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Yesterday, I finally tried Grand Theft Auto Online. The reason I waited so long was because the whole system wasn't working well with me the first time I tried it. So, I went back and finished the main game before trying again.

But, now that it's working, I've finally got the chance to play it. And, I gotta say... I love it. 

What are your opinions on GTA Online? Did you encounter any problems the first time you tried to play it?

  • Brohoof 1
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GTA Online is pretty enjoyable, but it gets annoying when you get random bounties on you and get killed every single time for no reason. It's a fun game but, it does have a long waiting time for the long loading.

  • Brohoof 2
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GTA Online is pretty enjoyable, but it gets annoying when you get random bounties on you and get killed every single time for no reason. It's a fun game but, it does have a long waiting time for the long loading.


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Let me rephrase that, when your waiting on the main screen of the game and you click Play Online. Takes a pretty long time to start.

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Let me rephrase that, when your waiting on the main screen of the game and you click Play Online. Takes a pretty long time to start.

Yeah, I know.

That's what made me give up the first time I tried.

It was just ridiculous.

  • Brohoof 1
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some people need to learn, if they don't want to be killed, its only $100 for passive mode, the only way someone could kill you then is by car

I've had kids bitching at me because I massacre them, but when it comes to GTA online, trust no one, its kill or be killed

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some people need to learn, if they don't want to be killed, its only $100 for passive mode, the only way someone could kill you then is by car

I've had kids bitching at me because I massacre them, but when it comes to GTA online, trust no one, its kill or be killed

As I've learned...

I'm never forgiving that guy in the white van...

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I play GTA online. i like roaming the place, i don't pick on other players much unless they either start with me, are lurking near my objectives or I've gotten my hooves on a buzzard helicopter. I love chasing people with that, even though I can't aim for toffee, I also hate how the missile lock-on targets the police I DON'T WANT TO SHOOT.


Getting money is a pain. some missions need a helicopter but there $700,000 - $1,300,000...i've got a mere $140,000.


I also want the merc jeep but i can't get anyone to send one at me, i even ran around stabbing people and even that didn't piss them off enough. XD 

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I had a moment before, which made me realize how good of a driver I am. driving through the countryside, this guy started chasing me with a helicopter, trying to kill me. I drove as fast as the car would let me, zig-zagging down the freeway, dodging his bullets, driving in front of cars so he'd hit them, I did that until I reached a tunnel and drove in there, eventually he gave up and flew off

  • Brohoof 1
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GTA online is an insufferable bore.


I played Online at launch, and I was extremely eager. Of course issues happened, but two days later I was finally online. Naturally I played only private matches, since god knows the GTA V community is going to be awful. I played and played for awhile, until rank 40something. Then I realized something, every reason I played that game had been the same reason I'd played say.. a bad MMORPG. I grinded JUST for the purpose of reaching a goal, a piece of cheese dangling in front of my face. When I got there I realized how shallow the prize was, how the prize was just to get me on the poorly designed treadmill, I realized the core problem with the game.


GTA online is nothing but repeating missions or doing mediocre minigames in order to receive cash and xp so that you can repeat more missions and do more mediocre minigames. BUT WITH TEH DIFFURUNT GEER LIEK DA XxM1g_1eE7_sN1pErxX. Yeah, it's better with friends. But ANYTHING is better with friends, that's not a fucking credit to your game design.


What's even worse is that, they didn't program a proper freemode into the game, where everything can spawn and where you can pickup any guns laying around like in GTA IV. Instead you're STUCK with kind-of freeroaming online if you want that experience.


At the end of the day, GTA online is a fun way to kill 30 hours with friends. But it's extremely boring otherwise.

Edited by Hell Patrol
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To be honest, GTA Online had mixed reactions for me.


I'll start off with the positive sides; the new activities, especially Golf, were really amazing, and that you can modify and store vehicles to your garage and use them for races, even adding up a crew emblem to it to show off. There's even missions that I found it to be more of a convenient than deathmatches, especially when you wanna earn money, as well as Armored Trucks and Crates dropping (as long as no players would try and steal it. Also, the character option and clothing option has more to offer than in GTA IV.


Now for the negative sides; there are players that still kill each other, including myself, even blowing up other players' personal vehicles, which isn't a bad thing as they could be penalized and earn themselves a Bad Sport, but whenever I enter a matchmaking server just to compete against other players, the host just kicks me out for no reason before the match even starts. Clearly, if the host would do nothing more than kick players if they had not caused any trouble, then the host should end up giving himself/herself a Bad Sport after 2 or 3 kicks against other player who had either not caused any trouble, or the host was too short-tempered because he/she lost once and that the player(s) was playing cleanly. Also, enemies in missions are grossly overpowered, as they kill you in three shots (five shots with full armor) with a pistol, even if you have full strength. Sure you have military guards with pinpoint accuracy, but police officers and gangs? Highly unlikely, as how you they kill you in three shots, especially if you're going well beyond the speed limit and they STILL manage to get a hit by killing you in an instant, which Rockstar needs to fix it or GTA Online will be more of a chore than a fun game. Also, there's this Bounty, which isn't an annoyance if you're by yourself (in an Invite Only section or Solo section), but when one of the players places a bounty on me for no reason because I haven't done anything wrong, it just gets annoying instantly, as my only method of escaping a bounty would be hiding in a garage/apartment, or by leaving the game and go to the Invite Only/Solo section and earn the Bounty myself. And players with rank 200 and beyond makes me feel like they're either cheating or have manage to survive every seven days without even going to bed or eating food, let alone take a break. My guess would most likely them cheating and I'm surprised that they didn't got a Bad Sport, nor did they have their ranks resetted back to 0 by Rockstar (they (or Sony, since I have a PS3) pretty much forgot to detect the obvious cheating players anyway and are too busy with other players that are cheating by boosting up their ranks in a cheap manner. As for the vehicles, well, there needs to be additional mods to be added, as well as liveries to be added, since the customization option for many vehicles seems awfully limited in my opinion, especially when you can't put Crew Emblems on any position for your vehicle(s).


With that said, GTA Online is both good and bad, even though the negatives outweigh the positives from my opinions, so I hope Rockstar can fix those issues for GTA Online so it'll be more fun and less of a chore, especially in dealing with OP'd enemies for gangs and cops with ridiculous accuracy with pistols that made no sense.

Edited by Jon the Bronynerd
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I like GTA V Online I play in friend only sessions with 2-3 other people. I'm always paranoid playing in a public game because I don't wanna be killed just because, which happens too often sometimes.


Few minor issues I have, is when you finish a mission with friends,you and your friends should go back in to the same friends only game you were in previously, usually I end up in a game by myself afterwards or in a public game....


Re-buying mods for your cars, I've bought the mod once I shouldn't have  to pay for it again if I decide to get a different hood/bumper and then decide to switch back....If I've previously bought and used it, it should technically still have it.


Enemies with stupidly high accuracy......Seriously. I've driven over one enemy at full speed just to get one shotted by another enemy.....how does some gang member have that high of accuracy?


I wish I could have more than just a 10 car garage.....10 car garage isn't enough. There's many cars out there....and I wanna own a bunch of them.


The aggressiveness of the cops.....it's sometimes near impossible to escape the cops, even on 2 stars.

  • Brohoof 1
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You're pretty much right. It is only fun with others (Guess that's why it's called GTA ONLINE)

I can only hope that they add more innovative and inventive missions and activities in the future.

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Im taking a extended break from it, it was fun at first but it quickly got repetitive for me. Maybe when and if they add in heist missions ill play again. So for now, ill be playing x3 terran conflict and imagining what could have been.....*sigh*

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