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Parents telling little girls to NOT watch MLP?


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Well even if I think it's stupid to stop their kids from watching the show, I can sort of understand why they would be worried about them Googling for MLP things considering how much pedogoreclop this fandom seems to be making without any caring of the consequences for it these days.


But all in all it comes down to stupid parents not realizing they have to, oh I don't know, parent their kids and learn them that they should stay away from the shithole that is the internet outside of a few dedicated SFW sites. But that would require them to be good parents, so fuck that I guess! Buy the little bastards Mortal Kombat and Call of Duty for christmas and then rage about how their kids now can't sleep at night, because that is what modern parents do!


Though if any parent don't want their kids to watch the show because "it's too gay" or "gay people watch it", then they don't deserve to be parents at all and the kids deserve better.

Edited by Nightmare Lyre
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tl;dr i agree the fandom has more problems than usual but the show is still good and parents who have bad judgment are insulting everyone including their children

For the record, i did read that, and well done. Kudo's and I do agree. Especially on the sex vs violence in western society issue.

While i don't see the phenomena  as "wrong" per say, it is different.


I feel a point i made also may have been missed. Its not that we're worse than other fandoms, its we're BIGGER than most. Making us sit in a larger spotlight than most.

You can literally find the same in any fandom.

Ours just kind of stands out because

A. we're part of it, so we see the little things that most will miss.

So a relatively SMALL deal being made, is looking far larger than it ever actually will be (much like with the "haters")

B.  We're a larger group, and as such stand out a lot more since we've organized.

Most fandoms never organize very well, if at all. And the Brony group has organized itself into actual sub cultures within ourselves.


We're more akin to Trekkies or star wars fans than any other group based around a childrens show. 

Thats where out oddity comes forward sadly.

But it is not wrong, its just different, and as such may appear wrong somehow.

Edited by GrimCW
  • Brohoof 1
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I agree that not letting children watch the show is an over reaction. Parents need to control their kids, not the other way around (which is a disturbing and growing trend). Because it's bronies reading this, not the people who started the petition, that is who I will speak to.


There are bronies out there who give the fandom a bad name. There is no shortage of violent or pornographic content (or even violent pornographic content) that stems from the brony community. Yes, this exists for every fandom, but that doesn't change the fact that it is disturbing. In addition, there are those who rage against haters and try to convert people, and in the end we end up turning our backs on the lessons of the show. Love and tolerate means listening to and accepting conflicting opinion. It may be a minority who does this, but people pay more attention to the bad than the good.


While I agree that the article is irrational, I seek to make two points. 1) Just like the bronies these people are judging are a minority in our community, the parents who are overreacting are also a minority. 2) They have legitimate reasons for their opinions. The swastika seemed like a stretch, but just because the source is biased doesn't make it false.


My end point is that rather than rage against them we should simply ignore it. Let them live in their fantasy world while we prove that bronies are not some vile social scum. There are brony parents, who I trust are doing a fine job of raising their children. I say we hold them as an example. 


In closing, I ask that you keep all rage relegated to the forums, after all, one of the things we are judged negatively for is launching a wave of resistance against haters. I am proud to be a member of a community that stands together in the face of adversity, but let us remember; love, tolerance, and friendship.

  • Brohoof 2

Keep flyin'


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Oh god! It's gotten 66 signatures!


Well.... pack things up guys, I guess this whole brony thing is done for. Guess I'll go back to laying in my gutter again.

Edited by Tired Brony
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My YouTube channel for MLP Animations. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKj8NMDRq-BrtqOmTPupGog

My DeviantART page for MLP side projects. http://tiredbrony.deviantart.com/

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My end point is that rather than rage against them we should simply ignore it. Let them live in their fantasy world while we prove that bronies are not some vile social scum. There are brony parents, who I trust are doing a fine job of raising their children. I say we hold them as an example. 


In closing, I ask that you keep all rage relegated to the forums, after all, one of the things we are judged negatively for is launching a wave of resistance against haters. I am proud to be a member of a community that stands together in the face of adversity, but let us remember; love, tolerance, and friendship.


I def agree to the idea of keeping the rage upon the forums, in MOST cases.


However, we must also be aware of the issues brought forth, even if by a minority.

Hasbro seems rather fickle, and the Derpy debacle proved how a very small group managed to easily manipulate the show over a misunderstanding held by a terrible minority.

RARELY is the derp term used as a derogatory word towards another. Usually its a self slam, or a joke between 2 individuals about something silly having been said/done.

Edited by GrimCW
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That entire petition was written by a genius comedian. There is no way in heck this thing is going to make even the slightest impact on anything. It looks like some people just signed for the lulz. :P

Edited by Matt Engarde


Comet's still best boi. <3

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I went and read it, then read the supporters reasons for signing.  I LOL so much,  almost all of them are Trolling the petition, of signed just to give a Valid counter statement to the pettition.  


I aslo took alook at the alleged "nazi" symbol they found in the show.  Its from when they are all traped in the maze.  A portion of it kinda sorta not really looks like that symbol.  Maybe if you cut away a few lines, and they were more even with each other, then just maybe it could be one. 




I mean that is one heck of a strech if ya ask me.


Looking at the tumbler post, 2 are over a year old, and 1 404 not found.


How old is this Pettition?


Other's more Talented than me.




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Luckily, i have seen absolutely no brony in my region (Southern California). No one in my school never knows about the show so arcording to my research: West Coast is the less affected region from Brony, so your argument is invalid in this region.

Oh. We're around. In fact, California has the most bronies in it.There are more here than any other state. And if you want to meet so cal bronies, go here. http://www.meetup.com/SoCalBronies/#upcoming

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I went and read it, then read the supporters reasons for signing.  I LOL so much,  almost all of them are Trolling the petition, of signed just to give a Valid counter statement to the pettition.  


I aslo took alook at the alleged "nazi" symbol they found in the show.  Its from when they are all traped in the maze.  A portion of it kinda sorta not really looks like that symbol.  Maybe if you cut away a few lines, and they were more even with each other, then just maybe it could be one. 




I mean that is one heck of a strech if ya ask me.





A stretch on 2 fronts actually, the Nazi Swastika isn't the nazi version UNLESS its at a 45 degree angle IIRC, while the TRUE ancient version of this symbol (its over 3,000 years old. People are rather ignorant of this matter and only see the Nazi party version) is the standing upright one that would be seen here.

So in reality the logo here, if it were to be taken literally as such, is actually a symbol of life, sun, power, good luck, and strength.

Given the connection to the sun, its not entirely impossible that is a swastika, seeing and Celestia is a very sun centered character. And being this scene takes place in her garden. it could be another one of those little hidden gems the animators like to toss into MLP.

But this does not link it to the whole aryan race and nazi party at all.


People really need to do their research and LEARN things beyond what public schools teach for the standardized tests and such. History is a wonderful thing, though with its dark spots included. But due to one misguided group we feel the need to erase the entire thousands of years old history over a single more recent incident. A terrible one by any means, but we shouldn't let it mar the reality that is.

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*facehoofs* I don't even know where to start...


My concessions:


-I agree, there are plenty of jerks and weirdos (the bad kind :P) that will stick ponies in other people's faces which is annoying to some people.

-I agree, there's a lot of r34 content centered around MLP. Can't argue with that...

-Some bronies.. send death threats to people for the wrong reasons..



-If they're going to keep their daughters away from MLP, they better keep them off Facebook as well.

-Rule 34: if it exists, there is porn in it. Kids shows on nickelodeon or CNetwork, Pokemon, or anything that kids watch and browse on the internet will have its own NSFW section lurking around somewhere. MLP isn't any different than other shows.

-Here's an idea: let them watch the show, and nothing else. There is a lot more safe content than NSFW material if the safe search is on and if your child isn't including naughty words in their search


"Conclusion: They are by far the worst thing to ever happen to the internet. Don't get me wrong, there are some good ones, perhaps many...But the majority of this "fandom" is made up of many, many terrible people, including pedophiles and people who like bestiality."


-With a large population of bronies, it's hard to define how many of them are good or bad in terms of attitude and contributions. I really doubt the majority of the fandom is full of terrible people from my observations. Many yes, but not the majority. You probably also think that all Muslims are terrorists just because of 9/11 and other incidents that have occurred in recent history.....I'm bad at writing and want to go to sleep, but to conclude, I want to say that his conclusion is too absolute (calling it the worst) and he needs to expose himself to the actual show and all the good contributions bronies have done before he declares the worst of bronies to be the majority. This of course applies to all parents.

Edited by Wingin'Wolf


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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What?! Oh.. they are filling me up all over again! Seriously, why in the land of Equestria would they not allow their little girls not to watch MLP! Its not like it the show contains innapropriate things... right?


Anyway, we must post moar ponies to convince little girls to watch MLP.


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Lol, that's too funny. Paranoid parents telling their poor kids not to watch an amazing cartoon because it's corrupted by social deviants. Stupid parents are such a fucking enigma.

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I wonder if these "parents" are the same retards that said that Derpy was offensive to retarded people. But seriously, saying 'BAN MLP BECAUSE OF ALL THE PORN FANFIC THAT CAN CORRUPT OUR GIRLS, AIIIIIEEEE!!!!' is pretty much the equivelent of saying 'BANN LOONEY TOONS BECAUSE OF ALL THE PORN FANFIC, AAAIIIIEEE!!!!!'.

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is pretty much the equivelent of saying 'BANN LOONEY TOONS BECAUSE OF ALL THE PORN FANFIC, AAAIIIIEEE!!!!!'.

Actually some did try to get looney toons banned. But not over porn. And well after it was basically canned anyways.

It was because bugs bunny cross dresses and kisses men. The attitude was that somehow this promoted homosexuality and is somehow responsible for the large numbers of gay men now...... Yeah they actually tried this......

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I think instead of tore our clothes in rage and shock we should understand them and take it with philosophy, facts:

  1. They live in another world than ours, is very likely they don't know what a fandom is or how the internet works "socially" speaking
  2. That thing has 50 signatures, it's not a real deal
  3. I'd also be worried if my children would be "exposed" to pornography and gore in such a young age, certainly their choice on how to handle it is not the more adequate but is justified
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When I first read this naturally I think (Why are they doing this? Surely they know that not all bronys and pony fans are like this? I've been a fan of the franchise since I was 3yrs old, only just coming out of my shell when the franchise stirred up again and a fan made community was created where I could openly talk to other people who understand the love of the franchise.) To which I can look at their views and agree in some aspects such as the violent and sexual content that has been displayed by the more inappropriate fans of the MLP community.


But as everyone else has stated here, its not like the MLP franchise is the only one that displays that kind of content. If anything should be controlled here or taken down as these parents are stating, is to better control their kids from looking stuff up on the internet that is by their definition, inappropriate. The show itself has nothing to do with that nonsense and speaks about friendship, love, leadership, and cooperation, and I would think parents would come to embrace those morals for their kids. But if they feel that its doing more harm then good by the select few of inappropriate fans that are posting negative content of the franchise, then its the parents choice to not let their children watch the show if thats how they feel, but dont take the show down for the parents that feel the opposite, and yes I'm talking about the GOOD brony parents here.


As I've stated before about myself I'm as old of a pony fan as they come, what I embrace from all the shows was the morals and innocence as well as education on we all hope to behave in society, which is harmony, and if I ever have a girl of my own I would want her to watch the show too. If I have a son I intend to expose him to more of the boy shows that extend that kind of teachings aka let him watch Star Trek with my fiance *giggles* ya thats the thing here, I'm a Pony, and my fiance is a Trekkie, two huge franchises here and yet he and I love each other and are perfectly sinked. He would rather have his son watch the Trek franchise then the MLP which is understandable, even though he acknowledges that men watch MLP too. I'd rather let my son choose to watch on his own when hes able to choose for himself, aka if he happends to watch his mommy watch the show one day and sits to watch with me lol. With a girl I'd automatically put my show on for her, but for all I know if she gets older she may lose interest in the show all together. I could never know how it goes if we ever decide to have kids, but point being, me and my fiance do NOT view the show as harmful to little girls let alone little boys.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Well, that escalated quickly!  :angry: 

To be honest this doesn't surprise me in the slightest, I've been around these type of parents when visiting friends houses and no matter how sweet they look there's always something about them. Well, at least the petition has ceased, and that's  B)

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I'll be honest here:


Their parents are way overprotective to their daughters. Ever since the soccer mom made degoratory comments over Derpy Hooves, many of the other fans, not just bronies, were very appalled by the actions caused by her. And yet Ed (from Ed, Edd and Eddy) and Billy (from Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy) weren't degraded because they had similar traits as Derpy Hooves would? Wow.. just.. wow.


Back on topic, their parents making them not watch MLP is like telling adults to not be in relationships to their loved ones. I had a friend, who is a little girl herself, LOVES MLP ever since I gave the two Applejack toys from McDonald's for her and her older sister, and her parents appreciated it for my generosity. Other parents that would try and prevent their daughters from watching MLP proves that they're just basically being bad parents and are jealous over many artwork from us bronies. If they don't like MLP, fine, but they shouldn't force little girls into not watch them and have them play with Barbie dolls (no offense for those of you who love Barbie). It's their choice what to watch and not to watch (as long as it's not for over 18+), be it children or adults, even the elderly.


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I'll be honest here:


Their parents are way overprotective to their daughters. Ever since the soccer mom made degoratory comments over Derpy Hooves, many of the other fans, not just bronies, were very appalled by the actions caused by her. And yet Ed (from Ed, Edd and Eddy) and Billy (from Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy) weren't degraded because they had similar traits as Derpy Hooves would? Wow.. just.. wow.


Back on topic, their parents making them not watch MLP is like telling adults to not be in relationships to their loved ones. I had a friend, who is a little girl herself, LOVES MLP ever since I gave the two Applejack toys from McDonald's for her and her older sister, and her parents appreciated it for my generosity. Other parents that would try and prevent their daughters from watching MLP proves that they're just basically being bad parents and are jealous over many artwork from us bronies. If they don't like MLP, fine, but they shouldn't force little girls into not watch them and have them play with Barbie dolls (no offense for those of you who love Barbie). It's their choice what to watch and not to watch (as long as it's not for over 18+), be it children or adults, even the elderly.



If anything though Ed was literally retarded Derpy just seemed a little slow or quirky to me. I mean if someone wants to try to say 

Derpy is offensive but Ed is A-ok then please explain to me why this is true. EEE was one of my favorite shows growing up but rewatching it was just wow Ed was the embodiment of retarded. Then again when EEE was running i don't remember many people complaining about the internet like we have now. 


TL;DR Ed is literally retarded while Derpy just seemed a little slow or quirky. 

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If anything though Ed was literally retarded Derpy just seemed a little slow or quirky to me. I mean if someone wants to try to say 

Derpy is offensive but Ed is A-ok then please explain to me why this is true. EEE was one of my favorite shows growing up but rewatching it was just wow Ed was the embodiment of retarded. Then again when EEE was running i don't remember many people complaining about the internet like we have now. 


TL;DR Ed is literally retarded while Derpy just seemed a little slow or quirky. 

A very valid point, I used to watch EEE all the time as well and I knew Ed was retarded, but he was the comic relief of the show and its not like his friends intentionally treated him badly, not the way I felt, and even so he didnt care, Ed was like the symbol of innosence and just enjoying life around him as a kid like him should. Where as with Derpy she just seemed a little slow, but shes so cute I didnt see anything wrong with her character... what gives? Come on parents let it go...

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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If anything though Ed was literally retarded Derpy just seemed a little slow or quirky to me. I mean if someone wants to try to say 

Derpy is offensive but Ed is A-ok then please explain to me why this is true. EEE was one of my favorite shows growing up but rewatching it was just wow Ed was the embodiment of retarded. Then again when EEE was running i don't remember many people complaining about the internet like we have now. 


TL;DR Ed is literally retarded while Derpy just seemed a little slow or quirky. 



Better example is Ren & Stimpy though :P

Stimpy was a complete moron, and Ren was a VERY abusive individual towards him.. Constantly demeaning Stimpy at every turn with the infamous line "Stimpy... YOU IIIIDIOT!!"

Topping it they were a homosexual couple (though never directly shown on air until many years later. The episode in which they are depicted is said to be the original pitch script that nick approved the show from!! Lets face it though, it was insanely obvious...)


My how the world as falling since the days of old :/ ... worse.. it hasn't even been 20 years yet since these shows and already its this different....

Edited by GrimCW
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"Conclusion: They are by far the worst thing to ever happen to the internet."


Really? The worst thing? I'm sure there are far worst things than bronies. This petition is actually over a year old and they only managed 50 signatures. That's kind of pathetic.

In space, no one can hear you squee!

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