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Equestria must have been lucky.


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Just think about this for a moment. After Luna was banished, Celestia couldn't control the elements anymore, since she was out of harmony with her sister. They stayed in the old castle, and became part of the legend of the mare in the moon. For 1000 years, the elements were never used. That means there must have been no need for the elements in all that time.


Equestria is really lucky Discord didn't awaken any earlier than he did, or Equestria would have been doomed (unless there is a destiny, and bearers would have appeared earlier). For 1000 years, the elements had no bearers. Besides Celestia, Equestria was defenseless. Equestria is also lucky no other great threats appeared before the bearers were found.

Edited by Slendermane
  • Brohoof 7


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

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I like to think that there's some sort of destiny involved with the Element bearers, sort of like how Twilight noted that friends share a bond sometimes even before they meet.


Not like destiny would've helped much if Discord was freed a few centuries earlier, considering everything he was capable of. =P

Edited by Jadefire
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I feel as though that the spell placed on Discord weakened to the point where three fillies fighting broke it because of the Bearers. Like the Elements aren't in tune anymore because new bearers stepped forth and everybody they blast with rainbows will now be in tune with the magic of the Mane 6.

  • Brohoof 1


Alea Jacta Est

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I like to think that there's some sort of destiny involved with the Element bearers, sort of like how Twilight noted that friends share a bond sometimes even before they meet. Not like destiny would've helped much if Discord was freed a few centuries earlier, considering everything he was capable of. =P

Okay, so the Elements got the mane 6 their cutie marks and connected them long before Celestia ever did. So the magic of the Elements knew Nightmare Moon was coming back, and Discord was coming back.


So, if Discord came back a few centuries earlier, it wouldn't be an issue, the Elements would have manifested themselves in some 6 other ponies earlier. At least, in theory :P


I feel as though that the spell placed on Discord weakened to the point where three fillies fighting broke it because of the Bearers. Like the Elements aren't in tune anymore because new bearers stepped forth and everybody they blast with rainbows will now be in tune with the magic of the Mane 6.


Anyways, nah, Celestia said it was her and Luna's seperation that caused their tie to the Elements to weaken, or something like it, in S2E1.

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I feel as though that the spell placed on Discord weakened to the point where three fillies fighting broke it because of the Bearers. Like the Elements aren't in tune anymore because new bearers stepped forth and everybody they blast with rainbows will now be in tune with the magic of the Mane 6.


Something like that seems to be the case, judging by what Celestia said early in the episode. Either the spell was gradually weakening ever since Nightmare Moon's banishment because the Elements were inert (side effect of being used against one of their own carriers), or the spell dramatically weakened since the Elements switched alignments to the Mane 6, thus requiring him to be resealed.


I also recall hearing a theory (don't know if it was Word of Faust or not) that whatever force helped corrupt Luna into Nightmare Moon also had something to do with Discord's release.


Okay, so the Elements got the mane 6 their cutie marks and connected them long before Celestia ever did. So the magic of the Elements knew Nightmare Moon was coming back, and Discord was coming back.


So, if Discord came back a few centuries earlier, it wouldn't be an issue, the Elements would have manifested themselves in some 6 other ponies earlier. At least, in theory :P

Something like that. Edited by Jadefire
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So being ruled by an actual immortal deity is defenseless? :huh:


I'm pretty sure in that 1000 years there must be a few clashes and crisis, but none of them was dire enough to use the Elements. Besides, the Elements only used four times (luna twice, discord twice), and all of them was to defeat some immortal beings, if it's about to defeat some slumbering griffon army or diamond dogs marauders, I'm pretty sure the Royal guards will be more than enough


Just my two bits :P

  • Brohoof 3


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Maybe times of crisis bring about those who can help. When Nightmare Moon attacked, the elements assembled for, presumably, for the first time since Celestia used them so banish Luna. So if Discord attacked during that 1,000 period, the elements would probably find some other ponies to manifest their power into.

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I wouldn't be doomed.

It would just be chaotic.

How much harm would Discord really do?

"Reducing existential risk — that is, carefully and thoughtfully preparing to not kill ourselves — may be the greatest moral imperative we have."  - Lukeprog


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I also recall hearing a theory (don't know if it was Word of Faust or not) that whatever force helped corrupt Luna into Nightmare Moon also had something to do with Discord's release.


Now, THAT would be incredibly interesting! :D Say if this were true and if it was a force or something, what if it could manifest itself into a physical form? Or maybe the force is caused by something?


Either way, what I'm trying to get at---as much of an underdeveloped theory though this is---would simply be... the possibility of some type of ultimate bad guy would be TOTALLY awesome! What do you ponies think?


I wouldn't be doomed.

It would just be chaotic.

How much harm would Discord really do?


I like to think that what we saw of Discord was him on a good day. Y'know, finally being free after being stuck in a statue for one thousand years, I'd be pretty happy too. But you remember those EVIL laughs he had at times? Given a bad day, I'm pretty sure he could cause a LOT of damage if he wanted to.


But it's a kids show, so happy Discord is best Discord. ^^ (Even if he was sealed after two eps... XD)

Edited by WolfEdge
  • Brohoof 2
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I like to think that what we saw of Discord was him on a good day. Y'know, finally being free after being stuck in a statue for one thousand years, I'd be pretty happy too. But you remember those EVIL laughs he had at times? Given a bad day, I'm pretty sure he could cause a LOT of damage if he wanted to.


But it's a kids show, so happy Discord is best Discord. ^^ (Even if he was sealed after two eps... XD)


Yeah, I wonder (if MLP wasn't a kids show) if he wasn't defeated fast enough if he would've eventually started killing people. xP

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah, I wonder (if MLP wasn't a kids show) if he wasn't defeated fast enough if he would've eventually started killing people. xP


Hey, I thought I was the only one reading too many comics in this thread! XD (or action cartoons...take your pick.)


Yeah, that and/or bombing places. Discord was getting into it with that explosive chocolate milk. :lol: If he got bored with Ponyville, he'd probably nuke the place.




Discord: All right, NOW! Drop down the Chocolate Thunder! *Humongous bottle of chocolate milk falls from the sky towards Ponyvile*


Lol, and THIS is why the Elements of Harmony were needed and are BOSS. Good thing Discord got careless and completely overconfident.

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Discord definitely seemed more playful and mischievous than I expected. He seemed like a cat playing with a mouse. It could be that he hadn't returned to full strength, but I think that he honestly thought that nothing could stop him, so his arrogance became his downfall.

Edited by Slendermane
  • Brohoof 1


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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I believe that maybe they were used.


But anyways, Celestia says Discord got released because she was no longer linked to the elemtns. She was no longer linked to the elements, because now the Mane 6 were, so sure it is time for all the villains Celestia and Luna have defeated to come back.


I also hope we'll get to know about the ancient mane 6, as it seems that they predate the royal sisters

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Maybe... The Cutie Mark Crusaders woke him up?


I guess Equestria got really lucky during that time, but wouldn't there be something that is needed to wake him up, he was practically in a coma!

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What i always wondered about and recently discussed with some friends is: Why would Celestia leave the elements in the old castle anyways? They were naturally protected by the forest, but it was still a rather strange place to leave some powerful artifacts.

Also, the knowledge of where the elements were hidden seemed to be rather easy to access.

Could the elements not be moved without proper carriers, after Celestia lost her control over them? Then why leave the old castle anyways? Did she only loose her control after the Mane 6 appeared? Then again: Why let them be in the old castle?

If anyone can share some light, on this case i would be delighted.

As of now my answer is: She acted according to the prophecy.

(Please dont ask me, what prophecy, i have no clue.)

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What i always wondered about and recently discussed with some friends is: Why would Celestia leave the elements in the old castle anyways? They were naturally protected by the forest, but it was still a rather strange place to leave some powerful artifacts.

Also, the knowledge of where the elements were hidden seemed to be rather easy to access.

Could the elements not be moved without proper carriers, after Celestia lost her control over them? Then why leave the old castle anyways? Did she only loose her control after the Mane 6 appeared? Then again: Why let them be in the old castle?

If anyone can share some light, on this case i would be delighted.

As of now my answer is: She acted according to the prophecy.

(Please dont ask me, what prophecy, i have no clue.)


Here's my theories: The castle was built in order to proctect the elements of harmony from anypony trying to steal them. It was a big a strong stone castle, with huge walls and guarded by several ponies from Celestia's royal guard, and right in the middle of the Everfree forest, a place full of dangerous creatures and stuff.


But that was a 1000 years ago! The elements were never needed and eventually forgotten along with the castle, wich was overtaken by nature. Barely anypony actually knew whether they existed or where they were, it was only written in books about the Elements, wich were rare. There just happened to be one in ponyville's library, part of destiny probably.


That's why the elements were in an abandoned castle. Celestia never though somepony was gonna steal them, and for 1000 years she was right.


Or, my other theory, wich might be true given how long 1000 years actually are: Originally the princesses lived in the old Castle, and kept the elements there with them. There was a city surroinding the castle, wich is something you would expect. That city used to be the capital of Equestria. But for whatever reason, after Luna was banished, some dark magic came and as it was said, animals took care of themselves, plants grew without help, and clouds moved on their own, the city was attacked by evil creatures, and it had to be abandoned.


Everypony including Celestia left, and built a new castle and city, Canterlot. The old city was destroyed by nature, but the Castle, being made out of stone and not wood, survided. Celestia left the elements there since without Luna she wasn't even able to use them, assuming nopony would dare to get them back.


Choose your theory

Edited by Eenohay
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The creation of said forest is another interesting part to add, i left it out because it leads to too many other questions.

Was the forest created to protect the elements after leaving the castle? Or was the forest cause to leaving it?

Also: Discord was able to move them and Celestia also put them to safety at that time.

Hence the same question: Why leave them back in the old castle for over a thousand years? Even if not needed, they still are artifacts of enormous power.

But i agree that it is most likely explained with "Destiny", even though it leaves some questions open.

Still, the creation of the forest is something i would be delighted to hear about in the actual show.

I'm in your wasteland, riding the rail.

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