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Follow up to my recent experiment titled “Hot Horse”

Sholem Itzhak

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In one of my recent postings (http://mlpforums.com/topic/81693-hot-horse/), I decided to do an experiment where everybody listed their initial thoughts to the title of the thread (“Hot Horse”). Some of you wondered why I decided to try such an experiment. Before I go on, let me state I have written this response very carefully and have done my best to be considerate of everyone’s feelings as I want to do my best not to upset nor provoke anyone. I will now reveal my intensions.


First I would like to point out that “Hot Horse” is an equestrian term that means a horse that is overly excited or energetic, and/or easily spooked or shy at strange objects.  If a horse is too “hot”, people will usually want to clam that horse down. Let me also remark that of all the participants who posted in my experiment, only one participant pointed this out.


Anyway, what inspired me to try that experiment was this Topic on the Show Discussion (http://mlpforums.com/topic/81581-did-the-writers-just-give-us-the-first-rainbow-dash-likes-girls-implication/). This topic basically talks about a scene in “Daring Don’t” where Daring Do jokingly stated that she wasn’t giving up the ring easily and Rainbow Dash watching from afar reacts to Daring Do’s joke/comeback by making a unique sort of face, and it sees to ask the participants (at least that’s how I interpret the somewhat “cryptically written” intro of the topic) if they agree that Rainbow Dash’s reaction was meant to signify that she had developed (not necessarily at that moment) a “serious” interest in Daring Do other mares (a “serious” interest like that a mare would normally have in stallions).


Now make no mistake; I’m not implying that homosexuality is wrong (and I basically don’t think it’s wrong at all), nor am I implying that it’s wrong to talk about homosexuality or sex in general (as long as the conversation is responsible, intelligent, clam, open and mature about it). I’m also not implying that it’s wrong for people to give their opinion on something (freedom of speech is very important, even though we do need to be responsible and considerate of others as to how we use our freedoms including that of speech). My main concern is what I’ll right now call people’s “initial thoughts” of something (or the first thoughts or feelings of something that come to mind when that something is introduced to one’s stimuli, such as an image or sound).


Now go to my experiment and take a brief look at what everybody wrote in response to seeing the phrase “Hot Horse”, and you’ll notice that a significant amount (though not all) of participants interpreted the word “Hot” in the sense meaning arousing, sexy and/or attractive. I find this very much related to how someone could interpret the face Rainbow Dash makes as her having a “serious” interest in Daring Do other mares (like that a mare would normally have in stallions).


Do you ever sometimes wonder if some people (particularly those of Gen X and Gen Y, at least as far as I’m concerned) are expressing too many “immature”/”dirty” thoughts and/or feelings about certain things (as opposed to more “clean” thoughts)? Again, I don’t think it’s wrong for people to be homosexual (and I don’t think it’s something that’s “dirty”), and I don’t think it’s wrong to talk about homosexuality or sex in general (as long as the conversation is responsible, intelligent, clam, open and mature about it); however, I’m certain at least some of you would agree that taking an image (such as the face Rainbow Dash makes in “Daring Don’t”) that isn’t supposed to imply something sensitive and connecting it to something suggestive on purpose (as opposed to “intrusively”) is rather “immature”.


As per another point regarding this topic about the face Rainbow Dash makes, you could also think about the lesson of the MLP:FiM episode, “Party Of One”. Remember when Pinkie Pie learned you should always expect the best from your friends (after Pinkie Pie expected something bad from her friends)? While it is natural that people will have all sorts of thoughts on something such as the Rainbow Dash makes in “Daring Don’t” (including thoughts that imply something means something suggestive), whenever we see something new or unusual, we should try our best to interpret it as something happy, normal or innocent (instead of something suggestive).

  • Brohoof 1
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I actually partook in this topic, I think first. And my initial reaction was food, considering that it was some kind of "Hot" dog or sausage sizzle but in horse edition, considering that Horse meat is eaten in the world. 

Though I am proud that someone did create an experiment, and that you did post your findings here. I believe my reaction was food oriented due to the fact that I'm usually hungry, and that my knowledge of horse meat influenced my reaction greatly. 


But I understand you and appreciate your topic now, as I have in fact learned something about what Hot Horse means. But I do agree to you about how the youth of today is less mature, taking innocent things very dirty or using terms incorrectly, like the use of gay or retard and such. It is alright to use these terms, but only in the correct situation, and the youth, as well as some oldies, do take it far.

I agree with you and your findings with people being generally dirty minded when things are innocent or playful.

Like with Rainbow dash's face, it seems to be actually a face that was created because of the joke that Daring Do made, innocent enough as I am sure that many of us have made the same face when our friends make a joke at someone and your in on it or listening in.  

  • Brohoof 1
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There were people who interpreted that as... her being a lesbian? O_O Well, I shouldn't be surprised. It's the internet, after all. 


Anyways, I didn't take part in the experiment. Mostly because I had no idea what reason it was being done for (I thought you were just some random troll, to be honest :P), and honestly, I lost all interest in the topic once I found out it wasn't something controversial. But I can still post my two cents here.


Honestly, I don't think that "hot horse" can be compared to the face Rainbow Dash made and that this experiment doesn't make much sense. The word "hot" is generally used in slang to imply that something is attractive, especially on the internet. It has many different meanings. And most people here don't have an Equestrian background, so they wouldn't know the original meaning. (I certainly wouldn't.)


Then there's this: what context WOULD the word "hot" make sense with the word "horse"? The temperature kind? But then, why would you be talking about a horse's temperature on an MLP forum? That seems like a rather boring topic. And thus, the thought process goes to the attractive context of the word, due to most peoples' knowledge of cloppers in the fandom. 


That was my mindset when I first saw it, and I'm sure a lot of others' as well. It doesn't make you some pervert who is constantly trying to see something suggestive in something else. Now, if you had tried a different set of words, one that were less... obvious, then the experiment might be considered valid to me. But with all of this evidence, I just can't see it as proving anything other than people know what yet another meaning of the word "hot" is. That's like making a topic called "Gay Horse" and expecting people to think it means "happy, jolly" as in its older context when most people would think of homosexuality because that's how it's used these days, then labeling them as immature for doing so.


Now, finding some perverted intention in Rainbow Dash's face isn't much of a stretch either, to be honest. It just looks that way, like a sort of "wink wink, nudge nudge" suggestiveness. And I kind of have the feeling part of the reason the animators put it in was specifically so the older fans could laugh. That's fine, and that makes sense. Much like one of the commonly used meanings of the word "hot," that face is what we recognize as a certain type of mischievousness due to the nature of human body language. 


It does, however, become a stretch when you think that Rainbow Dash is a lesbian. At that point though, I think it's less of people being immature and more of just seeing what they want to see. This fandom holds MANY shippers, and a wide variety of people think Rainbow Dash is a lesbian anyway. They just implanted their previous thoughts into it, that's all. It just means they like to overanalyze. A lot of people do that here on a variety of different topics. 


Then, to a final point: Is it immature to see suggestive/sexual things in normal things? That depends on your opinion. Mine? No. It's just considered commonly as immature in our society due to the vast stigma sex still has behind it, and because it's mostly a younger generation who do it.


Why is it a younger generation though? It's because as time has gone on, people have become more and more open about sex. The younger generations don't care as much as the older ones, and just make jokes and such out of it. This to me isn't a bad thing. I think making people more open to merely speaking of a perfectly natural act is a good thing. It just means we're all less high strung about something that we, in my opinion, shouldn't be high strung about at all.


Basically, my opinion summed up: Let people interpret things however they wish. Just because it's suggestive/sexual, doesn't make it any lesser than anything else, doesn't make it any less happy, healthy, or innocent. If I wanna see a phallic symbol in a pencil, let me. It doesn't hurt anyone in the slightest, and it brings more laughter and humor into the world if me and my "immature" buddies wanna giggle about it. The only time I think it's wrong is if you keep shoving it in the face of someone who doesn't want hear/see it. Then you should keep it to yourself in their presence. 

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
  • Brohoof 5

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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I kind of saw the bait, it was kind of obvious thats the kind of response the question was supposed to get. Now that you mention it though I have heard the word hot used to imply someone having a somewhat excited or unstable personality.

Edited by Malinter


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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There were people who interpreted that as... her being a lesbian? O_O Well, I shouldn't be surprised. It's the internet, after all. 


Anyways, I didn't take part in the experiment. Mostly because I had no idea what reason it was being done for (I thought you were just some random troll, to be honest :P), and honestly, I lost all interest in the topic once I found out it wasn't something controversial. But I can still post my two cents here.


Honestly, I don't think that "hot horse" can be compared to the face Rainbow Dash made and that this experiment doesn't make much sense. The word "hot" is generally used in slang to imply that something is attractive, especially on the internet. It has many different meanings. And most people here don't have an Equestrian background, so they wouldn't know the original meaning. (I certainly wouldn't.)


Then there's this: what context WOULD the word "hot" make sense with the word "horse"? The temperature kind? But then, why would you be talking about a horse's temperature on an MLP forum? That seems like a rather boring topic. And thus, the thought process goes to the attractive context of the word, due to most peoples' knowledge of cloppers in the fandom. 


That was my mindset when I first saw it, and I'm sure a lot of others' as well. It doesn't make you some pervert who is constantly trying to see something suggestive in something else. Now, if you had tried a different set of words, one that were less... obvious, then the experiment might be considered valid to me. But with all of this evidence, I just can't see it as proving anything other than people know what yet another meaning of the word "hot" is. That's like making a topic called "Gay Horse" and expecting people to think it means "happy, jolly" as in its older context when most people would think of homosexuality because that's how it's used these days, then labeling them as immature for doing so.


Now, finding some perverted intention in Rainbow Dash's face isn't much of a stretch either, to be honest. It just looks that way, like a sort of "wink wink, nudge nudge" suggestiveness. And I kind of have the feeling part of the reason the animators put it in was specifically so the older fans could laugh. That's fine, and that makes sense. Much like one of the commonly used meanings of the word "hot," that face is what we recognize as a certain type of mischievousness due to the nature of human body language. 


It does, however, become a stretch when you think that Rainbow Dash is a lesbian. At that point though, I think it's less of people being immature and more of just seeing what they want to see. This fandom holds MANY shippers, and a wide variety of people think Rainbow Dash is a lesbian anyway. They just implanted their previous thoughts into it, that's all. It just means they like to overanalyze. A lot of people do that here on a variety of different topics. 


Then, to a final point: Is it immature to see suggestive/sexual things in normal things? That depends on your opinion. Mine? No. It's just considered commonly as immature in our society due to the vast stigma sex still has behind it, and because it's mostly a younger generation who do it.


Why is it a younger generation though? It's because as time has gone on, people have become more and more open about sex. The younger generations don't care as much as the older ones, and just make jokes and such out of it. This to me isn't a bad thing. I think making people more open to merely speaking of a perfectly natural act is a good thing. It just means we're all less high strung about something that we, in my opinion, shouldn't be high strung about at all.


Basically, my opinion summed up: Let people interpret things however they wish. Just because it's suggestive/sexual, doesn't make it any lesser than anything else, doesn't make it any less happy, healthy, or innocent. If I wanna see a phallic symbol in a pencil, let me. It doesn't hurt anyone in the slightest, and it brings more laughter and humor into the world if me and my "immature" buddies wanna giggle about it. The only time I think it's wrong is if you keep shoving it in the face of someone who doesn't want hear/see it. Then you should keep it to yourself in their presence. 

Ok... In the first place, I was not implying that the phrase "hot horse" and the face Rainbow Dash makes are themselves similar (these are 2 completely different things); what I was implying was similar were people's "initial thoughts" on the phrase "hot horse" and people's "initial thoughts" on the face Rainbow Dash makes.


I guess you could say the purpose of my experiment was to get people to take a close look at themselves. I knew that not a lot of people were familiar with the phrase "Hot Horse" (I myself only learned it recently, quite on accident in fact) and many would tend to interpret "hot" in the sense meaning arousing, sexy and/or attractive (that was part of the whole idea); the idea was to surprise the participants with the equestrian meaning of the phrase "Hot Horse". With that surprise, people would become more subconsciously aware that "hot" (particularly when used in the title of an online forum topic) doesn't necessarily just mean arousing, sexy and/or attractive, and furthermore would also become more subconsciously aware that an unusual elements such as the face Rainbow Dash makes are not necessarily innuendos that imply something "suggestive" or sensitive.


I guess what I’m trying to encourage of everybody (and “every-pony”) is to look for (and share) the best in things first.


By the way, not trying to be too nosy or anything like that, but how specifically do you find it unsurprising that people are interpreting Rainbow Dash as homosexual because the discussions take place on the Internet? Is it because you see that the Internet is used by many different people with many different backgrounds and the Internet can be used in all sorts of ways? Or, is it because you see that people tend to use the internet by following the trends of “Internet Culture” (which understandably should include questioning something as homosexual)? I do certainly hope it’s the former (as opposed to the latter). I’m not saying people shouldn’t use the Internet to discuss whether someone is homosexual or not (that is one of many ways people can use the Internet); but I just want to make sure you understand that there’s way more to the Internet and using it than what traditional “Internet Culture” makes it out to be (it’s because the Internet is made of so many different kinds of interconnected devices and so many different people with different backgrounds and personalities that there are many ways we might never think of that it can be used).


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Ok... In the first place, I was not implying that the phrase "hot horse" and the face Rainbow Dash makes are themselves similar (these are 2 completely different things); what I was implying was similar were people's "initial thoughts" on the phrase "hot horse" and people's "initial thoughts" on the face Rainbow Dash makes.


I guess you could say the purpose of my experiment was to get people to take a close look at themselves. I knew that not a lot of people were familiar with the phrase "Hot Horse" (I myself only learned it recently, quite on accident in fact) and many would tend to interpret "hot" in the sense meaning arousing, sexy and/or attractive (that was part of the whole idea); the idea was to surprise the participants with the equestrian meaning of the phrase "Hot Horse". With that surprise, people would become more subconsciously aware that "hot" (particularly when used in the title of an online forum topic) doesn't necessarily just mean arousing, sexy and/or attractive, and furthermore would also become more subconsciously aware that an unusual elements such as the face Rainbow Dash makes are not necessarily innuendos that imply something "suggestive" or sensitive.

Yeah, I knew that. I think you're kinda misunderstanding what I was getting at. I was saying that you were making a comparison between the two, which kind of implies that they're similar anyway. You're using one of them to prove a point in the other. Sorry if I worded that incorrectly, I wasn't sure how to put it into words at the time.


But anyway, the reason it doesn't hold much water is because Hot Horse is easier to interpret in a suggestive context than Rainbow Dash's face (man, I feel so silly just saying that. XD All this about a stupid ol' face) during that scene where Daring Do made a silly joke. Everyone knows the two commonly used meanings of hot. That face, on the other hand, can be interpreted in a variety of different ways. Suggestive or no. Because it's a face, not a word with very specific meanings attributed to it. Though I did say it has characteristics of suggestive faces, it could also just be a troll face. Therefore, because a face is more abstract to interpret unlike a word which has a list of very specific meanings assigned to it, it falls through. It would've been better if you had used an image to see what reactions it elicited. 


Then there's also this fact which I previously said: many people who saw it as being like a lesbian already WANTED to see that. They wanted that to happen regardless of context, and probably saw many other Rainbow Dash moments as her being gay. Overanalyzers. Those are those shipper people, and they aren't really going to take a good close look at themselves, because there's not really anything wrong there. (Even if I disagree and think it's stupid myself) They're just gonna keep doing what they're doing, because it's fun. That's really all it boils down to. 




I guess what I’m trying to encourage of everybody (and “every-pony”) is to look for (and share) the best in things first.

Yeah, I got that meaning. As I said previously, suggestive/sexual isn't inherently a bad thing. Everyone interprets things differently, and all interpretations are fair game. It doesn't hurt anyone and isn't malicious in any way, so it really isn't one of the "worst" things you could interpret. If you don't want to see that, I'd honestly recommend avoiding certain parts of the internet all together, You see a thread about it? Just close it out, leave it be. If they're posting it in a public place. If it's just your friends and stuff, then tell them to tone it down and that you don't like that sort of thing. 




By the way, not trying to be too nosy or anything like that, but how specifically do you find it unsurprising that people are interpreting Rainbow Dash as homosexual because the discussions take place on the Internet? Is it because you see that the Internet is used by many different people with many different backgrounds and the Internet can be used in all sorts of ways? Or, is it because you see that people tend to use the internet by following the trends of “Internet Culture” (which understandably should include questioning something as homosexual)? I do certainly hope it’s the former (as opposed to the latter). I’m not saying people shouldn’t use the Internet to discuss whether someone is homosexual or not (that is one of many ways people can use the Internet); but I just want to make sure you understand that there’s way more to the Internet and using it than what traditional “Internet Culture” makes it out to be (it’s because the Internet is made of so many different kinds of interconnected devices and so many different people with different backgrounds and personalities that there are many ways we might never think of that it can be used).

I already understand there's many ways to use the internet than just "Internet Culture." In fact, I use the internet in ways that don't involve it. And honestly, I'm not fond of "Internet Culture" myself. It might be annoying, I'll admit that I don't take stock in that theory. But this is a beautiful world, as you posted out there. Full of many different kinds of people. And suggestive/sexual interpretations like that will always be a part of it, whether or not you like it. Just as many other things I dislike will. (Like memes. >_>) Particularly here on the internet.


Now, why? Because Internet Culture AND Brony Culture. I've been to a few places, and I've seen that people on the internet are kind of insane. Particularly bronies who like to overblow every little thing they see on the show, like background characters. (Lyra, Octavia, etc.) It's really the same thing. Just overanalyzing. I don't understand WHY they do it. They just do. And that's all I need to know to accept it.


It'd be nice if people stopped overanalyzing everything in a little girl's show, at least to me. Seeing all these silly pervy things that probably aren't there. But it's their interpretation, and you can criticize it all you want, but that's the way they're probably gonna think of it always regardless of what is done or said. I understand what you're trying to do, and I know what your intentions are, even if the execution of your experiment was in my opinion a bit flawed. But all I'm saying is this: Culture is culture, a crazy uncontrollable beast that changes by itself. Some things in it are harmful and need to be changed (for instance, the lingering double standard between male and female), and other things are so relatively minor and don't hurt anyone even if we don't like them, and those are the things that should be left alone. The sooner that's accepted, the sooner one can have a much easier, carefree life.


Anyways, that's about all I'm gonna give you here man. If I respond any more, I'll just most likely be going around in circles. I've fully made all the points I have to make. Whether or not you agree with them, that's up to you. I don't mind either way. So yeah, there you go.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Immaturity is one reason why i am rather picky about which threads I participate in, and I agree wholeheartedly that the youth of today is more immature than the youth of the past was like. But do keep in mind, a person doesn't really start to fully mature until they are at least 21 (I read this somewhere in a medical magazine), and you should also keep in mind that the media plays a big role in influencing the youth, and yes in some cases, the parents have no control what so ever over their children, and so they allow them to watch, read, look at and listen to what ever they want....


Does this make any sense?


Also, i saw the previous topic, but didn't really pay any mind to it, i initially thought it was something silly, like most threads on here, but now I read this one, i can appreciate what you were trying to do.

Edited by Blue Blur


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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I must admit... I participated in that thread, and I posted that the first thing that came to mind was some sort of borderline NSFW fan art. I also must admit that I was pretty excited for some hardcore reporting, and I got let down. :P

Now, as for the reason I thought of that first.

I honestly can say that my mind has above average dirtiness. I guess that could be considered abnormal for a 13 year old girl, but I did grow up with two older brothers, so it's really a matter of influence. Not that I find 'dirty jokes' entertaining or funny, I just heard every single one. I just know about them, and being surrounded by immaturity so constantly just kinda made it natural for me. I kinda can't help but think of those things now. :lol:

Additionally, I'd like to add in defence of others on the dirty minded team that when you're on the internet, the chance of dirty stuff is tripled. All bronies being aware of cloppers and whatnot, it couldn't be considered too much of a surprise if there was clop here. Actually, it's almost expected that we're gonna see some clop. If you had said "Hot Lizard" not nearly as many people would have thought something dirty. However, since this is a brony site, "Hot Horse" would naturally have a different affect.

And, not that I don't trust you guys, but I bet dollars to donuts that at least a third of you didn't say what you actually thought of first. :P

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Honestly, I did think borderline NSFW art. It wouldn't make sense if the original post was about an Equine with a high temperature, so my mind drifted to something that made more sense in the context fop this community.  

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I have a problem with this idea that being sexually-minded is "immature" or "unclean". I'm what people would call an ethical slut and I approach sexuality with a fun, open-minded yet respectful attitude. Sure, I'll frequently make dirty jokes, but it's never done seriously. I don't interpret those screencaps from the show as anything more than "innocent" (I really hate that word in the context of sexuality. It implies that sex is "guilty").

Believe me I'm just as likely to roll my eyes and scoff at horny teenager going heuaheuheu at the mention of anything sexual, and I don't take kindly to being lumped in the same category as them.

My point is, maturity and perviness aren't mutually exclusive. I've seen incredibly mature and well-adjusted discussions on fetish-oriented forums, and I've seen lots and lots of emotionally immature prudes who go apeshit at the first sign of anything kinky.


From the outset, most people who read my posts might maistake me for a goofy, immature pervert, but I read a lot of serious information about sexology as well and have a lot of resect for the subject. I probably have a better understanding of sex than most "mature" people, even with my lack of practical experience.

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I have a problem with this idea that being sexually-minded is "immature" or "unclean". I'm what people would call an ethical slut and I approach sexuality with a fun, open-minded yet respectful attitude. Sure, I'll frequently make dirty jokes, but it's never done seriously. I don't interpret those screencaps from the show as anything more than "innocent" (I really hate that word in the context of sexuality. It implies that sex is "guilty").

Believe me I'm just as likely to roll my eyes and scoff at horny teenager going heuaheuheu at the mention of anything sexual, and I don't take kindly to being lumped in the same category as them.

My point is, maturity and perviness aren't mutually exclusive. I've seen incredibly mature and well-adjusted discussions on fetish-oriented forums, and I've seen lots and lots of emotionally immature prudes who go apeshit at the first sign of anything kinky.


From the outset, most people who read my posts might maistake me for a goofy, immature pervert, but I read a lot of serious information about sexology as well and have a lot of resect for the subject. I probably have a better understanding of sex than most "mature" people, even with my lack of practical experience.

From what you've said, it seems like you thought I was implying that all thoughts of and the exploration of sex are wrong; but I wasn't saying that at all. In fact, I do agree that being open about one's reproductive systems and functions (including "exercise") is not only natural, but important to one's physical and mental health (although I will admit that it did take me years to realize this with the help of a therapist), I believe many doctors say this too. Personally I just like being delicate about it as sex is a sensitive subject like the subject of 'going to bathroom' (and I do think that it is natural for people to be sensitive to the subject of sex and that people should be open about in a soft and delicate matter).


Anyway, what I was implying is that it's immature to take innocent/clean images (like the face Rainbow Dash makes, which could interpreted in multiple ways) and "dirty them up" before everyone else who would be uncomfortable thinking such possibilities (it's very hard to describe, and that's the best I can do). Take for example a comedy E-mail my father once got and shared with me (that I didn't like); the E-mail basically claimed that the width between the 2 rails on a train track were inspired by the width of a horse's rear end as horses were used to pull cars on tracks and they wanted a horse to fit in-between the rails, and the E-mail put extra emphasis on the horse's "a[fifty five]" as inspiration for the width between the 2 rails on a train track in an obvious attempt to induce what I'll call "dirty laughter" (a laughter I believe in unhealthy, unlike other "happy" forms of laughter). The claim itself (whether it's true or not; although I believe it makes a lot of sense and that it is true, and I do find it interesting that train tracks were made to fit horses inbetween them) isn't what's immature; what is immature is placing the extra emphasis on the factors that can be magnified into something one would usually find sensitive and inducing "dirty laughter" from it.


I'll also say this: I have Aspergers syndrome, and it's very hard for me to describe my feelings; so this is the best I can do, for now (sometimes, I'll learn new words and phrases that match my thoughts and feelings I can't find the words for on my own).


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