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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Describe yourself in a few paragraphs.


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Hey there fellow bronies, I wanted to simply sit back and chat a bit with this great community. Knowing that bronies are such unique and talented people, I wanted to hear about your personality, talents, and anything else you would like to share. So I though I should make this to see how every other brony out there is like, and what they do. I will start with myself.


I am very young, 14 years old only. I am a teenage boy, and I love ponies hehe. Im quite smart and outspoken, I am in all honors classes and I always get As and Bs only on my reportcard. I love talking to anyone, im very social and outgoing but I can also be shy at times especially around girls. I can start a conversation with anyone, whether you are 7 years old, or 45... no matter how smart you are or what social group you belong to. I love writing poems and stories, I would say that my talent is writing. I am not into video games as much as other people are, I am a bit more mature and tend to enjoy other things such as buying new clothe, going out to eat, and Im also very flirty haha I love meeting girls. I am also a great guy friend, Im very wise among my guy friends, I like giving them advice on life. 


I am not a nerdy guy, neither am I a jock. Im not really a rocker or emo person either. I am more into politics, religion, philosophy, and other things like that. I love anything thats high class, I am really picky about almost anything. I like dressing in nice clothe, and I often wear my watch and ring to match my clothe. So thats basically me! I would love to hear about you guys.

And just as a little bonus I would like to add that I want to be a lawyer or a buisness owner when I grow up. Maybe also be a model or a writer as a side hobby.

  • Brohoof 8


Check out my OC Ocelot at: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ocelot-r3834

~Im always looking talented artists across the forums~   *Sig by Kyoshi*


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Well let's see...


I'm a 21 year old guy and I'm in college right now. I was a pretty good student in high school, I got mostly A's and B's and I was in a lot of honors classes. I've always been pretty quiet and shy, so I don't have like tons of friends, but I have a group of close friends that I have known for a long time and we still hang out regularly. I would love to be able to meet girls, but I'm way too shy lol. Lately, my biggest hobby has been listening to music, I'm a big fan of various bands within the genres of rock and metal. I have always played video games as a hobby, and lately I have been playing Battlefield 3 a lot. I wouldn't put a label on me, like I'm not a nerd or jock or anything like that. I think of myself as just kind of a normal person I guess. Although I am a brony though lol. I don't really have any talents, and I'm not sure at all what I even want to do with my life.

  • Brohoof 5



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Yeesh, it's like school all over again. wacko.png

Okay, so, paragraphs startiiiiing... now!


 I'm 17 years old. I play video games, make art, sometimes make a little music, and I seriously enjoy watching whatever YouTube has to offer. I just graduated from high school last month and I'm being lazy for the next few months in preparation for college OR whatever I decide on doing. I still haven't figured out my future. However if any of my plans for fancy internet stuff go down well, I may not have to actually go to college. img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png


 Though I've been over what I like, I'd like to expand on that a bit. I enjoy lots of different video games. I've been a hardcore follower of the Sonic series throughout the years and Mario always will have a special place in my heart (da classic gaming place). I also am a huge sucker for Zelda and I've recently found that I very much enjoy The Elder Scrolls series. I find that I like indie games too. In fact I'm seriously looking forward to the game Armikrog, a spiritual sequel in a way to on of the games that defined my childhood: The Neverhood. The art I do is furry art. Before you go all critical on me, I'm not talking about the oversexualized stuff people seem to think all furries LOVE LOVE LOVE. I do simple fun anthropomorphic character art. See that character in my avatar? Yeah, that's my "fursona," Aero.


The music I like spans the entire musical spectrum. I like everything from Drum 'n' Bass to indie folk. Favorite bands: Thrice, Falling Up, Linkin Park, I Fight Dragons, and The Protomen. Favorite solo artists: Feint, Northern Abbey, Renard/Lapfox Trax, Aleksander Vinter, Ken Ashcorp, and Celldweller. Favorite genres: Alternative Rock, Post-hardcore, Folk Rock, and Drum 'n' Bass. See what I mean?


YouTube. YouTube YouTube YouTube. The channels I especially like from YouTube: Game Grumps, Cryaotic, BrainScratch Commentaries, Ashens, Brutalmoose, PeanutButterGamer, JonTron, Caddicarus, Yuriofwind, MatthewPatrick13, Vinesauce, BarfQuestion, Jaltoid, Egoraptor, Betsy Lee, Tom Law, SmallButera, Duo Cartoonist... and... well, pretty much everything else in my subscriptions. They basically consist off all the best animators, gaming video makers, muscians, commentators, and just plain old comedians I could find.


So yeah, that's me in a very big tl;dr nutshell. Sweet. Bye.

Edited by Aero The Fox!

It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again...

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Well this is going to be fun!


I'm 17 years old. I've got a bit of a split personality thing being that in public I'm shy, quiet, and prefer to be alone. With family I'm proper, posh, and always in a emotionless state. With friends in person I'm still shy and quiet but I talk among them and hold myself a bit higher. Then online friends I am... Hm... No real word for it aside from dimension breaking insane wearing a fancy top hat drinking hot spring water from a plastic glove. Plus on the forums I'm typically polite.


I used to do fencing alot as my main hobby but one time I tried to parry with a rapier and managed to twist my wrist pretty bad. It still hurts a little bit when I move it too much and I can't handle a sword anymore. After that I started baking and other misc cooking stuff, got really good at pastry stuff and decent at making vegetarian meals, which is caused by me watching Food inc. Never do that. At some point I tried drawing, which I still do rarely but I can never think of anything worth making and that I can handle. I do mostly realistic pencil stuff with some shoddy shading, I can't do colors good at all.


I like most music that is energetic and upbeat, depressing stuff just puts me down too much. Country and rock I hate most of the time, country is just too sad most of the time or so petty I can't stand it. Rock I can stand some but mostly the fact it is about something bad or that I'm against puts me off it.


Thats not too much is it?

  • Brohoof 1
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Well where to begin? I have always been pretty much self-certified in everything I ever came across and had to complete. Yep, from wiring, to woodworking to artwork, to scrimshaw, I pretty much got it all covered. I'd say If you were walking down the street and you passed ol' Scootmaster Lumpus here, you would probably not even know who I was. But, on the other hand, one of my many powers is to be completely unknown in society unless needing to be.


But seriously, I do take part in many activities that allow me to say I have a self-certification in those said tasks which I will list here for you.

I'm a decent self proclaimed artist with many drawings under my belt as well, I usually take part in competing many ideas which usually haven't been thought of before via a decent pencil drawing or via MS Paint. Along with art, I do a bit of writing on the side to. I started a novel two years back entitled "Country Mile" which is sitting at 43,500 words. I also began a "different" type of fan fiction based on characters from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, and another fan fiction which takes part around a buddies S10 pickup.


You are probably thinking at this moment "Well this guy is conceited as all hell!" which is true. I do my best to be the best, which is obviously the best, because it cannot be compared to anything else since it is what it is.


Anyways, I do collect my share of automobiles as well. I currently have a 2006 Pontiac GTO 6.0 Liter LS2 pushing out 415 horse featuring a 6-speed manual transmission, a 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS Turbocharged 2.0 Liter I4 doing around 260 horse with a 5-speed manual, and a 1982 Chevrolet SIlverado/C10 shortbed pickup featuring a 350 cubic inch 5.7 Liter V8, fully restored and spotless. I also have a 1982 American Skier ski boat that is also in near perfect condition. It has a 351 Ford Windsor Commander 5.7 Liter V8 doing around 255 horse. I have a camper as well. A 2011 Heartland NorthTrail FX17 Focus edition, pretty darn nice travel trailer if you ask me.


Now you are probably thinking "Damn Scootmaster Lumpus, quit braggin' about your shit!" Yeah, I know, I know. I enjoy doing so though. When you got it, you gotta say it if you feel me mister krabs.


So where was I here? More about myself I assume. I enjoy mowing the lawn with my 1994 Craftsman LT1500 Lawn Tractor with a 15.5 horse Kholer commander engine, trimming bushes, detailing automobiles, water skiing, slalom water skiing, barefoot water skiing, fixin' shit, driving, watchin' Netflix, I do my share of obscure tasks as well such as electrical work, plumbing, and some woodworking on the side as well.

I'm not one for sports other than water skiing. I'll play some ping pong, billiards, maybe some lawn darts but nothing else really. I don't race automobiles, but i'd like to (I kinda street race mine if the opportunity arises) 


So pony wise where do I stand? Well, I guess you could consider myself a "fan". I enjoy ponies just as much as the next guy. I'm not about it in the way where folks sing the songs, watch each episode twelve times and express their enjoyment for the show all over town. I do make a lot of artwork based on ponies and I do happen to have a Rainbow Dash keychain, but I don't have much else to show my enjoyment of the show. Sometimes the small things are what makes something that much bigger to you personally if you know what I mean.


I'd have to say my favorite pony is Rainbow Dash. I also enjoy Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Twilight and Scootaloo over the rest. I am definitely not a Rarity fan at all and Applejack is kinda neutral for me even though she's supposedly Country and I adore country music.


Game wise, I just play Forza Motorsport 4 (only reason I bought a XBOX really) maybe some minecraft time to time and The Sims 3 which I mod and hack to make it more enjoyable and have the opportunity to have hundreds of custom vehicles and whatnot.

I used to be really into hacking and modding Mario Kart Wii, I'd be pretty good with codes, textures and 3D models, but then I got bored with it. I am pretty computer savvy as well to say the least.


To wrap this up (Because I know I won't ever fit all the stuff I want to in here) I'll end this puppy with whatever else I can think of quickly. 

Dale Earnhardt is a NASCAR legend in my opinion, Waylon Jennings is one of the greatest Country singers that ever existed, soda is great (except for diet) I always thought school sucked and was a great time to doodle, carpet is the worst kind of flooring, I have poor eye sight, obscure vehicles are the best kind of vehicles, the Chevy Spark is actually cute, I used to obsess over the show "Brandy and Mr. Whiskers", anything that could be perfect that isn't bothers me greatly, I am definitely not religious in any way and don't intend to be (It was ruined for me at a younger age by attending so many religious schools), I don't understand snapchat and never will, I cannot stand Pokemon, I think Texas is a great state, Minivans are cool, eight-track players seem like they make more sense than CD players, I am not very sociable, I used to have a 128 square foot Lego city, I have had many opportunities to get a girlfriend but always to shy or retarded to do so, I can cook but I'm too lazy to do so, Equestria Girls was a great movie, I'm not a Disney fan at all, I own a pair of Justin Roper Cowboy boots, I have fixed a golf cart, I think they need to build a bigger fence along the U.S. border, the greatest movie of all time is The Big Lebowski, the greatest TV show of all time is King of the Hill, I designed a 2015 GMC Vandura, I used to own a 2008 Cadillac CTS, I have gotten lost in a familiar area in the dark while driving, never got pulled over or in a accident, DVD players are just about as big as a VHS player, I don't understand rap music, coffee is best black, coasters are always necessary, I'm only 18 years old, Nike shoes are all I will buy and they have to be those flat bottom ones, ignorant clothing pisses me off, common sense isn't so common, I have gone 140MPH before, I have watched a toaster explode, and I believe the 1983 GMC Vandura G-1500 is the best vehicle ever manufactured.


That will do for a "Few paragraphs about myself" I assume. Only 5165 characters in length to. I'm sure i'll think of more to add to this, but I won't because I'll forget just like I forgot my password to this forum 3 times now (I finally wrote em' down). 


One of my other problems is making sure everything that can be known is known so there isn't any communication problems, that is why this freakin' post is so freakin' long, man. 

Edited by Scootmaster Lumpus
  • Brohoof 2


Chevette x Chevelle ~ OTP

"Happiness is a quarter of a million Chevettes"



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I am 27 years old, I love ponies (obviously) I tend to be pretty live and let live for the most part but I also tend to be very outspoken and opinionated. I like anime and cartoons and could easily see myself watching them well into old age, I am also a gamer though I often don't have as much time for it as I would like. I like reading and have had a fairly curious and inquisitive mind from a young age which has served me quite well. When I was in school I breezed through even honors and AP classes with relative ease but got a bit stuck in college and had my grades go down the toilet, dropped out for 3 years but have plans to go back this fall.


After an incident where I was suspended and nearly fired my job last year because of this technicality I decided I have had enough of working for those lying back stabbing scum that I call "my company" and have and have an exit strategy which if it succeeds I will be a professional author. I plan to first write about my experiences growing up and living with Autism and branch out into other subjects as well once I get my foot in the door. I will be able to help myself as well as other which I consider a win win.

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Drinking had ruined my life, I'M 31 YEARS OLD!.


Yeah, I had to get that out of the way, and if you get the reference than you would know i'm a Simpsons fan.


At any rate, I'm actually 13 i'm in middle school making mostly A's except in grammar which if you haven't been able to tell: I suck at.

If i had to describe myself in one word it would be nerd. I build computer's for my friends and i'm trying to learn HTML and python, I'm a huge PC gamer and if anyone want's my steam than feel fee to PM me. I'm a pretty good friend even though i don't have many. I only have about 4 real friends, But i try and be a good one, I'm the shortest kid in my class and as you can tell i'm not popular. Iv'e grown up in Virginia for my entire life, And my family has been involved in the military since the birth of america.


On more of a personality note I try and be as happy as possible and keep up an upbeat tone in my life. Though I often come off as awkward to most people.



I don't actually... Own a cell phone but i really wish i had an android phone.



Oh and by the way, If anypony want's to be my friend i'm a very lonely person who spends most they're time on the internet anyway.

  • Brohoof 1



                                                                                          In training

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Well, I am 16 years old, I am a guy and I live in omaha Nebraska. I am a very optimistic and happy person, with the occational blue day. I mostly like to play bass guitar, play xbox, scan the interwebs, and sometimes write. I like to talk to people and make new friends (my gamertag is xXGreconXx if you would like to play halo 4). I am a big bionicles, teen titans and mlp fan. I like to listen to deadmau5, madeon and imagine dragons. I like to also go on walks aswell. Well, that's me!




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Well this is interesting enough. 


I am currently at the age of 19 about to turn 20 here in October. 


I am a very mellow/easy going person and usually if I am in a group I'll usually go along with what others want to do. I love getting to meet others and simply talking to friends about things. Talking to others really helps me out a lot if I am down. I am pretty shy around others I do not know to well but give me some time to get to know you and I'll gladly like to get to know others :]. I am attending college currently majoring in computer networking. I am going for my associate's degree as of right now but in time afterwards I want to go for my bachelor's. I am just taking things one thing at a time for now.


My favorite season's are the Autumn and Winter. But Autumn is my favorite the leaves and the temperature are perfect :3. I also love love music and have a wide variety in different genres that I like. 

  • Brohoof 3



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I'm a 16 year old dude born and raised in Pennsylvania. I've always had an obsession with the Internal Combustion Engine, Probably due to the fact that my father sold exotic cars  (Bentley's, Lamborghini's, Ferrari's, Porsche's wub.png ), and occasionally brought me for rides in them. At age 7, I learned to ride an ATV. At age 15 I learned to ride a motorcycle and drive. 

At age 8 I learned how to shoot a rifle, I don't mean to brag, but I'm "friggin' Surgical"/"A damn fine marksman". 

I primarily listen to hard rock or Heavy Metal, my favorite bands being Megadeth, Older Metallica, and Clutch. But I'll listen to anything good, for example, I really like Daft Punk and Gorillaz. 

I try to help someone whenever I can, but I may tend to be a smart-ass. 


  • Brohoof 1


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I'm a 15 year old girl (turning 16 in August), who loves TV, video-games, sports, graphics, art, music and chatting with people. 


I'll start with video-games: Ever since I was 4 years old, I've been fascinated by games, they're very, very fun, and it's amazing we can play in a virtual world. Anyway, no one cares, you wanna hear my favourite games. Here is a list of my favourite:

- Far Cry 3

- Hitman: Absolution

- Call of Duty series

- FIFA series

- Need For Speed series


And many, many other games. Those are just the ones I can name off the back of my hand. I'm very much into video-games. (I play on the PC and PS3).


Graphics/Art: Since I was 7 years old, I've always been into visual art. My art teachers always commended me on my skill to sketch. It was in year 1 when I started to form my own style of art. From then on, I sketched quite a bit. Then, in 2010, I purchased Adobe Photoshop. At first I had no clue whatsoever with it, (as I'm sure everyone was), but after some practice I started to become gradually better with it. Here I am now, creating signatures everyday for myself and you guys.


TV: I absolutely love TV, call me lazy, yes, I am. I spend a lot of time on the couch watching TV, preferably cartoons. I'm just gonna say my favourite TV shows from now, and in the past:

- The Block

- My Life As A Teenage Robot

- Spongebob Squarepants

- Big Brother

- Family Guy

- Futurama

- Ed, Edd, n Eddy.

- Phineas and Ferb

- Kim Possible


(And the list goes on).


Music: Back in 2011, I started to delve into the production of music. So I became a DJ. Sure, I was really "producing" music, but I was mixing music for people, and making those people happy. In 2012 I started earning money from parties and such, mixing music, it was pretty fun - and I was earning money for it!

But now in 2013 I've stopped being a DJ. Now I'm putting my energy into graphic designing. As I am starting to enjoy it more.

Here's some of my favourite musical artists:

- Pitbull

- Taio Cruz

- Zedd

- Rezonate

- Rogue

- Virtual Riot

- Televisor

- Knife Party 


(And there is more) P.S, they're not all electronic.



I think I'll stop here. My hand is starting to hurt from typing.

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Well my name is Nicole and I really enjoy school. I would love to do school online though. 

I am a straight A student, though most people I go to school with doubt me academically, even though I go to advanced reading and math. Though I am also good at writing. I love poetry and I'm learning how to write a few different types of poems. I am obsessed with the Percy Jackson series. I love solving mysteries. If I could be a detective in a paranormal town that would be awesome! I am also very deep, I guess. I think a lot about things and I am also pretty scientific. huh.png



I can be super shy, almost as shy as Fluttershy at times. At other times I am more out-going than Pinkie Pie. I have a lot of friends...I think, If 7 is a lot. Most people think I tend to look on the bright side, which is not necessarily true. I love to make people smile and laugh, but I am depressed often. Though I try to stay positive. I talk  A LOT, but I am not even close to being outspoken. My imaganation is much to creative for my own good. I am hyper and I have a hyperactive mind. img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png



I LOVE CHEESECAKE! I also love cupcakes, pizza, cantaloupe, raspberries and oreos. My favorite animals would have to be sloths, dolphins, white tigers and turtles. A few of my favorite video game characters are Kirby, Boo from Mario, From TF2 I like Scout, Pyro, Heavy, Sandvich, Spy and Engineer. My favorite type of shoes are DC. Swimming is my favorite sport to play and watch. My favorite movies are Monsters Inc, Monsters University and Finding Nemo. My Little Pony, Kickin It and Lab Rats are my favorite TV shows. I would go on, but i don't want to bore anyone to death.  img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png


A few more things are I love art. I like to sing, dance and I especially love to rap. My favorite artist is Di Vinci. Musically it would be Phillip Phillips, Luke Benward and Adam Levine. yay.png

Edited by PercyThePony

~Cursed Dawn


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Introduction/General Information:

Erm, hi, I guess. I'm Kale, though I prefer to go by my middle name, Stephen, and I'm 13. I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome at a young age. I can be quite cynical and pessimistic, and my self esteem is pretty horrid. I'm a mostly A/B student in school.



Like mentioned above, I have Aspergers Syndrome. I don't really talk much, and I suck at starting conversations, but once I get talking it's hard for me to stop. I consider myself introvert with some extrovert qualities. I lack self esteem, as mentioned. I can be very lazy. So, I'm not really a person you'd wanna talk to.




One of the main things I like is music. I like a few genres, like folk rock, power pop, alternative rock, etc. Favorite bands/artists include The Beatles, David Bowie, Bob Dylan, Radiohead, XTC, and a few more.



I LOVE musicals. I generally prefer more "joyous" ones, like The Music Man and The Sound of Music, but I'll watch pretty much any. I'm also a big Disney and Pixar fan. My favorite Disney movie is The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and my favorite Pixar movie is Toy Story 2.


I'm a huge Pokémon fan as well, but I'm not really a fan of any other games.


Other things:

My favorite food is gumbo, my favorite animals are panthers, I have a small obsession with Coca-Cola.


And that's about it. I'm not very intresting, I know.

  • Brohoof 1

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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Ok *takes a deep breath* I'm 14 years old, girl, and I turn 15 in November. YAY!!! I was born in El Salvador, Central America, but was raised in California until I turned 7. That's when I moved to Houston, Texas! Been living there ever since and I love it!! I'm in 9th grade and so far am loving my first year of high school! I'm pretty smart except when it comes to math. Mostly A's and B's on my report card except for the occasional C in Math. My top classes are Science and English, and I take Theater as an elective.


I love anything to do with Theater. I love to act and sing and my dream is to become an actress when I grow up. I also love doing VA(voice over) work, since I can imitate various accents and voice tones. I am currently a member of a VA forum online, and am participating in several small projects, non-paid to be released on Youtube and other sites. I also love to draw as a hobby. I am pretty good at drawing what I see, but from memory or out of the blue NOPE!! I need a picture so I can draw the subject. But my family and friends say the drawings turn out GREAT!


I've been a brony since November by the time One Bad Apple was released. That's also my Birthday month so YAY!! November 5th. So I'm a Scorpio. My favorite pony is Pinkie Pie because she and I have alot in common. We're both super energetic and love to make our friends smile! Second favorite is Rainbow Dash because she's also like me in the tomboy sense, and I just love her personality. Of the princesses, Luna is my favorite!!! Of the CMC I have to give credit to Sweetie Belle. She's just SO ADOWABLE!!!


I love tech!!!! I'm always on my smartphone or laptop and on Youtube!! I have my own Youtube channel, Chikadulce10 where I post cartoon reviews and app reviews. My new OC pony was made so I can start doing MLP analysis videos on Youtube soon. So if you guys want to check out my channel, go ahead. Link's in my profile!! 

  • Brohoof 3


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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I might as well XD


I'm a 13 year old girl and i've live in New Zealand AKA the land of the long white cloud. I'm in my first year of highschool and it's really fun. Even though my school has a bad name. I'm one of the smartest in my class but I don't like to brag, people only found out because these guys told everyone. So of course almost everyone copies me or asks me for answers, one girl even asked me how to spell left yeaterday (I facepalmed).


My interests are reading, writing, drawing, baking, singing and watching ponies :3 I also play clarinet for my year 9 class band and jazz band, i've only been playing since that start of this year but I've learned a lot already. My favourite thing to do is think about characters, storied and other worlds I could put into my writing or drawing. I'm not the best drawer though. I would draw using the computer but I only have this little netbook, I have to save my money for another laptop.


My personality would be considered as creative, intelligent and shy, but I open up once I get to know someone. I also have a pretty good sense of humor about things. I've only been a brony for a short time but the ponies have really grown on me over this time. Right now i'm witing for equestria girls to be released in the cinemas here. My favourite ponies are Twilight Sparkle, Octavia, Scootaloo and Princess Luna.


I think this is all I can think of, thank you for reading this ^_^

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Well I am 13 years old about to become 14 I am a very goog artist love to draw eny thing 

Sometimes I like to right stories or jam out to draw music I'm shy most of the time

When I hang out with my friends I always make them laugh or if there going to do something

they shouldn't I try keep them out of trouble Im like a pinkie pie and fluttershy mixed

together cause I'm shy but always happy thats all there really is about me


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I'm a 15 year old guy and I'm really introverted,  I do a lot of things alone and independently.  I listen to a lot of music and I'm an aspiring photographer and musician and I have a really weird obsession with different types of owls. I spend a lot of time with my family and I'm outside a lot and when I'm alone I watch a lot of My Little Pony.  :3 


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Damn. Now I feel really old.


O.k-I'm a 43 year old man, married 17 years, 2 daughters, play guitar, drums and blues harp. I followed the meme over and started watching the show a couple of months ago-am currently about half way through season 2.


I'm originally from London, England, am married to an American girl and we live in New York.

  • Brohoof 2


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Well, after a few days of trying to attempt this, here's my best shot.


I am a guy who recently turned 22 and I am currently a college student in education for profession in the outdoors. One thing people can't imagine me without is my black cowboy hat. I'm a tough on the outside, soft in the inside character - determined, formidable and stubborn yet supportive, friendly, and responsive. While at first I'll be protective of myself, with the gaining of my trust, through honest intentions and perseverance, is the gaining of a faithful and strong friend who will support and protect his companions with tenacity and courage. There can be some contradictions, like sometimes I'll desire the thrill of adventure, at others I'll desire the security of home. I play video games, I like my movies, I can play a 6 string acoustic guitar, and I have a level of fitness. I like to be helpful and am also counted on for whenever heavy lifting is required.


As far as my fandom goes. I first heard of "Friendship is Magic" in mid-July of 2011 when I at first kicked the show and it's fan base right in the gut then moved on feeling I got my opinion across. But then, August 04, 2011, I watched the show to judge the show fairly plus I grew curious... I ended up joining the herd. I can recall finishing season 2 about 30 minutes before the midnight of my 21st birthday, which that birthday was June 30th, 2012. Well, my fandom is still going strong but besides having an Applejack card, an Applejack desktop,  an Applejack facebook cover photo and recently having an Applejack cake (can you guess my favourite pony?) I heavily keep to myself about it even though my family knows (and is okay with it).

Edited by Iron Shield


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Here we go:


I'm a 15 year old female from the state of Ohio. I take online schooling in my school district and I'm in the 9th grade. I love Science and I enjoy Creative Writing. I enjoy listening to music, playing video games, reading, and learning in my spare time. I love the game franchises known as: Portal, Pokemon, Sonic The Hedgehog, and Silent Hill. Some of my favorite video games include: Portal 2, Star Fox Adventures, Mirror's Edge, Pokemon Black, Conker Live and Reloaded, and Sonic Generations. I also enjoy Fable 3. My favorite movies include: Megamind, Wreck-It-Ralph, Sinister, and The Nightmare Before Christmas. 


I'm a brony, vegetarian, democrat and an atheist. I love animals, namely cats. I like watching anime and my favorites include: Soul Eater, Death Note, among others. I love Freddy Krueger and Jeff the Killer; I think they're both awesome. My favorite ponies include: Rarity, Princess Celestia, and Octavia. I prefer cold weather over warm. I despise conspiracy theorists. I support Gay Marriage, Abortion and some other controversial type things. Rarity is my all-time favorite pony, with Octavia as a close second. I play on Xbox 360 at the moment. I'm obsessed with cleaning and people say I have OCD. I can usually give out good advice when needed. Despite being 15, people say I'm mature for my age, and I also still enjoy coloring books and stickers. >3<  I also like stacking things such as dice, dominoes, and jenga blocks. 


I love Puella Magi Madoka Magica, MLP, Invader Zim, and How I Met Your Mother. My favorite bands include: Linkin Park and Poets of the Fall. I don't really sleep that much and I sleep at seemingly random times. I'm a night owl. I like watching Pewdiepie (yeah, I know), Cry, Two Best Friends Play and ADoseofBuckley on Youtube. I spend most of my time on the internet and I like reading on my Kindle Fire. I have a fierce obsession with Portal 2, Megamind, and some other things. <3

Edited by WheatleyCore
  • Brohoof 3


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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Okay, here I go, this Maybe long, Not sure though, I'm a Fifteen Year Old Male By The Name of Ryan, From The State Of Victoria, Australia, I'm in the Ninth Grade, and Really Enjoy Maths, Sports, and Anything that Switches things up once in a while, But I am a Very Mature Person for my Age, I have a habit of starting a Lot Of Words with Caps, But that is a Habit I am trying to break.

I have a Very Big Addiction to Music, I Listen to it around Twenty-Two Hours a Day, And I could say I'm a Genre Nazi, My Favourite Genre's Have to be, Dubstep, Metal, Alt. Rock And House, I also, Love to play Simplistic Video Games, Such as Pokemon And Minecraft, but I also Love In-Depth Games As well.


There isn't too much to me, But I will try to explain myself as much as Possible, I Personally Have absolutely No Religious Views, But I'm Open to anything, and I will not judge, I'm Currently In a Long Distance Relationship, Which Has Been going on for Three Months, I Also Love Any Animes. Suggestions Would Be Lovely, I absolutely hate any Horror Movies, as I find them Incredibly Dull, and Boring, But I Love Horror Novels and Games, I Also, Have an Addiction to My Little Pony You Don't say. My Favourite Ponies Have to Be Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy, As I can Relate To them a lot.


My Interests Are Open to anything, And I am willing to try anything, as long as it seems sane and safe, I'm open to chat to anyone, But I cannot start a Conversation Due to shyness, Hmm.... I'm very random at times, But I can hold that back, and Well, I have Nothing else to really say, As I don't have that much to Say, so, Cya <3

  • Brohoof 1


✧ Made by Azura, Much Appreciated 

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Describing myself in a few paragraphs is nearly impossible. But I'll say some key details.


I'm a 17yr old high school senior going off to college/ university soon (haven't chosen yet, due to my inability to pin down my finances). I like making friends, but hate being around people, which even strikes me as odd. 


I'm a cinema geek. If there is a really good movie out there that I haven't watched, I will go on a quest to search and hunt down these titles. I'm also a fan of the stage. I love dramatic plays. Operas are sort of 50/50 for me, I don't really enjoy them but i don't hate them. And I only like a handful of musicals.


I am an aspiring philosophy writer with no particular goals to have a family in the future. I do plan on living a good life with my boyfriend, but life is too unpredictable to have wants and expectations. I live day by day knowing that anything could happen.


To most people, I seem very unusual. As a moral nihilist, I don't necessarily believe that objective morality exists, and that nothing is intrinsically good or bad. That scares quite a lot of people, but I assure you I'm not some immoral being out to kill for pleasure aha. 


I am extremely open minded, and do not reject people without good reason. I really hope to meet more intellectual, open minded people in the world, so I can confide in more then just paper and pen. Anything I left out in this post is either depicted on my profile, or I just forgot. But add me as a friend, don't be afraid to talk to me (I'm probably more shy then you anyway) and if you do want to talk, I will elaborate further on anything not specified. 

  • Brohoof 1

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

Mark Twain derpy_emoticon1.png

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Hey guys, I'm Ryan, a 17 year old boy going to University starting this fall. Being a huge science and technology geek, I am taking Biotechnology Engineering as my course, which will lead me into jobs involving micro organisms and DNA studies most likely. I have always wanted to work with DNA when I was young, splicing DNA with various enzymes, using them for the law or for creating new organisms, may be a bit odd, but something I always was into.


I am a HUGE gamer. I play games of all kinds on many consoles. WHile an avid Nintendo fan since the SNES, I still manage to pick up Sony consoles late in their life, and I share some of my consoles with my cousins so in a way, I have experienced a HUGE amount of games and consoles in my life keeping me very open minded. I love playing Platformers and adventure games in particular, but I still love a good shooter, RPG, strategy, racing, fighting, and sometimes I hang up my video game boots and get out a board game! (although sometimes it ends up being Mario Party). My favorite game of all time is Super Mario Sunshine


I might be considered a sporty guy, but really I only care about one sport, which is football, soccer as some of you call it. While I play some others occasionally, I play, watch, practice, and even sometimes study football. It's a sport I am passionate for. I generally play as a midfielder, as I prefer to find ways to manipulate the ball and try to find creative ways to pass the ball and control the flow of the game. I'm not great mind you as I am not as quick as others, but I am more into quick thinking on the field. My favorite football team is FC Barcelona and my favorite players are Andres Iniesta and Lionel Messi


I love making and listening to music, but I never seem to be very fond of any particular band/artist, and generally just gravitate around all kinds of artists, and genres....except country, never do I listen to it. I like to play guitar, trumpet, and sometimes a bit of piano, and have also used synthesizers occasionally as well.


I am fairly flawed as a person sometimes, as I can sometimes be ridiculously lazy, and sometimes my marks suffer for it, as well as some job opportunities, but once I get started on a task, I pour my heart into it, whether it be an assignment, learning a new instrument, or even playing a game to 100%...it just takes me a while to get started at all. Also I have a bad tendency to leave lights on at night in the hallway, not that I'm afraid of the dark, but even when I try to sleep it unsettles me to not be able to see anything. Also bugs scare me, and seeing centipedes makes me cry and shudder, something about their leg movements, just sooooo, bzarre and unnerving


I would say I am an open minded and friendly individual, although I may seem a bit quiet in large groups and with people I am not totally familiar with, but once I get to know a person better, I can often be loud, enthusiastic, and as described by many of my friends, "quite the character". Sometimes I'm obnoxious and I tend to insult my friends jokingly a lot, but I really care for them all 


That wasn't too long...was it?

Edited by weegeez
  • Brohoof 1
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Ok, this looks interesting! Here I go! 


I'm a very young, 13 year old boy who hails from the mighty kingdom of England lives in England. I'm a smart, shy and imaginative lad and I prefer to keep to myself. My grades are good and I'm one of the smartest kids in my class (Modest, I know).


I'm a humongous bookworm and (Apparently) have a talent for writing. Drawing is another activity I've been trying (And failing) to get involved in and I must say that it is quite fun, despite the fact that my ponies look like... something. I used to be addicted to video games, but now, not so much. I also love to just sit there watching videos.


Now, I'm pretty sure that's all I can think of. Wait...




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