~Chaotic Fireball~ 499 March 3, 2013 Share March 3, 2013 To name a few: One day at school I was walking to my seat when somebody pointed out, "Hey, your zipper's undone!!" I collapsed to the floor and zipped it up quickly, then crawled back to my desk on hands and knees. Luckily, it was pretty early in the morning, so there weren't that many people there anyways. A more recent one: Sports day is coming up soon for our school, so in P.E. class, our teacher decided that she'd teach us how to do most of the competitions. Anyways, so I found myself in a 5-legged race (Why 3 people, I do not know) and I was in the middle of the two other players. i am extremely short, or maybe they are extremely tall, but for whatever reason I was kinda being pulled one leg at a time. We were going the fastest, since our team hadn't won any of the other races yet, and we really wanted to win this one. So, anyways, they were going very fast, and they had a much longer stride than I did, and towards the end of the race, I found myself being dragged by my butt on the hot concrete of the court, between those two people, all the way to the finish line. This was in front of the rest of my class, by the way, and the girls' P.E uniform is an extremely short cheerleading-kind of dress, so My Little Booty was on display for everyone. i don't care if I was wearing tights underneath! It was very embarrassing, but it was also so funny that I started to laugh too. An even more recent one: Again, in P.E. class, we were practicing for Sports Day, and this time there was this event called the 'Mother and Baby Diaper' race. Me and my best friend in my class were paired up, and guess who got to be the baby. Soon enough I found out what they meant by a 'Baby Diaper' race. I lost about all my dignity that day. Here's what happened: The 'baby' has to sit in the middle of the track, with their legs open, so the mother to come running up to them, to put on the diaper, which was, BTW, a potato sack, the exact same ones used for the potato sack race :L Then when the 'mom' reaches, the 'baby' has to levitate themself using their hands, so that the mother can slide the diaper underneath them, and pin it on. Then the baby crawls to the finish line on hands and feet (not knees!) with their butt sticking up in the air. Needless to say, we won by about 5 minutes, thanks to my fast crawling, and my friend Kristy's nimble fingertips. I guess she's one of those people who are just cut out to be a mother later on in life. Ah, P.E class seems to be my worst enemy. "Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings ~Drawing Requests~ Ask Me Anything ~ OC's ~ Art Gallery ~ Soarin' is best pony Join the navel revolution! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokuc 8,174 May 4, 2013 Share May 4, 2013 (edited) It was just a few days ago in school during Physics class... The thing that happened is, I jumbled the word "calculation" with "ejaculation" HOW could you do that?! You say? Well here in Sweden, "calculation" is "uträkning" and "ejaculation" is "utlösning" So well it's very similar. (Before you read, "Carina" is the name of my teacher) NOTE: This will not be correct in english since in sweden you can say "fått fram" which can mean both "gotten" or "figured out". So when I type "gotten" here, it's because I said "fått fram" which can also mean "figured out". Me: Carina I've gotten an ejaculation! =)Teacher: Hahaha..haha you said that a little bit wrong, huh? XDMe: Hahah I mean calculation :ZMe: I said wrong :L oouuuhhhghhhTeacher: Hahaha XD *giggle* haha, yeah you said a little bit wrong there... *grins* ^.^'Me: >__> <__< >__> This was exactly what we said (Swedish) Jag: Carina jag har fått fram en utlösning! =)Läraren: Hahaha..haha sa du inte lite fel nu? XDJag: Hahah jag menar uträkning :ZJag: Jag sa fel hahah :L oouuuhhhghhhLäraren: Hahaha XD *hihi* ja det blev ju lite fel... *försöker hålla skrattet inne* ^.^'Jag: >__> <__< >__> Edited May 4, 2013 by Jokuc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 May 4, 2013 Share May 4, 2013 Oh and I've had a couple of zipper innocedents to. Infact I forget about it alot, luckily most of the time no one notices. However I had one time when we where at the football field with the highschool band i was in middle school. And as we walked onto the field to practice some matching stuff one pointed out my fly was undone. Now here's the thing I was homeschooled and therefore never heard this term( I know I'm stupid sue me ) so I was like what? And then they're like "your zipper" and then I looked down and noticed it unzipped, not only did i feel stupid for not understanding them, but I also had been around there for a good while. And never. Noticed. Now I check my zipper alot more often before leaving places like the bathroom. Oh an another time I was at a football game for the incoming freshman for highschool with some people from other schools, one of the girls there I joked around with a bit, and we talked kinda, then when it got time to leave she asked me for my number. I got kinda nervous because first of all I had been homeschooled so I was still akward, and I really hadn't memorized my number anyways, and didn't wanna look in my phone, plus I was shy so yeah. Her dad got there though and they left. I left shortly after, I felt bad, even I'd it wasnt really public. Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Powderpuff 390 May 5, 2013 Share May 5, 2013 (edited) I've probably had a million of these little (and big) incidents, but I can never remember any of them. There's only one that I can always recall off the top of my head. It was in kindergarten or first grade, and we were just coming in from recess and taking off our snow gear. My boot was stuck in my snow pants, so being the smart little kid I was, I tried to kick it off. It did come off, flew across the room and hit the boy I had been crushing on, right on the side of the head. I probably only remember this cause it happened so early that it imprinted itself in my memory forever :') Edited May 5, 2013 by Powderpuff 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Envy 6,196 May 5, 2013 Share May 5, 2013 This one might be more awkward than anything else, but here goes... So I was at the State Fair (yes, we still have those where I live) with one of my friends, and then a couple that were his friends. It was hot outside and I started to get a migraine. My friend was nice and bought me a drink (which was way overpriced, I must add) so I could take some headache medicine. After drinking not much of it, I got this urge to burp, so to be polite, I covered my mouth. It was at that point that I noticed it was one of those sick-at-the-stomach migraines, and it ...wasn't just a burp... So I attempted to signal to my friend that I had to head for a bathroom, which was very awkward and embarrassing because I couldn't take my hand off of my mouth. lol. And then, of course, as I'm heading for a bathroom, I run into a friend that I haven't seen in a year... And I couldn't even acknowledge her because my hands were all occupied. and I haven't seen her since. -_- Everything needs more woodwind! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mint_Melody 91 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 Omg. There are a LOT of them but a few bad ones always stick out in my mind. When I was a teenager teaching kids church this little boy drew a picture of me. It had a head, two arms, two legs, and two big circles over my whole body. I was so surprised that I swore under my breath and took it from him. His parents never brought him back. It's not like I could help it! I was in a T-shit for goodness sake! Well, as a college kid, I still live with my parents. Mostly because they refuse to let me move out and be left with my 13 pets while I party in a dorm.. I don't blame them. I'm an adult and pretty used to... amorous activity among adults but one night I went to knock on my mother's door and it flew straight open to.... yeah. They said they were 'hugging'... I was 19 at the time. They must have thought I was a moron if they expected me to believe them. I made the mistake of reading a Sammy Key's book in elementary school entitled, "Mary Mustache"... my name is Mary, all the kids in school saw me read it. I was mustache Mary for the next year and a half. Most recently, and possibly the most horrible of all. Two women drove up to me in a car while I was coming out of the bookshop. One was African American and one was white. This isn't something that means anything to me, personally racism as a concept baffles me. The African American driver asked, "Do you know where a Victoria's Secret is around here?" Now understand, here I am, a bisexual woman, walking down the street and these two pretty girls pull up and ask me where an underwear shop is. I was extremely flustered and said, "Sure go um, right down to the stop sign, turn right, go through the stop light and it's right black there." I froze. I knew what I'd just said and so did she. I was completely mortified and unsure if I should explain myself or if that would only make me seem more racist. She gave me a forced smile and drove off, and I wanted to crawl under a rock. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lisa 5,553 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 - Pulling the door when it says "Push". - Auto-Correct when texting - Running into something cos I wasn't looking where I was walking. - The first time my friends found out I was a pegasister. (they don't care anymore.) - The time when I laughed in a weird way, now my friends tease me about it. _________________________________ Those are my embarrassing moments. :l Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moonlight 7,288 May 10, 2013 Share May 10, 2013 I guess it would be this: I was in Math class sitting next to my best friend. She decided to pull the chair out. I forgot to make sure she didn't do that, but I trusted her, and attempted to sit down. I fell right down onto the floor, and people watched it and started laughing. Knowing my luck, the teacher saw and screamed at everyone, because I fell on the floor. He was not amused. Of course, my friend was laughing the entire time, so she didn't hear him screaming at us in front of everybody. 1 matching setups with my bff pathfinder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest May 11, 2013 Share May 11, 2013 I was caught masturbating to pokemon hentai once. Other than that I can't think of anything off-hand. I think I might be slightly embarrassed if I was caught watching my little pony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BronyPsychology 18 May 12, 2013 Share May 12, 2013 I doodle a lot, often ponies. You see where this is going. My mom looked into my drawing book. Thus began my parents hating all the MLP everythings. Compounded: My mom was so disturbed that she looked up ponies... and found some R34. ...things kinda went to hell at this point. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
3005 332 May 12, 2013 Share May 12, 2013 I was caught masturbating to pokemon hentai once. Other than that I can't think of anything off-hand. I think I might be slightly embarrassed if I was caught watching my little pony. Oh my God. xD My most embarrassing moment had to have been when I was younger (like age 5-6) and my uncle pantsed me at a community pool for my cousin's party. Most humiliating moment of my life by far lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Red Diamond 549 May 12, 2013 Share May 12, 2013 I was at Wal-Mart, shopping for groceries. When I was at the check-out aisle, I saw those MLP trading cards. I picked them up, due to curiousity. Some scumbag yelled "Hey, you like MLP?" "No, I was looking at them due to curiousity..." *facepalm* Probably in the 3rd grade (school year 2006-2007) when I was watching presentations, I.. cut the cheese. Everyone laughed, and I put my head down due to embarrassment. ATTENTION!! I DO NOT TAKE REQUESTS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sazama Ichida 2,367 May 12, 2013 Share May 12, 2013 2 girls pulled down my pants one day when I was at school. Good thing I was wearing underwear. >.> They got busted by the vice principal soon afterwards. The White Shinigami Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarligPegasi 315 July 13, 2013 Share July 13, 2013 I think my most embarrassing moment was in 9th grade (or was it 10th? Whatever it doesn't matter), well it was a rainy day and my school had a serious lack of dry carpets so when we went inside after getting off of the bus, we stepped on this soaking wet carpet, and I slipped. Now that may not seem terrible, but I went to a horrible school where everyone was super mean and didn't let you forget anything. So of course when I slipped and my leg flew up and I almost did a split but instead landed on my ass, everyone (including my friends) started laughing. And I really really REALLY wanted to start crying because I mean sudden ass to hard tile floor action hurts like crazy! But if I had started crying people would have no doubt started laughing harder, so I just sucked it up and limped to my seat. (And I limped for half of the day because I twisted my ankle a bit -.-) Another embarrassing moment was this; I think I was like 11 years old and I was at my dad's friend's house, playing in the basement with their kids. So they had a baby girl who wanted everyone to hold her (and she was kinda really fat and I was kind of really weak) so I picked her up but then (as babies do) she started to flail around and kick her legs and stuff...And I dropped her. Yup. I dropped a baby. She fell on top of a box and on to the floor. She was okay, and one of the kids tried to reassure me that others had dropped her. But I mean...I dropped a baby. Signature by @@Champion RD92, Examples of my Art Work Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xblackrosesx 81 July 13, 2013 Share July 13, 2013 The most embarrassing moment for me was when I was watching My Little Pony with my dad and some friends. My Dad: Which one is Rainbow Dash again? Me: 1 Signature made by the amazing Kyoshi My Deviantart | My Artwork | My Writing | Ask Me Mischief managed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MLPForums Phanact 1,374 July 13, 2013 Share July 13, 2013 IDK if this is more awkward rather than just embarrassing but here we go anyway! I was walking through the city center one day and I noticed that a large group of quite rough looking boys were following me. I stopped walking to see if they would go past and not mug me and to my surprise, not only did they walk past me but one of them wolf whistled at me and said to one of his friends "that girl has well skinny legs." I shouted "Thanks" back and I have quite a deep voice... It was very awkward. (Note; I have very long, straight, dyed hair and I do look like a girl) let's love for me and lets love loud and let's love now cause soon enough we'll die Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Concord 1,982 July 13, 2013 Share July 13, 2013 Hello! Ugh... Such a pain to remmember these events. Some of my most emberrassing moments are: 1. Missing a shot from under the basket in basketball on the last second of the quarter. 2. Failing with english when a random person in the streets asked for help. 3. Getting my swimming pants torn. 4. Getting pony caught. ( Having someone find out I like ponies... ._. ) 5. And a lot more... More......... more............. ._. Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Little Lizards 91 July 13, 2013 Share July 13, 2013 I was texting a friend an inside joke and it was really inappropriate and immature and so I sent it and turns out I had sent it to my friend who is a guy, and turns out his overprotective parents had his phone. ~That one equestrian that does that riding stuff on ponies~Doctor Who {Tennant is best Doctor}~Voice Actor~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nerdy Luigi 2,065 July 13, 2013 Share July 13, 2013 (edited) Earlier my Freshman year, I got really angry at someone during lunch for annoying the heck out of me, so I threw my lunch at them. I also was really embarrassed when I told a friend I had a boyfriend online. He told it to everyone. Edited July 13, 2013 by Rainbow P.F. Sparkle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dedacct6 2,591 September 8, 2013 Share September 8, 2013 (edited) Embarrassing moments huh. Well ok One day in school I liked a girl Audience: awwwwww. So I asked her out one day! Audience: awwwww *claps* Ok you can stop that!!!! Anyways I ask her out and gues what the fu*k she said! Girl: you're disgusting... Me: Well then she acted like a b*tch to me for the rest of the time I knew her...I'll never forget that moment...it sucked. But I got over her Audience:awwwwww. ... Edited September 8, 2013 by PelateOvercast 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Th3 Chaos Theory 89 September 9, 2013 Share September 9, 2013 I was kinda retarded at the time because I accidentally consumed some beer in a chocolate snack. I put on my mom's dress and screamed yolo while my mom was there. THE MARKER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Katana 298 September 9, 2013 Share September 9, 2013 I think my mind tends to block out the existence of moments like that. Just on topic though, as difficult as it is, probably the best thing to do if someone finds out you're a brony, just treat it all normal. Like "Oh. Yeah. I've watched it a lot, I didn't think anyone else was interested so I never brought it up." Act like an adult, people treat you like an adult. Act like being a brony is okay, and people will feel at least a little awkward about calling you out on it as childish. It's not a silver bullet, but it might help, considering most bullying is based off people's reactions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frith is Magick 1,471 September 9, 2013 Share September 9, 2013 First day of university sit down with some friends in my Chinese 101 class, certain it's the right time and place. Soon we noticed that other students didn't have the same textbooks. Teacher walks in and welcomes us to Spanish class. We were sitting at the front, which meant walking past the whole class on the way out... Keep flyin' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DumbFabric24 0 September 12, 2013 Share September 12, 2013 My most embarrassing moment happened when I was I grade 10. Gym class ended and I was walking with the class to the change room. I barely got any sleep and I was exhausted. I didn't pay attention to where I was going and then someone shouted my name. It turns out that I was just about to walk into the girls change room. Naturally, EVERYONE in the class saw that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stary Dreams 87 September 12, 2013 Share September 12, 2013 Well, when I was in 2nd grade, I was reading this book on the bus and somehow fell asleep because it was just so quiet... When I woke up, I missed my stop and was in the mountain route ( I lived in Montana) and I panicked so badly. I came up to the bus driver and told him I missed my stop, and he said he would drop me off once he finished his route. My parents called the school office panicking about where I was, and eventually I got to my stop and saw my parents there looking relieved (because derp). It was so embarassing xD "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff. " - The Doctor :comeatus: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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