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You get to marry your best pony. What are you going to do?

~Rule 63~ Lyeco

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Let's suppose I could marry my waifu, Derpy Hooves.


The wedding would likely not be a big and bombastic one, but rather, a small ceremony with only a handful of witnesses; family and a few close friends.
After it's all said and done, we'd probably retreat somewhere very secluded. A place with a lot of nature, fresh air, and peace and quiet would be ideal, maybe a cottage in Lapland, or Alaskan wilderness or something to that effect.
Just her, me, our love, and *maybe* an acoustic guitar.
We'd be free to enjoy each other in the most intimate ways possible, without having to worry about anything, or anyone else.
Let the world just flow past us, so to speak.
Either just spend a nice honeymoon there, or stay indefinitely. It'd be up to her.

As for kids, well, we'd teach them to be open-minded, to respect all life, regardless of what form it takes, to look past physical appearance, and to understand that it's what's inside that counts. A "Hippie upbringing", if you will.

Edited by Bron-Yr-Aur
  • Brohoof 2



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My Best Piony is my best crush, though I would say my seconfd choise, Doctor Whooves (I just don't want to say my best Pony or you'll think I'm nuts, yet since My User is Based on his Demipony son, so different)



I don't have a story yet.... it will be a miniature, few Horcruxes (Guess what that's from, yet it's based on HP),  series with 3 books XD

Edited by ~Tian_Disharmony~
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I don't have the time right now but I'll definitely come back here and post a whole freakin novel of what would happen if I married Pinkie Pie. Just wait! biggrin.png





She's MINE!!! tongue.png


New term: Friends with side-effects XD

Edited by Malinter


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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Interesting. I'll pitch in.


What if I married Chrysalis.


I'd do it. That's an opportunity I wouldn't pass up. I feel as though I can trust a sentient being from another universe or planet more than any girl on Earth. We would live a happy life. I would be the endless supply of love for Chryssi and her subjects. They would never have to go hungry again. I can't really think of too much to say right now. This story stuff is hard.



IF is best girl.

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Well, I would assume I would be a pony (in which case, my ponysona, Neon Fire).


What if I married Soarin'



I guess after we got married, we would always live in Cloudsdale, and I'd become a Wonderbolt.  We'd live on the edge, constantly doing exciting things. and we'd have a little foal that's a pegasus.  It'd be a little colt and be so adorable. :3

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  • 2 weeks later...

What if I married Daring Do?


Last Friday night, I went to the prostitute warehouse to pick up a root beer. I stopped by the bar on my way back from the prostitute warehouse to, y'know, have a drink and urinate profoundly. What did I see there while I had my ass plopped on a chair? WHAT DID MY EYES BEHOLD? It was a fucking cartoon character, sitting in the back, licking a puppy. That was enough to make my heart drop into my pants.
I moonwalked over to that sexy piece of pork and squeezy squeezied that totally hawt rear end. Her eyes locked onto mine and we stared for a solid 15.7 seconds. Her gorgeous hoof reached out to me, as I reached my own hand out to her. When she slapped me in an agonizingly sexy way, my heart dropped into my pants for the second time that night.

We rushed into the bathroom, sweaty and ready. The bathroom smelled like a sulfating animal, but it's whatever. Things escalated quickly, she got pregnant, what can I say?


As the minutes drained by, she got fatter and fatter. I really wish I was into that kinda thing before this all started, but I mean, what are you gonna do?

Due to my strong religious beliefs, I forced a ring onto her gigantic hoof, I claimed her as my bride. We lived together for, like, 5 years with our child Potato untill she like, totally figured out I wasn't a man. I don't know how it took her so long to notice, but then I found her wine cellar.

And that's the story of our once beautiful marriage. It is better to have loved and lost, than to end up with a child named Potato.

God have mercy on my soul.

  • Brohoof 11


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  • 3 weeks later...

I would be very happy I have somepony Irl that I could read with and cuddle :3



Worlds biggest batpony fan                                                   Signature by me :3

If you're reading this I've got one thing to say to you.....


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To marry a royalty, to marry an alicorn, to marry a princess, to marry a very important pony, to marry a high valued Individual~ should I keep going, because I think I still have more different words packing with the same definition.


Anyways, marrying present time Twilight Sparkle, whom is an alicorn. My reaction when she said 'yes' to my marriage proposal, would somewhat be like this. 



Well, here's the story, since I do love writing but I don't very much love romantic stories.


Shock as I felt it in the first time after she said 'yes' and as well as over-excitement, joy, the feeling of awkwardness -- since why would a princess marry a simple pony whose occupation is only writing and mostly why would she marry somepony who is mortal, I asked myself that, but it seemed that she is comfortable with it. 


And so, we planned our wedding ceremony at Canterlot as how her brother; Shining Armor suggested. Though she didn't want anything too regal or too luxurious; well, as for me, I just want to make her happy -- good thing I'm rich from all of those books I had written. 


The decor, the atmosphere, the food and refreshments, and the music... everything, oh, almost flawless, thanks to Rarity that is. Everypony was there, the Royal Sisters too, and to think of it, perhaps all of Canterlot and Ponyville residences were there. It was a day to remember, though mostly I will remember Twilight smiling in joy. 



  • Brohoof 1


OC              "I live for the story."              dA

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Well if I can marry my best pony, Fluttershy




-After we get married at the front of the Everfree forest with all the tree's and animal's watching, we would live together in her cottage. I would make sure she's comfortable and always okay, It would be great because we both could just be alone like we both enjoy and being around animals. It would be a dream come true. We would go and help little creatures in need and watch movies at night cuddling each other.  

  • Brohoof 2


Whoever made this = Awesome!

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That sweet Cheerilee <3

Alright I'll play along. 


To marry a person as sweet, caring, and passionate for what she does would be a honor really. I get a sense that she has a really lonely side to her character a side that may forget just how special a character she is as I see it. It seems like she wants love yet has not found it or either had and it ended it up on a bad note. She is a wonderful character imo. self sacrificing, intelligent, loves what she does passionate, always in a cheerful state, and what I think under-appreciated.


First and foremost I'd let her know just how special she is even if she did not see it in herself. Given the opportunity to even have a chance at spending time with her. Getting to know someone like that would be a honor in itself. But shoot I think I'd let the dominoes fall in sequence and never rush anything. If there is one thing you cannot rush that is love itself. 

But that would be a good description why I like Cheerilee so much :3

Edited by Ticking Timebomb
  • Brohoof 2



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Alright, alright. ghost is here, and he came to play :D


What if I married Rarit



Hmmm...I'd probably end up spending a lot of money to appease her desire to have a fancy wedding.


I'd probably get it in a ritzy botanical garden sometime, around June, on a day that will be sunny and warm. 


She'd probably design her own dress, and I'd get a tux.


We'd have all sorts of fancy schmancy stuff, because I'd know she likes that sort of thing, and I do that. I put the people I care about ahead of me, and I'd be marrying her, right? :D


There'd be waiters carrying around trays of fancy little finger foods, the chapel would be magnificent, only accented by the lush flowers in the garden around it.


Then, when it came time, she'd start her walk down the aisle, and everyone would look at me like "Why the FUCK are you marrying a cartoon pony?!?!?!" her as she walked down the aisle in her own custom wedding dress, adorned with jewels and the like, and we'd gaze into each others eyes, ignoring the preacher as he started talking, all focus on each other, just waiting for the right time to say "I do."


Then, after that, we'd move into a cheap little apartment, have 4 or 5 kids, and she'd smoke until her voice turned raspy in order to deal with the stress of working 2 jobs to support our whole family, while I'd just sit in front of the TV, blowing all of my welfare checks on alcohol and Cheeze its.  :D


Yep. :D There you go :D

Edited by ghostfacekiller39
  • Brohoof 3


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Well since most ponies would go for the mane 6, I'm going with a background pony I absolutely love. But...the problem is that there is six of them. (Bon Bon, Spitfire, Derpy, Daring Do, Fleur de Lis, and Lyra) Stay tuned for the story to see who I have chosen!

Edited by Scarlet Letter


She's a lot like me in a way^

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  • 1 month later...

Well I have to post something here even this post is dead. :P


Now I have to say my best pony is Twilight Sparkle.


Well right not here is my bad attempt of a story,


First is we well fine thing we have in common and we well go on a date for at let's a year. Then we fine out we are great to together and one day I propose to her. We well have a big wedding  in the castle and after the wedding we go on our honeymoon. In one year we well have a little family with our filler or a colt. And we smile and see our kids grow up to be fine ponies.


Well that all for now Fox Out!! B)


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I would marry an OC mare, as then I would not have to deal with the issues that surround the mane 6. as a oc would be much more enjoyable to live with. 


We would most likely just spend the day together, enjoying the world and what is has to offer. 


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Assuming I was the pony in my profile pic then I would marry this dude below me that would be soarin by the way


Yes, I am a girl by the way and I would like him. Here's the story: Me and him, been dating a while and now we decide to get married. We don't want kids and our wedding would be huge. Then after that we'd go on a honeymoon and see the world. He'd take time off his wonderbolt duty for a while and i'd stop working at my bakery shop we'd go out to see the world. After that is up to us....


Let's say that could happen right? I hope there is somebody out there for me yet but's its nice to dream.....





Edited by Star Ruby

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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First of all, only if I was a pony.  And it would probably be one of the mane six, since they're the ponies I know best. 

I've been thinking of this post for a while now, and I've narrowed it down to two ponies.


Twilight Sparkle.  She loves reading, and so do I!  While I'm not as excited about learning as she is, I still kinda know a lot. 


Fluttershy.  She's shy just like me, she loves animals as do I, she's kind and nice and seems like a really good pony!  I think if I lived in Equestria she would be the right pony for me.


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  • 11 months later...

Best pony as in non-human ponies? Luna of course. Never had a real life girl, probably never will. That aside though, I would probably be dressing in the most expensive outfit I could find fit to impress my Night Princess. Might be married on an undiscovered planet filled with the euphoric aroma of happiness, much like the love spell Cadance can do. I truly do love her, not much for lust but I really relate with her in a way. She deserves happiness from living under problems, banishment, neglect, struggling to know her feelings, how she should feel. We would be the most awkward couple ever, that's my dream. No common marriages you see on the news, having children all time, no. Pure love and attachment, no fame, no money, love. I would love to live with her on another planet, make our own kingdom there, increase the Lunar guard forces count because Luna would be a fierce ruler, but a very loving considerate one as well. My heart would be hers, I would rip it out and give it to her to save her life.

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I'm a mare that plays for both teams. Since little miss Fluttershy is my best pony, this is how I can see it go down:


We would have an outdoor wedding, with an arch of assorted flowers above our heads as we say our vows. There would sections for both ponies and animals alike, so that no one would be left out to attend our holy matrimony. The wedding march probably would be a sung by some singing birds, and Fluttershy would be the one to walk down the aisle. We also both fairly girly, so there would be two mares in white on that fine, Spring day. I would be stunned by Shy's beauty and would remind her so once she stands before me. The reception would then follow, with friends and all.


From there on, we would live our lives together in the cottage and care for the animals together. If we wanted foals of our own, we would probably adopt them or whatever my pretty pony wanted. Then we'd be happy together and ever. :D



Thank You for the Sig, Skoffee. (:

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If I married Pinkie  :wub:


(yes I know that's Dash on the cake, there are very few wedding dress pictures of Pinkie)


Well the bride would be planning this party forever. Would all her friends and sisters be bridesmaids? If so I'm left with Big Mac and Spike, which is fine. Otherwise I might ask Twilight to be best mare since she'd probably be my best friend besides Pinkie. Spike can handle the bachelor party again. B)

After a short sweet ceremony the most epic party in Ponyville history will begin. I've never danced but I would with her. I'd probably be too happy to care how stupid I look. You know that thing where the bride and groom feed each other cake? We'd have about fifty cakes and it would turn into an awesome cake war. :P

I don't care where we honeymoon as long as we have plenty of time alone. ;)  Horseshoe Bay might be fun.


Then the Cakes move to Manehatten to start up their new bakery and we stay and take over the Ponyville branch and...live happily ever after.  ^_^

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I could marry Discord. (what? He's a pony!)

Story: We'd meet and argue and have fun and get married and live happily ever after.

Sunset Shimmer is best pony/human!

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I already belong to this woman heart and soul:





The wedding ceremony would, ideally, be held outdoors; under the big blue sky that is Rainbow's domain and playground.  Any and all decorations would either be fashioned in the likeness of Dashie's cutie mark or bear all the colors of her dazzling mane.  We'd probably write our own vows; the words "awesome" and "vibrant" and "dynamic" would surely flow from my mouth. xD


We'd honeymoon in...  Each other's embrace. x3  Because it wouldn't really matter where we were, so long as we were together.


I'd certainly hope that any foals we had favored their mother. ^ ^;  Dashie would be a fantastic mother; fun but strict when necessary, encouraging but honest, protective but knowing when to let her foals be independent, and quick to smile and laugh.


Perhaps the lot of us would travel.  Go on adventures.  Or simply help our foals construct pillow forts to facilitate living room adventures.  We could observe their play from a nearby, comfortable chair; exchanging half-lidded looks of unceasing affection.

  • Brohoof 1

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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The best Pony is Twilight Sparkle, though my favourite is Pinkie. I love them both, and I'd be happy marrying either of them. Either way, our marriage would be a large, grand affair, overblown and glorious in its excess, fitting for the greatest Party Pony and the Princess of Friendship. Fireworks, giant cakes, full orchestras, special effects, everything possible.


Spike would likely plan the Bachelor party, and hopefully, it'll also be epic.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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