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I'm worried about characters getting married


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Don't be, it is extremely unlikely that any characters are going to get married in season 4 so chill. As for relationships in general I don't care one way or another, if they are introduced I am fine with them so long as they are artificially shoe horned in and are given the proper time and context to grow naturally. We haven't seen nearly enough of Soarin' and Spitfire to determine if there is anything going on between them, yes I know there is a lot of fanfics out there where they have been dating but there are plenty of things that happen in fanfics that are unlikely or will never happen in the show. Soarin' and Dash is even less likely because you can at least say that Soarin' and Spitfire see each other regularly but you can't say that with Soarin' and Rainbow Dash.


It has been confirmed that Twilight's crush from the Equestria Girls movie Flash Sentry will not be in season 4, granted he may be in a season 5 in the likely event there is going to be one but it is way too soon to worry about that. As for the others we haven't even seen a hint of a hint of a romantic interest in any of them except for Rarity's crush on Prince Blueblood which ended with her "prince charming" being not so charming after all. And I know Spike And Rarity is a popular shipping but it will never ever happen in the show, Spike and Sweetie Belle is probably more likely and even that will probably not happen in the show either so there is no point in worrying.

  • Brohoof 2
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What are you talking about? This doesn't sound too good, I love Spitfire. Please tell me what you speak of this "secret crush." Please tell me. 


Heh, I'm just referring to the fan-made relationships the fans give to Spitfire. I seriously don't see any Spitfire crushes in the show, but who knows. Maybe she does find Rainbow Dash fanciful and isn't letting on. If Rainbow Dash felt the same way about Spitfire I wouldn't find it offensive, personally. 



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What? ohmy.png


Only four pairings have been hinted at (excluding married couples).  Big Mac and Cheeralee were under a magic spell.  No evidence of actual romantic feelings.  Even if Rarity shares Spike's feelings, they're a long way from marriage due to Spike being a baby dragon.  As for Rarity and Thunderlane, no indication that Thunderlane will even be in season 4.  And Flash is confirmed not to be.  What reason do you have to worry?

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I think a relationship to a certain extent would be cute.  It could obviously progress the show by teaching the pony to not let someone come between her and her friends or something like that.  Marriage is too much though, and I'm about 113% positive that will not be involved with any of the mane 6 ever.

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What if the mane 6 and Spitfire gets married in Season 4?

I don't think the show supports polygamy...



But on a serious note, I don't think you have to worry about that...the Cadence/Shining Armour thing was a one time occasion...maybe others will marry in the future, but I don't think any of the mane 6 will be in there anywhere...also, I don't think hasbro's had enough space between the last wedding yet...so you've got another few seasons before anything like that would be remotely possible...so you may relax and enjoy the show :)

  • Brohoof 1


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Heh, I'm just referring to the fan-made relationships the fans give to Spitfire. I seriously don't see any Spitfire crushes in the show, but who knows. Maybe she does find Rainbow Dash fanciful and isn't letting on. If Rainbow Dash felt the same way about Spitfire I wouldn't find it offensive, personally. 


Why must you say anything remotely the same to the thing I DON'T want to happen? I don't think Hasbro would do mare on mare, anyways.  :3


Credit to *Nova* for the awesome signature! 

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I really don't think its gonna happen.


Remember, this is a show for 3-6 year old girls. Even though we watch it when we are anywhere from 15-50 its still directed at the little girl age group.


So I don't think its gonna happen


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Yeeeah, no. I highly doubt that they are going to have the characters have romantic interest, let alone get married.



Even if the writers wanted to, they'd probably wait until the very end of the series to do so, and likely in an epilogue to show what everyone has done with their lives

  • Brohoof 2
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May I remind you that only 2 characters got married in the show, and they had to create said characters for the sole purpose of them being a royal couple and representing the power of love.

On a more serious note, MLP is a show targeted at young girls and having a relationship isn't one of the values Hasbro wants to teach children at this age. Of course we have seen Mr. and Mrs. Cake in the past, but they are there more to represent parental figures. And Big Mac and Cheerilee, but this episode's morale tended more torwards not meddling in other people's affairs.

So I think a relationship between Rainbow Dash and Soarin or Rainbow Dash and Spitfire is very unlikely, and if you want that you better turn to shipfics rather than the canon show.

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I don't think they would. In my opinion fim should stay away from shipping with main characters. We all saw how it worked with Flash Sentry it was extremely awkward. I'm okay with shipping in fanfics but in the show, unless they get it perfect or it's with minor characters than no.



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Remember, this is a show for 3-6 year old girls. Even though we watch it when we are anywhere from 15-50 its still directed at the little girl age group.


It doesn't really have anything to do with the main topic of this thread, but I've got to point this out. The show is NOT aimed at 3-6 year-olds. It just isn't.


Stuff for 3-6 year-olds is like Blues Clues, Dora the Explorer, Little Einsteins, etc. You know, where the characters look at the camera and ask things like, "Now HO MANY ladybugs are there on the flowers?" and "What COLOR are the ladybugs?"


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is directed at children 7-11, same age as things like Spongebob.

Sure very young kids will watch the show too, but it's mainly directed at people that... you know... can READ.

  • Brohoof 1



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"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is directed at children 7-11, same age as things like Spongebob.

Sure very young kids will watch the show too, but it's mainly directed at people that... you know... can READ.


Sure, the show is aimed at 7-11 year olds. Still, girls (or boys) at this age aren't meant for relationships yet. I know some are in what they call "relationships", but most of the time this isn't serious and is mostly just copying what they see their older siblings do.


So shipping the mane 6 is not in Hasbro or DHX interests, and should not be. With Equestria Girls they meant it for an older audience, and did include some shipping-tease. But it is unlikely that any of the mane 6 will get in a relationship and marry someone.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm pretty sure Hasbro wouldn't endorse lesbian relationships. If parent's groups thought Derpy was offensive, we'll never hear the end of it when they discover Spitfire's secret crush.

Basically, this. There have been crushes in the show, and they're always hetero and never actually go anywhere.

There's Cadence and Shining Armor too, of course. But they were already engaged when they were introduced to the show, so it's different.

Let's face it. The show isn't going in a romantic direction any time soon, and for good reason.


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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I used to be against homosexual relationships, but ever since I found the Bronies I've become more impartial and feel like people should take true love in whichever form it comes. Parents actually make me sick some times because they behave irrationally far too often. I almost don't blame them because of certain children's media that should receive criticism for bad influencing; but there's certainly nothing wrong with My Little Pony.



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Sure, the show is aimed at 7-11 year olds. Still, girls (or boys) at this age aren't meant for relationships yet. I know some are in what they call "relationships", but most of the time this isn't serious and is mostly just copying what they see their older siblings do.


So shipping the mane 6 is not in Hasbro or DHX interests, and should not be. With Equestria Girls they meant it for an older audience, and did include some shipping-tease. But it is unlikely that any of the mane 6 will get in a relationship and marry someone.


Oh, no I'm not arguing against that.

I'm just irritated by the "it's for pre-schoolers" mentality which Dolosus said was fact. It's just really not.

The show is meant for older children and preteens, not for toddlers that are still learning how to sing the ABCs.

  • Brohoof 1



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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Sure, the show is aimed at 7-11 year olds. Still, girls (or boys) at this age aren't meant for relationships yet. I know some are in what they call "relationships", but most of the time this isn't serious and is mostly just copying what they see their older siblings do.


So shipping the mane 6 is not in Hasbro or DHX interests, and should not be. With Equestria Girls they meant it for an older audience, and did include some shipping-tease. But it is unlikely that any of the mane 6 will get in a relationship and marry someone.


see i'm gonna shoot this b.s. down.  When the anti shipping league members bring this up,

I would just as easily say "disney cators to younger crowds all the time."

And if you hate disney, shrek that was kicking dirt on disney way before mlp fim even existed shipped (and bucking trends)

and that show shipped.

The female lead was perfectly independent enough.  She was competent.  Her getting married didn't make her a weakling.  (Princess Fiana)


the remark quickly changes to "erm it's not that kind of show."

well no.  You just don't want it to be.

It's this bitter entrenched war.


If hasbro did a penal if 7-11 year olds and they asked for couples you'd turn around and say "Who cares what they want!"

  • Brohoof 1


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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I'm more than a little worried about it as well for a few reasons.


-Big Mac and Cheerilee ship-tease during 'Heart and Hooves Day' and the ending which sort of teases the possibility of that relationship continuing.


-The ship-teases between Spike and Sweetie Belle, Rarity and Fancy Pants, and Rainbow Dash and Soarin at the end of 'A Canterlot Wedding'.


-Flash Sentry in Equestria Girls.


Which I would not be too happy with if any of these came to pass.

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Dear lord, people. Why are you all so afraid of relationships? Reading through many of these responses, I'm getting the impression that many of you have philophobia, and are imposing your fear onto MLP:FiM. Either that or many of you have never had a good relationship, you've determined that nobody else can have one.


Yes, this is a show geared towards girls 7-11. Which would you prefer: A show that demonstrates that it is perfectly possible to have a loving relationship without subsuming yourself into it, giving good role models for kids before they start making horrible mistakes; Or a show that implies that love is something that should always be put off. That career, work, and casual relationships is much better than icky, horrible *love*.


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Dear lord, people. Why are you all so afraid of relationships? Reading through many of these responses, I'm getting the impression that many of you have philophobia, and are imposing your fear onto MLP:FiM. Either that or many of you have never had a good relationship, you've determined that nobody else can have one.


Yes, this is a show geared towards girls 7-11. Which would you prefer: A show that demonstrates that it is perfectly possible to have a loving relationship without subsuming yourself into it, giving good role models for kids before they start making horrible mistakes; Or a show that implies that love is something that should always be put off. That career, work, and casual relationships is much better than icky, horrible *love*.

Perhaps it's because we have a crush on the characters perhaps? I don't know. It seems to me that anything that happens in the actual show, happens to that character realistically. Look, I love Spitfire, okay? I'd be quite mad if she got into a relation ship with Soarin or whoever she does get into one with. KUbAnTY.png  


Credit to *Nova* for the awesome signature! 

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-Flash Sentry in Equestria Girls.

For fuck's sake, why are people still asking this!? Meghan McCarthy already said he will not be on the show months ago. Now, that does not mean he will not appear on pony stuff, but this pretty much guarantees he and Twilight will not be in a relationship

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Perhaps it's because we have a crush on the characters perhaps? I don't know. It seems to me that anything that happens in the actual show, happens to that character realistically. Look, I love Spitfire, okay? I'd be quite mad if she got into a relation ship with Soarin or whoever she does get into one with. img-2000003-1-KUbAnTY.png

I love Pinkie Pie but, I'd still like to see her marry Dashie or Spike because it'd still be really hot. Besides I can just imagine I am the character she marries. :)

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For fuck's sake, why are people still asking this!? Meghan McCarthy already said he will not be on the show months ago. Now, that does not mean he will not appear on pony stuff, but this pretty much guarantees he and Twilight will not be in a relationship


Meghan only said in her tweet that Flash Sentry wouldn't be in Season 4 specifically, she never said anything about Season 5 onward.

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Meghan only said in her tweet that Flash Sentry wouldn't be in Season 4 specifically, she never said anything about Season 5 onward.

Also, Meghan McCarthy is kind of a liar. She lied about Alicorn Twilight and stuff and said that she didn't know what Equestria Girls was and stuff like that. dry.png

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