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Have any episodes ever made you cry?


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How can ANY episode make you cry?, even if theres sad parts you know they will get through it!!!! ^-^

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The only times I almost teared up was during the Rarity x Spike scene in "Secret to my Excess" and when I first witnessed "Smile Smile Smile" in the new episode.


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Seeing Smile Smile Smile for the first time in the series made me tear up a bit in joy.


Whenever I see the "Fluttershy tree" scene in Over a Barrel...I tear up a lot thanks to having read Fallout Equestria...those who've read the story understand what I mean, and those who haven't read it yet--and what the heck are you waiting for?--I won't spoil what I mean.

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Honestly, Party of one that part where Pinkie's hair deflates and says "oh no... my friends don't like my parties and don't wan't to be my friends anymore" >sadface<, made me feel bad, since that also happened to me, becaue my friends we're talking to this girl and totally left me out of whatever they were doing, Griffon the brush off actually turned into a sort of real even before the show aired, when this girl was friends with one of my friends, and that girl was constantly pushing me around and telling my friends not to be with me, just because of the immature ways of Pinkazoid, but I just fell bad for Pinkie I didn't cry, in Feeling Pinkie Keen I cried, of laughter since that episode was hilarious xD and the Sisterhooves social episode, made me feel a bit bad since I treat my brother like poo

Edited by Pinkazoid




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Actually... Now that I think about it. No.


As a matter fact, I have a tendency to laugh like a lunatic at some points that I'm pretty sure should be said. I think that's just an odd personality quirk of mine though.

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Actually... Now that I think about it. No.


As a matter fact, I have a tendency to laugh like a lunatic at some points that I'm pretty sure should be said. I think that's just an odd personality quirk of mine though.


A few years ago when one of my roommates was in the kitchen crying because her boyfriend broke up with her, I was like, "Oh... ok" and she said that I smiled a little as I turned around and went back in my room. She said that at first she was offended, but then she was like, "Wait I smile when sad things happen too, it's just a weird way people react to sad things sometimes."


Funny thing was that I was planning on breaking up with my boyfriend that afternoon (and I did). My roommate and I had a good laugh about it that evening. I'm laughing right now just remembering the situation.


Smiling/laughing at sad stuff is a stress-coping mechanism, apparently.

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I cannot cry. For the longest time, I haven't shed a tear. I was broken long ago. Blah, blah, blah, sobstory noone wants to hear, etcetera, etcetera. However I still can feel... And I have definitely felt like crying many times throughout the show. But one episode had struck out to me. The ending part to Secret of My Excess.

Spike & Rarity, as they fall together in their 'dying moments'...

It made me so happy, and yet so sad that I never was and never will be as good as friends as they were. I could never tell any girl I "kinda had a crus--" because I give up on love that cannot become reality. And my reality is grim...

  • Brohoof 1

But what do I know? I'm just a stupid kid.

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I think I may have perhaps nearly almost cried tears of joy during the Derpy scene in The Last Roundup. The generaly happy mood of the show doesn't really warrant itself for tearjerking most of the time though imo.


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I've never been moved to tears watching the show. Certain moments, such as "Smile Smile Smile", have made me gleeful; I cannot recall, however, tearing up due to sadness or distress. I'm pretty sure I haven't. And I'm a pretty sappy guy, all things considered, so MLP: FiM probably wouldn't have to try too terribly hard to bring a tear to my eye.


I felt unhappy seeing Discord split up the Mane Six in the first half of "The Return of Harmony", though I was nowhere close to tears.


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I haven't. Maybe a little sad for the characters at times but not sad enough to cry. Its not like I haven't cried like while watching "cartoons" however. I had to have a box of kleenex on standby all while I was watching Air, CLANNAD, Kanon and Angel Beats.

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm generally not one to cry at anything, but for some mysterious reason Granny Smith's incredible story at the end of Family Appreciation Day never fails to make my eyes a bit misty. Something about the Apple Bloom's misplaced shame juxtaposed against this incredible individual who we find out is Granny Smith.


And dat history, of course. I love me some Ponyville exposition!

  • Brohoof 2

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I'm generally not one to cry at anything, but for some mysterious reason Granny Smith's incredible story at the end of Family Appreciation Day never fails to make my eyes a bit misty. Something about the Apple Bloom's misplaced shame juxtaposed against this incredible individual who we find out is Granny Smith.


And dat history, of course. I love me some Ponyville exposition!


Alright, alright... I know that I said earlier that I didn't, but I have to admit.... I actually did get a bit misty eyed at that part myself.


For me, having some older relatives that weren't doing so well at the time, it really made me think about the importance of the people that have come before me - paving the way so that I can be what I am today.

  • Brohoof 1
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There may have been one or two moments.... Let me just make a quick summary for you...





S1E2 - Friendship is Magic Part 2: Yes, at the end I teared up quite a bit when Luna apologized to Celestia. (Much like Pinkie Pie did)


S1E5 - Griffon the Brush Off: When Gilda yelled at (best pony) Fluttershy, I shed a tear, then just wanted to beat Gilda with a crowbar


S1E11 - Winter Wrap-up: When Twilight used her magic, and Applejack scolded her for doing so, I teared up as she ran off crying.


S1E12 - Call of the Cutie: This


S1E16 - Sonic Rainboom: Right after she pulls of the Rainboom, and saves the day. ( What can I say? Extremely Epic Happy endings get to me :P )

S1E22 - A Bird in the Hoof: Another Visual


S1E25 - Party of One:


S2E1 - The Return of Harmony Part 1: When all my ponies became corrupted, especially Fluttershy :(


S2E2 - The Return of Harmony Part 2: Each time a pony returned to normal, than yet again at the end with yet another tearful happy ending.


S2E5 - Sisterhooves Social: Need I say more?


S2E10 - Secret of my Excess: :( ( The smilie is a link, by the way ;) )


S2E13 - Baby Cakes: How could you not shed a tear? You heartless pony you...


S2E18 - A Friend in Deed: The whole Smile, Smile, Smile, song had me rather teary. Just overdoses of Happiness make me cry I suppose :P



And there you have it. If you hadn't guessed, I'm a bit of a softie when it comes to this sort of thing. And I'm probably the only 20 year old male who would ever admit it, as well ;)

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I've experienced plenty of feelings during episodes of MLP, but very few actually make me shed tears. I can only recall one that did, though. Sonic Rainboom. Just the end when she finally does it, saves Rarity and the Wonderbolts, Fluttershy finally cheering loudly for her, and everyone cheering for her and how RD had tears in her eyes. All of that stuff at once, after she was having such a hard time the whole episode, it was just too much for me. Haha. They were happy tears, but that's the only time I can remember the show actually making me cry.

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Rarity finding the heart picture in Sisterhooves Social always moves me to manly tears. It connects a lot because I've been on both sides of that spectrum - the older, impatient one annoyed by inept kids, and the young, naive one just trying to help but getting in the way.


There were also some hysterical tears of laughter during The Last Roundup, at Pinkie's rage face and the cherry conveyer scene, but that probably doesn't count.

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Many times, but never because I was sad. The times I "cried" (Never actually cried but got tears in my eyes) was because of happiness-overload.

Edited by Jokuc


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