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Alright time to be very honest:

-Starlight is easily the worst character in the show, even if Cadence and Flurry Heart are really trash too.

-Equestria girls makes me want to rip my eyes out and vomit 

-Season 1 is bad

-I actually like the CMC theme song

-Luna is overrated  (Celestia and Twilight are better princesses)

-I hate the Soarin x Rainbow Dash ship 

-Rainbow Dash is such a great character that nopony else even comes close. Without her I wouldn´t want to watch the show and almost every episode without her is bad most of the time

-I don´t hate pony life but I don´t want to watch it either

-Fluttershy is a good character but way too overrated (everyone is going to hate me for this)

-Sunset Shimmer is trash

Are you pissed off? You shouldn´t be, you are here to hear some unpopular opinions.


Edited by RainbowDash187
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On 10/6/2020 at 8:54 PM, QurkyThePegasus said:

-Luna is severely overrated

-I love twilight as a princess

-I love CMC episodes

-I think it's cool the CMC got their cutie marks

-Rarity is severely overrated and is the worst mane six member (and one of the worst characters)

-Applejack is underrated

-The actiony two-parters are really good

-Fluttershy's character is really inconsistent (As a Fluttershy fan I don't pin this on her)


2 hours ago, RainbowDash187 said:

Alright time to be very honest:

-Starlight is easily the worst character in the show, even if Cadence and Flurry Heart are really trash too.

-Equestria girls makes me want to rip my eyes out and vomit 

-Season 1 is bad

-I actually like the CMC theme song

-Luna is overrated  (Celestia and Twilight are better princesses)

-I hate the Soarin x Rainbow Dash ship 

-Rainbow Dash is such a great character that nopony else even comes close. Without her I wouldn´t want to watch the show and almost every episode without her is bad most of the time

-I don´t hate pony life but I don´t want to watch it either

-Fluttershy is a good character but way too overrated (everyone is going to hate me for this)

-Sunset Shimmer is trash

Are you pissed off? You shouldn´t be, you are here to hear some unpopular opinions.




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*cracks knuckles* Here goes...

- Loved all of season 3

- Enjoyed "Honest Apple". I've seen how kids express themselves online; it's not too late for them to learn something from this.

- Enjoyed "Newbie Dash". I'll concede that it was a missed opportunity, but for what it's worth, Rainbow Dash is finally a Wonderbolt.

- Meh on the movie. Storm King was like Discord, the Genie, and Jafar rolled into one, so I'll give it that. 

- Cadance is underrated. I read Friends Forever #30, and even though it made her look floppy and insecure, I think it at least lent some characterization she would've gotten had season 3 been longer.

- Speaking of princesses, I think Celestia is unspeakably strong, she's just holding back. If she's powerful enough to move the sun, then she could easily cause solar flares. You saw the panicked look on Chrysalis' face when she tried to tussle with her, she thought she was toast. You say she never does anything. Well, what do you call that? 

- I don't hate any antagonist, major or minor. No, not even Spoiled Rich, Svengallop, etc. 

- Kind of on the fence with Starlight Glimmer

- I still think this show is for 5-year-olds, despite the Tirek battle 

- Enjoyed all CMC episodes

- I'm actually okay with Alicorn Twilight

- I don't mind Flash Sentry. The only thing he's got going for him is that he's voiced by Vincent Tong, but other than that, he doesn't register on my radar. 

Edited by Sasoriman
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1 minute ago, Funtime Splashee said:

I do not like the show because they made too many cheeks expressions in Season 9. And also, Rainbow Roadtrip looked as bad as the Movie, which was too much cheeks and bad expressions!

Cheeks expressions? What do you mean? :mlp_wat:


my name is Xe__or

and this is disney channel

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I don't get the background pony hype. At all. 

I don't like the songs "Flawless" and "A True True Friend"

I like exciting but poorly executed episodes better than ones that have a solid story, but are boring. For example, I like Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep better than Made in Manehattan just because it's more interesting. 

I never cared for Equestria Girls.  I like MLP because it's about magical creatures in a fantasy world, not teenage humans in high school. 

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Seasons 5 and 7 are my least favourite seasons of the show. Both have a handful of episodes I love, but those are very much in the minority those seasons, and the prevailing trends those seasons never interested me at all. If anything, I felt seasons 8 and 9 felt to me like the show loosening up a bit after the stodginess of season 7. 

I miss Equestria Girls way more than Friendship is Magic. That series ended too soon. And I really liked seeing the mane six in a down-to-earth setting again.

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  • 1 month later...

I m not sure if it is unpopular but:

- I cannot stand Rarijack. 

- Mysterious Mare Do Well is an amazing episode, so is Fame and Misfortune. 

- I despise Fluttercord

- I like Pony Life

- Everyone underestimates Rarity's strength. That pony went through a lot, give her a break. 

- I love Applejack and RD's rivalry

- I don't like Cheese Sandwich, I love Weird Al tho

- Season 4 is the worst season

- The worst episode for me is Simple Ways. Hated Rarity's behavior in that episode. Pure cringe.

- I hate when Rarity eats ice cream. It's cringey nor funny and especially not cute at all. 

- Trixie is awesome

-  I liked Discord in S2-3 only. 

- The ending was fine  Not the best, but fine. It just seems right.

  • Brohoof 1

~"I simply cannot let such a crime against fabulousity go uncorrected"~

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I don't know how common the opinion I disagree with is anymore, but upon my rewatch that started last week, I have to say that I don't think Boast Busters is a bad episode? Like I think considering it's an early episode and what the moral is, I think it's okay, but that's about it, not great or bad, just okay!

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Here we go :

- FlashSentry is overhated, the fandom hates on him for the same reasons why people love Derpy or any other "cute" characters with no personality.

- Spike is the most loyal character.

- EQG Trixie >>>> FIM Trixie ...same goes for Dashie.

- Celestia has more character development than Luna (even though I still love Luna)

- I dislike Fleur De Lis. There is something I don't like about her... she reminds me of a pretty mean girl and the way she was acting on the Sweet And Elite Episode really bothers me.😂

- I really love Fluttershy and I feel very bad for saying this about her... sorry I have to say this, but she can be kind of rude sometimes... let me show some proof with the episodes. :

• Worst Night Ever - S1 E26 

• Putting Your Hoof Down - S2 E19

• Maud Pie - S4 E18 ( in the Twilight's library scene with the rest of the main 6)

• What About Discord? - S5 E22 

• Fake it 'til you make it. S8 E4

It kills me that people with bash Rainbow Dash, Rarity or Twilight for having bad behavior but yet praise Fluttershy and call her sassy for it just cuz she's "cute".

• MLP Clops are scarier than Creepypasta's except for Sweet Apple Massacre.

• Leson Zero was a bad episode.

• I don't like the main 6 ships with their gender swapped versions, but I'm okay if it is mixed. 

• Starlight is the most overhated character... it's unfair that she gets more hate than Chancellor Neighsay!

- Limestone Pie is the best Pinkie Pie sister. She seems to be the only one with an interesting personality. The fandom only dislike her because she is grumpy, she gave some really good advice to Pinkie in the Maud Couple episode.

-I hate the School Of Friendship, it was pointless. This idea of the Mane 5 (except for FlutterPie)  being Teachers was dumb for me. Starlight is doing a good job as a counselor tho. 

Cozy Glow (A.K.A Tirek's lost daughter) is an overrated villain , I feel like they praise her just because she is a filly, and we all know that children can be cruel too, she's not that special. Seriously the only good thing about her are her facial expressions.

She SUUUCKS (sorry for the people who love her).

- etc 

Sorry for my bad English.


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Here we go again: 

- Not a big fan of Spitfire and some of the WonderBolts, especially after watching the Rainbow Falls episode (S4 E10). Soarin is probably the only Wonderbolt I like besides Rainbow Dash. 

- I used to despise Diamond Tiara and SilverSpoon but now, I'm just neutral with these two. It's not easy for me to like them after all the bullying. Like the girls made fun of a disabled pegasus!

- Yakity-Sax is the worst episode of season 8, the worst Pinkie Pie episode and THE WORST EPISODE OF THE WHOLE SERIES ( idc what y'all say).

- I don't understand Derpy Hooves popularity.

- Zecora is the character with the most missed opportunities.

- Fame And Misfortune (S7 E14) was a great episode and is better than Slice Of Life ( S5 E9).

- The Beginning of the End (S9 E1-2), Sparkle ( S9 E4), Between Dark and Dawn (S9 E13), The Ending of The End part 2 (S9 E25) and the Last Problem (S9 E26) are the only memorable episodes of season 9.



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Ok I think this thread is what Ive been looking for for ages, anyways:

- I hate post-s4 discord with a passion
- Trixie's return is pointless because every episode after that was just her being Starlight's sidekick
- Alicorn Twi >>>>>>>> Unicorn Twi
- I hate almost EVERY side character, from the pillars to the headache bringing massive amount of creatures to the young six
- having starswirl debut only to show him being an asshole and with 6 different characters i dont care about plus his half assed conflict with stygian was bad..
- this ties to my previous past 2 points:
A. Starswirl should have been found/rescued/appeared/debuted with SCORPAN because I think the show did a job of portraying scorpan as one of his first friends? and if im not mistaken he disappeared after that? so it made sense he was around with Scorpan?
B. We got a fewer roster of side characters, Scorpan should have been a permanent side character with Starswirl, get rid of the pillars and the youngsix and have: Scorpan, Starswirl, Trixie (starlightless please), Maud, CMC, Discord, Big Mac as the only recurring ones.. also how about mayor mare? some of the residents of the famous ponyville town we all grew to love and grew UP with? anyone remembers diamond tiara? lol (also MAYBBEEEEE starlight if you promise me she wont be shoehorned with every trixe scene)


- last but not least: On paper... and only ((((ON PAPER)))) Cozy Glow and Grogar are potentially the best/most interesting villains we  ever had. period.

Why? because they werent written like generic mlp villain.. mainly because cozy ACTUALLY mastered friendship and understood it to a certain twisted degree, it's like what if there was friendship extremists in this universe, and Grogar wasn't your "im gonna underestimate and gloat over the mane 6 for 90% of my screentime" type of guy, no, Grogar actually understood how powerful friendship was and acknowledged twilight and her friends' powers.

I think I could safely say the show backs up my last point, by writing these 2 villains so (accidentally) well the writers wrote themselves into a corner so they had to get rid of the first by shoehorning a hilariously bad dues ex machina, and the second by making a fanbase breaker twist that makes no sense :ButtercupLaugh:

- I will never understand why they thought a movie after the 7th season was a good idea. After season 4? Great opportunity. Also the movie was bad.
- Derpy is not funny anymore.
- I love Friendship Games, and best EQG movie imo 
- If I ranked best villains of what we actually got. Tirek is the best.
- Sweetie Belle is best CMC
- I loved the Power Ponies episode
- I actually like Flurry Heart
- Sunset Shimmer is one of the best characters and to have Starlight take her rightful place as a main character is a crime punishable by death
- Flash Sentry is ok!
- S9 wasn't THAT bad.
- Big Mac Question > Perfect Apple

- Prince Blueblood should have appeared more
- Although I hated later reforms.. especially in s9... I think the Legion (Cozy, Tirek and Chrysalis) should have been reformed. but ONLY if they ever found friendship by their selves, and went to peruse other goals like tirek going to find scorpan and chrysalis climbing the ranks and working her way to earn the hive's trust.. it would have been the ultimate feel good moment for this show's ending and a great lesson... anyone gotten tired of "reforms" being held after getting a lecture? it feels like whenever a villain appears the mane 6 go like "yall bet we will end this by holding a convo or using the elements?". They needed to find the good by their own selves.

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Turning people into self-aware stone should be viewed as war crime evil; way less humane than killing them. Wtf Celestia? Impossible to view her as totally benevolent after that.

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On 1/5/2021 at 10:10 PM, WHWallace said:

Turning people into self-aware stone should be viewed as war crime evil; way less humane than killing them. Wtf Celestia? Impossible to view her as totally benevolent after that.

On those grounds, the Terrible Trio's punishment is more than justified based on the sum of these reasons:

  1. Overthrowing the Equestrian monarchy.
  2. Capturing royalty, the majority of Celestia's & Luna's successors, the Pillars of Magic, the headmare of a school with Equestria's strongest international relations, and Discord.
  3. Conspiring with each other to turn the three pony tribes against each other and further help collapse the country, accidentally triggering the revival of the windigoes.
  4. Stealing the most powerful magic (the late Grogar's) and using both that and his bell as weapons against Equestria's leaders.
  5. Attempting to assassinate the Mane Six & Spike.
Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 1

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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On 1/4/2021 at 4:52 AM, The Wife of Hawks said:
  • Cozy Glow is annoying.
  • Queen Chrysalis isn’t that cool.
  • Maud Pie stopped being funny after her second appearance.





My past self agrees with you! :D


Yaks not best, unicorns best! :proud:

Also, the yaks were a joke that were never that funny to me. 

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15 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

Yaks not best, unicorns best! :proud:

Also, the yaks were a joke that were never that funny to me. 

Maud Pie was like that one joke  your friend made that started out really funny at first but when he kept repeating it over and over it stopped being funny and just annoying

The Yaks was that joke that was never funny and no one liked but your friend never got the message and thought the only way it could be funny was to repeat it over and over.
This goes double for certain characters that long overstayed their welcome

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11 minutes ago, Califorum said:

I 100 disagree with you on Maud Pie for sure.

My problem with Maud was that I actually thought she was really funny in her debut episode, however the writers thought because people thought it was funny they decided to repeat the same stuff over and over and thought "haha, its funny because she's emotionless!" joke ad nauseum. Then there was her friendship with Starlight, it felt entirely like it was only done to get more people in the fandom to like Starlight by stapling a popular character to her just like Trixie Actually to their credit, they managed to make it work really well with Trixie, vs Maud where it just feels fake.

And since this is the unpopular opinions thread, the reason why I liked The Maud Couple so much, more than most people compared to all her other episodes was because it felt like something new was finally being done with her

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I actually liked the Cake twins and wanted to see them grow up. Too bad we never got at least a toddler story or something. Felt like they morphed into adults at random by season 9 since they were babies until then.

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McFlurry was one of the few post S5 changes I was actually looking forward too. A Flurry of Emotions I loved and I liked how she seemed somewhat smarter than I expected(seeing her imitating Twilight was adorable) and I think she was one of the biggest wastes of potential in the show, And in the leaks I really disliked how she was ultimately replaced with Haber's OC Luster Dawn in The Last Problem given a grown up McFlurry sounds awesome

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