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Oh, bro, I completely missed this bit of your post. You should definitely go with Vi. And I'm not just saying that because, like Diana, her voice acting is completely awesome (and I quote, "It's a shame. I've got two fists, but you've only got one face."), but because of this;




Have you ever seen a better parallel?! "Ly" (her cheek tattoo) even rhymes with "Vi" (which, of course, stands for violence)!

Vi's voice reminds me of DJ One Trick, the voice of Vinyl Scratch.


I have livestreamed as Vi before, she's a fun champion to play :)





Side note - I may be getting banned soonish, some tool locked in a jungler after i had been locked in for ages so we decided that we were surrendering at 20, so i figured i would just feed, got to 20 deaths before the game ended.

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




Check out my YouTube


Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide


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I need to get back into the swing of playing League on NA :\ I've been playing on EUW on my smurf so much I've forgotten what it's like to play with Runes and masteries, and I miss my Elise >: I've had too many good games with her to stop playing her just like that xD

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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For the first time tonight, I was actually able to assume the role of AP Carry for my team as Diana. It felt so awesome just being able to wreck face without too much threat of dying. I played three games, and in all three I got more than half of my team's kills. Two were wins, and one was unfortunately was a loss.


My first game of the night was especially awesome. Got a legendary along with three more kills for an eleven kill streak. Screenie of my match history with details on that match below. I had never midded against Mordekaiser before, either, so I was a bit nervous, but it all worked out in the end. The game lasted about 45 minutes, if anyone was wondering.




Yes, this was my first time using the snipping tool. No, I didn't have the presence of mind to get the after game stats as we got out. And finally, yes, I play Diana a LOT.


I also got a decent amount of Qs of destiny (not unlike Nidalee spears of destiny), too. At least 5 or 6 landing kills on people running away, or just standing there thinking they were safe. There was an especially amusing one where a Shyvana dove me and my Rammus jungler buddy, and I had to run away. He was holding her at my outer turret, though, so I decided to come back (with less than 150 health) to throw a Q of destiny at her. It landed, then I ran back to base. As I was running, I got the kill 5 seconds later, and we both shouted, "THE PLAYS!" while she dejectedly said, "...the turret..."

Edited by HandMan
  • Brohoof 1


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I've just finished writing my guide for Jungle Sejuani, not sure who to write one for next.... Any suggestions anypony?


I was thinking maybe either Vi, Volibear or Renekton (yes i have worked out how to jungle as him, i can jungle most champs, may try a jungle swain at some point)

I would agree with HandMan to go with Vi jungle if you want to win games. She is fairly boring though jungle since after playing top lane a lot, you dont really get to crush faces in ((or get first blood))

I won a game with her yesterday while accidently putting on ap runes/masteries. After I realized that I made the mistake I stopped trying to really win the game either. Turns out though we ended up winning since Pantheon was the only good person on thier team.

Edited by Moon Wave


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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Can't wait to see his play style. Hopefully i can add him to my top champions but only time will time. But on another note my games lately have been really bad lost after lost hopefully my luck picks up.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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I like League of Legends. I'm still trying to get better at it, and I am, slowly. I'm currently level 20something, and I usually do co-op vs AI beginner or intermediate bots. It's also fun to do custom games, to experiment with items and jungling in a much more extensive manner than I could in a regular game.


Currently, my favorite champion is Tryndamere. I almost always play as him.



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I like League of Legends. I'm still trying to get better at it, and I am, slowly. I'm currently level 20something, and I usually do co-op vs AI beginner or intermediate bots. It's also fun to do custom games, to experiment with items and jungling in a much more extensive manner than I could in a regular game.


Currently, my favorite champion is Tryndamere. I almost always play as him.

If you ever need someone to play with you can send me a friend request but that's only if you play on NA but if you're looking for someone to play with I'm your man.

  • Brohoof 1


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Played three blind pick games in a row before dinner today with my school friends, and the enemy team surrendered at less than 30 minutes all three times...


I know I shouldn't be complaining about winning three games in less than an hour and a half, but it's not really satisfying if you surrender that early.


I also had my first "scumbag" moment:


One of my friends was in mid fighting an enemy Quinn as Lee Sin. He dueled Quinn down from 100% to almost nothing. Meanwhile, I roll up behind him along with our Blitzcrank, and throw my Diana Q just as he is about to land the killing punch after being blinded (as if Lee Sin needs to be even more blind) and kill Quinn. Our Blitzcrank was also like, "You scumbag!" Lee Sin called me a dick, but then he realized he would have done the same exact thing, so it was all good tongue.png  .

  • Brohoof 1


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If you ever need someone to play with you can send me a friend request but that's only if you play on NA but if you're looking for someone to play with I'm your man.


Thanks! Yeah, I play on NA. Feel free to add me, my username there is scs1337, I think... either that, or scs7331, I keep forgetting which. I haven't logged in for a week or so, but I'm sure I'll play it again soon.

  • Brohoof 1



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I main jungle and I am the designated jungler for my team. Some of the jungle champs I depend on and play often include and are not limited to: Nocturne, Cho, J4, Diana, Vi, Maokai, The Mummy, Lee Sin, Sejuani, Shyvana.


I am the team's runner-up top laner, and Riven is my waifu.  

I love them both -- Riven is mai waifu though!


I haven't played Riven a lot lately, as filling in roles makes for a pretty chill experience in normals.

I mucked about with 4-man pre-made, and we donated a quad to Fiddlesticks before 8 minutes. Dumbest insta-snowball ever, and it made him the only major presence on their team throughout the game's entirity... As you can see here:



We pushed all lanes to get us through the entire game, and we nearly lost at the end. Donated another four kills to Fiddle n' squad as our Rengar took an alpha pack of minions -- @ top -- to rush the nexus.


37 to 54: Truly the best worst game ever. (I didn't do Riven justice, though.)


Also: Blitz went top, Syndra mid, Kha/Rengar bot, Riven jungle. Our composition was made to easily snag dragons at bot -- we didn't get a single dragon before 30 minutes... (The ~7:30 Fiddle quad came from four under-hp champs, myself included, trying to rush drag w/ three smite. Fiddle flew in with his retarded ult and retardedly cc'd us into forever-land. Screw the draining fearful crows of silence and OPness.)

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I love them both -- Riven is mai waifu though!


Oh, hellllll no.  Riven is MY waifu!  No sharing! 


But yeah, I love Riven.  When her battle bunny skin came out, I insta-bought it.  I played Riven in the jungle in season 2, but for season 3, I prefer going top with her.  She's one of the strongest snowballers in the game.  "Feed Riven and you lose."  









This game looks so chaotic...how did you guys even get that victory?  Well, I guess that diversion play you had at the end must have been pretty good.

Haha, everything about it looks silly.  Your team has three smites.  

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Bought Vi today. I must say, I quite enjoy PUNCHING THE LIVING HELL OUT OF EVERYTHING!


Oh, and that ult. It makes me yell with ferocity every time I use it.


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Coming from one of my worst lost streak in rank. This game fired me up to get back to working on my ranked game plus one of my worst champions. (Picture of the game is not uploading blink.png )

Edited by Witch Doctor


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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so decided to make a random 5s team with some friends and went 8-1 woot! on another note zed is OP and does ridiculous amounts of damage luckily he can be stopped if he tries to 5v1 lol

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First mega successful game as Vi just now. Had four amazing ganks early/mid game (including a counter gank, since our Kayle was warding up top river like a pro), and dealt tons of damage late game. It felt AWESOME. 




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I can has finished a new game with Kass. Surprisingly, smartcast isnt half bad for his spells, since one less click is always quicker then fast hands.



A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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Vicke what server do you play on otherwise can't add : /


Riven top OP

Jungle Vi OP

Annie Burst OP

Xerath uncounterable

I'm too addicted to this game

This is MY signature >.<

Don't steal it.

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Just played a game as AP Twisted Fate for the first time, i rather enjoyed it biggrin.png




Forgive the poor win/loose ratio, i'm improving it right now but it took a massive hit when i started playing with my low level friend.

  • Brohoof 1

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




Check out my YouTube


Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide


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So this one got very close in the end. I didn't realize that we were actually going 4 v. 5 for most of the game because we seemed to have the upper hand, primarily due to how excellent I was doing out of nowhere (and then there was this one person who kept whining and condemning me for kill stealing; me and Teemo kept defending ourselves by saying that kills are kills and that it's a team game, etc., etc., ended up reporting this particular player for verbal abuse)


In the end, while some other champions were trying to fight the rest of my team at the base, I raced up top, got the last turret and inhibitor, and we almost had it in the bag. Then, that awkward moment when the other team was ahead on the final nexus turret at the same time.

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Played my first Dominion games ever today. Most were unremarkable, but there were two that I played in the last two hours with my college buddies that were amazing. We were really getting into it - fevered yelling, general mayhem, that sort of thing. The fact that the games were really damn close was also a contributing factor to our excitement, as well as the fact that we were all in the same room.


In the first game, I did awesomely as Diana. Granted, I was up against AP Tryndamere 1v1 down bot, but I basically swung the game in our favor at the start, which secured us the win. Our Nexus had 24 health left - it was a real nailbiter. We were convinced that that would be the closest game for a while.


...then, in our next game, our nexus went down to 9 health. NINE! And we were able to pull back for the win when their Nexus was at about 80 health. We cheered out loud when we won, both times. I've never had so much fun playing LoL - the team dynamic is so cool.


Here's a screenie of the first game we did:



Edited by HandMan


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Had a perfect match with Ziggs. Its a character i hardly ever play and its been about 2 months since i last played.

I guess i have to play Ziggs more often, huh xD?



  • Brohoof 1



Signature made by Kyoshi

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