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Name: Data




You can just read my post in the roleplay world if you want, I'm not typing that in or copying and pasting it. (out of lazyness XD)

Special Talent: Mechanic (He makes robots, machines, etc...)


Name: Data




You can just read my post in the roleplay world if you want, I'm not typing that in or copying and pasting it. (out of lazyness XD)

Special Talent: Mechanic (He makes robots, machines, etc...)


Didn't post the picture. Lag.... anyways here's Data.

Celestia send mah fillers to the mooooooon. I just wanted to post the picture Celestia!



Feld0 spelled backwards is illuminati


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Name: Icewing

Location: Bordering mountain tops of Equestria

Cutie Mark: (Not added) Snowflake

Species: Alicorn

I would not want to spoil any of the story behind him

for its all coming out in my fan fiction, but ill tell you a little about his personality!!

Personality: Cold, emotionless, and silent.

He spends most of his time is solitude on the snowy peaks boarding equestria.

He is an old pony by earth pony standards, but a young alicorn to all.

His eyes burn with a crimson glow, and whenever winter snowflakes fall from the sky, you can bet that

Icewing is somewhere above the clouds, spreading his wings, and freezing the water vapor within the

clouds. All else is secret for now ;)


  • Brohoof 1

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Name: Ion (Like my Username :P )


Species: Pegasus


Gender: Female


Age: Mare (20)



Ion has a great love of science and can get carried away talking about it. Other than that she is very friendly and will usually do whatever she can to help her friends or anypony who needs it. She is however a bit wary of cats (She never liked them).




Growing up as a Pegasus in Canterlot was never easy for Ion, especially as the other members of her family are all Unicorns (One of her great, great Grandparents was a Pegasus) and the fact that she tried to copy the behaviour of the Canterlot ponies. Her intelligence was recognised when she was a yound filly and as such she went to a good school in Canterlot (Not Celestia's school however). Her brother was always there for her growing up, and when he left to become a Royal Guard her gave her his old tail band (Which she still wears).



She is the sister of my other OC Ulysses, but unlike him, she is not a unicorn. She is an odd pegasus as she is less interested in flying as she is science. Some ponies say she is really unicorn in a pegasus body. Her love of science meant that while growing up in Canterlot (Her brother is a royal guard, and her parents work in Celestia's court) she crossed paths with Twilight Sparkle, and for a time they were about as close to friends as Twilight had before going to Ponyville. She however left Canterlot to attend a prestigious school in Manehattan, but since graduating she returned to Canterlot (She graduated roughly midway through season 2).


She currently resides in Canterlot, but has been to Ponyville on several occasions to visit Twilight and even assist her in some of her scientific studies. Ion's dream is to open a school for gifted ponies (Not just unicorns) or for ponies who have a love for science. She is contemplating moving to Ponyville to become a part time science tutor for the ponies at Cheerilee's schooI.


Special Talent:

Ion has a talent in understanding. She learns very quickly and has a desire to spread her knowledge with others. Her cutie mark is an Atom.





Posted Image

  • Brohoof 1

Art // Ion

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Can you make my OC flying.It would be very nice of you if you did that.And is it really hard to computer color them all(will it take really long).But don't worry ill be patient.


It depends how hard it is. If you just want me to color it in (which doesn't look very nice), it takes like a day. But it's harder with shadows and shines, but my friend is good with computer stuff so if they helped it would go by a lot quicker. Sorry about the false hope, I don't know if they will say yes because we are not on good terms right now....


name is cloud whisper

she is a pegasus, you can see how she looks like (her skin supporse to be brighter)

i would be really happy if you draw her ^-^


not based on no pony




Posted Image



her name is Pearl Eyes

she is an earth pony, really deep gray body, super black hair, wierd white eyes

i dont expect you to draw her, but id be happy if you will :)




Posted Image




I will try and draw Pearl Eyes for you and will definitely draw the first mare as well. What's is Pearl Eyes cutie mark? Or is she a blank flank?

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Name: Mixed Canvas

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Age: 14


Personality: Absolutely LOVES Art or anything art related. Makes good music and makes okayish art (which he is still working on). Loves to be DJ at a party if they want him too. Will try to make friends with you no matter what you are like. He is very kind and generous to everypony around.


History: Music and Art runs in Mixed's family. His Father is a Fantastic Painter, while his Mother makes all kinds of music. As he grew up he tried to improve his Art skills in any way. He came to Ponyville searching for a mentor or somepony who could help improve his art. What he didn't know is that he was in the perfect place.

He found a little house on the edge of Ponyville to live in. It is very quiet so he can work on his artworks in peace. He is trying to learn from the best in Ponyville. He takes lessons from Vinyl Scratch for his Music Works and is still trying to find an art teacher. He might seem uptight or snobby but he is actually very energetic and lively and can show you how to have a REAL good time! His dream is to be one of the best artists for all of Equestria.




Edited by The Emperpony
  • Brohoof 1


Awesome sig done by none other than Cloud Chaser!

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Since things are getting a bit crazy here, you guys can email your personal stuff to me at gingersnap53100@gmail.com thanks!


I mean like ponies who want me to draw their OCs for them, anyone else just continue to post on this! Tell me stuff like poses or anything about your pony self that you didn't include in the post! Also include if you want computer color, an of you want shadows/shines.

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I will try and draw Pearl Eyes for you and will definitely draw the first mare as well. What's is Pearl Eyes cutie mark? Or is she a blank flank?


thank you very very much! :D

and about your question, pearl eyes is a blank flank. ^^;


this part is destinied to feel the 100 characters




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Everything about my OC is undecided.


I keep writing a huge background, but delete it if I feel it is too boring or Mary Sue- like.


My OC as of the moment is in my Profile picture. It is so unprofessional, but I will work on it.


I keep doubting myself, but soon I will draw it. Then I will write a proper backstory to him.

I will prove that I'm not such an untalented brony!



Name: Suskel Bellchime (Undecided)

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Colt (Male)

Age: Filly

Special Talent: I've decided to make him a blankflank, and in his backstory, still searching for one.


I actually will start working on him tomorrow. Anyone wanna give me any tips in general?

  • Brohoof 1

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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Name: Kaynah (Kay)

Species: Snake Pony (Serpony, Ponaga, Lamia Pony, what-have-you)

Gender: Female



Personality: Fun loving, sarcastic, smart, witty, friendly, helpful, laid-back, hard to understand at times.


History: Kaynah doesn't really have any history...she would rather keep it to herself.


Special Talent: Spear-wielding. Yep. Trained and proficient in the art of the spear.


This is what she looks like:



My signature broke


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here's my ponysona

Name: Dusty Soul

Species: Pegasus

Gender: male




Personality: He's basically always happy, but he's very emotional...


History: Dusty was born in Manehatten, and was born into an extremely rich family. They were living the life until the money dried up... Dusty resorted to gambling and betting in order to keep his family going. He gained popularity and respect in the Manehatten underground. He couldn't lose. His family was really un-supportive of his gambling and begged him to stop... He couldn't. Now he lives in Ponyville and continues his life of betting and gambling.


Special Talent: Gambling and betting

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 2 months later...

Ok heres whats up. I have a task for you all. I WANT YOU TO MAKE A PONY OF YOUR OWN AND SHARE IT TO ME! If you do not know how to do this go on goolge and type. Pony creater. Its a piece of cake. Then go down below and share it with me and the bronys. Have fun creating DJHolly OUT!

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Did him a long time ago




And then he was Re-drawn




I even drew him in his Gala Suit...




I don't really use the Pony Creator for anything other than sketching out what I want somepony to look like


Also, His name is Satyr

  • Brohoof 1

The extent of my interest is in things that don't exist.

Or, at least, things that aren't in the basic man's senses

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I don't have anything pony creator, just stuff I did with a few body bases...

Here's the first one I did of my OC, Cloud Puff



A Halloween ship I did...



Then just some random ones...



And, some art others did for me of her,..


post-4683-0-61280100-1353549178_thumb.jpg<by @MiStErUnMeRrypost-4683-0-19860000-1353549199_thumb.jpg<by @Nocive

  • Brohoof 2

Finland is my favorite. All the other Hetalia characters can go now.

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Everyone has such cute and creative OCs ^^ Mine's not that creative, but here she is;


Name: Midnight Song

Species: Pegasus

Gender: female~

Age: 17 ^^


Personality: Nice, but rather anti-social. It's hard to be friends with her, since she has more of a loner-type complex. Though, if you do manage to befriend her, she's very friendly and sweet.

History: Born in none other than Cloudsdale to a family with two older siblings. While her family were entrepenuer-like, she was the "black sheep" as they say. She was more creative than the rest of her family.


Special Talent: Composing dark-sort of music. (Like dark sounding classical music. Hard to explain ^^; )


http://scourgeheart.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d5kbdvm (That is my DA, don't worry, I'm not stealing artwork o.o)

Edited by QueenMidas
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My Ponysona, Storm Chaser! One day I will actually draw her out in inkscape when I learn how to draw ponies.


Name: Storm Chaser

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Female

Age: Young adult (which is a bit older than myself, but whatever)

Personality: Myself, obviously, but with a few tweaks... Excited and interested. Gets obsessed with something, then drops it. Tends to turn down social gatherings, but has a lot of fun when she actually comes. Total history and magic nerd. She loves to come up with new cloud-related inventions (see: her special talent), but doesn't think to really sell them or anything, that sounds like too much work and hassle and then she'd have to do all those annoying specifications. Not to say that she is a "go with the flow" sort of mare; she totally relates with [the first half of] Lesson Zero! She can talk your ear off, and if she didn't get her cutie mark in clouds, she might have gotten it in speaking.

History: A lot like Twilight Sparkle's to be honest. Spent her foalhood being socially isolated and not that friendly. Unlike Twilight Sparkle, entered into the social world on her own will. Like Twilight Sparkle, loves having friends and became a better mare through them. Friendship is FRICKIN' MAGIC.

Special Talent: Cloud engineering. When most pegasi were interested in the flying aspect of their species, Storm Chaser was fascinated by how clouds work and interact with pegasi. She's made some pretty nifty contraptions in her time!


Normal Storm Chaser vs Discorded Storm Chaser (key characteristic is thoughtlessness), with her cutie mark in between:


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Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship


"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Maelstrom Dash

Type: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Appearance: Blue coat, orange & white mane
Cutie Mark: Whirlwind
Hobbies: Playing around in whirlwinds and maelstroms, flying around, researching dangerous things
Additional Details: Wears goggles when flying, currently obsessed with researching dragons



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Here's my personal/"ponysona" OC. :D


Name: Night Shine
Type: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Appearance: Pale green coat, messy white mane and tale, gold eyes
Cutie Mark: A four-star constellation on a background of deep indigo
Hobbies: Stargazing, meditating and studying deep magic of the mind
Additional Details: Not shy per se, just cautious around other ponies because he doesn't completely trust them. He's nocturnal and likes to spend a lot of time alone, but very nice and friendly if you get to know him.


Aaand then, have some VILLAINS from a couple of my fanfics (if you care). Because why not. >:3




Name: The Shadow
Type: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Appearance: Midnight blue coat, shining chrome armor, no mane or tail, ripped ear, broken horn replaced with chrome
Cutie Mark: Three red-eyed skulls with long black fangs
Hobbies: Twisting of nightmares to make others feel fear
Additional Details: Main villain of The Shadowed Nightmare: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/47635/The-Shadowed-Nightmare



Name: Puzzle Master
Type: Earth Pony
Gender: Male
Appearance: Midnight blue coat, black tuxedo and watch, red monocle, formally styled gray mane and tail
Cutie Mark: A chess piece, the black king
Hobbies: Chess, manipulation of other ponies against each other for fun
Additional Details: A villain in The Elements of Disharmony: Necessary Corruption: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/60957/The-Elements-of-Disharmony%3A-Necessary-Corruption



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Name: WindWalker 
Land pony: Pegasus
Appearance: Blue Coat with Red Mane
Cutie Mark: Undecided
Special Ability: He can sense changes in the wind
Other Details:likes to lay in the sun

likes fruit especially Oranges. 

Even though he doesn't like to admit it he's an accomplished Violinist 

He acts more mature than other ponies his age.


Edited by Luna'sChosen
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My Ponysona is right here. Or, at least, he was my ponysona. I think he's evolved into his own character since then.



Name: Descant. Just like my account name. Ain't I cool? I'm thinking about giving him a surname, too.

Type: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Appearance: Lavender coat with purple hair and maroon highlights, and Persian Green eyes.
Cutie Mark: Stylised Bass Clef
Hobbies: Music, music composition, espionage
Additional Details: His magic is entirely sound-based, so he can alter the pitch or volume of any noise, or, with more difficulty, how specific ears hear things. He can also direct certain sound waves, allowing them to reach only certain ears.


He plays a wide variety of brass musical instruments, and the piano.


  • Brohoof 1

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

Still searching for players! Join today!

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I've got a couple. Still works in progress, but enough to show off... I DO so love to show off!  I kid, I kid! But seriously, look what I can do! XD


Name: White Lightning
Type: Pegasus
Gender: Male

Appearance: A tan coat with a medium brown Mane

Cutie Mark: A simple, encircled white lightning bolt

Hobbies: A little bit of everything, from making storm clouds to relaxing and having a bit of good fun.

Additional Details: Lightning is good natured and light hearted to say the least. Well rounded, is what most would call him. Others would say he's "Very down to earth... for a Pegasus.".

A distant reflection of his younger days, he's traded in the fiery attitude of youth for a slghtly calmer, slower mind set, and a certain confidence in his stride. Or at least, he doesn't get wrapped up in every single challenge that comes along. Its about 80% these days.
He love storms, and creates them at Cloudsdale's factories. Though he's serious about working with storm clouds, he's known to slack off every chance he gets when the task is something less interesting. 

Though he's happy-go-lucky and carefree and talkative, when a storm is rolling in, he's all in his head. He simply loves to sit quietly and watch the oncoming downpour.

When he was young, he was struck by lightning, putting him into a coma for 3 days. When he awoke, he had his cutie mark.











Name: Rocket Grace
Type: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Appearance: a Smaller frame, thin with light tan coat and a fiery red mane.
Cutie Mark: a 'bombshell' style rocket embroidered with wings on either side.
Hobbies: Having fun with friends, strolling around without a care in the world, being curt
Additional Details: Rocket is a tough nut to crack. She's known to be sarcastic, bossy, jagged and a little rude at times. She tells it like it is. Some have described her personality as a reflection of her name, and that she is “With a Rocket’s Grace”, direct and quick in nature, often with devastating results. Those who know her best see past that, but on the surface she puts up a tough front that typically turns everypony away. Her friends have theorized that she's just being that way to build her walls and keep anypony out.

With her friends, she always seems to have a great time. In the rare instances when she's alone, she typically keeps to her thoughts.

She has a fiery temper, and a generally bad attitude, but below that surface, she is nothing if not loyal, caring and genuine. Qualities that most don't stick around long enough to see.

She has incredible speed and agility.








Edited by :WhiteLightning:

Good Judgement Comes from Years of Experience... and a Lot of That Comes From Bad Judgement.

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