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mega thread Steam/Live/PSN/Switch Friend Code Central!


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also steam account is fearandloa7hing


Feel free to add me on either accounts. note i play 360 more than anything probably around 7 hours a day


come play some xbox

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Steam: robloxfan1999

PSN: Robloxfan12

3DS: 4468 - 1383 - 8750


Um... Would you like to add me for Ps3? Mine is: ChronicleMavlox


Steam: z0pharx

PS3: Mega_Zoop_X

360: Mega Zoop X


As for stuff I play...

PC: Team Fortress 2, GRID, Crysis Wars, Blur, Melty Blood, whatever the name of the most recent Touhou fighter is.

PS3: Arcana Heart III, Soul Calibur IV.

360: Dead or Alive IV, Soul Calibur IV, stopped paying for Live a fair while ago though.


I gotta memorize your PSN

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Shingami_Jayten <---- this is PSN. I have both ps vita and ps3 I also have a 3ds but I dont feel like looking up my friend code.

Bronynonymous <---- Steam


Edited by Bronynonymous


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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I just figured out that my previous PSN ID is locked, so here's my new one.


PSN ID: Galaxian99




Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure HD

Edited by SrFrog

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: V_Jeffhog: 3566-1989-9276


Mii QR Code


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The only WiFi-able games I got are Sonic Generations, Kid Icarus: Uprising, and Mario Kart 7.


I don't have Gold, but in case anyone's interested in my XBL details: VizardJeffhog. I only play Sonic games on there though: the console stuff's my sibling's.

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XBL: Desertleo77


Steam: Untouchable77


I'd be honored to fight alongside any brony. I have to be honest though, I have a tendency to disappear at times.

Edited by Sand Piper


~The other mane 6, because you can never have enough ponies!~


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Hey guy's! I don't have my brony friends so I figured I would post my stuff on here for people to add me, so feel free too.


Xbox: Indigo Twirl


Steam SoulxSlayer (It will come up with name DJ Indigo, which is me.)

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
BROFIST ...........

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Xbox: WapzeR

Steam: Teh Purple little pumpkin


Want some social and nice new friends to play whit :) newly started to play on steam again and almost dont have any friends so wounders if i might got new friends here whos bronys! :D

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Here's my information and feel free to add me


XBL & PSN: KirbyHamtaro

Steam: Calumon007

3DS: 2363-5641-1771

Wii: 2321-8777-2162-0065


Note: Just on the Note Side that my Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection has been Cut-off so I'm Stuck with my Friend's Connection due to my Brother's Reason (don't ask why)


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PSN: Gen_Applejack


Live: Motocurtis (Shared Account)


I like Black Ops Zombies, MW3, Battlefeild 3, and Fallout.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Brawl Fc:IDK I'll come back with it later.

Minecraft PC:CrazyClay1128

For my Xbox I have MW3, COD BO, SC4, GTA 4, Halo Reach, and Borderlands, and Minecraft

Edited by CrazyClay
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My Xbox LIVE gamertag has officially been changed to: FireFly0013.


Feel free to add me! I mostly play Halo: Reach, and I'm pretty good, but I'll also play Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, Saint's Row the Third, Mortal Kombat, Fable III, and Tekken 6.

I've got an idea! No..... No, wait; it's just a concussion....

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Xbox live Gamertag:

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I am currently playing just MW3 because i want to get to level 80 as fast as possible,but after that i am thinking of continuing to play GTA4,Dead Island,Persona 4 Arena and possibly SFXTekken.

BTW.If you going to ad me on XBL please send me a message first because otherwise i antigona accept the friend request :P

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Xbox GT: xFEARx Mando


Steam: Roflmanteej


I play Halo Reach and a bit of 3. Battlefield 3, Fable 3, GTA4.

I play TF2 and Minecraft on the pc. Message me on Steam if you want to play minecraft. :D

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PSN: redsox111820

Gamer tag: redsox111820.


Feel free to add me. I don't bite.


I play mostly sports titles. Right now I'm mostly playing Gran Turismo 5 and NASCAR The Game: 2011


Avatar by Zhortac

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