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Shootings Near Reagen Airport in Naval base!


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Just seen on the news that there is currently an attack going on my gun men shooting people in a naval base near Ragen airport!


This really sucks:/! 


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A user had already made a topic about this recent event, so I have merged your thread with it.


Completely ridiculous that this happened. Although it doesn't surprise me anymore because these shootings are becoming more and more common for some reason...

  • Brohoof 1

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You can never have too much bloodshed and violence. For better or worse, this temporarily draws our attention back home instead of abroad where hundreds are killed on a daily basis, often from senseless violence among other things. And I don't just mean Syria.


Quite scary that this happened at the heart of the U.S capitol too in D.C.

Edited by Cwanky
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It's really sad to think that people die everyday from senseless violence. It's even sadder to think that some get enjoyment out of killing others and putting fear in the hearts of many. The flaws of humans... -_-

  • Brohoof 1



IF is best girl.

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Scary indeed. Until a few months ago I didn't live in the mainland so shootings like this always felt a world away from me. It's quite surreal to think this happened so close. The Navy Yard is only like a train ride away...

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Another shooting? Just what the hell? Bah, the crime statistics say that the USA is getting safer with decreasing crime rates while shootings seem to be getting more common. 

And where was the NSA in all this with their surveillance infrastructure? Isn't it at the very least supposed to spot potential terror or other such heinous crimes against the American people in exchange for violating everyone's privacy? So much for the promise of "national security".

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This was a terribly tragic bit of news and I was deeply saddened by it.  My prayers go out to the families of the victims in this senseless attack.  May God be with you all as you and your families mourn your losses.  Terrible, just terrible.  :(




Stay strong everypony; the best thing we can do to move on from these tragedies is keep living life to the fullest, being the best people we can be to everyone around us.


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

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At least 12 people have been killed and at least four injured in a shooting at a naval installation in Washington DC.

A gunman was killed at the scene. Police were initially searching for two additional "potential" gunman but one has since been ruled out.

Shots were reported at 08:20 local time (12:20 GMT), and authorities have sealed off a swathe of south-east Washington DC.

President Barack Obama said he mourned "yet another mass shooting".

Police responded to reports of two additional suspects in the shooting at Washington Navy Yard, but have since cleared one of them, a white male in a tan short-sleeve military-style outfit.

A black male, 40-50 years of age and wearing olive kit and seen carrying a long gun, was still being sought.

'Severe' injuries

Washington Police Chief Cathy Lanier said 12 people were deceased. Washington Mayor Vincent Gray said four people were wounded in the shooting.

One police officer was shot in the legs and other police officers were injured in other ways.

At least three people including the shot police officer were brought to Washington Hospital Center by helicopter with "severe" gunshot wounds, said chief medical officer Janis Orlowski.

A female civilian was shot in the head and hand, and another woman was being treated for a shoulder wound, she said.

All three were in critical condition but their chances for survival were "very good", Dr Orlowski said.

Authorities said no motive was yet known for the shooting.

The FBI has taken control of the scene and the investigation, Ms Lanier said.

Security around the US Capitol was bolstered following news of the shooting. The US Senate adjourned for the day earlier than scheduled.

The shooting occurred at a building on the Navy Yard campus that serves as the headquarters for the Naval Sea Systems Command, which engineers, purchases, builds and maintains ships and submarines for the Navy.

Eyewitness Patricia Ward reported hearing at least seven shots from inside a cafeteria on Monday morning.

"It just happened so fast… I just ran," she said.

'Unimaginable violence'

Cmdr Tim Jirus was on the fourth floor of the building when he heard shots, he said.


Professor Gary Solis explains what the Washington Navy Yard does

"It sounded like a cap gun as opposed to a real gun," he said. "I feel very lucky to be alive. Someone standing there talking to me got shot. I didn't."

The Washington DC Metropolitan Police Department has instructed family members to reunite at the car park of a nearby baseball stadium.

President Barack Obama has been briefed on the matter by senior aides and has directed federal agencies to co-ordinate their response and investigation efforts.

At the White House, Mr Obama said he mourned "yet another mass shooting" and sent his thoughts and prayers to the victims.

"These are men and women going to work and doing their job," he said. "They know the dangers of serving abroad, but today they face the unimaginable violence that they wouldn't have expected here at home."

The Washington Navy Yard is the US Navy's oldest shore installation, first opened in the early 19th Century, according to the Navy.




Sources: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-24111481



How horrible. :(

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Ok, this is just my opinion, and I would wager a rather unpopular one but I'm going to say it, when it comes to fire arms (or weapons of any kind), when will America learn? Ok, look at the statistics (if you can call it that), but America has very lax gun laws (and yes i know it is because of the right to bear arms amendment) but barely a week goes by when you don't hear about a massacre at a school, cinema, shopping center or otherwise. Australia, has very tough and strict gun laws, the last massacre that I have heard about, was the Port Arthur one which was like what.. 20 - 25 years ago? Sure there are still gang shootings etc, but nothing as escalated as a massacre.


And like I said earlier, this is just my opinion, and I know it can be seen as a very unpopular view, especially with gun-pro Americans, but yeah...


Now... to hear something like this is sad indeed.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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The reaction of one of my coworkers was that the United States has shootings like this every weekend. They tend not to involve quite so many people, so they go unnoticed, but they do happen - as spread-out incidents.

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My thoughts go out to the people hurt or killed in this travesty, their families, and their friends. I also hope this was just one man acting alone, and that the other suspect is cleared of any involvement. The world sucks sometimes, and when crazy stuff like this happens, it's best to just treasure every moment we have on this sucky planet. You never know what's going to happen tomorrow.


@, the question isn't "how did he do it", it's "why did he do it?"


That's the root of the issue, and until we can get a firm answer to that question, instead of just playing politics and looking for an easy solution, we are never going to solve problems like these.

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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My thoughts go out to the people hurt or killed in this travesty, their families, and their friends. I also hope this was just one man acting alone, and that the other suspect is cleared of any involvement. The world sucks sometimes, and when crazy stuff like this happens, it's best to just treasure every moment we have on this sucky planet. You never know what's going to happen tomorrow.


@, the question isn't "how did he do it", it's "why did he do it?"


That's the root of the issue, and until we can get a firm answer to that question, instead of just playing politics and looking for an easy solution, we are never going to solve problems like these.


Yes I do agree on you with that, I suppose I should have elaborated a little bit more than I did. The lax gun laws are only part of the problem, but in my mind a pretty big part of it, and yes, i acknowledge that even with tougher gun laws, guns still can be purchased on the black market, it is still a lot more trouble to get them that way. What I am trying to say is, while tougher gun laws won't completely eradicate the problem of the massacres, it will still help reduce them. 


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Another shooting? Just what the hell? Bah, the crime statistics say that the USA is getting safer with decreasing crime rates while shootings seem to be getting more common. 

And where was the NSA in all this with their surveillance infrastructure? Isn't it at the very least supposed to spot potential terror or other such heinous crimes against the American people in exchange for violating everyone's privacy? So much for the promise of "national security".


No surveillance system in the world is going to stop someone from just picking up a gun and driving out and shooting multiple people. That's the sad fact about it, but this doesn't really qualify as a "National Security" matter.


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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Yes I do agree on you with that, I suppose I should have elaborated a little bit more than I did. The lax gun laws are only part of the problem, but in my mind a pretty big part of it, and yes, i acknowledge that even with tougher gun laws, guns still can be purchased on the black market, it is still a lot more trouble to get them that way. What I am trying to say is, while tougher gun laws won't completely eradicate the problem of the massacres, it will still help reduce them. 

This stuff doesn't happen in Switzerland, and their gun laws make the US look strict by comparison.


The problem is purely psychological. My theory (and that of many experts) is that because these mass shootings become such massive media events, suicidal assholes decide that it's the best way to make their name be remembered.

  • Brohoof 1

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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Alexis was also arrested in Seattle in 2004, according to the Seattle Police Department, for "shooting out the tires of another man’s vehicle in what Alexis later described as an anger-fueled 'blackout.'"


A Navy official told Reuters Alexis received a general discharge from the Navy in 2011 "after a series of misconduct issues."


Gee can't imagine how that wasn't noted.

If these cases of previous attacks and the "misfire" is true he should've had his right to bear removed already. Bringing out the question WHERE did he get the gun and HOW.


Given the gov of NYS and Mayor of NYC are trying to push against guns already, this is all WAY to convenient with the S.A.F.E act being attacked atm. 


I also enjoy how the TYPE of firearm used isn't mentioned in most articles. Meaning they probably don't want to admit it wasn't an *cough*"assault"*cough* rifle... yeah because those are totally legal to own anyways.. except that big FEDERAL bill that has full auto weapons made illegal without insane permits and only in FEW states.


They have photoage and witnesses, so ID'ing the firearm should've been quick and easy.


Some claims to it being an AR15 (Not an ASSAULT weapon, it does NOT have selectable fire. My fathers shotgun would be more dangerous. People are putting too much emphasis on cosmetic designs)


Others saying he bought them in Virginia, NOT NY, making them legally purchased, but ILLEGALLY transported across state borders.


The fact this information is coming late makes it questionable as to factual basis though. Since its a quick and easy buzz term for use in these shootings.

Its still unclear on the Newtown shooting as to whether the gunman used the AR15 or the handguns. Most witnesses first stated the handguns were used, then WEEKS later magically this changed to the rifle. Just as the politicians had already geared up to attack such firearms.  Despite first reports said the rifle was in the car trunk. Later it was the handguns in the trunk.. which is it?!


It took TEN years for the WHOLE truth regarding the Columbine incident to even come forward, despite the truth was there. It was mixed and messed with by the media outlets to over sensationalize the whole thing.

How many here knew columbine was supposed to be a bombing not a shooting?

Or that the trench coat mafia NEVER existed outside of some news tabloid?


Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but seriously.....



 but America has very lax gun laws (and yes i know it is because of the right to bear arms amendment) but barely a week goes by when you don't hear about a massacre at a school, cinema, shopping center or otherwise. 


Your over generalizing WAY to much here, and exaggerating big time. Most gun crime is found in private locations like peoples homes if anywhere. And majority is gang related when it is common. Most gun deaths are related to lack of proper training and/or accidental shootings and suicides.


The more major shootings people read about world wide are over sensationalized ones the media latches onto and push for weeks, if not months at a time.

Most are simple copy cat ones the media are stimulating, and have no remorse in doing whatsoever.

Many of the shooters have even compared their own actions to other shooters including attempts to copy columbine, and Virginia Tech.

If the media would stop giving these depressed phsyco's their 15 minutes of fame, and a place in the history books, these kind of people would go back to simpler suicides out of the public eye. Sadly, we can't let LOCAL news remain local anymore.


Your also comparing apples to oranges with country reference.

The U.S. is a mixed bag of MANY different cultures, religions, peoples, and regions. With far more people between each group. As such many more situations are going to arise than in countries with smaller populations, more centralized culture/religion, and fewer major urban area's.


I should also point out that Australia is cut off from the world. The U.S., if it were to ban guns federally, would have a mass influx of illegal firearms from Mexico and South America flooding in across its borders. Mostly the land based ones.

U.K., and Japan are also bad examples (though often quoted) as again, both are waterlogged. With little direct contact with areas known for having large supplies of illegal firearms and large organized criminal groups.


The U.S. Is supposed to be controlled by the PEOPLE, not the government. And removing the peoples power, gives the government more control it was never intended to have.

They're using these ISOLATED incidents to try and drive a wedge in, and sadly are succeeding.


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Such as were inclined to defend themselves.



Benjamin Franklin, One of the founders of this nation, said that. It also goes on (in a letter he penned) to how those who are unable to bear up arms to defend themselves only have themselves to blame.


Not to sound cold, but that stands true.

In part he also said the government should be providing the firearms.


Area's in this country (and others) where firearms are MANDATORY have a near or at ZERO crime rate. Kinda speaks for itself. Unarmed targets make easy targets. Give them the chances to fight back, and they're no longer easy, nor desirable.


On the other hand area's with the strictest gun laws, such as Connecticut (Newtown), Now NY (NYC has a near NO GUNS ALLOWED policy in place. State wise its a ban on guns with similar cosmetic to military rifles, and excessive ammunition capacity limitations), and Chicago (no firearms allowed TMK), the gun crime seems to hit hardest.

Kinda odd that these places where fewest people HAVE firearms are having the WORST issues overall.

Virginia Tech being one of the few areas to have had a bad shooting that actually does have lax laws.




This is crazy... I went on facebook and saw all these reports about it and didn't really understand what was going on till I actually clicked on it and read through the artical...I think its sad more and more people are doing these massive shootings.... TO what point does this prove your point?  




This may sound messed up tbh, but according to FBI records, last I checked anyways, these shootings have gone DOWN in the past 20 years.

Though they have gone up in media coverage, and social networking, making it seem far worse.




I do apologize tbh, but as a veteran of these United states, and a gun owner, these over sensationalized moments of BS getting used to assault the very foundation of this country is just getting on my nerves.


We're okay giving guns to rebels in foreign countries to fight their governments,  and falsely imprisoning and monitoring our own citizens.

But when it comes to honoring our own laws to keep the peoples power in the hands of the people, we're selling it out to the highest bidder and allowing the politicians to seize power they were never meant to be given.



That said, I'm probably going to avoid this thread from here on out... toodles.


Quick Edit: The one rare occasion i turn on the radio and it proved me right.

Mayor and gov of NY, along with local sheriff swear the guy had the AR15 AFTER CNN reported it.

However, the FBI and witnesses... FBI.. as in the people actually investigating the situation, and witnesses, the people who were there... Say he DID NOT have one.

They're trying desperately to tie it to the AR15 stigma just to push the agenda....

but yeah. point proven rather easily.


The info from the FBI, during a conference, with CNN present and reporting the opposite they reported previously. This is why I don't regard news media with anything but skepticism anymore :(

Edited by GrimCW
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