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I like Starlight Glimmer. Her flaws and motive doesn't bother me but she symbolizes the internal conflict of acceptance and fear. Even when were not thinking straight we do make stupid mistakes that ultimately affects your ability and will to amend those wrong doings. Even relating to me, I still make mistakes and downright horrible choices and I'm not perfect so does Starlight Glimmer. In hand, she's still a confused and innocent pony and her past transgressions are and should be forgiven. I have no hard feelings for her and I wish that she'll deserve that friendship she really needs not for her but also on her behave to show me and others.

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I personally find Starlight a much more interesting character than Discord. That's nothing agains the Lord of Chaos, but to me it seems like he is a bit overplayed and she is underplayed.

  • Brohoof 1

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know what? After how S6 has treated Dash I've actually grown to appreciate Rainbow Falls more.


While it's not a good episode I do feel like there was some effort put into it, or at least had good intentions.Conflicting loyalties is a good conflict for RD, but it was executed no where near as well as it should've been. It was a mistake, but one that felt like an honest goof(and I really hope that the nasty backlash didn't scare Corey Powell away from the show or the fandom, as she seemed to really enjoy her time early on. It'd be really heartbreaking)


However, episodes like 28 Pranks Later and Newbie Dash on the other hand have absolutely no reason to exist(or at least, exist the way it was in case of Newbie Dash), and feel like they only exist solely to shit on Rainbow Dash. 28 Pranks Later is pretty much the Mysterious Mare Do Well 2 Electric Scootaloo(minus its good parts), so much so that it's baffling that no one in the staff thought and said "hey this sounds a lot like MMDW, that episode everyone hated. Are you sure this is a good idea?". Fuck, it feels like it goes out of it's way to write RD being shitty, just so it can try to justify shoving a rusty pike up Rainbow's sphincter. And of course that didn't matter because "LOL ZOMBEEZZZ!!!11!". Literally the last episode she needed, especially after what came a few episodes before. Not to long before was the episode that went out of it's way to completely destroy a moment that many fans have been waiting for since literally the first damn episode. Newbie Dash we saw Rainbow Dash finally achieve her lifelong goal, the episode should've been an easy classic. Then they announced it was being written by a new writer, and it all goes downhill from there. Instead of the writers giving it their all, Rainbow Dash joins the 'bolts in the most anticlimactic, unsatisfying way possible, and the rest of the episode spends its entire time humiliating her, making her look like a complete dumbass, brings Rainbow to her lowest only to drive her further down instead of letting her climb back up, makes the bolts like a bunch of bullies(when they, once again, needed it the least) and really comes off as them actually trying to say "hazing is cool!", throw away 5 seasons worth of build up and development for the sake of a stupid joke, and more or less destroying her entire character arc in one fell swoop(with no satisfying way to continue). And for those who say "lol Rainbow needed a reality check!" no, fuck you. Rule no.1 of character development, you do not end a character arc that way. How would you feel if the CMC got their cutie marks by telling Pipsqueak to be just as shitty as Diamond Tiara during their school elections because he'll win, or if they got it by telling Diamond Tiara to suck up her mom's abuse "so she knows how it feels". How would you feel if Rarity sucked up Sassy Saddle's shitty business strategies, and sacrifice creativity and inspiration "because it makes her more money"? You wouldn't because that would be stupid and insulting, and that's what these episodes were. These were episodes that they should've though long and hard about, or should've never gotten past brainstorming, but it felt like they did not have a care in the world when writing these.


Rainbow Falls may have been a poor episode, but these two debacles were insulting. By comparison, Rainbow Falls is a goddamn masterpiece


/end salty as fuck rant

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episodes like 28 Pranks Later and Newbie Dash on the other hand have absolutely no reason to exist

Actually, they are the popular opinions :orly: I see them in every comment section, so they dont count as "unpopular opinions". 


My unpopular opinion (updated) regarding season 6 and new EG:


The new EG sucks, and i am really surprise that too many people praise it to be better than Friendship Games and even... Rainbow Rocks???????  :sunbutt:. I rather watch Newbie Dash 3x times (and i did) than watch this crap anymore than once. This movie is not the worse compare to the last 3 movie because i complete erase its existence in the scoring chart.


Because of Gabby or something, i still cant rewatch "Fault in our cutie mark." (i usually rewatch episodes), it is really wierd, "Fault" is a good episode, why? I usually rewatch the good one  :o


I like RD in "Newbie Dash" and "28 Pranks Later" (even Rainbow Fall is one of the worst, i blame the Wonderbolt and Twilight writing, not RD herself). 

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Actually, they are the popular opinions  I see them in every comment section, so they dont count as "unpopular opinions".


My post was defending Rainbow Falls, those last two were just tangents I went on :P 

  • Brohoof 1
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Season one is overrated.

This I agree with, I'm not saying it was bad, it was really good, but it seems to have reached the state of a classic. Like if anyone criticizes anything about it, they immediately have no idea what they're talking about.



Season 5 was really good.

Edited by Sapphire Shadow


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The new EG sucks, and i am really surprise that too many people praise it to be better than Friendship Games and even... Rainbow Rocks???????  :sunbutt:. I rather watch Newbie Dash 3x times (and i did) than watch this crap anymore than once. This movie is not the worse compare to the last 3 movie because i complete erase its existence in the scoring chart.

Hopping on to this. I found that movie tedious as all hell, and I'm someone who kinda enjoys the first Equestria Girls. 


I still need to get to that second viewing of "Newbie Dash"; I'm really hoping that all of the depth I've begun to see in it makes for a more satisfying viewing experience.


or at least had good intentions.

Y'know, I think the intention behind "Newbie Dash" was to address Rainbow Dash's insecurities and to encapsulate her journey by way of the "Rainbow Crash" nickname. I can't help but think about how that nickname has evolved to something which Rainbow can carry with pride, and I admire that a lot. 

Season one is overrated.

As much as I love season 1, a lot of it really is kinda quaint in comparison to later seasons. I feel season 2 digs a lot deeper into the characters' minds and insecurities, and that's why it's my favourite. 

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  • Season one and season three are really underrated. They're just as good as the other seasons.

Twilight hasn't become less interesting at all.

I love Spike and even if his episodes aren't that great (with very notable exceptions of course) he's the best when it comes to be a supporting character. 

Starlight Glimmer's redemption wasn't rushed and her motivations are good. I'm surprised that it's mostly people who like Sunset Shimmer who say this, while I like both, if someone had weak motives and was reformed way too quickly it was her.

Mare Do Well isn't a terrible episode, and I'm surprised I have to say this, but Newbie Dashie is one of the best of the show. 

Tanks For The Memories is a terrible episode.

Spice Up Your Life is one of the best episodes of the season.

Although a lot of episodes focus on Fluttershy's insecurities, all of them focus on a different part of that. Her character development is the best handled of the mane 6, and not only because she's showing it these last two seasons. It has always been like that.

The moral of Feeling Pinkie Keen wasn't bad, it just suffered from bad wording. Also, that episode is awesome.

Edited by MilkyWay27
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The Great and Powerful Trixie is one of my favorite characters. (Not sure how unpopular it is, but I've seen her being hated on more often than praised.)

I like Starlight Glimmer and her Great and Powerful Friendship with Trixie.

I don't care that much that Twilight seems to be the third party in a lot of arguments, she's the Princess of Friendship after all.

Burn Flurry Heart with fire.

I really enjoy Equestria Girls.

Mare Do Well isn't as bad as the common mouth says.

I don't hate Rainbow Dash (don't particularly like her either), but I don't think she deserves her Element of Harmony. The Brony Notion made a pretty interesting video about it.

  • Brohoof 1


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Oh I ooze with unpopular opinions about the show


-Discord is overrated and I don't like him in episodes. No offense towards John DeLancie, he's an amazing guy and actor, I just don't like the character he portrays. I like some Discord episodes though, like Luna he gets too much attention. 


-Canterlot Wedding is criticized for the dumbest and illogical reasons.


-Celestia should be the Optimus Prime of the show


-Cadence is underrated


-I never liked Twilight until season 2


-I love the pilot two parter, people are too harsh on it. Good origin story. 


-I didn't care about Times Are A Changeling that much, and I'm Chrysalis fan boy. 


-Rarity has been getting too much episodes in general. Love her, just that others need attention like Fluttershy and Applejack.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh I ooze with unpopular opinions about the show


-Discord is overrated and I don't like him in episodes. No offense towards John DeLancie, he's an amazing guy and actor, I just don't like the character he portrays. I like some Discord episodes though, like Luna he gets too much attention. 


-Canterlot Wedding is criticized for the dumbest and illogical reasons.


-Celestia should be the Optimus Prime of the show


-Cadence is underrated


-I never liked Twilight until season 2


-I love the pilot two parter, people are too harsh on it. Good origin story. 


-I didn't care about Times Are A Changeling that much, and I'm Chrysalis fan boy. 


-Rarity has been getting too much episodes in general. Love her, just that others need attention like Fluttershy and Applejack.

I concur with the pilot. Seriously. It's the first two episodes. What did they expect?

  • Brohoof 1
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  • I genuinely think that the show is getting better. Every season has been better than the last. Season 6 is at least on par if not better than Season 5 because the writing is getting more nuanced and subtle. Spike has never been treated better before this season and the map episodes are also better.


  • Twilight Sparkle needs a showing/episode that's just her. No apprenticeships, no friendship duties, no coronations for Alicorn babies (still trying to wrap my head around that), no sudden shoehorning of alicorn power-ups for Sci-Twi even though she's been in two less adventures than the other Humane 5 and it's her pony counterpart who should have alicorn status. Ever since Amending Fences and for most two-parters, its becoming increasingly difficult to fathom the exact focus of her story


  • Starlight Glimmer is more interesting than Sunset Shimmer (who is already very interesting on her own)


  • No sea-ponies please, not even the movie...


  • I don't like RariJack which canonically never happens but I swear they like nothing more than to pair those two up whenever possible, especially in group shots (Legend of Everfree) for seemingly no reason at all
Edited by ShadowPhoenix
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Let's rant about opinions everyone will hate :D


I don't like the Mane6. Like, really, they're the main characters of the show, yet they are the most boring and uninteresting characters in the show. This is only made worse by how it contrasts to how creative and interesting the rest of the show is.


•Rainbow is an obnoxious self-centred show off, and very rarely shows any type of loyalty.

•Fluttershy is an offensive stereotype, infering that those who are shy, are in fact, that dull, weak and boring (which isn't true at all in reality).

•Pinkie Pie does funny over-the-top things… and nothing else.

•Apple Jack is literally a background character.

•Twilight is simply a cliché we have all seen before.

•Rarity would make a great supporting character, but that's not saying much.


Another thing I don't like is most of the morals in the show. Some are great, like showing how kindness and honestly can sometimes hurt someone, but help them for the best in the future; but then you get all the forgiveness morals that are simply stupid. One of them more or less teaches, "be nice to bullies, because it's not their fault they're mean." … no! Everyone is responsible for their actions - this includes bullies. Forgiveness only works when it is earned.


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The Great and Powerful Trixie is one of my favorite characters. (Not sure how unpopular it is, but I've seen her being hated on more often than praised.)

I like Starlight Glimmer and her Great and Powerful Friendship with Trixie.

I don't care that much that Twilight seems to be the third party in a lot of arguments, she's the Princess of Friendship after all.

Burn Flurry Heart with fire.

I really enjoy Equestria Girls.

Mare Do Well isn't as bad as the common mouth says.

I don't hate Rainbow Dash (don't particularly like her either), but I don't think she deserves her Element of Harmony. The Brony Notion made a pretty interesting video about it.

I saw that video. I don't think he understands how loyalty works. Besides, she doesn't have to be perfect to deserve it.

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  • Season one and season three are really underrated. They're just as good as the other seasons.

Can't tell for the life of me why these are the unpopular seasons when season 5 exists. 1 is great and 3 is pretty good as well. 




  • I'm surprised I have to say this, but Newbie Dashie is one of the best of the show. 


I wouldn't go that far, but I do agree that a lot of it is really kinda great. As much as I have issues with bits of it, there's a large part of me which really kinda loves it. 




  • Spice Up Your Life is one of the best episodes of the season.
  • The moral of Feeling Pinkie Keen wasn't bad, it just suffered from bad wording. Also, that episode is awesome.


Yeah, those episodes are both great. Not sure why those are even unpopular opinions. 

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I don't think Season 6 is as bad as people are making it out to be.

I don't think it was bad either, just underwhelming. There were good episodes like Gift of the Maud Pie, Fault In Our Cutie Marks, Gaunlet of Fire, A Times They Are A Changeling, Dungeons and Discords and the season finale. But other episodes were either boring or forgettable. Mainly because the mane six having been relearning the same morals from past episodes, while Starlight and the CMC didn't get much focus on their own storylines.


I will give this season credit for having me like Fluttershy and Trixie.

Edited by Odd Ball
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