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Opinion on Twilight and Flash Sentry


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Honestly speaking, I'm fine with Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle as a canon ship.  The team who are working FiM could make it work while still keeping the show focused on the Mane Six, you know a ship tease here or there, a lesson on not forcing friends into relationships they're not ready for (Either a Rarity or Pinkie Pie plays matchmaker episode).  You know make the romance secondary, subtle and more importantly develop it from friendship first instead of "Here's Flash Sentry, he's definitely gonna go out with Twilight" and more "Here's Flash Sentry, he's friendly with the Mane Cast so we'll see where this goes." IMHO


Even then, even hinting it would cause chaos in the Bronysphere, but let's be honest it would be like the sixth overblown s**tstorm to hit the fandom.

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He might have just been for the movie and the Equestria Girls spin off.  If he's in season 4, he'd basically have to be introduced again.


I haven't seen the movie yet img-1574006-1-sad.png  so correct me if I'm wrong.  It seems to me that Flash and Twilight knew each other before the movie.  Makes sense.  If he were a high ranking Royal Gaurd, he probably knew her brother.  They could easily do another flashback to explain how they knew each other.  And wouldn't that be just like FiM?


   He's a new recruit, so he had just met Twilight. <- Not a major spoiler.


   Overall, I like the shipping. As others have said, we don't know much of anything about Flash Sentry, and we believed Twilight would fall for someone of "her type." I haven't seen the movie (saw the last 13 minutes of it), but nonetheless, I did like the idea of FlashLight. However, if I was in charge of the shipping, I wouldn't dedicate episodes to promoting the shipping, or make them a canon couple, as in girlfriend+boyfriend. If anything, I'd just put in a few romantic hints occasionally throughout the show.


   I'm actually very disappointed about Flash Sentry not making a reappearance in Season 4. That makes it seem like he won't appear in any seasons beyond, meaning that FlashLight died at the end of Equestria Girls img-1579957-2-sad.png   

   Maybe I like it because it wasn't a love/hate relationship, where the two are arguing all the time, and I'm supposed to believe they're in love. These two just straight up seemed to have chemistry, although I'd like them to become friends first before anything.


   To summarize, I really like FlashLight, but I'd keep it to a minimum within the show, for the show's sake.

Edited by Alkryn
  • Brohoof 2

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I think they should keep him out of FiM and keep the shipping to fanfics and shippers. The thing I liked about FiM is that it wasn't the girls trying to find boys. Adding him in FiM just seems like a step backwards and makes young girls that watch the show to think "Oh Twilight has a BF and she's happy I need one so I can be happy too." Which is not what you want young girls to think were not in the 1900's anymore.

Edited by Rappy0
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It really depends, I haven't seen EG yet, but if they can get it to work right and have Flash not suck then I'd be okay. But I also think they should keep it within ship teasing(kinda like what they did with SoarinDash, SpikeBelle, and RariPants in the Wedding episode)



I also only support it because FlashLight is a funny ship name

Edited by Godot
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The points about Flash Sentry reminding Twilight of Shining Armor, I think, are pretty spot on. Shining Armor is her Big Brother Best Friend Forever. Why would she not have a crush on someone who seemed to exemplify similar traits as her good-willed and caring older brother? The kind of traits that Shining Armor has are traits that Twilight is familiar with in good colts.


I know that Meghan said that Flash isn't going to be in season 4, but at least I can enjoy the fact that Twilight's crush on Flash ended up being, well, open-ended. We know who he is in the pony world, so we know that the relationship may not just die because Twilight came back to Equestria.


I want to know more about Flash Sentry. All we know is that:

-he is a "rocker" - he plays guitar and isn't shy about it

-he used to date Sunset Shimmer - why he did that is beyond me, and would be an interesting story to tell

-he broke up with her. I am guessing that he realized that he may have only dated her for the status, but realized that he couldn't have a real relationship with a bitch

-he is a genuinely good person, and not a douche bag

-he likes to see justice delivered properly, and won't stand for someone taking the blame for something they didn't do

-he is more on the out-going side, but seems down-to-earth and not full of himself


It's not much, but it's something to work from. I think that he could be a great character if the writers decided that they want him back in the show after all.


And, I do think that they would be a cute couple, but Flash's character will definitely need to be more developed.

  • Brohoof 2
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Ehhh...I dunno. I don't really like official shippings as they ruin all of my crazy fan ships. As much as I don't like Flash Sentry (he's just kinda boring) I couldn't help but smile a little when Twilight had a crush on him in the movie.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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In my opinion, Flash is adorable! (as a pony) He has the really cute round eyes some guards have.

I do think she goes with somepony more nerdy, though.. but you cant judge whether he's a Gary Stu until we see more of him. I think it'll turn out well.

  • Brohoof 1


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Here's the thing, because it seems like a lot of people are horribly confused.

There was no relationship. No dating. No huge thing. He basically showed up a few times, made her blush, danced with her once after she saved them all, and that was basically it. Hasbro, I suspect, forced upon DHX a love interest subplot, and DHX basically took that and ran with it in their usual style of "let's make it as relevant as we need to" and in this case it means he was basically irrelevant. He contributed nothing to the plot that couldn't have been fulfilled by other characters, and was pretty bland. A likable sort of bland, but bland all the same.

Which is a good thing.

So there's not really any meat to FlashLight as a ship. There's far more meat to shipping between Mane Six and Humane Six cast members than there is between Twilight and someone she's never going to meet again.

Edited by Kyronea
  • Brohoof 3

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

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I'd be fine if he reappeared, as I'd be interested in seeing what would happen, but, I'm fine with him not returning either. He did his cute boy role well, but as planned, it didn't leave me not wanting more, nor wanting more from it.


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Okay, before I go into anything else; I will say this. I personally thought Twilight blushing and having a teeny crush on Flash Sentry was adorable and the denying it at the end only made it cuter for me. And Flash Sentry has a pretty adorable design as well; especially the giant eyes and the way he talked in Equestria was pretty cute too (don't judge me.)


However, this does not change anything about my opinion on whether there should be a romance or not in MLP: FiM. I would love to see Flash Sentry return in the show, but I would only approve of an actual romantic relationship between him and Twilight if they did it slowly and didn't focus the whole show on it. If they can't do it right (I have complete faith in them and I believe they could pull it off, but I am just saying), I'd rather they just do occasional ship teases like they do with Spike and Rarity and leave it at that.


And if they do decide to do a relationship, I'd rather they have them become friends first and go from there. And, if they are to do a relationship, they're going to have to work on Flash Sentry's personality a lot. He is really undeveloped and one dimensional as he is now and he needs some work done for his character. 


Basically, I'm fine if Flash Sentry returns and I'm fine if he never returns. I'm also fine if he and Twilight get a relationship, but only if it's done right. I'd like to see Twilight have a relationship though.

Edited by Blue Moon
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Eh, I haven't seen anything besides the movie stuff, and actually I found it kinda cute how Twilight reacted.


Now idk about my feelings for Flash, because honestly he didn't get alot of character development to be honest. But I really don't hate him yet. I don't know why really. But I do think its kinda true that hes a bit Gary Stu right now. 


I dunno if hes even going to show up in the actual show, so idk. Actually I thought he wasn't going to show up according to someone, but I don't remember.


Regardless I'm actually pretty ok with it right now. Maybe I'm just a very easy going person who doesn't seem to be very critical of the show and is a bit of a fanboy(Which is actually kinda true xD), but yeah. I don't mind it yet, although if it actually does happen to go anywhere then we need more development on Flash.


Btw, I'm just saying but FlashLight is the most hilarious name for a shipping ever. Its almost like hasbro came up with that on purpose o-o.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I do approve.

I'm not one for shipping, but something about this was... Adorable.


Still a better love story than Twilight...

Oh wait...

  • Brohoof 4

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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A lot of people don't seem to be getting the point of my post. I'm not asking if you'd like the show to have its FlashLight episodes, I'm just asking if you'd all be okay if bronies started shipping them together in fan works or fan art due to the ship teases in the film.





There's far more meat to shipping between Mane Six and Humane Six cast members than there is between Twilight and someone she's never going to meet again.


By the way, there WAS actually a ship tease and implied romance between the two even if it was nothing serious. The Mane 6 on the other hand, are in the COMPLETE FRIENDZONE so I don't get the point of shipping the 6 with each other. If you think that the Mane 6 should be shipped with each other based on closeness. Than all of our best friends are our lovers which isn't always true.


Plus think about other popular pairings like LyraBon or OctaScratch. We don't know anything about those four yet bronies ship them like crazy even though the later pairing has had no interaction what so ever. Yet, everybody is fine with shipping them despite a lack of canon.

  • Brohoof 1

"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Issac Assimov

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A lot of people don't seem to be getting the point of my post. I'm not asking if you'd like the show to have its FlashLight episodes, I'm just asking if you'd all be okay if bronies started shipping them together in fan works or fan art due to the ship teases in the film.







By the way, there WAS actually a ship tease and implied romance between the two even if it was nothing serious. The Mane 6 on the other hand, are in the COMPLETE FRIENDZONE so I don't get the point of shipping the 6 with each other. If you think that the Mane 6 should be shipped with each other based on closeness. Than all of our best friends are our lovers which isn't always true.


Plus think about other popular pairings like LyraBon or OctaScratch. We don't know anything about those four yet bronies ship them like crazy even though the later pairing has had no interaction what so ever. Yet, everybody is fine with shipping them despite a lack of canon.

Ah, well if that's what you're asking, then I guess? My point is that for me, I don't see that much real appeal to it because there's nothing really there. It's like shipping Vinyl Scratch and Octavia: you have to make it actually work rather than just walking the path of fanon.


Anyway, I think you failed to understand what I was saying. (And also I dislike your use of the word friendzone but we'll just let that sit aside.) What makes a relationship work is trust. It's knowing each other. It's, essentially, being friends as well as lovers, because those are two sides of the same coin. If you're not friends with the person you love romantically, you're doing it wrong, and your relationship isn't going to last.


The Mane Six are the best of friends, and that's exactly why there's more meat to shipping them, because there's tons to draw on. You can point to what they have in common, what they could see in each other, from simple and obvious things like Rarity being infatuated with Rainbow Dash for saving her life, to all sorts of other more uncommon interpretations. I don't have the time to get into the details right now, but basically the point is that you have material to work with.

  • Brohoof 3

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

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There was no relationship. No dating. No huge thing. He basically showed up a few times, made her blush, danced with her once after she saved them all, and that was basically it.

True, but it didn't completely close the door on a romance in the future between them though which is why I think they wrote it the way they did. If a romance between them happens in the show so long as it is handled well I am for it but if not than it is not the end of the world as there will no doubt be plenty of fanfics which will go into that.




A lot of people don't seem to be getting the point of my post. I'm not asking if you'd like the show to have its FlashLight episodes, I'm just asking if you'd all be okay if bronies started shipping them together in fan works or fan art due to the ship teases in the film.

I don't really think it matters whether or not any of us approve of it or not because fans are going to do what they are going to do regardless. I am not a major shipper myself though I will admit that this show has brought a little bit of that out of me even so I can be a bit of a sucker for romance so if done well it can sometimes appeal to me.

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I think it's awesome that Twilight got a crush on somebody in the movie, I've been waiting for something like that to happen for like SOOOO LOOONG!! :D

I do agree that her liking a royal guard is a little stereotypical and she should go for a pony that's more like her personality, but meh. I'm not that bothered. I just thought it was so cute! :3 

  • Brohoof 3

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The Mane Six are the best of friends, and that's exactly why there's more meat to shipping them, because there's tons to draw on. You can point to what they have in common, what they could see in each other, from simple and obvious things like Rarity being infatuated with Rainbow Dash for saving her life, to all sorts of other more uncommon interpretations. I don't have the time to get into the details right now, but basically the point is that you have material to work with.


Canon can ruin shipping for me. In the past, I had no trouble accepting that the Mane 6 could be dating but when I saw ship tease moments with them, I could no longer see the 6 as anything but friends. Now I don't really like the idea of Mane 6 on Mane 6 because as close as they are together, they never showed any romance other than slightly being close to each other in proximity. All their gratitude is in the form of a friendly thanks. If shipping the 6 is easy based on closeness, then like I said, everyone is dating their best friend.


But you're completely right that it's easy in fanon to ship the mane 6 together based on common traits. Yet, we have ships that come from no where like Lyrabon or OctaScratch where we don't know anything about the characters and everyone acts like there's a lot substance amongst them. So it's the idea of leaving it up to your imagination. However, Twilight has shown interest in Flash, Rainbow and Applejack have shown interest in Soarin to an extent and Rarity has shown some interest in Fancy Pants, Spike and Thunderlane. Despite having more substance than a background pairing and enough ambiguity to leave it up to imagination, no one bothers to try and create ships for them. It's as if we have nothing to work with in canon ships.

"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Issac Assimov

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I actually think their cute together. I know you guys think she should get someone nerdy and smart but this is the thing. Most nerdy girls actually want "cool" boyfriends most people don't like to have a diffrent gendered version of themselves as a mate but rather someone who has a personality that they consider fun and easy to hang out with. And whos to say that Flash isn't  smart  :P And let's face it who doesn't like a guy with a guitar img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png  And best shipping name goes to FlashLight it makes me smile the most happy.png

Rainbow Dash is best pony.


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Most nerdy girls actually want "cool" boyfriends most people don't like to have a diffrent gendered version of themselves as a mate but rather someone who has a personality that they consider fun and easy to hang out with.

I think that depends on the individual as I can could see some nerdy girls wanting a boyfriend that is just as nerdy as them and vice versa. In Twilight's case she seems to like guys who are strong, confident and fairly down to earth but even strong and confident guys can be intelligent and have a nerdy side. I am a 6 foot tall 350 pound former weight/power lifter (with plans to get back into it) who has grown very confident and strong thanks to surviving some very tought times yet I have a strong nerdy side and a fairly high IQ as well so you can't always judge a book by its cover.

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The fan art. OH, THE FAN ART. It will be amazing.


I like this couple, but I will like it better (hopefully) if Flash Sentry gets more personality.


If he's really not in season four, however, I don't know if this ship will come to fruition at all. :/

  • Brohoof 1


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Actually, I felt Twilight was a bit out of character liking him all of a sudden. I mean I can understand because he helped her get back into the competition with Sunset. I just expected Twilight to be a little more confused about the emotion she may had been feeling.

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I thought it was pretty cute near the end. REALLY cheesy when she threw the hot chic over him, lol. But at the end it was funny and adorable. Shame it won't be in season four..

  • Brohoof 2

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I just expected Twilight to be a little more confused about the emotion she may had been feeling.

For all we know this might not have been her first crush and I wouldn't be surprised if Cadence told Twilight a few things about love with how close they have been for all these years.

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For all we know this might not have been her first crush and I wouldn't be surprised if Cadence told Twilight a few things about love with how close they have been for all these years.


I doubt it. Remember that Twilight isn't even a sociable pony so the chances she'd meet someone to have a crush on are really low. I don't know about Cadence.


I actually just don't like canon shipping (The movie isn't canon anyway but still) I dislike the mane 6 getting romantically interested with another person. At least unless they tackle the situation interestingly.

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What happened to Meghan McCarthy (or someone) saying that it would be nothing to do with or influence season four? Everyone freaked out because they thought it would ruin the show forever (yeah, remember those days), but now it's canon?

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