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What do you think "love and tolerate" means?


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Well all words and phrases mean something else to different ponies, but to me, the phrase "Love and tolerate" means that on everyponies opinion I must treat it with respect and not completely blow it off.

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Got a feeling this has something to do with my thread....

But anyways here are my views on Love and tolerate.

I think it makes life so much better. To love everything means that you are almost always happy with the world. I take love and tolerance extremely well to my life. I live my life by it now. And to tolerate is to accept anyones opinion. If they disagree to something against you, it is for you to be responisible and tolerate their own opinion.


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Got a feeling this has something to do with my thread....

But anyways here are my views on Love and tolerate.

I think it makes life so much better. To love everything means that you are almost always happy with the world. I take love and tolerance extremely well to my life. I live my life by it now. And to tolerate is to accept anyones opinion. If they disagree to something against you, it is for you to be responisible and tolerate their own opinion.


Ah, good stuff; that's pretty deep. Thanks for the response. Though, I haven't made this thread in response to another. My apologies if anything was implied.


Well all words and phrases mean something else to different ponies, but to me, the phrase "Love and tolerate" means that on everyponies opinion I must treat it with respect and not completely blow it off.


Nice interpretation ;)

  • Brohoof 1


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Ah, good stuff; that's pretty deep. Thanks for the response. Though, I haven't made this thread in response to another. My apologies if anything was implied. Nice interpretation ;)

Ohnonono. My thread was basiacly on this topic, but over someone yelling at Game informer for calling mlp Frilly.

Its all good :D


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Ohnonono. My thread was basiacly on this topic, but over someone yelling at Game informer for calling mlp Frilly.

Its all good :D


Oh god, a friend of mine showed me that article. I just sat there and stared at the page in disbelief. I should probably re-read it; I kind of skimmed over it last time lol

Edited by Kodiak


Storytellers of Equestria (Audiobook Group):


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Semper Fidelis.

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Oh god, a friend of mine showed me that article. I just kind if sat there and stared at the page in disbelief. I should probably re-read it; I kind of skimmed over it last time lol

We have the entire article up in a thread. We are discussing it now :D


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It can be interpreted different ways but the way I see it, when someone hates on the show or insults you for liking it, instead of attacking them or saying something negative, you either ignore them (tolerance) or state your argument in a positive way (love). That's just an example though. It can be applied to all kinds of life situations. Generally, I think of love as kindness and positivity. I try to always show love no matter the situation but I think there are some exceptions to the tolerance part. There are just some things that shouldn't be tolerated.

  • Brohoof 5


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It can be interpreted different ways but the way I see it, when someone hates on the show or insults you for liking it, instead of attacking them or saying something negative, you either ignore them (tolerance) or state your argument in a positive way (love). That's just an example though. It can be applied to all kinds of life situations. Generally, I think of love as kindness and positivity. I try to always show love no matter the situation but I think there are some exceptions to the tolerance part. There are just some things that shouldn't be tolerated.


I concur. While love and tolerance are fantastic principles to live by, not all things can be tolerated. For instance, threats or bullying shouldn't be tolerated, as they are expressions of anger through violence, and not simply expressing an opinion. But, for the most part, I suppose that if we are to be accepted, we must be pure in our manners and respectful towards others. The Brony community is one of the nicest and most loving groups on the internet, and that is why I love it so much.


Brace yourself.

Winter is coming.

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I'm gonna say this here since no other topic really warrants this, but anti-bronies seem to confuse the concept of 'Love and Tolerate' with 'Being a complete push-over'. And they think they can say stuff like 'MLP is fur furrie faggots only. The show sux and you sux it too." And if you try to disagree with them in any manner "OMAHGAWD you just disagreed with me love and tolerate my ass you hippocrit go kill yourself!!!1"


And yes, that situation happened at a forum I used to go to, and I've seen it on other sites like deviantart, outube, and etc.

Edited by Tom the Rock


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It can be interpreted different ways but the way I see it, when someone hates on the show or insults you for liking it, instead of attacking them or saying something negative, you either ignore them (tolerance) or state your argument in a positive way (love). That's just an example though. It can be applied to all kinds of life situations. Generally, I think of love as kindness and positivity. I try to always show love no matter the situation but I think there are some exceptions to the tolerance part. There are just some things that shouldn't be tolerated.


I'm really feeling that one. Thanks for the response

  • Brohoof 1


Storytellers of Equestria (Audiobook Group):


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Semper Fidelis.

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What is love?

Posted Image

Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.




Sorry, couldn't resist that. But I think that a shining example of the meaning of love and tolerance is how the brony community is very open and nonjudgmental when it comes to those who join in. The warmhearted and sincere welcomes into the herd and the ability to have actual conversation on the internet without it being reduced to ignorant squabbling also add to the love and tolerance.


Also the fact that many members won't chew me out for posting the Night At The Roxbury reference.

  • Brohoof 2

I am an aberration. We all are. There is no such thing as normal, for the norm is difference.


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It means that I won't destroy the fools that voted Twilight out of the Last Pony Standing thread.


I think Apple Bloom hit the nail fairly squarely on the head.


To me it means not being an abrasive sarcastic twit like I've been known to be from time to time.

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Love and tolerate...


You should care about everypony and keep your hatred as low as possible. You should try to be a friend and be kind to as many ponies as you can. It is impossible for one to love everypony, but those you can't love is where the second word comes in.


When a pony is unable to be loved be it that they are annoying, cruel, or something else, you should tolerate them and ignore them if necessary.

Love and Tolerate...

Both of these together stop ponies from fighting with others and instead promote positive emotions.

  • Brohoof 1
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I've tried to lurk this thread without participation as I have always felt that the philosophical approach to these topics varies so much individually that once someone makes declaration what those things mean some other opinions and ideas are going to be then deemed lesser and wrong in contrast.


The understanding of the concepts like this as how to portray the values love and tolerance entails varies a lot on how person conducts themselves and how in touch they are with their emotions. But in the end all men can love and tolerance comes naturally to us until judgement and hate and fear is ingrained into us in order to force human being into a box that makes defining him and his motivations easier and them more controllable.


Current society, shaped and painted into its own image by giant corporations wishes humans to be separate and uniform in their uncaring selfish pursuit of material wealth which is lied to bring happiness, is now divided and conquered by the uncaring cold minds of the unloved and the bitter millionaires and billionaires who in all their wealth and in middle of their possession fear that people want to take from them what they have. To protect themselves they have made greed admirable, they have made lies the norm, they have made compassion weakness for they feel none,

To feel compassion when you want more possession means you feel bad if you take that what is others, if you take away the livelihood of little people in order to dominate the markets, if you pay too little to people who work for you to save in your expenses at their expense, their health, their food, their clothes and families are the ones suffer. No kind and caring person can do this, no person of compassion can seek profit knowing well that it comes from the wallets of the poor.


World shaped by those people, advertisement, role models and movies they fund all enforce the "masculine and cold man" who lets people around them die as long as the hot chick is fine, who do not shed tears or cover in fear even for a moment when they meet the opponents of unreasonable proportion. They are no heroes, they truly have nothing to overcome if they have no fear to overcome, if they feel no loss and force themselves forward only to make sure nobody else has to die. They enforce the obedient, loyal woman role model making them nothing more than eye-candy, trophies to acquire, and subject to spend money on to prove your own fitness. Hardly ever is the female character the one who acts like a hero, who goes through hell to protect others around them, they always just do the dumb things to protect the man of their infatuation.


These role models are the very opposite of love and tolerance, the scenarios in these movies, series and advertisements all enforce only the separate individuals as strong on their own. Telling people you are no champion unless you are that alone. When true champions, knights and heroes like firemen work as teams. Friends who trust each others and overcome threats greater than any man.

This is the nightmare scenario of corporate giant. A mans ability to trust, willingness to protect and courage to love others is what they fear and try to make into weak and unacceptable.


So what it means to love and tolerate?

It means that you can reach out hand and trust there's someone who grabs it and pulls you up when you fall. It means that when you see a hand reaching for help, your first instinct is to grab on to it and help.

We all know how it is when the society projects onto you what you are supposed to be and how you are supposed to behave. How it is "cool" to be uncaring and cold if you are a man and how it is "proper" to be a a ditsy blonde who doesn't have any other opinions than what you are told to have.

Well, love and tolerance also applies to yourself. To be able to love yourself, accept your weaknesses alongside your strengths and tolerate them. Not fear them or be ashamed of them and pretend they do not exist. To let yourself be yourself freely and give same courtesy to others. If you like to watch ponies or read romance novels, if you like to read comics, happen to have something uncommon as favourite colour or just happen to be more sensitive and empathetic person than the toughest guy in "class" you should be that and be happy about it for it makes you an individual. Your kindness and tolerance makes you twice the individual and special than your ability to play the tough lone wolf stereotype. Same time it allows you to connect with others, care for them and be cared of.


Bronies are one of the few groups out there who have embraced this attitude. And slowly even the fresh ones feel more comfortable opening up. This has given the entire community so much! We have many new creative talents exploring their abilities and sharing their contributions openly as the judgement and hate is next to nonexistent. Every piece of fan creation is welcomed with kindness and gratitude, even if it is not professional quality and greatest thing ever, it is accepted, loved and tolerated. Even if topic is not to your liking it does not get trolled and hated on, but tolerated as its own quirk. This has made us most productive and supportive fan group with the steadiest growth ever.


I do not know if it is thanks to the show alone, or is it because the show brings a little bit of vulnerability to our attention with its subject of ponies, and in order to accept this vulnerability we are drawn to our peers in question "you feel this too?". As it comes up online, others join in and agree with the feeling, it opens a whole new perspective to us about humanity: indeed, we are all human! not machines, not stereotypes, not fictional characters but full fledged humans with feelings and thoughts, the full range!

So with that thought, we breathe a sigh of relief and embrace ourselves and each others as brethren, we can enjoy things because they are enjoyable, and are richer for it.

  • Brohoof 4


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I still don't understand this topic. Those words are already defined ;)


It is not the definition of the words, but the definition of how they as concepts are applied in philosophical sense. You know the definition for word gravity yet can not fully understand or bend it to your will. Only through in depth study and research into gravity one day mankind can learn how to use it for our advantage. Same goes for love and tolerance as it is obvious most humans do not know how to deploy those concepts even though they are aware of them.






Pencils, it is my life's goal to pen such elegant works as your linguistic masterpieces.


Thank you! But I am not that much of a linguistic master :P There are countless others more talented and elegant than me in the ways of the words. :)

Edited by Pencils


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For me, it means we have to allow others to be themselves. When people hate on the show, don't get defensive, just tolerate their difference of opinion and don't let them troll you. That is the tolerate part. Love means to show kindness and compassion toward others. Reply to hate with kind words, instead of more hate. Also, Bronies support each other. When someone is not sure if the show is something they would like, don't say things like "You must be a moron not to like this show" or something like that. Instead, tell them what you like about it, and let them decide for themselves.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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