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Your least favorite episode in season 4 right now?


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Currently my least favorite would be Power Ponies it was way to corny and kinda dumb how half the ponies got powers they could already do back in Equestia and the ending kinda just killed it for me....so power ponies currently my least favorite


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Flight to the Finish. It was still good, just not as good as every other one that's been shown so far, and looking at the lineup, every one that's coming up shortly...


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Power Ponies. One of the WORST EPISODES OF MLP EVER. Nothing this bad has been on since S3.
Practically a cheesy remake of the Justice League and Fantastic Four.

At least Spongebob's "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy V" did a DECENT job.


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I've loved them all but when push comes to shove I think I enjoyed Daring Don't the least. I'm still unsure about the decision to make Daring Do a real hero, and in general I didn't find her all that likable. Some of the things Rainbow Dash did had me scratching my head a bit, and the rest of the Mane Six were literally just there for most of the episode which was slightly disappointing.


But in the end, I still enjoyed Daring Don't quite a bit, but through process of elimination it just ends up being on the bottom of the totem pole for me. I enjoyed Princess Twilight Sparkle, Castle Mania, and Power Ponies a lot. Flight to the Finish just barely edges out DD.

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So far, my least favorite episode was Castle Maneia. The story had potential in showing Celestia and Luna's past, but the episode focused on the mane six scaring each other (except Pinkie) and the door chase scene felt like a bad imitation of Scooby-Do. The ending was very predictable for me which killed the excitement in finding out who was the pony behind all the castle mysteries.

Edited by Moonlight Magician
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Daring Don't exhibited a little too much fanservice for me, plus the early interactions between Daring and Rainbow were downright cringeworthy. Overall it the story just seemed a little to unrealistic and- oh what the hell, I'm talking about a show featuring technicolor talking ponies.

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Daring Don't. Rainbow Dash was too much of a fangirl, the pacing felt off to me, and making Daring Do a real character was predictable and possibly undermined the whole message of Read it and Weep.

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Power Ponies. Its hard to buy that whole enchanted comic book store thing, and the episode felt a bit rushed to me. I hate Flutterhulk too, but thats probably more of a personal thing. It was enjoyable to watch, and I'm glad Spike sort of got what he deserved for a while now, but I still think that its the weakest episode so far.

  • Brohoof 1


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Daring Don't is probably my best bet so far. This whole Episode was extremely predictable from start to finish, the only thing I'd have expected though was this to be some Dream Scenario for Rainbow Dash since the other ponies just seemed a little off in my opinion. And obviously they watch Daring fight those three guys while Twilight could've gotten rid of them all by herself... Oh well, at least it had it's funny moments aka 492304__safe_solo_rainbow+dash_animated_


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So far, my least favorite episode was Castle Maneia. The story had potential in showing Celestia and Luna's past, but the episode focused on the mane six scaring each other (except Pinkie) and the door chase scene felt like a bad imitation of Scooby-Do. The ending was very predictable for me which killed the excitement in finding out who was the pony behind all the castle mysteries.

i agreed with all of this,  


but were you really shocked it was pinkie pie?  I mean up until the last second?


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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i agreed with all of this,


but were you really shocked it was pinkie pie? I mean up until the last second?

I wasn't really shocked in finding out it was Pinkie. I mean she was the only pony that wasn't in the castle along with the other mane six ponies until they reveal her at the end.

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Even though Daring Don't was a lot of fun, it's still the weak link in an otherwise amazing beginning set of episodes for the season.


The fact that Daring Do, Ahuizotl, and all of these adventures have been real the whole time - and yet somehow completely kept secret to the entire world - really tests my willing suspension of disbelief. I feel like Daring Do is much better as a fictional character, but eh, what's done is done.

Edited by Dr. Mechano



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I'm expecting people to edit this after the marry weather episode debues.

Honestly, aside from Mare-Do-Well (which was her first episode on the show), I've actually enjoyed most of her episodes. Hearth's Warming Eve and Putting Your Hoof Down were both quite enjoyable in my opinion.

Edited by Dr. Mechano
  • Brohoof 1



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Haven't disliked a single episode yet. I would probably say my least favorite though was "Daring Don't".

I dunno... it was good but I just liked the other episodes so far better.

I honestly think it would have been more effective with just having Rainbow and Twilight in the second half and maybe Pinkie would tag along..


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Everyone will probably hate me for this but power ponies... I thought it was good but... I think it had so much more potential... I think least favourite sounds a bit condemning... Maybe... A better way of putting it would be the one I expected more from...


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Personally in a lot of ways

I still can not like Pinkie Pie at all

and such.  Evan with this new season

and such,  she just comes off

as a flake to me  a bit to much to 

really like or relate too at all.


(Sig made by Me)

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  • 4 weeks later...

You're seriously gonna make me choose? lol


Eps I didn't care for this season... Castlemane-ia, Daring Don't, Power Ponies, Bats! and Pinkie Apple Pie. That's, like, half of them. That's not a good sign.




Castlemane-ia just really fell flat. I can't even remember most of it. There wasn't really anything that even happened, here. It's basically just a bunch of antics going on devoid of any real plot. There are these sub-stories going on, of course. But are any of them really that important? Do we really care about any of them? Maybe if each was treated as its own episode, they'd be noteworthy events. However, it just felt like 22 minutes of a whole lot of nothing going on.



Daring Don't


Daring Don't just blows my mind. And when I say "blows my mind," I mean it made my head explode from all the shouldn't. I'm sorry. Having Daring Do be a real person pony is such a fucking stupid idea. If you found out any characters in books/movies/TV shows you liked were real, wouldn't that just ruin them for you? Characters are created with a lot in mind. The surroundings, what they're conveying to the consumer and how they interact with other characters. Characters are created as good or evil for a reason and so on. So if you question a character's intentions, often you can find reasons for them within the story. However, real people need real reasons for the things that they do. So if a character does something you disagree with, you can still respect them for their depth as a character as well as a point of possible advancement for the story. If someone in real life does something you disagree with, it's much harder to respect them, depending on what they did. For example, people can like Lord Voldemort as a character because he's the one implementing almost all the conflict within the Harry Potter series. If he were a real person, though, I don't think anybody would like him in the slightest. And I know Daring Do is the hero and not the villain, but to me, it'd make it all the harder to like her as a person if there were parts in the story I didn't care for. And what was the reason for this? I can see no reason for Daring Do to be a real character. This just totally rubs me the wrong way. But beyond that, it paints Rainbow as a total bumbling dope, which, if there's anywhere she should excel, it should be in the plot of an adventure story! I hate this ep. But being called "Daring Don't," at least the episode is self-aware  >_>



Power Ponies


Maybe it's because I've never been a DC/Marvel style superhero comic fan, but I really didn't care for the ep Power Ponies. This is another one that falls really flat for me. And yet another one that just makes me say "Why was this necessary?" This all happens in a fantasy realm, so the outcomes of this episode don't affect the story one way or another. It's a pointless episode. And I'm really not liking this whole thing that seems to be happening in season 4 of them getting thrown into situations that aren't part of the real world. It makes it difficult to take the show seriously when it breaks the order of the world as we've come to know it or when they're part of these situations that don't matter at all within the real world. Was it cool to see the comic book references? Maybe for comic fans. That doesn't make the episode good. Aside from that, I didn't like the whole shitting all over Spike thing. We've already established that Spike is helpful and the mane 6 do appreciate him. Seeing him help out Twilight countless times and in eps such as Owl's Well that Ends Well and Just for Sidekicks, while he does mess up in both those eps, it does demonstrate the ways in which Spike is helpful to the mane 6 and how they value him as a friend. In this episode, however, he's just treated like a bumbling fool, which I don't think is part of Spike's character at all. It's true that he's often use to a comedic end, but that doesn't mean that that's his only role, nor does that mean he's not important. I just didn't like the way Spike was portrayed in this ep.





Bats! was an episode that made me realize how unimportant Twilicorn is. It's never made completely clear what Twilight is the princess of, but being that she attained her princess status through learning about friendship and mastering the magic within it, I think it can be assumed (and has been by many) that Twilight is the princess of friendship. Given that, you'd think Twilight would defend Fluttershy. Y'know, her friend? Not that she necessarily should have sided with her, but even saying that she has a point and should be heard out woulda been better. I know that many people didn't want Twilight to change, and the puts a lot of pressure on the creators of what to change about her. But YouTuber Tommy Oliver brought this point up, which I think makes a lot of sense: if it had been Princess Celestia or Luna or Cadance who acted this way, would that have been okay? No. It would have been weird and out of character. And while Twilight should still be herself, I think she should act at least a little more like the other princesses. She doesn't have to give off any kind of regal air or anything, but in the way that Celestia or Cadance would, Twilight should be more willing to give everyone a fair shake. Especially if this is supposed to be her area of expertise. She should know how friends should communicate effectively and be more willing to offer solutions to their conflicts, not join in on her friends' bad behavior. Also, even though people like the song, it didn't stand out to me in the least. Honestly, it was a bit boring. In fact, the whole episode was rather boring.



Pinkie Apple Pie


What? Huh? What? Agh, what? Pinkie Pie is distantly related to the Apple Family? Oh, noooo... That's, noooo...

</egoraptor reference>

Seriously, this sounds like a bad fan fiction. Actually, a lot of season 4 eps sound like really bad fan fiction, now that I think of it. I mean, I guess I can get behind the moral, which is that friends can still be considered family even if you're not related by blood, but wasn't that already covered in The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000? Though briefly, it didn't mess with the viewers' conceptions of the series. On top of that, I mentioned this in a previous topic, but how far apart from someone can you be and still be related. Someone on the forums commented saying that the description used in the episode isn't a possible relation. However, we can assume that they're separated several generations back, given the way it's described. In other words, pretty far apart. In the US, we allow people who are third cousins or more distantly-related relatives to marry. This is because you share less than 1% of DNA with your third cousins. I don't know if, legally, that means you're no longer related, but given the state's take on this, it shows that even if you are, it doesn't really matter. So the further removed you are, the less it matters. It's not as if Pinkie Pie and Apple Jack are long-lost sisters. And I'm not suggesting they should be. That would be a far, far worse move for the show. However, if that were the case, it would be the kind of moment that would blow the minds of the characters. Being way, way distantly related to someone is a cool fact, but it's not the kind of thing that's like, zomg, sisters forevarz!! (Despite what Pinkie Pie says in the ep.) It just seems like they're making a huge deal out of nothing. I think the song is kinda lame, too. I'm getting a little tired of these punny songs that seem to be cropping up in season 4 (such as this one and Hearts as Strong as Horses, also a boring, forgettable song.) However, the deal breaker for me is that the truth is left undiscovered. I think the moral for this ep, that friends can still be just like family despite there being no blood ties, would be stronger if it was discovered that Pinkie Pie actually wasn't related to the Apples, but they still consider her just as close as family. The other part that bothers me about this, thinking back to season 3, is that in the finale, Pinkie Pie gets stuck with Apple Jack's cutie mark. It always bothered me that Pinkie Pie grew up on a rock farm, and yet, completely and utterly sucks at farming. But this is the final nail in the coffin. Farm experience and Apple blood, and she still can't get her shit together on Sweet Apple Acres? I know it's a little thing, but it bugs me nonetheless.



So which do I like the least. I think I'll order these five 1-5, 5 being the least bad and 1 being the worst.




5. Pinkie Apple Pie

While I don't like the idea of Pinkie being related to the Apples, this was a pretty fun episode. And one of the more memorable ones. At least I can actually remember what happened, which is more than can be said for other episodes. It was colorful and just kind of a trip (no pun intended.) So while I don't like a lot about this episode, I think I like it a little, at the least.


4. Bats!

Even though everyone kinda gangs up on Fluttershy, this definitely left an impression. It's definitely not my favorite, despite being centered around Fluttershy, but there were some interesting parts about this episode.


3. Castlemane-ia

Boring, forgettable and unimportant. 2/10, would not bang.


2. Power Ponies

I don't like the other-world crap and the fact that it is in another world brings the stakes down to 0, making it impossible for me to get invested.


1. Daring Don't

Title explains it all. There's a reason our fantasies don't come to life. Worst episode of season 4 and probably the worst of FiM altogether. It just sucks.



maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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Least favourite episode(s) this season? Flight to the Finish or Castle Mane-ia. For me it didn't really seem like anything happened in those episodes.

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