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@Starstream (why is the "Quote" button not working?) (Oh and they also said I wasn't building enough Ability Power? Twitch is definitely NOT an Ability Power champion... -.-)


Yes, but I don't.  There are many reasons I find Twitch more effective with Attack Speed focus myself (my build is actually similar, but it's this:

Runaan's Hurricane, Boots, Last Whisper, and I occasionally buy a little extra attack speed in the form of Zeal. I never buy more, but I could buy Ability Power, to make his Contaminate deal more damage, since part of it is Magic Damage). Partially because I never build the cask. I find it a waste of a level of ability build. I build mine like this: I build with Contaminate focus, alternating with his invis. That way I can quickly gank, even as a Marksman main champion, and kill without letting them escape. Since with Attack Speed, DV stacks quicker, so I can deal more damage with less time. AD, though, can really hurt. A lot. But, building that mainly is pointless, unless you only use the invis, to grant attack speed and, obviously, gank.


I find AD more effective on a champion like Ashe, because she has a slow, and doesn't have a definitive focus other than slowing and dealing a great amount of damage from a great range.


But that team was still terrible. I was under by 4 levels most of the game because it froze and I had to close PVP.net and re-open it. Never fed me, blamed me (even though my K/D/A was actually better than the teams, pathetically). It really played like ranked DotA.




Oh and by the way, I recently played my first game as Tryndamere. I was the second best on my pathetic, feeding team.

Edited by Twilly F. Sniper


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More power to ya. I understand how AS Twitch is supposed to work in theory, but it's just not my style. Maybe you could teach me some day.  ^_^




AD, though, can really hurt. A lot. But, building that mainly is pointless, unless you only use the invis, to grant attack speed and, obviously, gank.


Yeah, that is mostly how I play him, Invis, walk in their path so they can't escape easily, pop my casket for 2 free stacks, shoot 3-4 times, pop my expunge, and get back to farming.

Edited by Starstream
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@@Starstream, @,

As an ADC main I'd like to put forward my opinion on optimal Twitch builds.
Honestly for Twich I'd suggest:


Core items:

Blade of the Ruined King - HP shred, lifesteal, AtkSpd and a Nuke&Slow/Heal&MSBuff active. (The active adds more burst for when you want to assassinate people or a Slow/Speed buff/debuff for when you need to escape. Also comes with a heal.)

AtkSpd Boots - Staple ADC item: attack and movespeed. (Use Furor if you are winning and Homeguard if you are losing.)

Youmuu's Ghostblade - Apen, Damage, Crit and Atkspd and movespeed steroid active on a short CD. (Add this to your ult and ambush steroids and your DPS skyrockets.)


Infinity Edge - Crit and damage. You get a bunch of AtkSpd from the 3 core items, your ambush buff, masteries and runes (If you use AtkSpd quints.)

Last Whisper - Some damage and a bunch of % Apen. Get this if Youmuu's flat Apen isn't enough.



Mercurial Scimitar - Removes ALL DEBUFFS; (Mordekaiser ult, Malzahar DoTs, Poisons, Etc.) not just CC and a 50% MS boost. This item has saved my life more times than I could count. (Also gives +80 AD.)

Banshee's Veil - HP, MR and spell-shield. Good VS burst and ability reliant people.

Guardian Angel - Revives you once every 5 minutes. Gives armor+MR but does not give HP. (I'd only get this if I am playing with a coordinated team.)

Frozen Mallet - If the opponent team has no gap closers this will let you kite them. Also gives a nice chunk of HP and some AD.


Items that you might want to build on Twitch that may not be/are not cost effective:

Sword of the Divine - It may seem good on paper but if it is on cooldown it is literally does not do anything. Too unreliable. Only  giving AtkSpd outside of its active isn't that good either.

Phantom Dancer and Statikk Shiv - You'd probably hit the AtkSpd cap from all the other items I build. They lose massive cost-effectiveness when you don't consider the AtkSpd component.

Runaan's Hurricane - It only gives AtkSpd which you'd probably cap out on. The extra bolts may seem like a good idea but your ult already does that. The bolts have pretty short range too. I wouldn't count on their reliability to actually be in range if you have to take a more defensive position in a teamfight or skirmish.

Trinity Force - It's alright, but there are better options. Also, it is very expensive to buy.

Wit's End - AtkSpd is possibly wasted. If you want MR go build Banshee's Veil or Mercurial Scimitar.

Bloodthirster - With the new iteration of this item I don't think it is that good compared to the other BF Sword items.

Essence Reaver - Twitch doesn't suffer from massive mana problems and the 10% CDR can be obtained elsewhere. +80 AD is the only worthwhile trait and the other items that build out of BF Sword could be better used than this.

Just my two cents on Twitch builds. Hope it helps.



Edited by Glaceon

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Well apparently I'm incredibly hated by the league community -.-

No matter who I play suddenly become the major target for the jungler, my laner, and the closest laner (Usually being the mid laner, since I mostly top lane). Oh and in team fights I'm always the main focus.

Why do they hate me so? :(


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Me? Play Teemo? I would never play that little hell spawn!





Oh my god, this is me in a nutshell XD(No seriously, I haven't gotten a single penta yet :()

Edited by The Blades Shadow


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Well apparently I'm incredibly hated by the league community -.-

No matter who I play suddenly become the major target for the jungler, my laner, and the closest laner (Usually being the mid laner, since I mostly top lane). Oh and in team fights I'm always the main focus.

Why do they hate me so? :(

Playing jungle? Just remember one, simple rule...



Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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I hate to admit it, but I kinda sorta maybe do that sometimes...


Hey! To be fair, when I'm getting ganked constantly (And by constantly I mean he never ganks any other lane, just sits at mine and kills me when I'm low) by wukong and our shaco just sits there farming our jungle, it's kinda his fault and you know it


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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I hate to admit it, but I kinda sorta maybe do that sometimes...


Hey! To be fair, when I'm getting ganked constantly (And by constantly I mean he never ganks any other lane, just sits at mine and kills me when I'm low) by wukong and our shaco just sits there farming our jungle, it's kinda his fault and you know it

Lols I only ever get angry at the jungler when he constantly ignores good ganking opportunities. Like, let's say I am playing against someone with no escapes, & they are pushed. I like to play champs like Ryze, Aatrox, etc who can CC a target. When my jungler refuses to gank against someone like that while I'm playing a good lock down champ, then I get mad. Most of the time though I give them a break, since jungler is usually my 3rd most played role (though I am less of a ganker & more of a farmer a la Godyr)



Ever had one of those moments?

Nah they usually just turn on each other afterwards lol


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Lols I only ever get angry at the jungler when he constantly ignores good ganking opportunities. Like, let's say I am playing against someone with no escapes, & they are pushed. I like to play champs like Ryze, Aatrox, etc who can CC a target. When my jungler refuses to gank against someone like that while I'm playing a good lock down champ, then I get mad. Most of the time though I give them a break, since jungler is usually my 3rd most played role (though I am less of a ganker & more of a farmer a la Godyr)


I don't necesarilly get angry at the jungler, I just get disappointed when he never helps me then yells at me for feeding when I can't do anything. Like, what am I supposed to do when I'm basically in a 2v1 lane? -.-


Especially since the only good thing Irelia (My absolute favorite champion of all time  :wub:) gets out of a 2v1 is more tenacity, and come on, what good is that unless I'm against something like aatrox and malphite? >_> 


Maybe I should start playing Rumble more... It's funny as hell watching people try to 2v1 him after he hits 6 XD


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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I don't necesarilly get angry at the jungler, I just get disappointed when he never helps me then yells at me for feeding when I can't do anything. Like, what am I supposed to do when I'm basically in a 2v1 lane? -.-


Especially since the only good thing Irelia (My absolute favorite champion of all time  :wub:) gets out of a 2v1 is more tenacity, and come on, what good is that unless I'm against something like aatrox and malphite? >_>


Maybe I should start playing Rumble more... It's funny as hell watching people try to 2v1 him after he hits 6 XD

I thought you were a big Talon fan just a few weeks ago? :P


Rumble is suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper fun. He was my flavor for awhile, & I won most of the games I played with him & won most match ups... Except for one time I got a bit to aggro with a Rengar & basically fed him... Whoopsie...  :blush:


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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I thought you were a big Talon fan just a few weeks ago? :P

Shh! Nobody must know about that!



Rumble is suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper fun. He was my flavor for awhile, & I won most of the games I played with him & won most match ups... Except for one time I got a bit to aggro with a Rengar & basically fed him... Whoopsie...  :blush:



"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Shh! Nobody must know about that!




When he rushed a Last Whisper, basically yes XD


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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I hate to admit it, but I kinda sorta maybe do that sometimes...


Hey! To be fair, when I'm getting ganked constantly (And by constantly I mean he never ganks any other lane, just sits at mine and kills me when I'm low) by wukong and our shaco just sits there farming our jungle, it's kinda his fault and you know it

Yeah, cause when you don't play safe enough after the first or second time its totally not your fault at all. :l


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Yeah, cause when you don't play safe enough after the first or second time its totally not your fault at all. :l


To be fair, there are times where even under your own tower is no longer a safe point.  

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To be fair, there are times where even under your own tower is no longer a safe point.  


Sometimes the only way I can "play safe" is by camping behind my second tower because people play op enough champs to dive me without any problem -.-


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Ever had one of those moments?

Lol ive had a moment like this!

I had a top lane who were, and I kid you not, literally having a proper conversation about their fights and trades. They were legit complimenting each other on stuff going down and talking about how it could have been different. It was the weirdest thing ive ever seen. I was actually a bit scared and confused, not gonna me.


Ive also had people apologize for their play as well.

To be fair, there are times where even under your own tower is no longer a safe point.

While that is true to an extent, there are ways to prevent shit from happening.

And if I can tell Shits about to go down then thats usually where I say "Fuck that and fuck that tower".

  • Brohoof 1


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Ive also had people apologize for their play as well.


It's actually a somewhat common practice of mine to intentionally draw blame as a support (assuming my ADC isn't being a dick). Last hitting and trading tends to turn into an aggravating hell when your team is constantly bitching at you, so regardless of whose fault it actually is I try to lead the conversations following screw-ups with a "sorry" and "That was my fault." or, "I screwed up on that one." And then kind of ignore the hate comments afterwards if any. In most cases though it's a single comment of "This noob Zyra." or "Report our Leona." before everyone happily continues playing the game.

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Is there a list that says what nation each champion fights for? Because I'm confused by some of them.


For example: do all Yordles fight for Bandle City? Like it's obvious that Tristana and Teemo do because they're part of Bandle City's military, and Rumble wouldn't fight for anything else because he's extremely jingoistic and/or racist. But what about Corki and Ziggs, who are high ranking members of Piltover's military. 

On a one-stallion war against all trolls

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