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gaming Pokemon X and Y Discussion Thread


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New images revealed, including a second Mega Mewtwo and Mega Charchomp, starter evolutions, fossil Pokemon as well as more insight into the fairy type.




Mega Garchomp to be banned everywhere, calling it now. In terms of the starters, I'm optimistic that Fennekin will not become fire/fighting, since not only does it learn a psychic move but previously a secondary typing was added by the second evolution. In terms of second evolutions, the forms are alright but it's usually by the third form that determines whether I will use a particular starter or not.  


For the fossil Pokemon, the T-Rex is interesting but unless it learns all the fang moves then it won't really make use of its ability. The Diplodocus on the other hand...is broken as all hell. It's ability, Freeze Skin, turns all normal moves into Ice Type. Let me repeat that: turns all Normal moves into Dragon-killing Ice, which it gets STAB for because it's ice type. Ice Hyper Beam anyone?.


To further add to the Dragon slaying, Fairy type has been confirmed to be strong against Fighting, Dark and Dragon, weak to Poison and Steel to tie into the fairy mythos and IMMUNE TO DRAGONS. On second thought, with all this opposition, maybe Mega Garchomp is more an equalizer than a gamebreaker.

  • Brohoof 2

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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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Full quote from Serebii:


We have the cover that showcases a new Mega Evolution of Mewtwo as well as Mega Garchomp in the bottom right

The middle starter evolutions have also been revealed. First is Hariboogu (ハリボーグ), Chespin's evolution. It is pure Grass-type and knows the move Mud Shot. Next is Fennekin's evolution, Teerunaa (テールナー) which is pure Fire-type. It knows the move Psycho Cut and finally is Froakie's evolution, Gerogashira (ゲロガシラ) which is pure Water-type and knows Bounce

It lists two fossil Pokémon, Chigorasu (チゴラス) which is Rock/Dragon T-Rex which has a new ability 'Hard Jaw' that increases attack power of biting moves and knows Crunch, and Amarusu (アマルス) which is Rock/Ice Diplodocus which has a new ability called Freeze Skin which turns Normal type moves into Ice-type moves and raises their power. It knows Aurora Beam

There is a white dog called Torimian (トリミアン) which is the Pokémon from the Pokémon Direct and is a Normal-type It has a new ability called Fure Coat which reduces Physical Damage. You can also customise its appearance

Finally, the Psychic-type cat called Nyaonikusu (ニャオニクス) which has male and female appearances. Male is on the right, Female is on the left in the third picture below. movepool varies by gender. The male is more of a supporter while the female is more of an attacker with, female Nyaonikusu knowing Extrasensory and male knowing Miracle Eye. It has Keen Eye or Infiltrator

He also listed the Fairy-type chart. According to this, Fairy is Super Effective on Fighting, Dark and Dragon and not effective on Fire, Poison or Steel. It also states that it is weak to Poison and Steel while resists Fighting, Dark and Bug. It is immune to Dragon.

The new Mega Evolution of Mewtwo is exclusive to X and is called Mega Mewtwo X. It is Psychic/Fighting-type and has the ability Steadfast. The previous Mega Mewtwo is Mega Mewtwo Y and is exclusive to Pokémon Y. They use the items Mewtwonite X & Mewtwonite Y to Mega Evolve. Mega Garchomp has the ability Sandforce

Change your hair and clothes at a Boutique and Salon, reflected in the graphics, with a famous actress called Karune. Team Flare has five scientists, Kuseroshiki, Momiji, Bara, Akebi, Corea

According to the leaker, Steel has lost its resistance to Dark and Ghost. Like the rest of this information this is unconfirmed until we get a picture.

The actress Karena is a trainer you will also have the ability of battling. Team Flare are looking to create a beautiful world.


I'm okay with most things. Can't say i'm a huge fan of Chespin's evo but might get better in the final one. Nerf to steel and some Fairy-type chart goodness... i approve. x)

Edited by Jonke
  • Brohoof 3

<3 ~Fairy Fairy~ <3



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He also listed the Fairy-type chart. According to this, Fairy is Super Effective on FightingDark and Dragon and not effective on Fire,Poison or Steel. It also states that it is weak to Poison and Steel while resists FightingDark and Bug. It is immune to Dragon.


Fighting is another one of those types I thought was a little too strong. Poison and Steel aren't exactly common attacking types so we're not too bad on the weakness front either. IMMUNITY to dragon  :yay:



As for the new pokes, Diplodocus sounds interesting. Rock/Ice typing is horrendous but the freeze skin ability is really interesting. The normal moves that really seem to jump out at me right now are Extreme Speed, Fake Out, Retaliate, Thrash and maybe Last Resort, Self-Destruct. Of course since it raises the base power, all the usual normal type attacks are very useful (Return, Mega Punch, etc), mostly for the physical I'm noticing. I feel like this will either be a signature ability or have very, very limited distribution. I hope ice type gets more buffs. 


I'm indifferent to steels slight changes. Slightly less potent defensively, and a maybe a tiny bit better offensively, type match up wise at least. It's still the premier defensive type anyway.


I like Mega Mewtwo Y more; sorry I like fighting type about as much as I like dragon type. I was planning on getting X, but now...  


I love Nyaonikusu's design, both of them. The inverse relation between them is pretty cool too (both the looks and the use). Their abilities don't sound terribly useful though...

Edited by Mutemutt
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looks like the majority of fairy's type match up were true. this means that pokemon like scrafty and hydreigon will have a x4 weakness to fairy now.


I'm curious as to why the mewtwo megas are version exclusive /=|


did any body see the other eeveelution next to sylveon? it might not be an eeveelution but it sure looks a lot like one

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Mega Garchomp!? As if it wasn't enough of a monster already. But yeah, how about those starter evolutions? It was pretty funny reading the responses on reddit. I was actually pretty terrified myself when my eyes saw a bipedal Fennekin, but I was reassured once again when I heard that it learns psyshock.


I really like the design of the new fossil pokemon going after the diplodocus and the t-rex. The ice/rock typing is pretty bad though, what with the fairly common ground weakness and two attack types that deal quad damage. I still love how the diplodocus looks though! :)


Now, fairy types are going to be interesting... I love that they are natural dragon killers, I'm going to name my future gardevoir Dovahkiin. I fear it might become even more overpowered than dragon though. Dragons typically had a very bad weakness to ice (a fairly common attack type), but how many strong and effective poison and steel moves do you know besides meteor mash?

Edited by Celtore
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Now, fairy types are going to be interesting... I love that they are natural dragon killers, I'm going to name my future gardevoir Dovahkiin. I fear it might become even more overpowered than dragon though. Dragons typically had a very bad weakness to ice (a fairly common attack type), but how many strong and effective poison and steel moves do you know besides meteor mash?


Yeah the main problem was that Ice type pokemon just weren't very good in general. And there wasn't a whole lot of pokemon that could take a STAB outrage and fire off a ice beam in response. Plenty of water types get ice beam and there are other pokemon that get the lesser seen ice punch and ice fang but not many steels get an ice type attack and steel was pretty much the only type that handle outrage and draco meteor without too many problems.


I think things will turn out okay since: 1) I don't think a ton of dragons will have a double weakness to fairy type unlike ice type. 2) Coverage moves. You just know there's still going to be plenty of Stone Edges, Flamethrowers and Thunderbolts flying around.


Off the top of my head. Steel still has meteor mash, gyro ball and iron head. Poison has gunk shot, cross poison, sludge bomb and poison jab. They're not really used as coverage moves but plenty of pokemon use the STAB to great effect (Jirachi, Metagross, Ferrothorn; Croagunk, Roserade, Venesaur, etc.)

Edited by Mutemutt
  • Brohoof 1
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Oh Fairy, you so OP, I'm gonna love you :yay:

Mega Garchomp... MEGA GARCHOMP?! You mean you want to make the most powerful pseudo-legendary even more powerful Gamefreak? Well okay then...

And another Mega Mewtwo... doesn't look as good as Mewtwo Y but its typing is nice.

The secondary starter evolutions look kinda bad too, really hope their final forms are better.


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Bipedal... Fennekin? You mean, you took a little fox and put him on two legs and gave him anorexic arms?  Seriously, why did he have to be bipedal!?  *goes to cry in a corner*  I'll probably take him anyway but that evolution is seriously disappointing.  Chespin's evo is even worse!  He looks like a balloon!  I hope he'll shed his... whatever he has in his last evolution.  Froakie's evolution is pretty nice though :) 

  • Brohoof 1


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Bipedal... Fennekin? You mean, you took a little fox and put him on two legs and gave him anorexic arms?  Seriously, why did he have to be bipedal!?  *goes to cry in a corner*  I'll probably take him anyway but that evolution is seriously disappointing.  Chespin's evo is even worse!  He looks like a balloon!  I hope he'll shed his... whatever he has in his last evolution.  Froakie's evolution is pretty nice though :)


There's only one reason Game Freak would give the evolution arms. I hope you guys are ready for another fire/fighting  :umad: 

Just kidding... Hopefully...

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There's only one reason Game Freak would give the evolution arms. I hope you guys are ready for another fire/fighting  :umad: 

Just kidding... Hopefully...

There is a basically 0% chance fennekin is going to ever become fire fighting.


Especially since its revealed it learns psycho cut. And i don't think gamefreak is going to troll us that hard ;p.


Anyways, overall i'm liking the leaks, its nice to get to see the starter evos. Fennekin is ok i guess, i kinda think fennekin looks cuter, but i guess they're going a different direction then i thought, design feels a bit incomplete but i guess thats because its a second stage.


Chespin's is kinda random ;p, i don't hate it, but its just kinda odd ;p. i I think it'll make better sense after it evolves again.


Froakies is actually my favorite, atleast design wise,  It looks really cool actually, it has this assassin like feel to it. Maybe it might be part posion? Eh probably not xD.


Honestly at this point i'm thinking Chespin will become part ground, Fennekin is part psychic, and froakie will be part flying. I'm pretty confident in that, especially with the new evolutions.


As for the new mega evolutions...


Well mewtwo's new mega evolution is cool, i'm getting Y so i guess i'm getting the other one, which is fine by me, both look good to me. 


Garchomp is a bit surprising considering how powerful garchomp is already, but ya know, it actually looks pretty cool though in my opinion.


As far as the new pokemon, i quite like them all, very unique ideas to them for the most part. The Psychic squirl thing i dunno the name, is a cool concept to have a basically totally different pokemon for males and females, it actually looks quite cool, maybe i'll throw one on my team, definitely will be considered.


The dog pokemon is also quite cool. I dunno if i'll use it or not, but the new gromming you can do with it sounds quite cool again to me, a very cool new concept in my opinion. I like customizing stuff :D.


And the two fossil pokemon, the T-rex is a cool one, a design people have been waiting for a good long time, and its here. Its ablity is interesting, i hope it learns all the fang moves and stuff to make full advantage of it.


However i must say i prefer the other fossil(isn't it like a paleosauraus or something? Or am i totally forgetting my dinos ;p?) is my favorite of the two, it sounds interesting, and i just like the design a little more.


Plus its ablity sounds really useful, all normal moves to ice eh? Hyper beam ice here we go :D


Its typing is kinda eh, but with an ability like that i think it needs a typing like that. I actually think just from looking at it, that it may be one of my favorite ice types, dunno why i just like it :D.


And i guess that does it for new pokemon.


As for type changes, I think the fairy types matchups is pretty predictable which is good, makes it easy to remember and it makes sense. and the typing sounds interesting, Steel type being strong vs something is new considering how little steel does offensively. Of course i still love steel.


I must say being a steel type lover it does sadden me a bit to see ghosts and dark free to do normal damage, but to be fair steel is an incredibly defensive typing, and i guess with a new offensive type it may makeup for it.


Bronzong is gonna be slightly unhappy though :(.


Oh and i guess finally the customization of your characters.


O-m_G YES!!!


Finally!!! I love customization as i mentioned earlier and i can finally customize!


I dunno how much it will be, but honestly its a step in the right direction, i love customization, and even if i might not be able to give my character bright green hair, i will be happy regardless :P.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Its typing is kinda eh, but with an ability like that i think it needs a typing like that. I actually think just from looking at it, that it may be one of my favorite ice types, dunno why i just like it .


If there is one thing the ice/ rock typing has going for it, it's that rock and ice are both really good attacking types. The same type attack bonus should make this poke hit really hard with the right stats. My main concern is that dino here looks really slow, too slow to ever really be a threat offensively when you've got a ton of weaknesses (especially that double weakness to fighting (mach punch is going to ruin your day)). But maybe it won't be that slow, looks can be deceiving (Miltank's pretty speedy for a cow  :wacko:). Still, that ability sounds really interesting; I wonder if any other pokemon will get that ability.

Edited by Mutemutt
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I'm still going with Fennekin so far, his second evolution is ok. I'm REALLY hoping his final evolution is beautiful.


Man, Froakie's new evolution makes him look so majestic. If his final evolution is as cool as this one is, I may have to switch over from Fennekin.


Interesting that there's a specific Mega Evolution for Mewtwo depending on which game you have.

  • Brohoof 2
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Mega Garchomp? Why? WHHHHHYYYYY????


I like the new fossil Pokemon. Rock/Dragon and Rock/Ice are brand new typings if I'm not mistaken? I'm probably not correct on that one, but nonetheless they are interesting typings.


The new cat Pokemon is one of my favorite new Pokemon so far. I can't decide if I like the tom or the female more. :P


And then the starters.... you know, I always thought Pignite was the ugly duckling of all middle form starters. He's not sleek and cool like the others, but rather "fat" and well.... ugly. At least now he's in good company thanks to Chespin's evolution. I was honestly expecting something much more exciting.


Fennekin's evolution looks quite interesting. My only gripe is that once again, we probably will have a bipedal final form fire starter. I was really crossing my fingers for a four-legged Pokemon this time. 


I'm very pleased with Froakie's evolution. It's not what I had in mind, and that's a good thing. It's probably my favorite design of the three starters. 

Edited by Sugar Cube
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Anyways, the new Mewtwo form looks okay, I suppose. Mega-Garmchomp looks pretty snazzy, but the picture in the spoiler above pretty much describes how I feel about him. The new fossil Pokémon actually look kind of cool. Anyways, about the starter Pokémon's middle evolutions, they're good for the most part. Chespin looks cool, but he evolves into that...thing. I had high hopes for Chespin, and I'm losing faith in him. His second evolution is disappointing in my eyes. Froakie's second evolution looks pretty badass. I'd have to say it's my favorite of the three. Fennekin's second evolution looks pretty decent also, in my opinion.

  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Chespin looks cool, but he evolves into that...thing. I had high hopes for Chespin, and I'm losing faith in him. His second evolution is disappointing in my eyes.

I would just love it for chespin to pull a bagon. cute beginner, awkward middle stage then really cool final evolution =P


people should really wait until the final evo is released to be disappointed /=|

  • Brohoof 3
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I don't think anyone has posted this image yet, it's a chart that shows the official mega evolutions, it's not official so take it lightly. (I don't know how to actually post the image dont judge pl0x) http://nintendo3dsdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/megaevols.jpg Mega sableye is on extreme levels of want right now.


So uhh mega garchomp eh? Scary thoughts man.


On to the new pokemon, the Ice dino seems pretty bad sadly, the typing is awful, the ability seems cool enough on paper, but in reality shouldn't get much use, if its special that would be the worst scenario, the most powerful rock STAB it could get would be power gem, even then power gem has awful distribution, the ability wouldn't be able to help it much hyper beam is just a bad move don't deny it, being ice type doesn't make it any better, the only normal move it would be able to take advantage of is hyper voice for a whopping 5 more damage then ice beam. If its physical which I hope it is, it would fare a bit better, ice body slam seems decent enough, stone edge and hopefully ice shard would go well with it, and giga impact is just as bad as hyper beam, another thing is this Dino looks slow, along with a bad defensive typing this Dino doesn't seem to be that great.


I dislike the designs of fennekin, and chespins evo's, glad to be a part of team froakie, it's evo looks awesome. I'm a fan of the other new pokemon as well. Litleo's evolution looks pretty rad, and the foxes look really cool.


I am in love with fairy types now though, I always hated those dragons, the immunity just makes it even better!!!

Edited by Huntailstrike
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I don't think anyone has posted this image yet, it's a chart that shows the official mega evolutions, it's not official so take it lightly. (I don't know how to actually post the image dont judge pl0x) http://nintendo3dsdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/megaevols.jpg Mega sableye is on extreme levels of want right now.

still no mega-chandelure /=| it better not be official then =P


I am super excited about mega-volcarona though :3

why not just announce that all the starters are getting mega-evos instead of cherry picking ones and leave people wondering? /=|

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Oh man I love this guy. Looks so awesome and majestic and stuff. Hopefully the Litleo line gets a third evolution, cuz that pokemon would be super badass. I think that if they got a third evolution, it could potentially be the pseudo legendary for X and Y. But Pyroar looks pretty final, so I'm not raising my hopes. With Litleo's tail design I was hoping they would go for a manticore kinda thing but I guess not. I feel like Chespin's mid evo is gonna be like shelgon, looks kinda dumb but becomes awesome.Just my thoughts on some recent stuff. 


Oh and I really like the fossil pokemon. Can't wait to see their evolutions. And that chart came out before Mega Garchomp was released I think, so it could potentially be real.

  • Brohoof 1
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If its physical which I hope it is, it would fare a bit better, ice body slam seems decent enough, stone edge and hopefully ice shard would go well with it, and giga impact is just as bad as hyper beam, another thing is this Dino looks slow, along with a bad defensive typing this Dino doesn't seem to be that great.


Whoa there, don't forget about double-edge. 120 base power + the extra power from the ability sounds really good (or maybe the "gained power" they mention is just STAB; either way that's pretty solid for physical attackers). It isn't too much of a stretch to think dino could learn double-edge or maybe even Head Charge. Dino's speed is mostly what I'm worried about. 


Just took a look at the pic. Mega Aggron, Meganium, Tropius (good ol' banana chin), Luxray and Drifblim? I approve. Not confirmed stuff but it doesn't sound that far-fetched (speaking of, why is farfetch'd nowhere to be found?  :okiedokielokie:)

Edited by Mutemutt
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If there is one thing the ice/ rock typing has going for it, it's that rock and ice are both really good attacking types. The same type attack bonus should make this poke hit really hard with the right stats. My main concern is that dino here looks really slow, too slow to ever really be a threat offensively when you've got a ton of weaknesses (especially that double weakness to fighting (mach punch is going to ruin your day)). But maybe it won't be that slow, looks can be deceiving (Miltank's pretty speedy for a cow  :wacko:). Still, that ability sounds really interesting; I wonder if any other pokemon will get that ability.

True, of course the typing is quite bleh, but i think it can possibly be worked around. And while it may not be some crazy uber tier pokemon, or even OU tier maybe, its still interesting, and it might end up on my team, being a pretty interesting ice type.


I doubt it'll be fast per say, maybe at best average if even. I doubt it though. Dinosaurs aren't known for being fast really. Atleast not ground based ones.


Well actually there are fast dinos nvm, but still this one is a bit of a stretch to be fast.


I have a feeling the ability will be exclusive, or maybe 1 or 2 others will have it, gen 5 with archeops had defeatist which was exclusive, so being another fossil pokemon i won't be surprised if its exclusive.


The other T-Rex's ability i'm not sure on, could be exclusive, maybe not.


Regardless i doubt more then a 1-2 other pokemon will get it if any others do. and i'm doubtful that'll happen.


I like him regardless though.



Oh man I love this guy. Looks so awesome and majestic and stuff. Hopefully the Litleo line gets a third evolution, cuz that pokemon would be super badass. I think that if they got a third evolution, it could potentially be the pseudo legendary for X and Y. But Pyroar looks pretty final, so I'm not raising my hopes. With Litleo's tail design I was hoping they would go for a manticore kinda thing but I guess not. I feel like Chespin's mid evo is gonna be like shelgon, looks kinda dumb but becomes awesome.Just my thoughts on some recent stuff. 


Oh and I really like the fossil pokemon. Can't wait to see their evolutions. And that chart came out before Mega Garchomp was released I think, so it could potentially be real.

I love this guy to, makes me kinda regret the fact i'm getting Fennekin in a way. ;p. Oh well i'll get it on another playthrough.


And i actually have to wonder if this is an evolution from litleo, it seems possible actually, quite possible, and i really wouldn't be surprised frankly. So if its already not confirmed i'm placing my thoughts on it being an evo for Liltleo. 


Looks cool regardless.

  • Brohoof 2


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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OMG you guys. Customizable outfits/hairstyles and everything for our trainers! I think I need to go change my panties... xD Okay, maybe not... But OMG customizable trainers!!!!

  • Brohoof 7

Everything needs more woodwind!

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OMG you guys. Customizable outfits/hairstyles and everything for our trainers! I think I need to go change my panties... xD Okay, maybe not... But OMG customizable trainers!!!!

^So much yes^


Also worth mentioning.. the type changes.


"Ghost types are no longer affected by moves that prevent fleeing such as Mean Look. Grass Pokémon can't be seeded or affected by moves such as SleepPowder or Stun Spore. Electric types can no longer be Paralysed"

  • Brohoof 2

<3 ~Fairy Fairy~ <3



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True, of course the typing is quite bleh, but i think it can possibly be worked around. And while it may not be some crazy uber tier pokemon, or even OU tier maybe, its still interesting, and it might end up on my team, being a pretty interesting ice type.


I doubt it'll be fast per say, maybe at best average if even. I doubt it though. Dinosaurs aren't known for being fast really. Atleast not ground based ones.


Well actually there are fast dinos nvm, but still this one is a bit of a stretch to be fast.


I have a feeling the ability will be exclusive, or maybe 1 or 2 others will have it, gen 5 with archeops had defeatist which was exclusive, so being another fossil pokemon i won't be surprised if its exclusive.


The other T-Rex's ability i'm not sure on, could be exclusive, maybe not.


Regardless i doubt more then a 1-2 other pokemon will get it if any others do. and i'm doubtful that'll happen.


I like him regardless though.

I love this guy to, makes me kinda regret the fact i'm getting Fennekin in a way. ;p. Oh well i'll get it on another playthrough.


And i actually have to wonder if this is an evolution from litleo, it seems possible actually, quite possible, and i really wouldn't be surprised frankly. So if its already not confirmed i'm placing my thoughts on it being an evo for Liltleo. 


Looks cool regardless.


Yea it was confirmed he was Litleo's evo when I posted that. I probably won't end up getting him either, but like you said possibly in another playthrough. 




OMG you guys. Customizable outfits/hairstyles and everything for our trainers! I think I need to go change my panties... xD Okay, maybe not... But OMG customizable trainers!!!!


Although this video is new, the fact that trainers are customizable is not. But I am glad that it looks pretty extensive and not just like 10 shirts and two hair styles :P



^So much yes^


Also worth mentioning.. the type changes.


"Ghost types are no longer affected by moves that prevent fleeing such as Mean Look. Grass Pokémon can't be seeded or affected by moves such as SleepPowder or Stun Spore. Electric types can no longer be Paralysed"


And Ice types can't be Frozen

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