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Your least favorite thing about a drawing?


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  • 3 years later...

My eyes usually gravitate to mistakes in perspective and scale. If it isn't laid out just right, it just jumps right out at me. This applies to my art as well as others'. I'm okay at getting perspective down, but I don't always get scale correct, or color values; the color values often being a big problem for me.:pout:

This doesn't mean I dislike drawings (or any form of art) that has imperfections. Sometimes imperfections make art better and add a human element to it. The well-known fact is that there is no bad art; it's all in the eye of the beholder. So I guess you could say I love 'the fact of art', mistakes included.

Edited by Dreambiscuit
  • Brohoof 1
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Drawing pose will the my number one least favorite and sometime coloring.

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I'm not sure if there's a specific name to it, but one of my worst pet peeves in drawings is realism to objects. Like, for instance, in pony drawings, when they're holding objects with their hooves, the thing is just straight up stuck to the hoof like a magnet. Or when small, simple-looking characters are wielding massive weapons that are clearly three times heavier than themselves. That kind of stuff kinda ticks me off sometimes...



^It looks awesome, but... How can she lift that?? :eww:


Edited by driz
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As Im starting to teach some people how to draw and improve on their art, I find this thread very interesting and useful, this will help me to work out what most of you are struggling on and how I can help. 

what I hate in the general art scene - hideous designs and colour clashes. The first thing you are taught at school in art is the colour wheel/chart, so you should have no excuse for horrible choices in colours for OCs.

What I hate about my own art and drawing? Backgrounds and the old fashioned hands problem. I hate working on backgrounds because I feel landscape is my worst element to draw, well tbh its more digitally colouring/painting backgrounds that I hate. My sketches and lines are fine but ugh colouring. 

What I draw that people seem to hate; the eyes through hair. Now let me make this clear as to why I do it. My strong point is expressions and I cannot make these expressions perfect if hair is blocking the face, its very important in some pieces to keep the expression the focus. If its a moody piece then yes the eyes can be covered, but everything else, I need both eyes to be visible. 



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When I usually draw, it's the proportions and poses that I find extremely frustrating to do. Backgrounds are next and finding just the right scene to fit into the subject matter is a rather lengthy process of trial and error. 

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Honestly, I strongly dislike doing the lineart because I get super impatient. Flat coloring can also be tedious, especially if I'm coloring a sketch, because I have to focus harder on staying within the sketch lines. :eww:

  • Brohoof 1
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The thing that made me quit drawing overall was that making one mistake frustrated me way too much, plus I couldn't come up with any ideas. The fact that it's so easy to make a mistake that could potentially ruin everything stresses me out the most basically.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When drawing anything I get frustrated and tend to throw many ideas away because they aren't perfect. Drawing traditionally I hate getting the graphite all over my hand, and eraser shavings EVERYWHERE! Drawing digitally it gets frustrating when things don't quite match up the way that I have it pictured in my head. and I can't tilt the computer screen very well. lol

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 1 month later...

I quit drawing because I HATED making mistakes to a point where I didn't enjoy the process at all.

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