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What did you first think of each of the Mane 6 when you started to watch the show?

Akemi Homura

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-I thought Rainbow Dash was kind of cocky and arrogant... but now I know she will do anything for her friends. Loyalty at its best.

-I thought AJ was just some dumb country girl, but now I know she's a really hard worker and will tell you the honest truth. Might respectable qualities in a person, not just a pony.

-I thought Twilight was a no-lifer and arrogant in the sense that she didn't need any help from other people, but then she realized the true meaning of friendship and let go of her pride. respectable.

-I thought Rarity was some spoiled character they added to annoy the main character at first... now I know she is funny, and mighty generous.

-I thought Fluttershy needed to talk more, and was way too shy and nice for her own good. After Dragonshy and Stare Master however, I now know she can be assertive when she wants to. Respectable!

-And my favorite, Pinkie Pie... I always thought she was an annoying character, but now I've just come to adore her antics. After watching more of the show, I've come to realize that she will do anything to make people smile and laugh. I actually REALLY like that in people (yay, next episode is a Pinkie episode :wub: )


So, let me know what you thought of them at first glance!

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At first I thought I would hate Rarity, but now I like her. I knew Rainbow Dash would be cocky and arrogant, but then I saw how loyal and dependable. Pinkie Pie annoyed me at first, but I think she got funnier over time. Now she is great comedic relief. I feel the same about Applejack as when I first saw her. I knew instantly I would love Twilight and Fluttershy.

  • Brohoof 4


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Applejack-I felt an istant like for her because she reminds me of a few girls that I know, what with her hard working attitude and straight honesty. Her lessons in honesty are some of the most important lessons I've taken from the show. I'm have a bit of a bad habit of telling lies when I really shouldn't, but after seeing AJ and hearing her lessons, I've been working on my honesty.

Rarity-I didn't like her very much at first, because my first view of her was in clips from Sonic Rainboom when she was showing off her wings and the episode with the Diamond Dogs where she was whining. I thought she was stuck up and whiney all the time, but after actually watching a few episodes, I saw that she is actually one of the most generous characters I've ever seen and that she just likes to be the center of attention and ham it up when she is.

Twilight-I liked Twilight almost instantly as well. I tend to respect the voice of reason characters because they are the only thing stopping complete chaos from eruppting among their friends. Even though Twilight was a loner at first, she quickly learned that friends are important and what she had been missing. I was the same way when I first got to college. I'd never really had true friends, but soon I made a great group of friends that I could count on for anything.

Fluttershy-I loved her from the beginning. I've always liked the shy, quiet, and extremely nice characters. It helped that Fluttershy is just so gosh darn adorable that its impossible to resist her charms anyway.

Pinkie Pie-I was a little sceptical of her at first because of her pink coloration and I wasn't an extreme brony yet, but after seeing enough of her antics and seeing that behind it all is just an extreme party animal who is just trying to show everypony a good time, she became my second favorite pony.

Rainbow Dash-My favorite pony right here. When I watched my first whole episode, Dragonshy, combined with the clips I had seen before that, I had a pretty good feeling that I was going to love Rainbow Dash. What really sealed it for me was seeing that part of Dragonshy where the dragon complains that Rainbow Dash kicked him and she doesn't even try to hide it. Two things happened in that moment: 1.I decided that Dashie was a totally awesome badass and 2.I was officially a brony. Seeing her do the Sonic Rainboom made her even more awesome to me. I also love how she is the most loyal friend that anypony could ever have or need and will never leave her friends in danger.

Edited by super muffin derpy506


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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My first Episode was Green isn't your color, this were my impressions:


Fluttershy- Adorable, and just huggable

Rarity- Funny and also adorable

Twilight- Awesome Pony and hilarious

Pinkie Pie- Annoying, constantly talking I swear I wanted to punch the TV or just turn it off completely, but the Fluttershy cuteness made me stay and she was not that funny (weird huh?)


My second Episode was The Cutie Mark Chronicles, this were my impressions:


Rainbow Dash- Funny like hell

Applejack- Not that bad I guess

Rarity- still an awesome character

Fluttershy- Still adorable

Twilight- Funny and Adorable

Pinkie Pie- I started to like her after seeing her story and How it could relate to mine, and her annoying things, I realized I do them all the time and that's why People can't tolerate me xD


I decided to add a little something

the second episode I watched was in the same day, so I only hated Pinkie, for about I don't know 6, 7 hours or something

Edited by Pinkie Responsibility Pie




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Ooh, this is a very interesting topic.


I had very mixed feelings for each of the ponies, all of which changed over time.




I hated this egghead. She was so boring to watch, being the nerd that she was. Whenever she kept on running from the other ponies, I kept repeating in my head "get on with it."


But soon after episode 3, I started to see her for what she really was. A hard worker who was always there to help her friends, not knowing when she is messing up or not. It added to her sense that the whole reason she was in Ponyville was to make friend (As strange as it is) from the order of the Princess.




What can I say about this adorable puff of cuteness? The second I saw her, I screamed D'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. When she came up to Twilight and Twi made her silently squeak, I knew this character was the stereotypical shy girl of the show. Luckily, I am a sucker for these characters. I took a liking to her right away, always paying close attention when she was on screen.


My opinion for her has not changed much, only more into her favor for her singing voice. It just sends goosebumps through my blood for how adorable it is.




I was in love with her from the start, but I also hated her. She was the stereotypical southener, just like me. I found it sort of mean to use that kind of voice for a country pony, for reasons I completely forgot. I kept watching her though, and she was the pony I kind of want to be.


She is a hard worker, and never gives up. I kind of wish I could be like that, so I held some remorse. Needs more singing.




I used to hate her. So very very much. I thought she was going to be the girly girl of the show, making dresses and shitting rainbows. But as I continued to watch her, her personality touched subjects much more than that. Instead of us seeing the frilly girly part of her making the dresses, it showed the business side, and how hard it is to be a dress maker in a world where nopony usually wears clothes.


She rose on my favorite spot when I heard her magnificent singing voice. It is the classical broadway voice that I have been around for years, and it always touches me deep whenever she sings.


Rainbow Dash-


Fucking awesome. There isn't much more I can say for that. She is still fucking awesome. Everything about her is awesome. Just plain awesome.


Pinkie Pie-


My first reaction to her "Shut the hell up."


After the first episode, "I love her. SO much."


Giggle at the ghosties made me love this excited little crack user. She is like me in real life. That annoying guy that never shuts the hell up, but just knows how to make you smile and laugh.




Hated almost all of them, learned to love them all.

Edited by Rose
  • Brohoof 4


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My first episodes were Over a Barrel and the one with the Phoenix.


From Over the Barrel none of them stuck out to me. The one with the Phoenix really left an impression on me, though. Particularly for Rarity and Fluttershy. I thought Fluttershy was adorable in that episode.


I didn't recognize them as the mane 6 at that point. I thought Twilight Sparkle was the main character. So when I saw Rarity in that episode I thought she was actually a snooty villainous character. lol. I know... that sounds crazy. But from only having noticed her in the Phoenix episode, and only seeing her at the party, and her thinking she's so privelaged, I really couldn't think anything else.


Then I went back and watched the series from the beginning, and that's when Pinkie Pie became my favorite character.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I loved Twilight since the beginning, and no pony has gotten over her yet. She's still the best <3


Pinkie Pie: I almost stopped watching the first episode because I thought she was so unbearably annoying xD That quickly changed though!


Rarity: I didn't really find interest in her character before after episode 19. It didn't take long, as I swept through the first season in only 2 days :P

Edited by Nordica


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These are my reflections on the Mane 6 (and Spike) from watching the first two episodes (which were indeed my first two episodes).


Twilight: The conscience of the show. To me she felt the most "realistic" of the ponies: she called out what would probably irritate and annoy somepony rather than simply falling in lockstep with what was happening. For example, her reaction to Pinkie's "Giggle at the Ghostly" song was priceless; you could sympathize with Twilight's disbelief. In many ways, I think Twilight is the secret glue that really holds the show together in terms of character interactions. She made MLP feel accessible when I watched the first episode.


Applejack: Something of a caricature of farmers or land laborers (from the South). I wasn't turned off by her character, however, because of the unique charm she exuded. Applejack could easily have been annoying; instead I found her to be engaging.


Rainbow Dash: Instant awesome. A braggart, to be sure, but she had every right to be a show off. I love characters who possess a lot of false bravado; while that wasn't made instantly clear in her very first appearance, the part two of "Friendship is Magic" hinted at that flaw.


Pinkie Pie: At first glance I honestly thought she would be the typical "dumb blonde" character who was oblivious and shrill. Pinkie pleasantly surprised me by instead being a mixture of classic cartoon silliness (e.g., Looney Toons, Animaniacs) and the traits of a subtle, clever trickster. I liked her by the end of the pilot; I loved her in "Griffon the Brush-Off." It's been that way ever since.


Fluttershy: Cute, although I had witnessed numerous clips on the internet of Fluttershy's timid demeanor. I don't recall having distinct feelings about Fluttershy as I watched the pilot other than "she's pretty bashful and endearing by design."


Rarity: She appeared to be rather vain, so I wasn't too terribly taken with her character at first glance. I do like her design and refined style, however, so I was far more forgiving than I might normally be with a character of her ilk. Rarity has since shown she's more than the "pretty girl" of the group.


Spike: Much like Twilight, I liked Spike for his willingness to point out the obvious and make snarky remarks. My enjoyment of those qualities has yet to cease.

  • Brohoof 1


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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The Nightmare Moon two parter were my first episodes.


Here were my first impressions:


Twilight Sparkle: A loner, but I came to realize all she needed was just to know what friendship really was. She's my favourite mane 6 now :D


Rainbow Dash: Cocky, but I knew she'd be funny in her own way.


Fluttershy: Timid, but she's so cute :o


Pinkie Pie: You can say she's my second favourite character now because of her hilarity, but I didn't think that before. I thought she was too silly when I first watched the show.


Rarity: Really cares about looks, which I don't like, but I appreciated her generosity towards the dragon at the Everfree Forest.


Applejack: The perfect character. I knew she had flaws when I watched Applebuck Season, but the fact she has few flaws just makes me wonder...

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My views of the Mane Six were colored by the review I watched of the pilot(and briefly the rest of the series) before actually getting into the show. The review can be found here:




In particular, the pilot episode was also spoiled for me, making it a bit more difficult to enjoy it. Added to my mood at the time I first started watching it, and my opinions were as thus:


Twilight Sparkle: I completely identified with her, almost everything she did. I was figuring I would like her most out of them based on the review, and what she goes through in the pilot lived up to exactly what I expected. She was a viewpoint character, a character I liked from the very beginning and whom my like for has never wavered.


Applejack: Because of her accent, and because of my own history and dealings with southern relatives, I'm afraid I was negatively biased towards her. Her actions in the pilot didn't quite engender me towards her either...I wouldn't say I actively disliked her, but I definitely didn't think much of her at the time. It took a few episodes before she grew on me.


Rainbow Dash: Frankly she struck me as...well to be honest she almost seemed a bit stoned at first when she first ran into Twilight. That plus her lackadaisical attitude made me think that she'd be a bit more comic relief but not really a character I could appreciate. Of course, the rest of the show would go on to prove me wrong.


Rarity: I was convinced she was naught but a stuck up obsessed fashionista with no real good qualities. Her generosity towards Steven Magnet aside, she seemed too arrogant and pompous for me to like her. She took many episodes before I finally started appreciating her...Suited for Success was what hooked me on her character, because I totally understood the depth of emotions she felt, the shame, the horror, the desire just to hear something about your work...


Fluttershy: She was cute, but...eh, she seemed like she would never really develop much beyond being all that shy. I didn't expect her to be interesting...I figured she'd end up being stuck in the background all the time. And naturally she proved me wrong again and again throughout the series.


Pinkie Pie: Okay, as those of you who've read my analysis on her already know, I outright HATED Pinkie at first. She was atrocious, in your face, constantly hyperactive nattering on invading Twilight's privacy with a PARTY of all things, a social activity I generally loathe, that all combined in such a way as to make me really, really dislike her. Because I was so moody at the time, and because as a result I was essentially viewing everything through Twilight's viewpoint, I wanted nothing to do with her at all. Not even Giggle at the Ghostly made me like her...on the contrary I initially thought the song tepid, vapid, and idiotic. It took till Party of One for me to like her, though once that floodgate was opened she quickly became quite possibly my second favorite out of the Mane Six, after Twilight.


If this post wasn't all that detailed, I apologize...when I got into the show, I went on an episodic binge over a day and a half or so...since the newest episode at the time was The Cutie Pox I just didn't quite have enough time to really soak in each episode before moving onto the next. Even my dislike for Pinkie Pie didn't last more than a couple of weeks, and only that long because I acted like a fool and exposed myself to Cupcakes, which kept my opinion of Pinkie from gelling properly until I managed to get past the initial trauma of that.


So basically my initial interpretations didn't last long. My opinions of the Mane Six now are all very high, for different reasons. They're all wonderful, deep characters, each with their own flaws, their own strengths, and their own moments of triumph.

Edited by Kyronea
  • Brohoof 2

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here.

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i liked all the characters exept Rarity, I felt like they could do without her, but now that i watched all the episodes and know Rarity better, she is one of my fav!


I'm just your average Brony, Whovian, Sonic Fan, Yognaught, Mechanic, Drag racing........

Time traveler............................. Thats me SXCJ40


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Twilight: "Oh, she's prototypically bookish. But that's not being demonstrated as functionally bad, she'll probably develop. Interesting."

Applejack: "Oh, she's stereotypically southern farmer. But that's not being demonstrated as functionally bad, she'll probably develop. Interesting."

Rainbow: "Oh, she's anegostical tomboy. But that's not being demonstrated as functionally bad, she'll probably develop. Interesting."

Rarity: "Oh, she's archtypically haute and fancy. But that's not being demonstrated as functionally bad, she'll probably develop. Interesting."

Fluttershy: "Oh, she's asymmetrically meek. But that's not being demonstrated as functionally bad, she'll probably develop. Interesting."

Pinkie Pie: "Oh, she's hyperactively random."

  • Brohoof 3
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I actually watched the first episode first (!)


I'm actually a bit with Blue here, but I'll develop it a bit more :P


At first, I kind of liked Twilight as a character. She seemed semi neurotic, while still being a pretty cool gal. I liked her "Everypony in this town is CRAYZEY!". But I didn't feel like her whole personality had developed yet, and it was pretty obvious she'd make friends and barf rainbows everywhere. Keep in mind that I didn't even like FiM at this point. I just wanted to give it a chance.


I had some mixed feelings for Pinkie. I liked her introduction part, and I smiled a little when she had a party in Twilights' house. I didn't think she was too over the top. Maybe a little, but not so much that I wanted to throw the monitor through the window. I cringed a little at Giggle at the Ghostly, it being a song and all (I've never liked those musical parts in cartoons until I saw FiM. This show converted me.) In some of the following (4-ish) episodes I started to like her less, but it turned around after a while.


I liked Applejack from the start. Social laidbackishness is a great plus, and she seemed more realistic than most other cartoon characters. In Applebuck Season I got to know her a bit more, and got a bit turned off by her stubbornness, but all in all she remained my favorite. Her accent helped too :)


Rainbow Dash Swept me away instantly. I really liked her attitude. But later on (around Dragonshy (which is also around where I realized I actually like this show)), she became too much of a bitch, and I felt she weren't that interesting anymore.


I initially liked Raritys character too, even though I wouldn't like her as a person at that point. She contributed to the show, and brought a few smiles to me. I tend to like characters a bit on the arrogant, narcissistic side, and she struck me as one. Her voice really caught me off guard as well, and it's still one of the best voices in cartoon history IMO.


Fluttershy felt kinda "meh". Yeah, she's cute and quiet. But what else? She gained some plus points in everfree forest, and she have gradually grown on me with her moments.


Yeah. That wasn't what I were going to say at all, but I'm too lazy to write more. My opinion on the characters are different now. On a note, I've liked Spike from the beginning.


And Applejack is best pony.

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My views of the Mane Six were colored by the review I watched of the pilot(and briefly the rest of the series) before actually getting into the show. The review can be found here:




In particular, the pilot episode was also spoiled for me, making it a bit more difficult to enjoy it. Added to my mood at the time I first started watching it, and my opinions were as thus:


Twilight Sparkle: I completely identified with her, almost everything she did. I was figuring I would like her most out of them based on the review, and what she goes through in the pilot lived up to exactly what I expected. She was a viewpoint character, a character I liked from the very beginning and whom my like for has never wavered.


Applejack: Because of her accent, and because of my own history and dealings with southern relatives, I'm afraid I was negatively biased towards her. Her actions in the pilot didn't quite engender me towards her either...I wouldn't say I actively disliked her, but I definitely didn't think much of her at the time. It took a few episodes before she grew on me.


Rainbow Dash: Frankly she struck me as...well to be honest she almost seemed a bit stoned at first when she first ran into Twilight. That plus her lackadaisical attitude made me think that she'd be a bit more comic relief but not really a character I could appreciate. Of course, the rest of the show would go on to prove me wrong.


Rarity: I was convinced she was naught but a stuck up obsessed fashionista with no real good qualities. Her generosity towards Steven Magnet aside, she seemed too arrogant and pompous for me to like her. She took many episodes before I finally started appreciating her...Suited for Success was what hooked me on her character, because I totally understood the depth of emotions she felt, the shame, the horror, the desire just to hear something about your work...


Fluttershy: She was cute, but...eh, she seemed like she would never really develop much beyond being all that shy. I didn't expect her to be interesting...I figured she'd end up being stuck in the background all the time. And naturally she proved me wrong again and again throughout the series.


Pinkie Pie: Okay, as those of you who've read my analysis on her already know, I outright HATED Pinkie at first. She was atrocious, in your face, constantly hyperactive nattering on invading Twilight's privacy with a PARTY of all things, a social activity I generally loathe, that all combined in such a way as to make me really, really dislike her. Because I was so moody at the time, and because as a result I was essentially viewing everything through Twilight's viewpoint, I wanted nothing to do with her at all. Not even Giggle at the Ghostly made me like her...on the contrary I initially thought the song tepid, vapid, and idiotic. It took till Party of One for me to like her, though once that floodgate was opened she quickly became quite possibly my second favorite out of the Mane Six, after Twilight.


If this post wasn't all that detailed, I apologize...when I got into the show, I went on an episodic binge over a day and a half or so...since the newest episode at the time was The Cutie Pox I just didn't quite have enough time to really soak in each episode before moving onto the next. Even my dislike for Pinkie Pie didn't last more than a couple of weeks, and only that long because I acted like a fool and exposed myself to Cupcakes, which kept my opinion of Pinkie from gelling properly until I managed to get past the initial trauma of that.


So basically my initial interpretations didn't last long. My opinions of the Mane Six now are all very high, for different reasons. They're all wonderful, deep characters, each with their own flaws, their own strengths, and their own moments of triumph.



Dude, I have been searching for that song at the beginning since 2nd grade! What is it called???

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Dude, I have been searching for that song at the beginning since 2nd grade! What is it called???


I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand your question. Did you quote the wrong post by accident?

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here.

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Twilight- Meh. Boring.


Applejack- Annoying. I'm going to hate her.


Rainbow Dash- Bitch.


Rarity- Ignorant selfish know-it-all.




Pinkie Pie- Crap, that's the pony who had a seizure when she first saw Twilight! She's awesome:D


But now, I love everypony.

  • Brohoof 1


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I didn't love Pinkie Pie as much as I do now. She's great when she's being random and hilarious but that just serves to make the times when she acts serious more endearing. You don't really see that until later on in season 1.

I thought Applejack was kinda plain and boring at first.

I thought I was going to hate Rarity for the first minute or so. That was probably the fastest change of opinion I've ever experienced.

I can't make signatures.

Sooo... yeah

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Twilight - Hard worker, and normal one


Pinkie Pie - Typical overdone cartoon character. (Her character has expanded since, and I like her more.)


Applejack - Friendly farm worker (Shown to be more stubborn and arrogant, and I like that she isn't all nice.)


Rarity - Selfish designer. (She is generous, but... to an extent.)


Rainbow Dash - Fun loving pony with a dream (.....Pretty Much.)


Fluttershy - ......Well, Shy pony. (What I said about Pinkie Pie.)

Edited by TwilightRubix

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I liked them all from the start- except Applejack. She seemed so different and out of place compared to the others to me at first. That changed as I saw more of her episodes though, particularly the newer ones, and she became one of my favorite ponies. :)

  • Brohoof 1


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I thought Twilight akting pretty Cold about making some friends.

Rainbow dash Looked jumping pretty fast on conclusion (Are you a Spy?!)

Applejack i was thinking about her wise behaviour to other pony and her funny way to welcoming ponies =)

Pinkie Pie about her way to pop out of no where =)

Rarity i was thinkink she was a very good designer for huge party.

and Fluttershy about her way to break her wall of fear =) she is the cutest of the Mane 6 =)

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