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(Added. I guess I should have clarified. The title should probably say "Was Equestria a dying world?")


Is the world of ponies a dying world? We know that ponies use magic to control their world. But why? Is there a reason they have to take care of animals, make the weather, and raise the sun and moon? I have a few ideas about why this is required.


1. The world that Equestria is actually an ancient world (possibly even our own). The planet has a very strong energy field, which ponies manipulate as magic. It allows them to use magic, fly, helps with agriculture, and allows them to raise the sun and moon. Perhaps their world doesn't revolve around a sun, because it has no sun of it's own (as we understand it). Their sun died long ago. Instead it is required that ponies create an artificial sun and use magic to control it.


2. Some disaster broke the world. The balance of nature has been broken. The planet no longer turns, weather stopped, and plants die without help. Without magic, the world will die. Only the Everfree works like it should, but ponies have become so used to the new world, they fear the old one.


3. Tradition. It is not required, but it has become ingrained in pony culture that the world should be controlled (perhaps to avoid disasters like hurricanes and droughts).


4. Magic is a shield. Something else will destroy the world if magical order is not maintained. Probably chaos, or possibly something else.


What are your thoughts? Any other ideas related to this?

Edited by Slendermane
  • Brohoof 2


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wow nvr rely thought bout it, i just thought it works the way it does cuz it needed to like in ours the earth turns itself cuz it needs to....but u make valid points, but i doubt the even the writers have put tht much thought into it. it just is cuz it is i guess. We can make reasons to explain it but i believe the fact remains is there is no reason for it all.

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They seem like pretty good points? why no one of you see them?


I'd say it's certain that their sun isn't like ours. It's probably much smaller and much closer. The planet doesn't turn, but the sun spins around it.


I figure if everything was alright they wouldn't have to do control the weather

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I thought up another idea, but couldn't edit it because of the site acting up. I can now add idea 4 and edit grammar.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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The only firm, canonical history we have is as follows (it may not necessarily be in chronological order):


1) At an early stage, Discord reigned unchecked over Equestria, causing grave distress for earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi.

2) Princess Celestia and Princess Luna used the Elements of Harmony to seal Discord in stone.

3) Celestia and Luna established the cycles of the sun and moon as well as the weather.

4) Earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi unite under the banner of Celestia and Luna in order to establish Equestria as a nation.

5) Luna, becoming Night Mare Moon, is banished to the moon by Celestia.


The problem with this history is that it is never told in order. From Celestia's explanation, Discord ran amuck prior to her and Luna's combined efforts to defeat him. It would be strange for Celestia and Luna to create Equestria and then let a monster like Discord have free reign to do as he pleased. It may be that they, Celestia and Luna, preferred not to interfere in Equestria life, but the appearance of Discord forced their involvement.


Now, I could envision Discord having destroyed the harmony of nature, thus necessitating the establishment of the daily and seasonal cycles by Celestia and Luna. An even more speculative and far reaching explanation is that Discord is embodied nature uncontrolled, such as has been referenced in the Everfree Forest (where our own world's natural order is considered strange and unnatural for the ponies). In other words, the natural order was so disturbed and unruly that Discord manifested. Yet we have no evidence to suggest this. Therefore, I would not consider it as a serious explanation.


It does not appear Equestria is currently a dying world. Celestia and Luna appear to be well and firmly in control and most of the population is pleased. Equestria might have previously been a dying world, at least with the involvement of a free Discord. It's almost impossible to tell.


Short answer: No, I don't believe Equestria is dying.

Edited by Thereisnospoon303
  • Brohoof 4


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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Honestly, this could make a valid point, but Hasbro just made a world with ponies, plants and all stuff cute.

They didn't intend for this kind of disscusion I wouldnt have thought, just a world with magic and love with cute fluffy ponies prancing around.

And tbh even if equestria had a strong enegy field, magic still wouldnt exsist.

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The show is cannon. and nothing in the show gives an indication that Equestria is dying.


Equestia lies in a different dimension/reality than ours. The rules of physics are different. The stars are not neccessarily suns (just far away), the sun Celestia raises may not even be a star. In a universe ruled by magic, the stars could well be actial campfires of the gods.


In the Hearth Warming Eve episode, it was revealed that the unicorns raised the sun and moon every day before Celestia even showed up. So this is nothing new in the world of Equestia.


The bottom line here is that we should not judge Equestria by Earthly standards.

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Well in canterlot they don't look after the animals and wrap up winter like they do in ponyville, and the reason is tradition, so I'm going to go with 3, tradition.

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I think it's something like Number 2. As we know that Discord ruled the ponies world before Princess Celestia and Luna kicked his arse and turned him into a statue. The Sheer amount of Chaos that went on probably caused some irreparable damage to the world.


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I think your ideas are very well supported and can be very possible. With Rainbow Dash making all these references to bullets, tanks, and whistling "Ride of the Valkyries", I can imagine they know something about the human world.


I'd say that ponies are an evolved species from humans.



I also think the brony community is beginning to die out. I'm serious.

Signatures are for fillies.

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I think it's something like Number 2. As we know that Discord ruled the ponies world before Princess Celestia and Luna kicked his arse and turned him into a statue. The Sheer amount of Chaos that went on probably caused some irreparable damage to the world.


That's what I thought too, until the Hearth's Warming episode revealed that Pegasai still controlled the weather and Unicorns raised the sun and moon before Discord. It's possible that Discord or some other force of evil damaged the world before that, and Discord returned after Equestria was founded. It's hard to say.



P.S. I don't think that the planet is currently dying, I mean that it was dying, but now magic is holding it together.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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I. . never thought of Equestria as a dying world. More a world that has been altered to be near on perfect. As you said, Everfree Forest is the only place that obeys the rules of our world and I certainly wouldn't say our world is a good world. I don't believe the sun in their world has died but is instead 'raised' by Celestia via magic. That isn't to say that there sun is dead, just maybe a tad lazy. About the whole control of the world thing, our world is controlled by numerous people and our world is pretty far away from perfect. Plus, not the whole of the Pony world is controlled by a single/dual creature (Including Luna), just Equestria which takes up part of the world. Magic may be a shield but is it one to protect the ponies or one to merely stop chaos being wrought upon the world (Discord, Nightmare moon).


I never saw Equestria as a dying world, more of an enlightened world where things work in the way that helps every living thing and a world where there is no corruption or war. Equestria is not a dying world, its a world that is thriving.

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I. . never thought of Equestria as a dying world. More a world that has been altered to be near on perfect. As you said, Everfree Forest is the only place that obeys the rules of our world and I certainly wouldn't say our world is a good world. I don't believe the sun in their world has died but is instead 'raised' by Celestia via magic. That isn't to say that there sun is dead, just maybe a tad lazy. About the whole control of the world thing, our world is controlled by numerous people and our world is pretty far away from perfect. Plus, not the whole of the Pony world is controlled by a single/dual creature (Including Luna), just Equestria which takes up part of the world. Magic may be a shield but is it one to protect the ponies or one to merely stop chaos being wrought upon the world (Discord, Nightmare moon).


I never saw Equestria as a dying world, more of an enlightened world where things work in the way that helps every living thing and a world where there is no corruption or war. Equestria is not a dying world, its a world that is thriving.


The society is definitely thriving. I mean that the planet itself might have been dying some time before Equestria.


My question is what caused the differences between our worlds. I just wanted some other ideas and theories besides the usual, "It is because it is." How do creatures evolve differently if surrounded by magic? Is the magic natural or artificial? Is it really just a world with a tiny sun, or was their sun like ours at one point?


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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I also think the brony community is beginning to die out. I'm serious.


Traffic stats for big brony websites disagree with you:






Those are just estimates of course, but the trend is undeniable.


But, there's more:




Just look at that google trend graph!


Of course, past trends do not guarantee future results. But I see no signs of anything stopping, and this whole thing has only been going on for a little over a year now.


Plenty of room for growth.

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