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Keys and Rainbow items

Winona the Dog

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After seeing Rarity takes Manehattan; I have formulated a theory about how and when the keys to the box we've seen in the premiere will appear,

Since there are six locks on the box, each character is going to have to relearn or revise their element of harmony in order for the key to not exactly appear, but be able to be accessed.  And they'll each get a rainbow item that represents this. As we all know Rarity obtained a rainbow like thread by the end of her episode. It flashes just as Rarity did in her vision and based on Meghan's Tweets it's no doubt that it'st her key unless Meghan's trolling us.  That moment when Rarity looked at the empty seats and the ribbon in front of that shimmered rainbow, as did her eyes, that's that moment of when she relearns her element or whatever. I believe this will eventually happen to each of the mane 6,


So what do you guys think?

Edited by Tyler Blu Gunderson
  • Brohoof 8
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I have seen comments on the HD video of the episode (which I am surprised it's on YT), that the thread must mean something and that it may be Rarity's key. This confuses me that they are just now representing this possibility, because Flutterba- I mean FlutterSHY, already had her own episode with nothing like this presented to the audience but a questioning ending. 

I feel as though these endings to all the episodes given to us audience by far, is leading up to something more. Like the ending of the third episode with the eyes, Fluttershy's fangs, the rainbow thread...what could this all be leading up to exactly? Guys, to be quite frank, there is something more dangerous than the Everfree going awry...I can't wait to find out!

  • Brohoof 1

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I think it definitely ties into my theory.  My guess is that this season, the characters are going to have their elements tested or challenged in some way, and based on some of the future episode descriptions I've read, these "challenges" could be explored in the show. 


However your idea about the rainbow shimmer and the reflection in her eyes is something that I hadn't considered, and makes a lot of sense.

  • Brohoof 2


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My guess on the keys to the box is, that the characters are going to relive their journey on why they are the sole physical representation of their element in the first place. I think of it as current challenges that they had to conquer in the past, but they're still trying to resolve the challenge to move forward. Think of it as an obstacle that they have to overcome to develop.

  • Brohoof 1
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it's gonna depend on the episode, who's theme will revolve around certain elements. I have no doubt that the spool in Rarity Takes Manehatten will be the key for generosity, and I have a feeling we'll see another key in "Rainbow Falls"

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And this would actually explain the lack of subtlety of this episode about the :(yelling) " Rarity is generous, that's her element !!!!!!!!! "

Or maybe it's only because Dave isn't really subtle in his episodes :okiedokielokie:


Anyway I don't think this is actually Rarity's key because this would be too much subtlety following too few subtlety

But it will be obviously something that will help Rarity to have her key

Edited by Theo
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Rainbow may have already found her Key in daring don't although they didn't make it as obvious as rarity's she given a book with her and Daring do on the cover could this also be a key.She felt her adorartion/loyalty to Daring do cost her dearly than realised that, that is who she is 


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And this would actually explain the lack of subtlety of this episode about the :(yelling) " Rarity is generous, that's her element !!!!!!!!! "

Or maybe it's only because Dave isn't really subtle in his episodes :okiedokielokie:


Anyway I don't think this is actually Rarity's key because this would be too much subtlety following too few subtlety

But it will be obviously something that will help Rarity to have her key

I don't understand. Why would Rarity EVER be subtle? ;) 

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After seeing Rarity takes Manehattan; I have formulated a theory about how and when the keys to the box we've seen in the premiere will appear,


Since there are six locks on the box, each character is going to have to relearn or revise their element of harmony in order for the key to not exactly appear, but be able to be accessed.  And they'll each get a rainbow item that represents this. As we all know Rarity obtained a rainbow like thread by the end of her episode. It flashes just as Rarity did in her vision and based on Meghan's Tweets it's no doubt that it'st her key unless Meghan's trolling us.  That moment when Rarity looked at the empty seats and the ribbon in front of that shimmered rainbow, as did her eyes, that's that moment of when she relearns her element or whatever. I believe this will eventually happen to each of the mane 6,


So what do you guys think?

I actually heard someone say that the spool could be the key itself. But I could see it was a way to access the key rather than it being the key itself, so your theory's just as, if not more, likely.

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I really like this theory.

I think the shimmering colors are our clue to the keys to the box.
If you notice, the colors aren't of the rainbow, but the coat colors of the Mane 6.
They also appear in the second episode of the season when Twilight banishes the roots of the Everfree forest, and they also appear around the box itself.


This is shaping up to be a pretty exciting season. :D

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lol I've been reading this all over youtube and such. It seems most of us can come to an agreement that this is most likely what is going on.


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This theory certainly has it's merit, but of course we must not forget that the box will not necessarily be opened in this season's finale, it could well be a plot spanning multiple seasons. Considering how long it took for Twilight to ascend, we may well have three seasons worth of episodes.


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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That's what I thought too. People have been jumping on anything that could possibly lead to the keys such as the numerous last-second moments in several of the recent episodes, but the appearance of that spool is the only one significant enough to me. The rainbow shine we see is the same one given off by both the tree and the box, so either they're shamelessly re-using effects for no reason or they're connected in some way. After all...who ever said that the keys had to be physically literal keys?

  • Brohoof 1

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After seeing Rarity takes Manehattan; I have formulated a theory about how and when the keys to the box we've seen in the premiere will appear,


Since there are six locks on the box, each character is going to have to relearn or revise their element of harmony in order for the key to not exactly appear, but be able to be accessed. And they'll each get a rainbow item that represents this. As we all know Rarity obtained a rainbow like thread by the end of her episode. It flashes just as Rarity did in her vision and based on Meghan's Tweets it's no doubt that it'st her key unless Meghan's trolling us. That moment when Rarity looked at the empty seats and the ribbon in front of that shimmered rainbow, as did her eyes, that's that moment of when she relearns her element or whatever. I believe this will eventually happen to each of the mane 6,


So what do you guys think?

This is kind of the same conclusion that I am coming too as well.


Out of all the cliffhangers, this was the most obvious imho

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I certainly think the spool Rarity received has something to do with the key box, as of what I'm not sure, I hope that the rest of the mane 6's keys are shown later on, but we'll have to wait and see, I definitely agree though that the rainbow spool, Fluttershy's fangs and several other elements that have appeared these past airing episodes got me interested in the mystery behind the key box.


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  • 2 weeks later...

In most Mane 6 episodes, there have been a rainbow object in the end. In Rarity's episode she received the rainbow thread and in the Rainbow Dash one, she received a Wonder Bolts pendant that glowed rainbow for a spit second at the end.


However in Fluttershy's and Pinkie's episode they didn't get anything rainbow so I might be on the wrong track


What do you guys think?


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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The rest of the mane 6 will get their episodes in which they receive a rainbow item, I'm sure. Then they'll open the box, and bam! Rainbow Power! :D


At least that's what I'm thinking.

  • Brohoof 2


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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After watching Rainbow Falls and Rarity Takes Manehatten I can say this: I KNOW WHAT THE KEYS ARE, I KNOW WHAT THE KEYS ARE!!!!!


And I would be happy to explain.

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Pinkie will most likely get hers in Pinkie Pride,

and the others that haven't gotten their's yet in other episodes. Bats! was more of an episode centered around both Fluttershy and AJ, and Pinkie Apple Pie was about the Apple Family and Pinkie Pie. Can't really call that their episodes. This definitely has to do with the last episode, possibly the rainbow power thing, and the box though, no doubt. This is a pattern, and we'll see the others get their's in other episodes.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by the amazing Sir Lunashy   

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The keys have in common:


-small objects


-have to do with talent of the pony

-last object shown in the show



So we have FS fang. R spool, and RD pin.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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