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gaming CONSOLE WAR: PlayStation 4 or Xbox One?


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For the Xbox 3, I mean Xbox 1, I mean "Xbox One," I'm sure somepony already mentioned, but Microsoft did away with their online requirement, and the inability to trade games. They say now that you have to log on one time initially to set it up, but it doesn't have to be online after that. And you can trade and play used games without restriction.


MS wants to spy on you with the Kinect and collect data on you. But they should have realized that most people will leave their Xboxes online anyway. They didn't have to require it. Now they just made everyone mad. I was initially not going to get it because of the online requirements. But now I will, since they did away with those. I'm just a sucker I guess. I'm getting both PS4 and Xbox.

This is my new signature.

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I will buy the play station 4 becose it got better exclusives , it is more powerful and it costs less


Even is Microsoft cut the DRM xbox one still sucks


PS: the spying kenect creeps me out .

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Even though I'm a PC gamer and originally told myself that I would skip out on the next-generation consoles, I ended up preordering a PS4. Sony's presentation at E3 2013 was more compelling than Microsoft's (Microsoft's was just "LOOK AT HOW GREAT THIS GAME IS! 60 FRAMES PER SECOND! 1080P GRAPHICS! Oh and the console costs $500."), I haven't been a huge fan of the Xbox brand since 2010 and there are some really great indies coming to the PS4. I'll still primarily stick to the PC though. I don't have this fancy MSI for show.

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Even though I'm a PC gamer and originally told myself that I would skip out on the next-generation consoles, I ended up preordering a PS4. Sony's presentation at E3 2013 was more compelling than Microsoft's (Microsoft's was just "LOOK AT HOW GREAT THIS GAME IS! 60 FRAMES PER SECOND! 1080P GRAPHICS! Oh and the console costs $500."), I haven't been a huge fan of the Xbox brand since 2010 and there are some really great indies coming to the PS4. I'll still primarily stick to the PC though. I don't have this fancy MSI for show.

And hilariously, the PS4 is capable of much more.


I'm not normally big on top notch graphics, but I have to bring it up with the Xbone.  It is the most expensive console of the generation, and it can't top the power of a cheaper console!  Nintendo is likely to cut down the price of the Wii U to better compete with the PS4 and make the Xbone look like an even bigger joke.  It'll be the PS3 all over again.

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From those 2, I'd say PS4, but that's only really because of my dislike of Microsoft. IN truth that's one of the main reasons people are so freaking in love with the PS$, simply because it isn't the Xbox One. PS4 has somewhat better hardware, better price, more potential for multiplats, and most of all, it isn't the Xbox One.


But I'm quite happy with my WiiU for now since I am such a nintendo freak. I spent most of my E3 hype around it :D

Edited by weegeez
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Microsoft really shot themselves in the head with this one...

I watched the thing on youtube, read about the Xbox1 and instantly went over to PS4's side.

I'm a PC gamer, but if I had to choose... c'mon, you know the answer.

I actually liked some of the games on Xbox one. They looked pretty fun to me.

Sony has won.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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PS4, fo reeeeellzzz!!!1!


But seriously, the Xbox One is not showing any signs of improvement.


Even Sony knows this.



Aaaahh, this reminds me of Nintendo Vs. Sega. Except both were excellent. mlp-dcute.png

  • Brohoof 2


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Neither of them.


PS4: It's a Sony.


XBO: Don't trust Microsoft, Kinect unnecessary.


Wii U: Ridiculous controller, not as powerful as it could have been. Not enough support from developers.


Ouya: Cheap but not particularly cheerful to own. Developers haven't taken it seriously enough.


Gamestick: I want a console not an HDMI thumb drive.


I'll stick with my Sega Saturn thankyou.

  • Brohoof 1
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PS4: It's a Sony.


I see what you did there!






But yeah, I know what you mean. I myself will prolly rely on the emulators of old school consoles. In the end, they don't quite make games like they used to.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been looking at the next gen consoles and I'm not sure what to do. On one hand I've been plating Xbox for as long as i can remember, but all the stuff I hear about the Xbox One sounds bad. On the other hand the PS4 is cheaper and (supposed to be) more efficent, but if I'm not going Xbox I would rather go PC. Somepony must have more info than I do so your input is very much thanked.

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They both suck.


Get a PS2. Let's you play both PS1 and PS2 games.

Use all the money you have left on a Game Cube, Sega Saturn, A NES, and tons of games for each consul.


I can assure you that your gaming experience will be far more enjoyable that way.

Edited by Hansel
  • Brohoof 2

Pancakes taste like well seasoned DVD cases.

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Get what your friends get, both consoles will have paid for internet so if you are going to pay for your internet, pay for a services you can use with your friends. If you get a PC though, you will have a larger collection of games to choose from and you don't have to pay a subscription fee to play games online. Also emul*cough*, did I mention that games on PC and Consoles are pretty much the same thing. Put $30 down on a wired xbox 360 controller and go crazy.

  • Brohoof 1


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IGN released a chart of all the features to compare the PS4, Xbox One, and the Wii U with each other. They also made a list of the upcoming exclusive games for the ps4 and xbox one. Check it out here.

  • Brohoof 2


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I don't see why you wouldn't stay with Xbox. I mean, if price isn't that much of a huge factor then I would go with it.  Most of the negative things it originally had have been fixed and the other negative things you hear about it now are just from fanboys who simply hate the Xbox in general or because of the mandatory Kinect. I'm staying with PC but getting a PS4 though since PS has always offered awesome exclusives.

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I don't see why you wouldn't stay with Xbox. I mean, if price isn't that much of a huge factor then I would go with it.  Most of the negative things it originally had have been fixed and the other negative things you hear about it now are just from fanboys who simply hate the Xbox in general. They're basically the exact same except that the Xbox comes with a mandatory Kinect. I'm staying with PC but getting a PS4 though since PS has always offered awesome exclusives.

After really delving into the actual policies of used games before the change I would have taken that policy (though the 24 hour check and kinet kill it for me). Pretty much you some friends sign up as a family and you can split the cost on games. So if me and my friend live across the world from each other and he buys a game I now have it too.


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The PS4 does indeed have better specs than the Xbox One at $100 cheaper.  The reason the Xbox One is so much more costly is because the Kinect comes with it and has to be hooked up for it to work.


As far as exclusive titles go, the Xbox One isn't doing so hot.  Most of them are copies of other better games.  Others are third party titles.  Considering EA has already backed out on both the exclusives they were making for it, you can bet the other publishers will do the same eventually.


Also, if you want to play online, you have to pay $60 a year for XBLA: Gold.  You have to pay to play online with the PS4, but it costs less ($50/year) and you can download seven FREE games on the PS4 with the subscription at launch.  No contest there.  Sony is charging less and giving more.


What about the Wii U?  Are you completely against Nintendo?  The console is a rather good multimedia device.  I predict a $100 price cut before the PS4 comes out to better compete with it.  Also, playing online is completely free.


A PC has pretty much the same advantages that the Wii U has.  I've found proper gaming PCs online for less than $500 and even one under $200 without difficulty.  The specs I recommend for a gaming PC are:

  • Windows 7 operating system
  • 4 GB of RAM (but 2 GB can work)
  • 500 GB hard drive (this is actually pretty normal for a PC these days)

If a PC has these stats, you pretty much won't have to worry about video and sound cards.  Most computers that started with Windows 7 have the appropriate cards anyway.  And yes, I've found them cheaper than the Xbox One.  This is why I can't recommend the Xbox One to anyone.

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If your friends also aren't sure what they're going to get, there are a few important things to know for each console. The PS4 is more powerful (though now that they've reclocked the Xbone, it's not as important). However, it lacks an integral kinect, which could provide some useful voice commands. The PS eye is a joke in comparison.


As for exclusives, I would say that combined with Gaikai streaming, the PS4 will have the upper hand. Unless your a fan of Halo or Forza. If at any point in time you plan on getting a Vita, then the PS4 is the obvious choice due to remote play. Even then, if you want to save money, then the PS4 is the better choice. If you think that being able to control your cable with your voice is cool, then go with the Xbone.


Personally, I plan on buying a PS4, probably after Final Fantasy XV comes out.

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Personally I would go with PS4 if I were you. I mean brand loyalty is pure shit. I mean if the facts are against the certain company that you have been sticking with and you don't like their new business practices or what they are offering then by all means you can switch. I never buy consoles just because my friends have them. I buy things that suit me first and if I have some buddies that feel the same way I do and buy the same console then that's great. PS4 is looking to be a killer in the biz and Xbox one's policies can be re-instated whenever even though they said they "changed them with a patch" they can just as easiley un-patch whenever they feel like it. Be a smart consumer and try to know your facts and look at the whole picture not just whatever is popular.



Signature made by me.

"You thought you were there to guide me but you were only in my way."

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Get a PS2. Let's you play both PS1 and PS2 games.


Or get lucky and find the PS3 the can play all three.  And for the OP I say PS4 over xbox one. Or with enough money save up for a gaming computer.

  • Brohoof 2



Been a brony since Oct. 28 2011 (On year four)"I'm a member of the old guard."- Life Giver "If tears had flavor ones of joy would taste sweet while ones of sorrow would taste sour."- Life Giver "My only purpose is to serve the holy light. "-Life Giver
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With the XbOne I can Watch TV

With the XbOne I get a Kinect for playing games that doesnt need me to play

With the XbOne Steeve Ballmer can see how I change clothes

With the XbOne I will wait till Micro$oft change his politics back to what they were

With the XbOne I can play Halo and Gears!!!!!!  <----sarcasm

With the Xbone I can play Multi-platform games 



"Damn I should have bought a PS4"

Edited by Colt
  • Brohoof 1
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With the XbOne I can Watch TV

With the XbOne I get a Kinect for playing games that doesnt need me to play

With the XbOne Steeve Ballmer can see how I change clothes

With the XbOne I will wait till Micro$oft change his politics back to what they were

With the XbOne I can play Halo and Gears!!!!!!  <----sarcasm

With the Xbone I can play Multi-platform games 



"Damn I should have bought a PS4"

Ha...that is so true. *start to remember something* If Halo One (aka 5) is good enough my brother said he might buy it for that. Might.

  • Brohoof 1



Been a brony since Oct. 28 2011 (On year four)"I'm a member of the old guard."- Life Giver "If tears had flavor ones of joy would taste sweet while ones of sorrow would taste sour."- Life Giver "My only purpose is to serve the holy light. "-Life Giver
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With the XbOne I can Watch TV

With the XbOne I get a Kinect for playing games that doesnt need me to play

With the XbOne Steeve Ballmer can see how I change clothes

With the XbOne I will wait till Micro$oft change his politics back to what they were

With the XbOne I can play Halo and Gears!!!!!!  <----sarcasm

With the Xbone I can play Multi-platform games 



"Damn I should have bought a PS4"

This is exactly what everyone I've asked about the xbox one said and it is so true. Here's all the xbox fans aaannnddd their gone.

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