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gaming Pokemon X and Y Discussion Thread


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  On 2013-12-17 at 11:20 PM, TheMoonPie said:

Gengarite is just banned on smogon. M-Gar was mostly banned because of perish trapping. Come in on a wall or sleeping poke (which it can do itself with hypnosis) set up a perish song then protect and substitute until the last turn and switch out and boom the opponents poke is gone and you still have a M-Gar to perish song with. Priority moves would wreck gengar but since the opponent can choose what to trap knocking out gengar became even harder.

Mega Gengar Perish Song... man, that's just devious, I can certainly see why Smogon would ban that.

Blaziken is just a ridiculous ban though. In such a priority-heavy metagame that gen 6 is turning out to be, it should be no trouble for most teams to get past its Speed Boost antics anymore, especially Mega Blaziken who will almost always die to a single Super-Effective priority move since it can't carry a Focus Sash, and even if it has a Sash Blaziken will always be hard-countered by the likes of Azumarill and Talonflame anyway. Seriously, it's a good Pokémon for sure, but not so great that it's gamebreaking. :huh:

  • Brohoof 1


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  On 2013-12-18 at 12:50 AM, KirbyFluttershy said:

@Fabien - According to your post on your "fairly team", any idea what team you used? if you don't want to tell, then we understand in keeping your team a secret.


Oh! my team isn't a secret, It's pretty normal I think: Mega - Gardevoir (Trace/Pixielate), Sylveon (Cute Charm), Wigglytuff (Competitive), Azumarill (Huge Power), Togekiss/Espeon (Togekiss with Serene Grace but I use Espeon many times because it has Magic Bounce, pretty useful to avoid stealth rock and spikes) and Audino (Regenerator). Audino is like my guardian Angel lol
The problem of my team is any fairy has Magic Bounce, they are pretty delicate to pokemon like Gengar, Mega -Venusaur, Tentacruel, Scizor, Mega - Mawille, Aegislash, Mega - Kangaskhan (I think is a problem of all lol) another pokemon who are kinda annoying to me are Mega Charizard Y, Trevenant, Wash Rotom, Florges, Gliscor, Breloom, Talonflame, Nidoqueen, Amoongus, Nidoking, Sigilyph, Snorlax, Metagross, Klefki, Blissey (sometimes) and Smeargie (I used to hate it, but it's pretty easy to counter with Espeon abiiity). The pros, I don't have problem with any Dragon (exept Dragonite a little for its def and spdef), Fighter, Dark or actually with no other kind of pokemon. Any fairy can't learn rapid spin, so like I said before, Espeon is pretty useful to me.
I have used all fairies, but these ones are my favs and the most useful to me. A lot of people think, why not Mega - Mawille? Yeah, it has an amazing attack but it's pretty delicate, even if it has baloon  lol or why Wigglytufff and not Clefable? Yeah Clefable has calm mind, Magic Guard or Unaware, but now Wigglytuff has better sp attack, can take better the huge punches and the most important, it's still normal, so Aegislash (a huge Fairy counter) can't to use Shadow Sneak or any ghost attack against Wiggly. Wigglytuff is the surprise factor of my team lol

Angel Dreamer


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  On 2013-12-18 at 2:05 AM, SBB64 said:

Mega Gengar Perish Song... man, that's just devious, I can certainly see why Smogon would ban that.

Blaziken is just a ridiculous ban though. In such a priority-heavy metagame that gen 6 is turning out to be, it should be no trouble for most teams to get past its Speed Boost antics anymore, especially Mega Blaziken who will almost always die to a single Super-Effective priority move since it can't carry a Focus Sash, and even if it has a Sash Blaziken will always be hard-countered by the likes of Azumarill and Talonflame anyway. Seriously, it's a good Pokémon for sure, but not so great that it's gamebreaking. :huh:

Blaziken was banned more for his Speed Boost + Baton pass shenanigans. He also had access to Swords Dance too which didn't help. Mega Blaziken comes in on something weak to it, lets say Ferrothorn a common wall, forces a switch gets an SD off and then proceeds to go ham. When he's near K.O range he could pass those speed and attack boosts out and then proceed to ham it up again. Those easy and amazing passes are what made him really dangerous. Azumarill and Talonflame, even adaptability aqua jet Crawdaunt to an extent, can handle him really well but thats the thing they need to run them in their team and not everyone liked running them. I don't think Mega Blaziken is all that scary either but then again I always have Azumarill with me...

I don't need a signature b-baka

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To my Mega Blaziken experiences... Azumarill is his best counter, but Psyshock is pretty usefful. I have to use Mega - Gardevoir and Psyshock to fainted some Mega - Blaziken (before when everybody had one lol). I used Espeon too, also I think Delphox can be kinda useful against Blaziken . But it's sure when it cclose to KO he Battom Passed to some annoying pokemon, like Kangaskhan, after that you see Mega Kangaskhan attack x 4 and speed x 4 lol

Angel Dreamer


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  On 2013-12-18 at 3:08 AM, TheMoonPie said:

Blaziken was banned more for his Speed Boost + Baton pass shenanigans. He also had access to Swords Dance too which didn't help. Mega Blaziken comes in on something weak to it, lets say Ferrothorn a common wall, forces a switch gets an SD off and then proceeds to go ham. When he's near K.O range he could pass those speed and attack boosts out and then proceed to ham it up again. Those easy and amazing passes are what made him really dangerous. Azumarill and Talonflame, even adaptability aqua jet Crawdaunt to an extent, can handle him really well but thats the thing they need to run them in their team and not everyone liked running them. I don't think Mega Blaziken is all that scary either but then again I always have Azumarill with me...

Well gee, maybe they should ban Scolipede then too, because that's basically all it does as well(or just get rid of it general, ew centipedes... but that's a more personal vendetta lol). :P

I guess I get that though, although I don't find fighting against strategies like that too disconcerting I guess not everyone wants to use Pokémon to specifically combat things like that, trying to promote more balance and whatnot. :huh:

  • Brohoof 1


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  On 2013-12-18 at 5:24 AM, SBB64 said:

Well gee, maybe they should ban Scolipede then too, because that's basically all it does as well(or just get rid of it general, ew centipedes... but that's a more personal vendetta lol). :P

I guess I get that though, although I don't find fighting against strategies like that too disconcerting I guess not everyone wants to use Pokémon to specifically combat things like that, trying to promote more balance and whatnot. :huh:

Yea I know. Smogon is weird sometimes......

I don't need a signature b-baka

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I remembered facing a trainer who had a Shiny Mega Gengar in a Triple Battle. It was taken down by my Quagsire's Earthquake along with his Shiny Mawile and Shiny Aegislash. The other 2 Pokémon I had out were Noivern and Talonflame. This is why you had to be careful when using Gengar with Gengarite because it loses the Ground resistance when it Mega evolves.


But I still think the tiers have their reasons of fair play and we all have to follow it.

  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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That is one terrible strategy for someone that use earthquake and killed own ally pokemon. You'll never know If your opponent doesn't know if your pokemon is flying or levitating.


Well some of us don't play and battle with tiers so It just depends on the play style and what rules we go with. Some of us go with anything goes rules which means using any pokemon and no restrictions, open level or flat battle, lv. 50 all.


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I feel so late.. I just got the game a week ago and beat it yesterday...

Either way, I can probably jump into some convo here... What's being discussed? (If anything that is)


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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  On 2013-12-28 at 7:59 AM, Blazing Hoof said:

I feel so late.. I just got the game a week ago and beat it yesterday...

Either way, I can probably jump into some convo here... What's being discussed? (If anything that is)


Well the pokemon bank has been delayed so that's the bad news for all of us, but we can still talk about the pokemon bank though. What's being discussed currently was our teams, progress, in our search for friend safaris, and asking for advice and help. All Trades have to be taken through PMs for further negotiations.


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So yeah, from a software perspective, Pokémon bank was a disaster. It's "hack check" was more primitive than the third party site pokecheck, a major disappointment for me. I have a hacked 6-iv ditto I want to transfer for breeding. I worked on it really hard to make it appear perfectly legit from every angle, manually checking the .pkmn under a hex editor and everything. But no, evidently not needed...


On a side note, I managed to get a cyndaquil from a generous Japanese gentleman last night. So yes, all starters have been obtained! Now it's a matter of getting them to Y, along with the other 14-16 boxes I need to transfer.

Edited by Celtore
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Well... I haven't been paying much attention to pokemon bank, since I want to start all over again (Bad idea I know, but it'll be nice to try out a new team)


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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  On 2013-12-28 at 3:29 PM, Celtore said:

So yeah, from a software perspective, Pokémon bank was a disaster. It's "hack check" was more primitive than the third party site pokecheck, a major disappointment for me. I have a hacked 6-iv ditto I want to transfer for breeding. I worked on it really hard to make it appear perfectly legit from every angle, manually checking the .pkmn under a hex editor and everything. But no, evidently not needed...


On a side note, I managed to get a cyndaquil from a generous Japanese gentleman last night. So yes, all starters have been obtained! Now it's a matter of getting them to Y, along with the other 14-16 boxes I need to transfer.

I have a hacked 6 IV ditto too. Just for IV breeding though I don't use it to battle. Thats pretty impressive though, making a legit 6 IV ditto. I just got mine off pokecheck.

  • Brohoof 1

I don't need a signature b-baka

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GENTLEMEN!(ladies too)


I need a Frogadier with Protean. Only way to get one is through Friend Safari! That's why I need a Friend with their Friend Safari unlocked and who can stay online long enough for the game to register them as having Friend Safari.

So, anyone willing to help a guy out? You know how the song goes:

A true true friend helps a friend in need

A true true friend helps a friend get a Frogadier with Protean so he can murder everyone in his path.

(Or something like that. I may have gotten the first part wrong.)


Send me a message if you have Friend Safari unlocked.




Also, I don't do hacks. Just... Not cool.

Edited by Xidphel
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For those concerned about money for the system, the 2DS is quite a bit cheaper. The game is really fun. We got it for christmas. Ours came with a free lvl50 Scizor

Edited by Flash Fire

My oc - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-fire-r5698 pixel_dash_running_by_shearx-d4tfdq7.gif

"Take my love. Take my land. Take me where I cannot stand. I don't care. I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me.

Take me out, to the black. Tell my ma I ain't coming back. Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me."

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I just got Y and have so far been having fun. One thing I'm not liking are the roller skates, is there a way to turn them off because I can't figure it out?


I'm in need of the exclusives from X, so if anyone wants to help me out just toss me a PM and we can work something out. Really I'm only looking for a handful of them. I've never done any trading before, so just be warned and bear with me. Didn't know anyone with Black back when I was playing White, that and I was playing on an original release DS that couldn't connect to modern wifi.


WTB: Luna, Trixie dog tags & AJ blind bag | This fandom needs more Mane-iac! | AJ, Rarity, and Trixie trot into a bar.

The Dreamcast didn't fail, we failed the Dreamcast

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  On 2013-12-29 at 6:14 AM, The Mane-iac said:

I just got Y and have so far been having fun. One thing I'm not liking are the roller skates, is there a way to turn them off because I can't figure it out?


I'm in need of the exclusives from X, so if anyone wants to help me out just toss me a PM and we can work something out. Really I'm only looking for a handful of them. I've never done any trading before, so just be warned and bear with me. Didn't know anyone with Black back when I was playing White, that and I was playing on an original release DS that couldn't connect to modern wifi.


The way to not use the roller skates is to use the dpad instead of the circle pad. You can't really take them off, unfortunately... You'll get used to them eventually though, it took me a while.

  • Brohoof 1
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  On 2013-12-29 at 6:18 AM, Celtore said:

The way to not use the roller skates is to use the dpad instead of the circle pad. You can't really take them off, unfortunately... You'll get used to them eventually though, it took me a while.


Ugh, I was hoping there was a way besides that. The things should be like the bike was in White, instead they take away one of the things I so enjoy about the 3DS over my old DS. Thanks though!


WTB: Luna, Trixie dog tags & AJ blind bag | This fandom needs more Mane-iac! | AJ, Rarity, and Trixie trot into a bar.

The Dreamcast didn't fail, we failed the Dreamcast

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Well... Random question before I head off to bed.. Or if you guys can keep me awake...

What tier do you think my new favorite pokemon is gonna be?

If you don't know what my favorite is, check my avi for a hint (Spoiler alert: It's delphox)

I mean, he's got some pretty good special attack, even though he gets outclassed by other psychic types, he's got decent speed, but priority moves are gonna destroy him... I honestly have no idea where he'll be put, kinda hoping someone else has some idea.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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  On 2013-12-29 at 8:15 AM, Blazing Hoof said:

Well... Random question before I head off to bed.. Or if you guys can keep me awake...

What tier do you think my new favorite pokemon is gonna be?

If you don't know what my favorite is, check my avi for a hint (Spoiler alert: It's delphox)

I mean, he's got some pretty good special attack, even though he gets outclassed by other psychic types, he's got decent speed, but priority moves are gonna destroy him... I honestly have no idea where he'll be put, kinda hoping someone else has some idea.

from what I understand, delphox isn't going to be a high tier. according to this article from serebii, http://www.serebii.net/potw-xy/655.shtml, delphox has a lot of shortcomings and it can be easily taken care of from the looks of it. maybe it'll get RU. hopefully somebody better versed with competitive battles can give a clearer answer

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The reason why Pokémon Bank was recalled is because "some trainers" were transferring illegal Pokémon from their previous games. This is why I don't use any sort Pokémon creating emulators and applications. Sorry but I'm a trainer who raise Pokémon to their full potential. 

  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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  On 2013-12-29 at 9:58 AM, Photon Jet said:

The reason why Pokémon Bank was recalled is because "some trainers" were transferring illegal Pokémon from their previous games. This is why I don't use any sort Pokémon creating emulators and applications. Sorry but I'm a trainer who raise Pokémon to their full potential. 


It's also called hacked and cheated pokemon also it's gonna take a while for us to get the pokemon bank released. When all the players and fans saw that news about pokemon bank being delayed, they're just being desperate for one right now and they may be saying "but i want it now".


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I want to play this game so badly. I have X, but I'm lacking a 3DS at the moment. xD I already figured out what I want for my team but it might change once I go *in* the game. I know for sure I want Mega Mawile. I had it for a team in Pokemon Showdown, and it is pretty good. I was considering Fennekin to be my starter, but I'm leaning towards Froakie...because Greninja, yo.


I'm also sad that PokeBank is delayed, but I blame the hacked Pokemon. Nintendo should've thought of that in the first place. 

  • Brohoof 1
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