. All I want is the final, canon confirmation for three things. The answer to three questions.


1) Are Celestia and Luna really born Alicorns? Faust is no longer part of the show, so...


2) If there are born Alicorns, what's the difference between becoming one and being Born as one?


3) Can there be male Alicorns?

"If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences."

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How do you know this chick didn't used to be an Earth Pony:



Bet you all forgot about her. I even know her name: Golden Dream. I wonder what happened to her?

She totally became Chrysalis. Guess that means she was a changeling.


Anyway, on topic, my head canon is that the Royal Sisters used to be earthlings.

  • Brohoof 1


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It's an alright idea, but I don't think it's a big deal that an earth pony becomes an Alicorn. It seems kinda of point less to introduce a new character to the show and then just turn them into an alicorn.


Besides, why would we need another one and who would it be? AJ or Pinkie Pie or some other new pony? 

Edited by pinkiefan1287


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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The idea that unicorns are superior is a life. Cadence was a Pegasus before becoming an alicorn and there were plenty of rich Earth ponies at Manehatten in "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" while the unicorns were waiters. I think it's just a coincidence that the vast majority of ponies in Canterlot are unicorns like how all the ponies in Cloudsdale are pegasai.


Well, Cloudsdale can only be a pegasus city, because otherwise everypony would need to go round in balloons or there would be enchanting stations with unicorns that enchanted you with the "walk on clouds" spell. :P

  • Brohoof 1



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  • 1 year later...

Wanna know why? Because Twilight used to be a Unicorn and Cadence sed to be a Pegasus, So this means That Pegasus and Unicorns are better than Earth ponies because noone of them ever managed to become an Alicorn. I would like it if Celestia and Luna used to be earth ponies but Faust confirmed they were born alicorns.

Earth ponies are some of the strongest species in the pony world. I'm not saying that Earth ponies are better than the other pony races, but you kind of came out rude saying one pony race is better than the other.

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We don't need any more Alicorns. Four is enough. Before you know it we'll have a princess of apples, princess of the skies, princess of fun, princess of animals, and a princess of fashion. That would get pretty old after a while.

Edited by Mountaineer28
  • Brohoof 3
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That would be cool, but I don't think we necessarily need one. I mean, lacking some alicorn example doesn't make earth ponies lesser for it. Certainly in-context the only time any race was considered lesser was prior to the founding of Equestria.

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We have enough alicorns, and they still haven't explained the difference between mortal (Cadance and Twilight) and immortal (Celestia and Luna).


I don't think we need another one because if there was then it would cheapen the importance of the alicorns further than it already has. Maybe there could be an episode where the princesses tell each of their stories, Cadance's the one from G.M Berrow's book.


I really don't think this is needed. There are many other ways to show the importance of earth ponies, and they started doing it in S4 with Maud's bolder digging, sort of the earth pony equivalent of a sonic rainboom. 

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We don't need any more Alicorns. Four is enough.


I agree, but they could do something like mention historical examples of alicorn princesses who had been born earth ponies.


considering that earth pony's are the hard working race without any really special powers like flight(pegasi) or magic(unicorns).


You sure about that?


Lord Tirek seems to disagree.






i also could see this as the problem. i mean, how are you going to create an almighty godlike creature out of a pony that does not have a great amount of magic in it?


My interpretation is that the three pony tribes are equally magic, but their magic manifests itself differently.


Unicorns have the greatest variety of spells, and the most control of their magic.


Pegasi usually have two spells: flight and the ability to stand on and manipulate cloud. If they have wings, you might ask yourself why flight is magic? Answer: because their wings are puny. When Tirek steals their power of flight, they still have wings, but can't fly. Their wings are just a channel for magic, much like a unicorn's horn is. Many pegasi seem to be able to leave trails behind them — Rainbow Dash, Lightning Dust, Daring Do, and the Wonderbolts all can. This is may be a spell of some kind too.


Earth ponies' magic gives them additional strength. Big Mac can tow a house, and barely notices it. Maud is shown to throw a boulder (not Boulder!) a distance that looked like several miles. And she turned another one into gravel with her hooves in a matter of moments. Their connection with nature (which is what makes them so good at farming) is explicitly mentioned by Celestia as something Tirek would steal from earth ponies.




2) If there are born Alicorns, what's the difference between becoming one and being Born as one?


Born alicorns age very slowly and are capable of living for thousands of years.


Cadence noticably ages between Twilight's flashbacks of her as a foalsitter, and her wedding day. Celestia does not age between when she banished Nightmare Moon, and when Princess Luna returns, two events which are 1000 years apart.




3) Can there be male Alicorns?


It seems likely that there can in theory. But there are so few male ponies at all.




Second, where does it say Cadence used to be a pegasus?


In Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell.




I think it's just a coincidence that the vast majority of ponies in Canterlot are unicorns like how all the ponies in Cloudsdale are pegasai.


No, in Family Appreciation Day, it's mentioned that Ponyville is especially unusual in having such a blend of the three types of pony, all living together. Most other pony settlements are shown to be quite tribal.


Nearly all the ponies in Appleloosa and Manehattan are earth ponies. Cloudsdale is populated by pegasi. (Presumably so is Las Pegasus, though we haven't seen that yet.) Canterlot appears to be almost entirely unicorns. (There are some pegasi in the Royal Guard.)


I think that after the events portrayed in the Hearth's Warming Eve play came to pass, the three tribes developed a mutual respect for each other, but still mostly live separately. Ponyville is an exception.

  • Brohoof 2

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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I agree, but they could do something like mention historical examples of alicorn princesses who had been born earth ponies.

That depends on what your head-canons are. I personally believe that Celestia and Luna were natural born Alicorns. There may have been about three others in the past, but none were forcefully ascended like Twilight and Cadence.

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I think a earth alicorn would be nice,

like a ruler of a different kingdom or

something for a ep or two. I mean

we got born alicorns,  peggy who

become a alicorn and a unicorn

who become a alicorn, so you

got two out of three races...


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