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Alcohol: your view on it?

Atom Flash

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Alcohol is evil! (Which I say as I sip my glass of Kraken rum and Dr. Pepper.)


It's a good thing in moderation. Wow, I can't believe I said that. I'm the biggest hypocrite ever. Honestly, it really is true that alcohol is alright in moderation, or if you only "party drink" once in a blue moon. I'm not a very good example, considering that I drink WAY too much WAY too often.


Alcohol's effects are not only physical. The last time I drank and went on here, I ended up getting banned because I let myself get out of hand. It completely destroys your inhibitions (which is that part of your brain that tells you "Hey, that's not a good idea"), and quite often leads you to do stupid stuff.


Point is, if you can drink in moderation, go for it. If you're constantly drinking just to get wasted, it might be time to cut back or stop completely.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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As most people have stated previously, it's not really the alcohol that's the problem, it's the people.


I don't very much care for the taste of any form of alcohol (be it wine, beer, etc.), but there's no harm in going out with the guys/girls/party and having a couple drinks at the bar. Or having a typical glass of wine for an excellent meal you cooked up for your wife/husband for a special occasion. 


Though a couple drinks can still make judgement a bit hazy, it won't be as bad were you to just go all out and start slamming down shot after shot. Plus, there are those kind of people who can handle their alcohol...and then there are those who can't.


Moderation is the key here.


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I don't drink at all except during some special occasions such as during New Year's which I spend in Italy every time and traditionally have a sip of champagne. I have nothing in particular against drinking in and of itself except I detest the drinking culture various countries have where people regularly get wasted and the only way to really socialize is at a pub. Definitely NOT my thing.

  • Brohoof 1
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Comeing from someone with a lot of relatives (mostly aunts and uncles) that love to drink I'll Give my views on it.


Its Fine once in a while.  I personally cant stand beer and thru collage I have tried a varity.  I found out that I like liquer, wines  and sake (rice wine) as well as how much I can tolorate before I get sick.   Now Im not saying you should be drinking in collage but life lessons happen when they happen.   


I will drink for event dinners (Kūčios Lituanian 12-dish christmass eve dinner)  or

Thanksgiving ect. As well as various times going out to eat.  Even then its not more than 2 glasses (severings)


It's all in how responsible you are. 

Edited by ShadowRose2k

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Even for 16, I'd always sneak glasses of red or white wine here and there because I absolutely adore the taste but as of about 1 month ago, my mother has started the Cambridge diet and I decided that If she can stop drinking alcohol, soda etc. For the last month all I've drank is water, with the occasional orange juice here and there and my god, I feel so much better for it! My skin looks so much clearer as well!


I will definitely never be drinking alcohol again but if you choose to then it's fine by me, I'm not gonna preach :3

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I think it is possible to drink a bit too much and not be an alcoholic, a drink or 2 or 3 every other day is fine, a 15 drink bender once a week on a saturday night  is fine.

But if you ever find yourself drinking in the morning, or every day consecutively then you probably do have a problem.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Scrumpy is cider made in the West Country of England,[1] particularly a band through Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire, though it may also be found in Kent, Sussex and East Anglia. The term is especially used to distinguish those made locally in smaller quantities and using traditional methods from mass-produced branded ciders.

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I think it is possible to drink a bit too much and not be an alcoholic, a drink or 2 or 3 every other day is fine, a 15 drink bender once a week on a saturday night  is fine.


But if you ever find yourself drinking in the morning, or every day consecutively then you probably do have a problem.


Depends on how much you drink each day. Having a drink or two during the course of an evening, like a glass of wine with dinner and/or a nightcap before bed is okay. As always, moderation is key. Waking up every morning with a hang over, and yeah, you have a problem. Also, drinking in the morning is usually taken as a bad sign, although it's purely societal convention. Why should the time of day matter? The quantity of your drinking is what matters.


Don't think I missed the irony of your name being alcohol related, either... ;)

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Me? I don't drink at all. Neither does my GF.


I'm really glad I never started. That stuff is freaking expensive. I have buddies who can spend more than a hundred bucks in a single night at a bar. I have far better uses for my money.


I've tried a few drinks, and the taste is terrible. Never liked a beer enough to finish one.

Sure I've had wine at a fancy dinner a few times, but I prefer iced tea.


Now all that said, I do have a bottle of Passion Fruit flavored Rum in my cabinet. When I am dead sick, a shot of that will knock me out better than NyQuil. That one bottle has lasted me more than 3 years. Debbie says I'm a secret lush, but I swear its for medicinal purposes only!

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Depends on how much you drink each day. Having a drink or two during the course of an evening, like a glass of wine with dinner and/or a nightcap before bed is okay. As always, moderation is key. Waking up every morning with a hang over, and yeah, you have a problem. Also, drinking in the morning is usually taken as a bad sign, although it's purely societal convention. Why should the time of day matter? The quantity of your drinking is what matters.


Don't think I missed the irony of your name being alcohol related, either... ;)

Well if you must know, I do have a small bottle of cider, more or less as you described though mine is to unwind at the end of the day with a movie and my sig' other.

  • Brohoof 1

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Scrumpy is cider made in the West Country of England,[1] particularly a band through Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire, though it may also be found in Kent, Sussex and East Anglia. The term is especially used to distinguish those made locally in smaller quantities and using traditional methods from mass-produced branded ciders.

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I do have a bottle of Passion Fruit flavored Rum in my cabinet. When I am dead sick, a shot of that will knock me out better than NyQuil. That one bottle has lasted me more than 3 years. Debbie says I'm a secret lush, but I swear its for medicinal purposes only!

If used properly, alcohol can really help out with medical conditions. In Serbia we have "Orahovacha" It's something like walnut/nut brandy, it's really helps with the stomachache when used properly. How big is that bottle? xD

  • Brohoof 1




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I am actually surprised that this topic is full of people who have the same or similar viewpoints as me... most of these alcohol topics have had a lot of people who damn alcohol.


Anyways, I drink rarely, once a week MAYBE, but really not that often. My fiance enjoys drinking those huge cans of beer once in a while.


Alcohol in moderation is a good thing... it is a social drink and some of it tastes good and it makes you happy. There isn't any fun in getting so drunk that you don't remember anything that happened, and I REALLY don't understand how someone could think that getting so drunk that you are puking could be any fun at all. Puking is more miserable to me than almost anything.


It is also my goal in life to never get a hangover. I have succeeded so far. :)

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It is also my goal in life to never get a hangover. I have succeeded so far. :)

Interesting... may I ask what method you use to avoid hangovers?

Usually 1 or 2 small bottles won't give me a hangover, but I learned as a teenager that any more than 3 or 4 drinks and you will feel fuzzy in the morning so if in doubt I have a pint of water before I go to sleep, after all it is the dehydration that give you the hangover more than the alcohol itself.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Scrumpy is cider made in the West Country of England,[1] particularly a band through Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire, though it may also be found in Kent, Sussex and East Anglia. The term is especially used to distinguish those made locally in smaller quantities and using traditional methods from mass-produced branded ciders.

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Personally, after a incident involving my doctor putting me on depression meds when I didn't have depression, I won't consume anything that risks me losing control of my facilitates save for weak anxiety pills. If I want a relaxed state I'll induce it with music and such .   



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I've been drinking for just a little over a year now, so I think I can give a well-informed opinion on the matter.  I think that if treated responsibly, alcohol is a harmless enough substance to drink, and quite fun to do so at dinner or with friends, in a reasonable amount of course.  However, that's not to say it can't be dangerous.  If recklessly abused one could get into serious danger if they drive under the influence, or even become an alcoholic over time.  I have secondhand experience with the latter as someone very close to me is a recovering alcoholic who almost died in the past year from their alcoholism; it was very scary, but the individual in question is doing very well and he has a great family supporting him 110% of the way.  So, to anypony of age, just remember, always drink responsibly when you do drink, and it'll be just what it should be, a fun and harmless past time.  :)



  • Brohoof 2


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If used properly, alcohol can really help out with medical conditions. In Serbia we have "Orahovacha" It's something like walnut/nut brandy, it's really helps with the stomachache when used properly. How big is that bottle? xD

Kinda hard to say, it doesn't say ounces on the label. Captain Morgan Parrot Bay Passion Fruit Rum. 750 ML, 21% alcohol, On the bottom it has what looks like a use by date 2106...so its good for another 100 years. There's only a third left is that's any help. Oh, and there is the number 55 on the bottom with no explanation.


I used the GF's tape measure. It is 10 1/2 inches tall, 4 inches wide and 2 inches deep.

Looks like a lot to me.

--Methinks this officially designates me as an guy who knows nothing about what he's talking about.

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Interesting... may I ask what method you use to avoid hangovers?

Usually 1 or 2 small bottles won't give me a hangover, but I learned as a teenager that any more than 3 or 4 drinks and you will feel fuzzy in the morning so if in doubt I have a pint of water before I go to sleep, after all it is the dehydration that give you the hangover more than the alcohol itself.


Yup, the reason for getting hangovers is actually because you are severely dehydrated, due to the fact that alcohol itself is dehydrating.


My biology professor in college actually suggested that you drink one glass of water after every beer.


The most drunk that I have gotten could be one of two times. Once was at a Halloween party where there was lots of delicious booze to be had, including jello shots. An hour before I had to drive home, I stopped drinking alcohol and drank some water, and most of the effects of the alcohol had worn off by that point. The other time would be when I downed 2 raspberry long island iced teas. Didn't realize how drunk I was until I started walking to the car outside. Fortunately I was not driving, so when I got home I laid on the couch for forever and, again, drank water. Both mornings after, I woke up fine.


So you will have to pee a lot, but peeing a lot is better than waking up with a hangover.

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So you will have to pee a lot, but peeing a lot is better than waking up with a hangover.

LOL aint that the truth. Also I think the best thing is on top of drinking water is also not to start drinking on an empty stomach.

  • Brohoof 1

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Scrumpy is cider made in the West Country of England,[1] particularly a band through Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire, though it may also be found in Kent, Sussex and East Anglia. The term is especially used to distinguish those made locally in smaller quantities and using traditional methods from mass-produced branded ciders.

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Well I personally don't funny understand why somebody would want to eat or drink something that will hurt your body in the first place. Of course most people does it because it tastes good. But I don't drink alcohol because 1. It's bad. Ans 2. I don't like the taste of it at all.

  • Brohoof 1


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Well I had a few drinks and Im still ok drinking isnt bad as long as you can handle it and dont become a major dushbag when your drunk

other wise I thing alcohol is fine just dont go crazy with it and the alcohol will be fine

  • Brohoof 2


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I drink on occasion, usually only socially, and rarely to the point of being wasted.


TBH in moderation its not so bad, and a good way to wind down at the end of the day.

The thing i don't fully understand is beer... it is NASTY, no matter how i look at it, its just terrible tasting, and this is coming from a guy who drinks straight whiskey half the time (and thats terrible too tbh)

But really, people seem to think it has this magically nice flavor to it... blech...


Another odd point is, despite its worse for you, alcohol is legal while other things are not, such as marijuana.

Dont' get me wrong, i don't use it, and i'm not condoning the use of the stuff either, but really.. We're apparently okay taking the WORSE of 2 evils for some reason while the other is condemned due to business rivalry....

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Drinking in moderation is fine but doing it just to get hammered is dangerous and irresponsible. I really don't understand the appeal of getting so shit faced you barely even remember your own name, sure it may be fun at first but then you have a massive hangover to deal with the next day so no thank you.

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I have never drank an alcoholic beverage in my life. The reason for this is to deprive myself of understanding the experience. By not understanding why people drink, I prevent myself from wanting to drink.


As for my stance on alcohol, I hate it. There is almost an expectation for one to drink when they reach adulthood, an accepted cultural norm, and I don't like it. Because of people drinking, I can't have fun at parties anymore. I sit there, being one of the only sane ones in the group, watching my associates become more and more unlike themselves as the evening goes on. I go from enjoying myself to being filled with concern for their well beings; for some of them, wondering where my friend has gone.


That being said, I respect the right for people to drink, but I really wish more people would think about it. Any drink can be used in a social setting instead of an alcoholic beverage: tea, soda, water or even regular old juice! I just wish I wasn't in the minority on this.

Edited by Celtore
  • Brohoof 2
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